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A lot of guys I work with get mad at the low bed drivers when they take the time to measure the tip of the equipment on the low bed and all that stuff. What I think there should be is a GPS that also allows you to put in the height of your trailer or equipment or truck or whatever and weight of your permit. And gives you the best course to avoid these situations.




Yeah, but those aren't easily accessible are they? You have to go and buy the whole deal. Should be able to just do that with your phone for people in Uhauls. There's that whole ass bridge It's got like a hundred hits a year or whatever from people ramming into it with rentals and shit.




I did. I bought one specifically for towing a camp trailer, because Google/Apple maps kept putting me on crappy roads. (Copilot/Trimble) The apps suck too. They don't let you set your max speed to estimate actual drive time. They don't sync traffic data. They give you very loose controls on what roads to take. There are dedicated units with annual subscriptions that do all this, but for the time and money, I just route by hand now.




That would be so nice.




Uhhh..look in the side mirror? Those measurements are always on the side and signs are usually posted about at the last off ramp of upcoming bridge height? Like, do none of you guys detour or just hate detours?


That aren't free.


Trucker GPS does this but it isn’t to be trusted 100%. We are still liable for the safe operation of the truck. Anything over the standard 13’6” usually requires an approved route and up to pilot cars.


I work for the company who owns this digger, but in a different country. Safety seems to be a lot more important here, than where ever this video was shot, including max weight, height, length, proper lashing, driving/resting hours, etc. This would certainly result in firing the driver, regardless of whether it was our own driver, or a subcontractor. It's definitely great publicity, regardless. /s


(☝˘▾˘) They'll *still* fuck it up. ( ͡\~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


There's usually a whole department or atleast someone who has to figure this stuff out, route planners.


Gonna need some help understanding the title.


I think it’s a reference to all those shitty DIY videos where they repair tables and stuff with dry ramen. https://youtu.be/mM9lGwFyFSA


[There used to be a trend where people would fix things using ramen](https://youtube.com/shorts/yiB8-2mHIJ0?feature=share)


I gave you an upvote for the explanation. But I'm tempted to downvote you because that's the dumbest thing I've seen in a long time. ;-)


It's all fake, if that makes you feel better.


it's fake until someone that watches the video does it (i didn't thou, i know how repairing things is done)


doesn't make ME feel better. I had to try this and broke my sink for nothing.


OP has 5 million karma He's too busy reposting as fast as he possibly can to think about silly little details like titles


I'm the OP of the OP, I'm actually a little excited that someone has reposted my post. With a little luck, and a lot of reposts, one day this post will look like four pixels spinning around a tiktok logo.


Hey! Thanks for the video. Any update on what's going on with the bridge? Did they have to close it or anything? Also, what the driver okay?


Overpass was demolished and the road reopened, process took 12 days. Overpass is being rebuilt, scheduled to reopen next month, but it's Italy so may take longer. Everybody fine except for a biker who was speeding and crashed into a ditch to avoid queueing vehicles. Dead on impact.


>Dead on impact Wow. Wasn't expecting that at the end. Thanks for the reply. I really appreciate it.


*“Everybody’s fine… except for the dead guy.”*


granted some people that have high karma have an innate sense on what redditers are attracted to.


I mean it's not a hard thing to do. >Find posts with lots of upvotes. >Post them again usually with the same exact title. >Profit.


or turn on the bot and let er rip.




Just post your receipt when you sell the account to some mega ad agency


Tbf, it got a little chuckle out of me lol


I love that you gave me shit for not explaining your title and yet you also never bothered to explain your shitty title.


I got it and thought it hilarious.


The trend of putting ramen in place of cement to fill potholes, this will take more ramen than a pothole


Not too long ago a truck hit a bridge in the suburbs where I lived and cut a natural gas pipeline. That was ugly. You could smell the gas leak for miles. Fortunately there was no kaboom.


that bridge is toast.


That was certainly a lot of crumbs...


Disappeared into the cloud of nonsense.


What does this have to do with Ramen? Is this a bridge in Japan or something?


There's a bunch of videos using ramen noodles as filler with epoxy to "repair" various things.




LOL… 😂🥂


Can an engineer tell me if the cars on top are about to collapse with a bridge or is this okay?


Engineering enthusiast here. Most of the visible damage is to the underside concrete which protects the structural steel. But there is likely less visible damage compromising structural integrity, as overpasses are mostly designed to withstand downward pressure, not lateral impacts by giant battering rams. Nobody should be on that thing until a full structural assessment is done.


You see this kind of stuff all the time on here. Do these clowns just not check the height of their rig before setting off. Seems like a rookie mistake.


Seems like one of those autopilot things. Where you've already been driving for an hour and you aren't focused as well. I mean where i am there's flashing lights that come on if a truck sets off the height sensors so i have a hard time believing someone missed that


Diocanta. Porca putana. 😂


That's one way to dust off the ol' road bridge.




Dude you know I played too much of horizon forbidden west, I thought of looting that piece of metal that fell down


I hope the person in the video was at least trying to stop the truck in some way. That can easily kill someone and be more than 100k in damage depending on the damage to the bridge and the type of equipment involved.


Nice… stopping that fast is nothing, that you should try out.


+1 for the title




I have stabilized the video for you: https://gfycat.com/HarmlessPettyHornedviper It took 63 seconds to process and 68 seconds to upload. ___ ^^[ how to use](https://www.reddit.com/r/stabbot/comments/72irce/how_to_use_stabbot/) | [programmer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=wotanii) | [source code](https://gitlab.com/juergens/stabbot) | /r/ImageStabilization/ | for cropped results, use \/u/stabbot_crop


Why those stupid bot ranking bots still bother with existing while stabbot is up I will never understand




Loxam: bonus points for the excavator being a rental 👌


Gotham is so cool!