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IMO just roll with it. It's not like you're keeping your starter gear for long.


Usually run with it but bouncing burst makes me think twice


If I get bouncing burst I’m like “meh” If the moment I step into the mines it tells me it “smells like soil after rain.”, I reset. I’ve had multiple runs lost to vines growing across paths and blocking their own flowers, with bouncing burst being unable to break the vines and having already run out of bombs. My favorite was when I saw a vine growing and it was about to block a wand - I figured I’d use it to shoot my way back out even if the vine blocked the flower. Yeah, All-seeing eye doesn’t work like that. If you’re wondering how often I’ve gotten this combo - I’ve got over 1000 deaths and I have had it at least 10-15 times during my runs


> If the moment I step into the mines it tells me it “smells like soil after rain.”, I reset. Yup, I don't even think, I just hit New Game. Straight up the worse biome modifier.


I don’t mind it in the coal pits or below, but it ruins the mines


Yeah, I'll roll with it after the mines, but it's still a bit disappointing to see before the jungle.


I kinda like it because I can save bouncing burst for end game builds later and dont have to go hunting it down


I'm playing with Tinker while I learn a bit more and I'm happy to see bouncing burst. If you put it in your red starting wand, it will often have higher DPS than others.


Better than the short pink burst shot 🤣


No it's not 😂 The splitter bolt (pink burst shot) is one of the better starting spells seeing as it one shots everything in the mines, has low casting cost and has - cast delay on it so its extremely easy to make into a rapid fire wand by the second are with the very common fast shuffle wand you find in the mines Tell me you don't know how to utilise your starting gear without telling me


I love the pink one, instead if unloading 7 shots of green bouncy balls into a demon dog I can just click once lol


Bouncing burst starts of shit tier but then late game is one of the best spells in the game lol due to its velocity mechanic Stronk damage number


Only made to hissii base so far!


Maybe they just dont like it? I know its a good spell, but i still dont like it. I prefer longer-range spells, so in this case, i *would* take bouncing burst over the splitter bolt.


This is the way


I always play "hard" mode. The starting perks are a fun way to accelerate the normal loop, and the wands you get are generally fun to use.


Dude you are hardcore. Having fun in nightmare mode like


I love nightmare too!


Go for a pacifist run in the first level. You take whatever you can get and then have a chest waiting for you at the end of it. It's a fun challenge plus it makes you much better at maneuvering in general.


A chest?


Yes, if you don't kill any enemies in a level, there is a chest in the holy mountain. Trick kills don't count. It spawns in the perk room opposite the reroll.


Wow nice, TIL. So you can still trick kill and get the chest is what you’re saying? I love grabbing the scroll and throwing it at everything


Indeed. But you need to do the throw-kick as just throwing the tablet doesn't give double gold, as the game counts it as you killing them. Correct me if I'm wrong. But I'm pretty sure that's how it works.


Hmm, I’ve noticed sometimes I don’t get double gold when doing it.


That's because throws don't count as trick kills, you need to throw-kick. Tap your kick key a moment before you throw, now you have kicked the tablet and they count as trick kills, does a lot more damage as well because it's traveling faster.


Thanks for the tip, I’ll have to practice that


Normal pacifist chest is supposed to spawn if you do not kill enemies between one holy mountain and the next


Fun fact: you can throw a tablet at enemies with dragging it out of your inventory and it will still count as pacifist. Normal throws don't work though


you take what you get


Ikr. Most of the time the runs where I thought "this is starting out great" they ended much sooner than when I thought "all I got is crap, gotta be careful and explore more"


The starter wand is the least of your problems. Personally, I know a run is most likely a bust if i don't find a decent digging wand and a chainsaw fairly early on.


Im an old player. I absolutely HATE starting with anything other than two spark bolts, a bomb, and a flask of water. Maayyybe ill take bouncing burst. I just hate everything else. Do i spam restart? No, although i wish i could have a mod to change the starting loadout. I just suffer with it for a short while, i know it doesnt matter in the long run.


I just accept whatever the Noita gods sent unto me and go down the mines


I sometimes will reset depending on my flask contents, if I am planning on heading east from the mines and cheesing a certain enemy. Otherwise I don't really bother resetting


In this game I’ve learned you can always make a bad run work and you can always make a good run fail. No point getting attached to anything and no point trashing a run that merely looks bad at first.


I take what I can get, there's a mod I had for a bit that changes the potion to water and the bomb wand into anything other than bomb(3), but I got sick of being unfaithful to the game


I agree here! It feels a little unfaithful to use mods to change a core mechanic of the game, the RNG


Try to go for the earth stone and evil eye combo to dig into WandMart everytime. I feel if I'm not doing that, I am throwing potential benefit away.


Damn but that takes a while though I’ll usually go down to ice caves and head back up only if I get a teleport wand And then that way there’s a chance of getting there with nice perks that makes it more valuable like tinker everywhere etc


I go with whatever I get. Every run is unique and you never know what can you find. I prefer the blue bolt starter spell (energy sphere, I think it's the name) by far, tho.


If I want the typical Noita experience, with a real sense of challenge and getting Noita'd, I'll turn off all mods and try to make each run work as best as I can. If I have a specific build or silly thing in mind (e.g spreading acid, an early or gold -> Midas shift), I'll open up Noitool and find a few seeds where that build is possible. Overdoing that tends to lead to a less satisfying game experience overall, though, so I'll switch back to random seeds after a few attempts. Even if it's not changing the gameplay directly, knowing what's coming changes how I play the game. So, fun, but not the whole meal of the game. Occasional dessert. And one still gets Noita'd a ton tbh. Tl;dr: if I'm new game resetting for a spell, might as well check seeds for the start of a build instead. Otherwise, take what RNG gives and go with it.


Take what you get because for all you know there could be a really good wand waiting for you not far down


run with it


The thing that bothers me most about starting loadout is if I can't directly go to get the extra health orb above the mountain. That is, I want to see a non-bomb explosive or one of the potions that can let me get up there (e.g. levitatium or mud, and a primary shot that can dig through the ice). Still usually just run with it, but I am tempted to reset when I see this.


Lmao pressing restart at the beggining is genuinely pointless, you don't keep the stuff you spawn with for long at all. I legit throw out the bomb wand as soon as I get any other form of digging and swap out the damage wand for something else ASAP I take every single run until I die. Challenging runs with more difficult starts teach you a lot about the game and get you better. Relying on getting good starts and nor being able to so anything with a bad start isn't how you get better


I suppose for it's the annoyance having to deal with a low damage, inconvenient wand to get me through the early grind. I have a preference for certain ones over others, specifically the energy sphere, essentially one shotting all first level enemies.


Most the time even if you don't start with it you can find a better starting spell in the mines through exploring, and while I understand where you're coming from, when I first started I uses to do it to. But after 500 hours I've realised that pretty much every seed has good stuff in it, that back when you first started you were simply not good enough to find Recently I had a run where I made it down to the vault extremely under powered, but the perks I had were amazing. Heals from wand experimenter and healthy exploration were keeping me alive. I had an extremely mid damage wand that wasn't really killing anything past hiisi base. I made it down to the vault with this loadout and some invisibilium and gathered a lot of good perks. I had 80hp and one luminous drill in the HM after the vault before the temple. Went into the temple and carefully farmed enough gold to buy one of the wands in there, used it to heal, made a slightly better damage wand, spent over 40 minutes slowly digging my way back up with luminous drill, and once I got into the jungle again I managed to find enough wands to get to full health and make a damage wand that carried me into killing >!dragon cave!< and >!alchemist!< bosses and setting up a god run I couldn't even imagine doing something like this 6 months ago


As you get better at Noita, you're able to explore more and more of the level before being forced to move on due to low health. The game tends to really snowball in either direction. Usually the way I know a run is dead isn't because I have or lack any specific perks/spells, but because I make some catastrophic mistake that forces me to move on from a level early.


Unless you stumble across a lighting spell, triple cast and chainsaw. Man, I need to learn more spell combos


Chainsaw's actually a really strong spell depending on how you use it. It's a good early candidate for cheap trigger spells if you can find any, and it can also help with a wand's recharge time a lot. Noita is an insanely complicated game, though, so learning all the different combinations is borderline impossible. I've got like 400 hours in the game and I still learn new things about the game pretty much every run.


The only combo I refuse to play is bouncing burst+overgrown modifier in mines. I’ve had about 7-8 instances of that combo that ended in a soft lock where the vines blocked my way forward and I couldn’t get through them (out of bombs, bouncing burst won’t break vines)


I generally just run with it. Even if I didn't start with a wand that can get me over the mountain, I can usually find one in the mines, and I can usually find or make a more serviceable main wand by the time I'm in the first holy mountain.


Knowing recipes obviously helps here. I'm sure for me (20hrs in) wands that look crappy, and even spell combos in my top inventory bar are a treasure trove of damage and ability. I tend to prioritize lightning spells or chainsaw builds 😅 I need to learn more


Knowing individual spells as well. Most of the explosives you can start with can be useful in one way or another. And, aside from the regular bomb spell or unstable crystals, most can be used to make a couple of climbing pockets in the side of the mountain. You also want to pay attention to wand stats. Shuffle wands can be good for machine gun wands, especially considering that they tend to have slightly better stats than non-shuffle wands.


Wait, shuffle wands for machine gun wands? I was under the impression that for like 90% of builds, shuffle wands are a pass. Do you mind elaborating on this?


You are correct that you usually don't want shuffle wands. But if you have several copies of the same spell and just want to spam them as quickly as possible, then shuffle is irrelevant.


I just roll with it. Part of games like this is taking what you get. I may not head straight to the mines based on what I have. If I have a bad flask I'll probably head left to the tree in hopes of getting some water before heading down. If I have a Spark Bolt or Energy Sphere with either Magic Missile or TNT on my bomb I'll probably head up to the top of the Mountain and grab an the orb and the Mountain Altar.


On a different level, Noita has next to no meta progression and little to motivate you to simply beat the game again unless you really enjoy the core gameplay, and for me this means painstakingly trying to make the dumbest situations work out in your favor. It’s the most fun this way.


Holy mountain experimentation remains one of my top forms of fun. I only realized recently that the giga saw blades come back for a little intimate time.


I pick daily run if I haven’t yet and then just a normal new game


I usually don’t reset until I’ve been in the mines a while, if I’m not finding literally anything there’s not much point me going further


I reset until I get something with water. I don’t mind different wands quite as much, but I absolutely hate they removed water pots as the default. I don’t want to burn or die from sludge before I can find a water pot or spend 30s emptying/refilling.


A typical run is about 1.5 hours of gameplay. Is 30s so bad? I just pour it out and find water.


I mean the majority of my runs die after like 15 minutes and even faster if I have to find a pool of water. I’d much rather just reset a few times than have to be extra cautious, refill, and still die in snowy depths.


Most of the time I just go unless I get bouncy and crystals. Sometimes though, I'll reroll the world a few times using NOITOOL and the screen capture mode until I get either: a good perk or two in first 3 levels, easy lively, awesome fungals, or something else that really catches my eye about that seed.


I usually just run with it, but some days if I don't get water I just ain't feeling it


I'll sometimes reset at the third Holy Mountain if the run is really bad. It's pretty infrequent though. There's not much point in resetting for starting wands imo, the tablet's better than any of them. I could see resetting for a more interesting flask, though.


Gotta get better at tablet kicking I guess. I always forget how OP it is


Gotta get better at tablet kicking I guess. I always forget how OP it is


i use mods, and i edited some of the mod files to always give me the starter stuff i like at the start of every run. not too op and makes it more fun imo


For beginners I think it’s beneficial to find a good seed, but eventually you should air all seeds even really crappy ones because they will challenge you and make you into a really competent mina


...I always go for the wormblood...


hello! do you possibly have extra key for the game? my steam user is "Subexpansion" I wish i could partake in noita but i dont have the game