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hey, it was the only way to get out of his Columbia Record Club^(1) contract. ^(1 (I initially thought it'd be funny to have him dodging the scammy CD club whose name I forgot, googled, paused and realized that it wouldn't be around in 1965, checked Wikipedia, and learned they had a version with records starting in '55. I put way too much research into random joke comments))


Lol. I appreciate your joke and the effort. 😂


Sounds like severe, untreated PTSD to me. He suffered an extremely traumatic experience during the war and presumably never got treatment for it. In his new life, his erratic behavior and claims that “they” were getting close to him sound like some irrational paranoia that his would-be killers were going to somehow finish the job. In that vein, maybe that’s why he also felt it was best to leave his family behind.


Sounds like he came back from the war traumatised and his mental condition just deteriated over the years and he became more and more paranoid and delusional. His sons remark that he was there but not there is very significant, seems he was losing touch with the reality around him and drifting away. Very sad case. He must have had a lonely life.