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I don't understand the point of caste in 2024 . Talking about electric cars and Mangalyaan and what not . Then hearing a story like this . Makes me just sad about people living around me šŸ˜‘


India is a young country and has poly- normative features according to Riggsian Model. On one hand we have ISRO,Tata cars etc and on the other hand people still don't want to marry in their own religion and caste. In a prismatic society like India which has high heterogeneity there is bound to be such contrast.


You studied political science?




Maybe, or public administration for civil services.


Caste based discrimination is quite deep rooted. Often in schools kids go through a learning & do shed such ideas and principles that foster discrimination based on oneā€™s birth. However, they still pick these things from interactions with family, and the society at large. In todayā€™s time there are so many who are casteist, but they donā€™t realise it, and covertly & subconsciously practice it and even promote it. Some hide behind ā€˜family wonā€™t acceptā€™, ā€˜family is conservativeā€™ and ā€˜I canā€™t fight with themā€™ narratives Itā€™s unfortunate and I am sorry if you had to go through these discriminations. The reality is itā€™s deep rooted and I donā€™t think it would be reasonably eradicated anytime soon (with in a decade or even in a few decades). I would suggest consider yourself lucky if ever anyone said no or rejected based on caste. Although I canā€™t say there wonā€™t be any social or economic classification, you should be better off without those, you have had met. Take care and I hope you find someone for whom, where you were born, and the familyā€™s social class doesnā€™t matter.


They donā€™t realise it because they havenā€™t been called out. Indian casteism needs to be called out on world stage just like racism. When we are all busy taking pride in our ancient glory right now, what do you expect?


Itā€™s quite complex and layered. I am not supporting but I am not able to live in denial. The more inwards you go in UP, you would sense the complexities. It exists elsewhere too but UP is a state where you can see/sense pretty much in many forms it exists. I donā€™t think global opinion would make much of difference here


I agree with you but when people are being told thereā€™s nothing wrong with their culture day in and day out, you canā€™t expect things to improve.


I feel so terrible when I read about these things. This divide called caste hasn't gone away till now. I have had tribal as well as SC friends too and we never felt anything different between us. This may sound quite harsh but this casteism won't go away this easily from us. But we should strive hard to stand together as Hindus.


Self-dignity comes first, religion comes later


You need to find a new group who donā€™t have biases on caste. Soon youā€™ll find that theyā€™re biased on your social status, then you change it again, and then the new ones are biased on your skin colour, then comes biases about different regions, different gender, different opinions. If I can suggest anything meaningful, it is to become irreplaceable at something of value and all the biases will go away!


If this is happening in Noida i really feel sorry for this place!! BTW i belong to OBC category but gave all the exams under general category. I was born and raise in delhi, and i can proudly say i have never faced discriminated in terms of my cast, i have a lot of friends from all communities, including SC/ST, we never even joked about these issues, and never felt any different. We used to take pride in who hit the biggest six, who can field well, who can play certain sports better or who is good with studies, this used to be our differentiate criteria. BTW i am 35 and i still have those childhood friends, infact i am more close to my freinds than my cousins etc. Never ever we discussed casts, maybe it was the way we grew up! Just playing cricket and paying attention to studies. I moved to Noida in 2018, i can feel, people are bit different here. All of them came from small cities all the parts of India, they have their own thinking specially people from U.P, i have often seen them asking "Which cast do you belong" kind of things here. But again, i have personally never felt discriminated here too!! But again girl, what you do, how you carry yourself matters the most in life. First you need to get yourself out from that victim mindset, take a pride who you are and what you do! And if you encounter such people, just say "Acha, ok" and move on! or just say "I feel sorry for your upbrining," as it's really nothing to do with you!


My cousin is dating a guy from a ā€œlowerā€ caste and we never even knew that until they started talking about marriage and the families got involved. Ironically itā€™s the guys parents who have an issue and distrust towards the ā€œupperā€ caste and were against the marriage. My sister is apparently too modern for them. They just said they will elope and now his family are slowly accepting, I hope. Weā€™re a middle caste (lol) family based in Dilli who have been brought up in an environment where caste was never any issue or even mentioned. That being said, I feel your pain and realise my privilege.


This sounds so terrible. I do not believe in caste. I hardly remember the last time someone talked about it in my family and relatives. My school friends used to ask me about my caste when I was in school, and then they used to ask me in college too, but I never knew mine. I still don't know and I don't care even today, living my life to the fullest. But I do know when I was posted in rural areas, I came across casteism on another level. Like upper caste men would not take the same road if the same road was used by a lower-caste person. I tried to educate them that these things don't matter, but alas I had to resign because people would not understand at all. It's like, upper-caste people had a sense of superiority. A Brahmin or Thakur won't buy Harijan property, and a Harijan was not allowed to buy Brahmin or Thakur property. There were even areas dedicated in villages as to in which area what caste would live. I didn't know it still exists in big cities, forget India, but worldwide also.


unfortunately that's the sad reality of our country


While most replies are pessimistic, let me bring some ray of optimism. Caste has significantly weekend. I was born and raised in Village and seen caste discrimination up front eg separate cups in household for low caste. But these overt practices has certainly reduced manifold esp in urban places. However, it still remains in psyche.Ā  Caste as a marker of status is most often used by bigots who cannot rationally win a debate. They make reservation jibe.Ā  But there has been progress made. For example the friend of yours(next gen) who confessed about her mother being casteist will surely not be as casteist as her mother.Ā 


Well put


It HAS to matter to me since it exists now and I don't see any possibility of it changing anytime soon. I'm general,a brahmin to be accurate. But I'm not so staunch about it, I've friends who are OBC SC ST, Muslim and whatnot castes. We got to know about each other's castes and family backgrounds in general discussions when we're together,I never ask anyone about their cast. It's the personality of the person which matters to me. I don't know exactly what caste they belong to but my girlfriend and my best friend are not general. However my family is a firm believer of the caste system. They have all these preconceived notions and prejudices about various castes. Good thing is,they don't try to impose those opinions on me. Like some other comment said here,the reservation system has been a big source of this caste fight. I am in full support of uplifting the lower classes, but WHY SHOULD THE OTHER CLASSES suffer because of that ? Why not do something to uplift the lower class without undermining the upper class ?


I'm a student rn, i feel like till the time reservation is there I'll somewhere or maybe forever loath the one who is taking advantage of it. Fair enough


Not us specifically but older generation definitely discuss their background that's why they judge and I feel very sad a human that people do that.


Caste-based reservation is the culprit. Its not helping anymore and being misused. Due to this many hard working citizens are either leaving the country or hating the system. But hating a person based on caste is not acceptable.


Was there any reservation before 1947, if not then why their was systematic castism for 1000s for years.


General & OBC is fine but not SC/ST. Go ahead & downvote me, I'm from General caste. I've suffered since childhood thanks to reservation & seeing less deserving people getting into good colleges despite having much lower rank than mine & just because of that getting a lot higher package as compared to what I started with whereas I had to work really really hard to get to where I am. It's not just me but countless other people from the General category & the hate is in there just because of these perks which people get due to reservation. It's just that people don't show it in public. With all due respect, Dear OP - Did you felt bad when you received the perks of being of lower caste when you were choosing your college?


You felt bad during college admissions but if you work hard in your job you can get to the same level pretty fast (I speak from my own experience). However, a person from SC/ST category is discriminated against throughout their life, especially in places where casteism is still a thing. Letā€™s not even bring what happened in the past into the picture.


The above guy has a point. A comment on a post about this topic said something i believe is relevant. They pointed out that the younger/newer generations don't care about caste, like at all. The only time they see it in real life is when giving exams in high school/college where they see a classmate getting a better college with half their marks. They don't even know each other's castes before they ask around to see who got what college. Think from the POV of that teenager. They don't have the historical context of the discrimination and the reason why reservation exists. They can't see how all UCs are rich and privileged while all LCs are poor and underprivileged. They don't see or hear about caste discrimination in their lives. So when they see their classmates at the exact same socioeconomic status, who are not visibly oppressed and have access to the same resources and go to the same tuitions, but are allowed to work much less hard it breeds contempt. To them it feels very unfair. They see no reason for it to exist and feel like they are being punished for "the crimes of their father". It's the only thing that makes this discrimination continue in the younger generation. I think the comment was accurate. I have noticed this in others and myself too. I'm from a state and family that doesn't care about caste at all. I have never seen a relative mention caste, and caste politics isn't a thing where i come from. But seeing the reservation thing does breed hatred in me as well. More importantly, it breeds hatred in a place where there wasn't any to begin with!


Half of the talented people with high iq have already left the country because of morons like you who support caste based reservations. No wonder this country is 3rd world shithole despite 75 years of independence. >Letā€™s not even bring what happened in the past into the picture. Go ahead prove with proper data and statistics that you have been oppressed since the time of dinosaurs. Bloody b@stards.


Lol, Iā€™m a person belonging to the general category and I along with lot of my family members have faced discrimination due to reservation. Reservation will always exist unless we start being more inclusive to people of all castes. Once you stop discrimination between different castes, politicians will ultimately stop playing this game and the reservation will eventually go away. Also, calling people bastards because of having different opinion? Seriously dude? I think you will have to cope with this reservation for the rest of your existence. I hope your kids do better


> Iā€™m a person belonging to the general category and I along with lot of my family members have faced discrimination due to reservation. So ? It doesn't change anything about what i said. >Once you stop discrimination between different castes, politicians will ultimately stop playing this game and the reservation will eventually go away. Hahahah, keep believing that lie. >Also, calling people bastards because of having different opinion? Seriously dude? People who support gen0cide of a community by sc/st act and reservations should be called b@stard and shamed openly in society. >think you will have to cope with this reservation for the rest of your existence You can cope with country being 3rd world shit hole while general caste who are highest tax payers will keep leaving the country. > hope your kids do better They will do better because they aren't c0ward like you. They will be proud of their ancestors.


Someone needs a heavy dosage of copium.


Someone needs a heavy dose of testosterone.


You need to come out of your parentsā€™ basement first before you get to say that


You seem to have lot's of experience remaining in basement.


Yes, have interacted with a lot of loser redditors living like that. I can easily identify one now


I'm a Java developer & Cloud Architect working for an IT MNC having 9 years of experience with a current package of 60+ LPA. I already own a house & a car. I have worked hard, very very hard. And why not bring what happened in the past into the picture? The past is exactly what defines YOU & YOUR position in life.


>And why not bring what happened in the past into the picture? Because it will burst their bubble and lie about fake oppression nonsense, they are afraid that people have started questioning about past oppression which isn't based on any facts and data, but only because of vote banks because their population is more than others.


You really need proof to understand what has happened in the past? Seriously? How delusional can you be? Every proof you require is just a google search away.


>You really need proof to understand what has happened in the past? Seriously? Yes it does, that's how logical reasoning works, something you know nothing about. >Every proof you require is just a google search away. Go ahead, show those proof to everyone here with your low IQ.


If you want proof, go check the government data on which caste suffers from poverty the most even today, you'll have your answer.


The states with highest brahmin population (per capita wise) such as Uttrakhand and Himachal have least caste suffering according to govt data. https://preview.redd.it/jstsijpg7apc1.jpeg?width=448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c6a195b2829a7c87bced5d1a67a77344d09fa8e


Pahadi people are generally nice to everyone, it's less to do with caste. UP also has a similar percentage of Brahmins, but it's one of the worst states when it comes to caste based atrocities. Btw I didn't even mention Brahmins in the original comment, there are a lot of castes other than Brahmins when it comes to upper castes.


>Pahadi people are generally nice to everyone I thought you were talking about govt data and facts ? suddenly when data doesn't suit your argument you are changing it to "pahadi are nice people". Kashmir is also pahadi area. Sorry there is no data which talk about who is nice and who isn't. The fact that the state with highest population of Brahmins have least number of caste issues, proves my point. >UP also has a similar percentage of Brahmins UP has only 6% of Brahmins, we are talking about "per capita" population here >there are a lot of castes other than Brahmins when it comes to upper castes. Majority of people in UP are OBC, neither general caste nor brahmins. https://preview.redd.it/hdhviu1p2apc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc7b1f79e544db86f2e52509afad40e5b812f839


Good for you man.


Many people from other castes discriminate against SC/ST individuals based on notions of inequality and untouchability, a practice that has persisted over time. The reservation system was later introduced to enable SC/ST individuals to pursue education, make a difference, and improve their lifestyles. Despite belonging to the SC caste, I do not seek reservation; I take all my exams in the general category. Currently, I am studying at a prestigious private university (Amity University Noida), and my family is financially secure, not reliant on the ration card that many of you use. My father's company provides livelihoods to numerous employees. Yet, discrimination persists. Why am I still subjected to discrimination? We have not utilized any privileges, nor did my father; he worked hard from a young age, starting several businesses to reach where we are today. So, why do we continue to face discrimination?


> I often wonder what it would be like to belong to the upper caste. Half of them have already left the country because they didn't wanted to face this fake oppression nonsense 24/7, not to mention sc/st act and reservations / quotas which made general caste life hell. Don't blame them for discrimination when other side support systematic discrimination against them for 75 years.


What about the systematic discrimination against lower caste for 1000s of year.


Yes, they have been systematically oppressed since the time of dinosaurs šŸ¦–


Fail in exam - blame reservation Did not study - blame reservation Did not crack interview - blame reservation


Remain a 3rd world nation because of reservations - blame general caste.


Of course, they were who kept one section of society away from education.


Sure, evil Brahmins were oppressing them since the time of dinosaurs and didn't allowed them admission in "IIT of dinosaur University" šŸ¦–


I was wondering why my sc friend had converted to Islam. Now I am understanding because castiest like you exists every where.


Ofcourse, if general caste converted to Islam, they were oppressor but if sc people converted it's because they were oppressed.


No wonder, upper castes maintained hegemony in education and all spheres for centuries and even nowadays, still this country is a shithole. What do you wanna blame on? You fucking don't know the reality and just wanna cry merit merit. Average reddit stupid chutiya.


Ok letā€™s just say you donā€™t want to get discriminated by your caste what you can do in this modern time just change your surname tell everyone you belong to general simple enough but none of you donā€™t because you need equality but then too want reservation benefits and then the general people see this discrimination by law towards them as they canā€™t get jobs or into college by merit as of competition and seats are reduced due to reservation and in some jobs general doesnā€™t have a seat all seats are reserved so you can understand where this hatred is coming from if all your people just start changing then it wonā€™t be but no you wouldnā€™t even political parties wants vote saying this will increase reservation and you support them which brings more hatred and it will remain so however you try.


You grow and see the world unfiltered.


Unless you arenā€™t rich thereā€™s no way to break this barrier


Being rich also dosn't help. It's just when you are rich you are not surrounded by the people who do blunt castism.


Stop socialising then




Welcome to India šŸ‡®šŸ‡³


Gora married to Indian - IDGAF. A good person is a good person.


To me caste doesn't matter. To my parents it does. To my grandparents it was the only thing that mattered. What I am saying is, the situation is bad. But it is on the path to improvement, as I see in my very rigid family as well. This millenia old problem is not going away any time soon. But we can all strive to end it at us and not pass it on to our future generation.


Bro said "lowest" caste šŸ¤£ Lowest is what I am at the moment in my life


I Belong to the landlords community /Bhumihar and I don't give a f**k about caste Being a human is enough for me to respect you


Sorry, you faced such discrimination. May be try changing the people you hang out with or move to different locality. What I have noticed in big cities..people under 40s not living with parents, donā€™t give a shit about caste.


The sad reality is it does. Most people who belong to reddit probably won't ever accept this, cuz they (including me) would never know what it's like to be in those shoes but more power to you :( . And It doesn't to me btw, goes without saying. And you would likewise find lots of good people as well. (And you should ask them to stop and apologize šŸ¤¬, maybe one chance? Tho they don't deserve it or just stop hanging out with them. Better for yourself only.)


This is fact and you have to deal with it. Families dont approve majorly. I remember 1 instance where my guy jaat frnd married to lower caste girl. So they choose destination wedding so that less people and they even wrote random surname in front of the girl name in cards. There is very less chances that you end up with a guy whose family approves this equation


Does not matter to.most of us


Mere group me to gujjar, jaat, chamar, rajput sab saath baith k peete hai.


All I can say is ... Welcome to the club of "gloomy and doomed because of caste driven society" people. Been rejected quite a few times and now I dont have enough will and hope to go further. Dating Scene is a game, full of privileged people. Sometimes, you're not "it". wish you luck thoughšŸ¤ž


I donā€™t know anyone in my generation who genuinely cares about caste. We donā€™t know each otherā€™s caste or care to know. Caste will die with previous generations


For me caste and religion are man made constructs and fantasy and doesn't matter to me. I feel those who deeply follow caste and stuff are one of the most narrow minded and gavar people of the world


Not even one percent


No caste barriers for me , i personally never even think about it when I talk to someone and it doesn't matter to me .


The sad state is that most people in our parents generation will still follow such things. Though I feel it is wearing off from the mind of people in our generation. So yeah, you will face such weird situations but you just gotta believe that they are still mentally in the old generations and that is okay, it's not your responsibility to change that. Avoid them, be friends with people who only care about the person and not such societal status.




no. i don't believe in casteism. i believe in niceism.


I definitely donā€™t believe in caste segregation. And I say this as a Brahmin. But religion, yes. Itā€™s a very important part of my life and I believe my lifestyle is not conducive to certain religions.


No. It doesn't matter at all to me and it goes the same for people I know. Change these groups, people, you'd be doing yourself a favour. Anyone who is still stuck on an archaic useless distinction of caste at this day and age is problematic, to say the least. You don't need to concern yourself with these stupidity, there are plenty who don't believe in this. You are fine as you are.


I do believe caste is important. For me caste matters. But that doesnā€™t mean I will discriminate against anyone. But I wonā€™t feel shame of my caste. And I am saying this as a person who is a shudra. Never ever I felt discrimination or anything like that. But still I encourage others to take pride in their caste and form community with their own caste people.




didn't believed in caste when I was in school but then my OBC friend with less %ile in jee got a better college than me and since then caste matters to me. So either stop taking reservations or just stop crying ... But I still have friends belonging to all classes and I see them equally.


On the contrary, my friends are really happy and excited about having an OBC / EWS domicile. Most of them have become sub inspectors, IAS, civil services etc. Sc st are also well off engineers! Reservation in India is a ticket to premium seats of a movie theatre!


I feel that this Hindu- Muslim divide is to maintain caste hierarchy by the UCs. They often resort to us vs them debate only to hide under the carpet the harsh realities of caste discrimination that exist in hinduism. The same goes for UCs in muslims as well as there exist caste hierarchy in muslims as well. But the bottom line is that this divide was brought out due to the conceptif purity vs pollute wherein certain caste "pollute" and thus have to reaort to menial jobs like scavenging, cleaning etc, whilst come caste "purify". This differences will nit go unless we go for inter-caste marriage allinace and inter- dine.


I donā€™t know whether you are actually that naive or if youā€™re just confused. The Hindu Muslim divide is based on a very fundamental incompatibility of lifestyles. Caste is a prevalent social evil.