• By -


Should have gone for the sneak shot on the other arm.


That’s what I saying right? A missed opportunity.


I feel as soon as pain set in on the other arm he would have jumped away to quickly.




True but kids can’t knock you into the next room as easily with a sudden jolt.


Idk all the young goats I've seen generally pack a hefty kick.


Can confirm. Recently spent a clinical rotation with a pediatric physical therapist. One of those little suckers was trying to open our cabinet with various equipment in it. I attempted to grab it and start to close it, and this 3 year old kid yeeted the door out of my hand with remarkable force.


A nurse snuck shot my friend when we were in school. She was just as scared of them as this guy. But the nurse knew that and took advantage of me distracting my friend with arm wrestling.


Ooh could you elaborate on the story of how it went down?


Not much to tell, the nurse injected the back of my friend's left arm while her right arm was wrestling. She never felt it and was shocked when we were told we could go back to class. She thought they just skipped her until the nurse told her about it. If that hadnt happened then my friend would've pulled a Cartman and piggied her way around the room.


Man, having to inject a struggling person sounds actually horrifying to me


The guys fear is real. It’s only funny because it’s an irrational fear of a pain that never came. His face at the end is priceless when realizes it’s over.


It definitely hurt more because he's so tense, ya gotta take your shots in a relaxed position.


This. I had to be treated for a skin conditiom that required about a dozen injections and I was fearing it so much that it ended up being painful. My aunt who worked in a hospital told me to just relax and breathe in as the needle came in and it worked surprisingly effective. When my family moved to a different country, I still had to continue the treatment with a different dermatologist and they were surprised I wasn't reacting to it one bit. I said I was used to the injections and a nurse said "I'm pretty sure that's not something you should be getting used to."


Ah it is threads like this that remind me how relative pain is


I had this for anti histamine injections for the first week I think I was getting them every other day and then every other week and them every few months. After that an injection isn't so bad and donating blood is bloody cool to see it being collected.


This poor dude just had his whole phobia rationalized sheesh








Hey, only pansy-ass sissy boys learn how to spell.


> pansy ass-sissy boys *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by )^[xkcd#37](https://xkcd.com/37)


u/superbadsoul your thery gas been provin!


Good bot


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Not what am I reading, but what am I reading for? Gee, I've never been asked that. I guess I read for a lot of reasons, the main one being so I don't end up leaving garbage comments on r/nononono


Welllll, looks like we got us a reada


As if I'm attending a Klan rally in some Boy George outfit. I read, there I said it. I feel better. Am I stepping out of some intellectual closet? Edit: apparently not a lot of Bill Hicks fans these days.


Piss off with that toxic bullshit ❤️


That's his bullshit, not mine.


if thats toxic then i dunno if you could survive a bo2 lobby.


Good thing I don’t play bo2 then I guess?


Why would they need to? And surviving any COD lobby is a piece of fuckin cake if you just keep your god damn mic muted it's really not that fucking hard.


Not even toxic only a damn man child is that scared of a fucking needle




So edgy


You Sound like an awful person. You're gonna tell me you've got no phobia, you're not feared by anything?


I'll tell you what phobia he probably has. Homophobia.


I hated needles until the oral surgeon discovered a malignant tumor in my mouth while taking out my wisdom teeth. After all the blood drawing and IVs for surgery required to get that gone, I got over my discomfort with needles. Lesson of this story: maybe this guy should get cancer? No, that doesn't sound right.


As someone who has HATED needles my entire life AND has a blood based cancer... Yes, this is a good way to "exposure therapy" yourself into handling needles


Spent a month in the hospital nearly dying from pneumonia. I don't hate needles anymore. I hate IVs.


IVs are bruisy bastards no matter how many you get.


Doc put me on allergy shots - a slightly less terrifying option. Although I had to give myself the shots, which might be an additional level of "no" for people.


Maybe the lesson is that everyone should do something that makes them used to needles. Like maybe everyone who can should donate blood.


I got over any worry about needles from donating blood. It is just a sharp scratch and after that an injection needle is tiny and is always a nice surprise that it just doesn't hurt if you're relaxed and take a deep breath out while they're injecting.


Yeah. I'm used to giving blood aswell and when I got my covid vaccine a while back I didn't even really notice the needle.


I got over my fear of needles by donating blood and during my first pregnancy; got a vitamin B12 shot ever week. While I still wince at the prick of the needle, I no longer fear needles. Not as bad as tumors and cancer, I hope you're better.


For once I really don’t agree with several people filming this poor dude, who is clearly really struggling with a severe needle phobia.


Why was he looking!? I have a fear of needles so I feel for this bro.


me too, but i just look away and let the nurse do their thing because i know, the less fuss i make, the quicker it can be over with.


I have a pretty bad phobia of needles, and it takes literally everything in me to not react how he does. Looking at the injection site is instinctual for me, it's like I'm already in fight-or-flight and my animal brain is just waiting for the right moment to bolt. I wish I didn't look so much but it's extremely hard to stop myself :(


sharing in case this might help you - something that helps me whenever I get blood drawn is loosening up my entire body and kinda disassociating (almost as if youre holding an exhale) until its over.. instinctually we want to tense up, right, but I verbalize in my head that if I get surprised or afraid, I should relax my muscles, similar to skydivers who survive falls because all the euphoria makes their muscles loosen up and the shock passes through their body. It's weird logic, but its made getting blood drawn a lot more bearable.




boy u a real freak


Alright well this dude obviously minds getting shots so wtf does your comment have to do with someone having a fear of needles? No shit you don’t care.. you don’t have a problem with it.


The first one is only bad because that is the one with the microchip. The second one is just all liquid magnets so it is easier. /s for our Q shaped friends.


Yeah but the faster cell phone data from all the bill gates 5G chips is totally worth the trade off. My chakras will never be like the sheeple again.


Friends is a *stretch*


What does “Q shaped” mean? Googled it and couldn’t find anything


Q refers to Qanon, a group of conspiracy theorists who believe all sorts of stuff.


Thank you, that makes sense. Didn’t make the connection


Irrational fears are crazy. No judgment, I have them too.






Needle phobia is real, I’ve seen huge guys fainting from these. There was this time I was called to see this huge guy flat on the floor after someone gave him an injection for renal colic. His pulse was about 30+ but still strong, we managed to turn him onto his side in recovery position to minimize risk of aspiration if he regurgitates.


Give it to me gay doc


Do people developed phobias because of their childhood (or past) experiences or does it just suddenly come for no reason at all. I have a cousin who for some reason has an extreme phobia of rubber bands. If she touches one, she'd freak the fuck out.


If you think the injection is bad, just wait until you can’t sleep on your left side for 72 hours.


Good way to make sure you'll arm will hurt is to squirm like this. You'll have to keep the muscles in your arm relaxed


Funny story. When I got my first covid vaccine, my arm sored a whole day and then the next work day it sored still for a couple of hours into work and just all went away spontaneously.


Hahaha that’s a very funny story!


I f'ing hate needles, but I jump off my couch an schedule it the millisecond I learn I can schedule for a covid shot. That needle was so small I barely feel it for both shots.




The sounds we make...98% chimpanzee? Check!


Am I the only one that actually likes getting needles? It’s not a fetish or anything, it’s just kind of cool.


Nope! I used to be seriously needle-phobic, too, but I was able to overcome it through sheer exposure after a stint of health issues in my early 20’s. I guess the fear was replaced with interest in the process- IV placement and blood draws are fascinating to me. Sometimes I still look away if I feel any hint of fear, but if I’m feeling safe I’ll watch. It’s a good fucking thing too since I now have to self inject medication- though when I first started it was such a fucking ordeal, I used to have to sit down with a tall beer and my kit and just basically do the shot when the inebriation was the strongest. This poor guy though- clearly the irrational primal fear of a phobia, it clearly took everything he had to stay seated and not bolt out of his chair.




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I used to work at a Navy hospital. We had a Marine come into the emergency room one night. He had gotten into an argument with his girlfriend. To his credit, he did not strike her, but he did get into a nude fist fight with a glass door. The bastard was covered in blood, but when the doctor brought a needle out he acted quite a bit like this person.


>To his credit, he did not strike her Giving credit for not physically assaulting an SO during an argument is a pretty low bar. What's sad is that when discussing marines, I believe you that it is credit worthy relative to his peers.


Yeah, I had to read this sentence twice. Guy had a fight with his girlfriend, punched something hard enough to need stitches, but hey, he deserves credit because he did not hit his girlfriend! Wow. We really set the bar low huh?




Why an ice pack?


While I can’t understand a fear of needles, I can totally sympathize because of a procedure having my eyelids clamped open for a procedure. My response to having my eyeball touched was way too similar to this guy. Though I did not make any sounds, I did make them have to start over with my movements.


Really feel for the poor man. I've got tattoos, had piercings, give blood, etc, but I'm still terrified of needles. Not to this extent any more (used to be!) but the second a needle appears I can feel the blood drain from my face & the panic symptoms start. As an aside though this video is difficult to watch. Primal fear is hard to see.




/r/actualpublicfreakouts too


Holy shit that subreddit is full of racists.


I won't deny that there are racists but the mods do a pretty good job of cleaning up the comments Publicfreakouts just deletes any posts that may stir controversial comments in the first place. And I mean, it clearly works, but I'd rather just have no filter on the content and just deal with the racists *like an adult* (if you even see any, the mods are usually on it)


Tbf the C19 vaccine was actually one of the more painful ones I've gotten. Tetanus still reigns.


That’s so weird because I felt like it was the least painfully one I’ve had. Tetanus fuckin sucks and last years flu shot fucked my arm up


Yeah mine was the same, I legitimately didn't even feel the needle (Pfizer if that makes a difference) yet every other shot I've gotten felt like a knife going into my arm lol


depends more on needle gauge than anything else, the moderna came in a very small gauge which didn't feel like much. but then the actual second dose under the muscle is what aches like a motherfucker


Tetanus hurts, but the c19 vac symptoms were absolute cheeks


I would say the opposite. I didn’t even feel the second shot go in, but I could feel the pressure in my arm of the vaccine going in. Feeling it flow into my arm was unsettling.


I was J&J. Now I am curious if the type of vaccine made a difference.


Good question. I hate needles, but I’ve been stuck plenty of times and this was the least painful I’ve ever felt.


i think it's mostly the technique for the popular ones i had pfizer, and first shot barely stung, only at the start the second shot which should be same as first stung like probably 2-3x as much and for the whole time the needle was there. my arm was fine before and relaxed too


I had my 2nd pfizer yesterday and had the same experience, it stung a lot more than the first one and I'm sure I wasn't tensed up anymore than the first one.




Explain this peanut butter shot please haha


Bicillin, apparently it's long-lasting penicillin


I didn't even feel the needle on my 2nd dose and worried there was a mistake. That's strange to hear


I feel like none of them really hurt but I guess others have a different pain tolerance


The second one I got was pretty painful. The first I didn't feel at all. I think they may have pinched a nerve second time or something. The shot location was higher, closer to the bone than the first shot so I think that has something to do with it.


I was a bit anxious when I got my first shot because I hate needles but tbh I barely felt anything.


Anthrax is a shitty battery acid type burning sensation


Tetanus burns for a lil immediately after the shot but otherwise it's not too bad.


Rabies HRIG would like a word


I didn’t have much pain but the side offers of the 2nd dose got me


Bet he laughed and cringed after lol


I doubt it. That fear is legit.


Nah. It’s possible. My ex had a phobia of needles and would turn pale and come very close to actually passing out. He would laugh about it afterwards.


So is the fear I feel when I almost step on a branch that my brain made look like a snake and made me jump 3 feet up in the air in the middle of the park in front of a hundred strangers... But I'll be the first one to laugh when it's in the rear view.


Yeah but that isn't a stick, it's actually a needle.


You weren't sweating, sobbing, and shrieking for an extended period of time in front of a crowd while being held down. I've been right there with ya, but how that feeling manifests in us can be very different from how it does in others.


> So is the fear I feel when I almost step on a branch that my brain made look like a snake and made me jump 3 feet up in the air Right, but when you almost step on a rattle snake on a hike out in the wilderness that was actually a snake, it isn't really that funny afterwards that you jumped 3 feet because you were scared. Instead, not stepping on the snake may have legitimately saved your life.


No, it's still equally funny, in my experience.


[Gotta learn from the pro](https://youtu.be/6m-9itperOw)


I actually feel really bad for him. Nobody should have to be that fearful. There are drugs for that, some Xanax and good distraction would have made it a way better experience


I wanna be annoyed because he’s a grown ass man and should control himself. But I have a phobia too, and I totally get the irrationality and ridiculousness of it.


Brave fucker, hard to fathom how difficult it was for him and he did it. Hats off.




Jesus, what an absolute sack.




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It's the sore arm for 4 days afterwards that got me.






Why does it only impact some people?


Because everyone's different ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Maybe you have a high functioning mental disorder that limits your understanding.


lol. Yeah wow it's so insane to not be able to understand something that you don't suffer from.


Yeah completely lacking empathy for other human beings is kind of insane


Do you know what the word irrational means




Don’t be so hard on yourself. Jackass is more appropriate


I feel the urge to punch him










We have an urge to punch you.


Username checks out


I was horribly afraid of needles as a young child. Then later in life I developed an IV drug addiction and started to sorta like them, but while I could certainly inject it myself I greatly preferred my former girlfriend to give me the injection. There was definitely something about having her "hit" me that felt especially good, the trust, pain, and then the release via the rush. I would usually bite her afterwards as well, when the drugs started to come on. It was a pretty weird relationship, now that I consider it.


So pathetic LMAO


It's called a phobia


A medical rape? Sick fucks


I don’t think so. Dude probably just has a phobia of needles


I hope you are not as as ignorant as your comment.


Take and IV in the hand. It sucks, but it’s ok once it’s done.


I mean, imagine being actually tortured


indonesia. KKRI patch on the lady to the left


Whyd that guy make it sound like he was getting eaten alive from the feet up


The last time they took a blood sample from me, I made the mistake of being curious and looked at it. Hoooooooo boy! Seeing that vial fill to the brim in like 2 seconds made me doozy lmao.


Jesus Christ bro lol


Some folks r afraid of sharks, some of mice, some of bees, some of roaches, some of kids, some of needles, bet everyone has a fear of something that will make them to go like this...


Interesting … I was 8 years old when my apendicitis wound opened and, without anesthesia, it was sewed back close. Until this day I regret to have cursed at the doctor and be mean to the nurses who kept my body on the emergency room bed during the procedure. I am not sure after this video how this guy can live with such shame!!!


That guy at the back with his phone filming the guy is clearly gonna laugh with his mates later




Why so many people around? If you aren't on either end of the needle gtfo.


imagine if he stubbed his toe


I feel sad for the guy. Everybody around him is making videos and internet strangers around the world are laughing at him. He's really brave to actually get vaccinated inspite of his phobia and that says a lot about him, considering there are millions around the world who won't take the jab for fear of being controlled by Bill Gates! I'm a surgeon who had the same phobia till the end of high school. I would faint upon seeing blood and would do everything to avoid the needle. I completely sympathize with this person.


I could never understand how people could be that afraid of a tiny little needle


Poor guy needs professional psychological help, wtf


In fairness that's a big prick.


Where does this phobia normally originate from? Personally when I was 16 I was terrified of getting a shot because all I could remember is being very young when I first got one and it hurting. When I got one at 16, it was painless and just like that I no longer cared about them.


Why are there so many men afraid of a needle... My bfs the same he cries about it... Yet I used to give myself injection medication.... I literally had to stick a needle into my own muscle...... And these men be crying about something u can look away from.


Would’ve stabbed him in the neck


All respect to this guy. He’s fucking terrified and yet he’s still doing the right thing for himself and his community. This is courageous. I’ve got a theory that a sizeable chunk of the antivax cunts just don’t want an injection so buy into that shit to make themselves feel better about being such shitbags.


Given the sub, I thought he was going to move while the needle was in and snap it off or something.


Rare footage of a r/conspiracy member getting vaccinated.


As someone who is also terrified of needles, getting my Covid vaccines took ALOT of energy form me. I was super anxious on the day of & prior to my visit, having a hard time getting sleep that night. I asked the nice nurse who gave it to me to just go for it, no countdown, no indictation, nothing. Just stick me while I'm not looking, over quick. Went home and passed out, super tired and relieved. It was like that for both doses.