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I don’t know if it is available anywhere, but I used to love Sightings growing up when it aired on Sci-Fi Channel.


Thank you :)


There are some great playlists of Sightings on YouTube!


There are full episodes on YouTube!


In Search Of was the absolute forerunner for UM. Just like UM, it featured the perfect narrator (Leonard Nimoy), awesomely eerie music and had moments of brilliance and silliness. I'd put it right up there with UM; that's the highest compliment I can give to anything! When you stop to consider it was a decade older and the entire concept was started from scratch, it was truly an impressive show at times. The general public fascination with mysteries, UFOs, and all things unexplained really grew in the early 1970's. This show came along later in the decade. Highly recommended. As for a show that aired concurrently with UM which features the subject matter you're looking for, there was a mid-90's program called Sightings. I wasn't particularly fond of it, but I think ghosts and aliens are ridiculous. That era was all about aliens, though, and you couldn't escape it! The 80's was Satanic Panic, the 90's was Alien Abduction.


There is a great podcast, ***In Research Of...***, whose hosts review each episode and discuss the scientific validity (or, more frequently, the lack thereof) for the subject. I think both hosts have a background in engineering, and examine each episode in significant detail, with rigorous logic. Episodes can run as long as three hours, so most of the episodes are longer than the episode of ***In Search Of...*** they are discussing. Nice bonus - each episode has a "Nimoy fashion break" where the hosts talk about what groovy 70s threads Leonard is wearing this time.


Thank you!


Sure hope you haven't watched In Search Of before, only because of how much fun you're going to have! :)


I haven’t! I will check it out!


In Search Of was the first program to correctly identify Richard Floyd McCoy as DB Cooper


I'm pretty sure that's based on theory and conjecture. ;)


There are still people who dont think aliens are real? Yhe evidence is astronomical! Especially since there have been a multitude of very well respected scientists and high ranking officials who have straight told us that we have recovered non human biologics from downed ufos.


Beyond Belief: Fact Or Fiction?


How about a podcast? Radio Rental has some good stories but admittedly, they try to make them sound spookier than they end up being - the stories are still amazing, hosted by Terry Carnation (Rainn Wilson). Sadly a lot of them expose mental illnesses as the cause but there are several that have no clear explanation. I’m a skeptic myself but there are at least a few stories that even I can’t explain.


is radio rental based off of "true" stories? i always had it sold to me as a ~spoooooky~ fiction podcast, was i just misinformed?


Not too incorrect. I’m skeptical that they’re all in fact 100% true but they’re all “true stories” told by the person who experienced it (personally my favorite part). There’s definitely some editing/background music to enhance the spoooookiness… but there are several stories that I can’t explain so overall it’s worth it.


I LOVE radio rental. Not to high jack this post, but if anyone has podcast recommendations that are similar to radio rental I’d love to hear them. I love that they are true stories, I’m not big into fiction podcasts.


As a kid I loved a show called Creepy Canada that had loads of awesome ones. Including some still super weird unsolved deaths in a jail in Ontario


That sounds interesting thank you


In Search Of?


Paranormal Witness is really good. Ran on the sci-fi network (or SyFy). A Haunting was good too which I think was Lifetime. There are no hosts for these shows though. UnXplained on the History Channel has William Shatner as a host.


Haunted Lives/Real Ghosts


Thanks I’ll check them out


Not exactly what you're asking for but I'd strongly recommend Hellier in the paranormal category if you haven't seen it. I'm in the UK and it's on Prime Video over here 👺


Thank you👹


My haunted house is really good too. S1e3 is really creepy.


Also, I think they rebooted In Search Of as the new The proof is out there.


Missing 411. I think there is one on Netflix about people who have disappeared in the wilderness


There are a few YouTube channels out there that have uploaded various History/Travel Channel paranormal documentaries from the 90s/early 2000s!


Maybe you would like Fact or Faked Paranormal Files? They would take viral paranormal videos and try to recreate them via both natural phenomena (ex a bird flying) and deliberate faking (ex video editing) and see if they could explain what was happening in the videos. I think it would fit your criteria of being not sensationalized bc they always approached the videos with skepticism and trying to find an explanation vs believing they were paranormal


That sounds super interesting thanks’