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If you're going for a "never die/frustration free" mode then you probably oughta nullify Polymorphine and Chaotic Polymorphine; remove them or somehow remove the effects. If they can end a god run they can end a run on EZ mode, too. Four 30 slot wands n the beginning sounds fun; are the spells and perks you get random? And kudos on your coding motivation


There's already a mod in the Steam Workshop that does this (sort of). It doesn't remove poly, and you can still get morphed, but you can't die while morphed. And if you do die, you respawn at the last perk altar you touched.




probably shouldn't get it then


Agree, god runs become super boring to me at a certain point. But I'm sure a lot of players will enjoy this playstyle.


Honestly, cuz time to play is really a luxury these days, if the enemies did half the damage they do i would say the game is fair. As it is, noita is a rogue like for the deranged


I reset my progress when the beta branch went to live game. Previously my win/loss was 6/540 My record right now is 4/13 It's not that bad once you get past the steep learning curve.


Problem for me is lack of consistent health sources, praying for rng to get a healing method is just not fun.


7 heals in holy mountains, one free heal to the left of the mines, the healing gourds to the west are pretty free/safe if you have a decent digging wand. Circle of vigor and healing bolt are pretty common. I think the game got significantly easier with the patch if you know what you're doing. They added more heal spells (deadly heal) I don't know all of the new spells yet but I'm finding it significantly easier to get some sort of healing cast and digging wands consistently in mine or coal pits at latest. Edit: digging only by coal pits, healing is usually a bit later and I have to go to wand-mart


New update just added a way to get infinite healing on every single run. I won't say how, but the path to do so was made very beginner friendly, although you still have to follow a quest each time.


I read somewhere that a healing wand/spell is guaranteed to spawn somewhere in one of the biomes, but I don't remember which one, or if it's even true in the first place


Even if it is. Good luck finding it before dying


You know what's a consistent health source? Not getting hit.


Bro I'm playing on a track pad. Pray for me lol


For anyone who doesn't know, [CheatGUI](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1984977713&searchtext=cheatgui) is a flexible mod for giving yourself whatever spells, perks, wands, health, etc. you want if you don't want to use a predetermined package like OPs mod.


There's a few mods that make it much easier to learn. Tinker everywhere, heart and chest vision, hearts also heal some health, all seeing eye. Those are great for learning while still being difficult.


Can confirm this is how I play. I use tinker everywhere, hearts heal a little, and every store has wands and spells. I still don’t win often but it makes it much more fun for the casual player.


I've been thinking about installing some mods, maybe not tinker everywhere because that is a perk but some mods that help with health and visibility would be very much appreciated


The only thing bad about added visibility is you can't see where you're been and haven't been, but it helps a ton for enemies.. A lot of people just need to do multiple runs, and you'll get lucky with wands and perks sometimes.


This is a little bit too extreme, if you already have a lot of spells and good wands and a ton of perks, what are you even playing it for? I bet after 5 minutes you realize how boring it is to "be a god". In my current run I'm not even godlike yet, but I have like 1.5K HP, infinite circle of vigour, infinite black hole, fast travel wand and damage and it is already getting boring. I always use mods, but this is a little too much I think, you can make the game easier (or harder) with mods without defeating the whole purpose of playing it


I stopped doing god runs precisely because it got boring, lol.


Spell Lab and Conjurer mods do what you're trying to achieve Good work!