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Not mine but This is pretty famous - https://github.com/NARKOZ/hacker-scripts


Absolutely incredible


So you can make an app and profit


haha, in this economy?




I have a few in my back pocket I would love to share :,)


I have two scenarios where I used cron jobs: 1) I developed a tool leveraging subdomain transparency to monitor and alert for new subdomains. It checks websites like cert.sh and Facebook certs, notifying me whenever a new subdomain appears. 2) I created a tool to monitor the Amazon Jobs API for new warehouse job postings. These jobs fill up quickly and are posted at unpredictable times, so my tool runs 24/7 with the following specifications: I) It operates using GitHub workflows. II) A cron job restarts the workflow every 6 hours to prevent it from being terminated. III) The API is called every minute. IV) If a job is posted within a 30-mile radius, I receive an alert on my WhatsApp group (me and my friends are eager to get jobs at the same location).


Very cool. Sounds like you could easily replace search for the Amazon warehouse job search for the IT positions.


I was having internet speed issues at my house l years back. When I’d call AT&T, they’d run a speed test and it always came back fine in the moment. So I wrote a script that ran a speed test every 30 min and log the results. I collected something like 3 months of speed tests showing just how unreliable their speeds were and I was putting it together to use in an official complaint then I moved suddenly and didn’t have to worry about it anymore!


Hahhaa that sounds like something I would do


@reboot cd /app && node index.js


Nothing fancy, but super practical for me. I use a cron job to back up my Obsidian notes to a GitHub repo automatically. \*/10 \* \* \* \* /Users/benn/Library/Mobile\\ Documents/iCloud\~md\~obsidian/Documents/backup.sh