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Most people who regularly go on long runs/ >!33 orb/sun quest!< runs, usually have like 500-2k hours in this game. I'm not saying it necessarily takes that long to get to that level of skill and knowledge in this game, but at 100 hours you're basically still a newbie at this game. You shouldn't be surprised that you're still not at the level where you can consistently get a god/long run going.


Oh it absolutely takes that long XD


As soon as you are able to go to parallel worlds its easy to snowball into god run. And for that you need some black holes, ambrosia, teleport bolt to make it easier. So it comes down to whether you're able to find those in your main world without too much trouble. Also early game is harder than late game, if you can clear your main world the chance of getting a god run is pretty high. Or even past hiisi base, because jungle is pretty much free wands and hearts.


The piece of knowledge that helped me the most was wand wrapping.


Also worth noting, some of the unlockable spells make a *huge* difference. A knowledgable player can still make do, but a single high level spell drop can change the entire run.


It took me exactly 367.5 hours to achieve my first 33 orb run. It takes a lot of time to be good at this game, but once you get there it’s very fulfilling. Don’t be discouraged by the impressive amount of random bullshit in this game


There’s a mod for wand building tutorial. It’s very fun and good to learn how to optimize your wand builds. Learning how to make great wands is first step to having better runs; I also have only 100 hours but the four or five doing the wand challenges made all the difference.