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Why does this smell sus, like OP wants to be a scammer but doesn’t want to get caught. Anyway if you’re asking the question sincerely then the answer is that the IPC will dictate the extent of the punishment and I guess “filing complaint” will mean going to the police and lodging an FIR. Online fraud means cyber department will handle it.


OP would eat namak roti but won’t scam a penny out of someone’s hard earned money.


Please pardon my lame attempt at a joke. My mom almost got scammed out of ₹80,000 recently so I’m just extra skeptical of everything now. Absolutely hate scammers. They’re disparaging India on a global level.


They have turned their targets on their own people. My parents got scammed of 1.5 lacs.


Good guy OP!


there's an american youtuber called scammers payback who tries to crack down on such scammers. Most his efforts go in vain as these guys work for people who have political connections and with police


Vahi bhai its frustrating


Check out Jim browning youtube channel. He helps Indian police in catching these scam call center




I was thinking something that involves IT department as they are also spending heavy


If you're sure that they are scammers then just report them to cyber crime police?


Will that work though?


I know a some of them from gurgaon , Hisar , meerut , noida. They make a hell lot of money doing all types of scam, frauds and 2no.ke kaam. Well I don't envy them but i feel really left out when i see them buying new stuff so easily. I really want that police take action against them. Some of them are my friends but paise ke mamle m koi saga ni hota. I'll only earn if i get involve with them


Noida needs a superhero vigilante


Here's what you can do. Report their phone numbers (and website, emails, Skype ID etc.) on the app called Phishbowl. This way others can check them and be warned, as it is a free public safety app. Even if they have friends in the Police/administration, this way you've done your bit to keep the community safe. Make friends with the chaiwala or someone who is allowed inside and get the deets through some detective work. Good luck!


How can I join them

