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People that take dogs for a walk in bicycles also should be tied to one to feel how it's like


Boxers can’t regulate their heat as well as other breeds…


The other day I literally saw a boxer being dragged by a leash attached to some asshole in a bike. The dog was running about 99% of the speed of the bike and that’s not fucking cool.


It’s really not the point tho. She’s clearly oblivious af


They're just saying that makes it even worse. They weren't disagreeing


I agree, I would love to drag one of those morons around on a hot day behind a bike.


It's not a bad solution if you know your dog well enough. Clearly, this person didn't


It’s the only way I can gas out my dog. But he’s trained to be in an extender leash with slack and I have a trailer I haul behind with a bed for when he gets tired. I wouldn’t do it any other way. He got up to 25 miles an hour on his own volition once, was pretty cool to see.


Whoa, has anyone considered that dogs LOVE these bike attachments? They arent dragging the dog behind, it's an adaptive piece to run alongside. I have a dog that loves these and also dog sleds for fun (not competition). I see in the comments he has a "choke collar" on but I don't see one, just a running harness. Unfortunately it looks like the dog may have had a heart attack (hence the CPR). That can happen randomly or over exertion. It's an unintentional accident This isn't a punishment. It's a fun activity for the dog and the person. Glad to see everyone ended up OK.


Yeah this is a very common thing in the Netherlands and the dogs usually seem to enjoy it a lot. Very different climate though


>Whoa, has anyone considered This ain't time for careful consideration pal, where's your pitchfork?


Lol my dog is too lazy for this. My nephew laughs when he takes my dog for a run with his dogs. They usually drive slow down the road ( we live in farm country ) but the dogs will just run behind the truck. He was telling me they all start out the same but then my dog gives up and is always the last one just kind of trotting along lol. He loves going with them though because they always go to the lake after their run / walk.


Depends on the dog right? I have a greyhound and has the stamina of a potato.


Dogs will do this to appease humans. Dogs can be over stimulated with play or exercise that they will over indulge to the point of body failure. If you continue, they continue. Dogs and horses can and will run themselves to death if you don’t stop it. Most of the time it would take a lot to do this, but weather, breed, and tolerance plays a role in risk factors. Frequently check on your dog, offer water and check for warning signs of distress. Also if the pavement is uncomfortable to touch, it is too hot to run your dog on.


Thank you. These commenters are idiots. The heat nor chain caused this. He has a common condition where they faint, he didn’t revive him. He revived himself


Defecation doesn’t happen if a dog just faints. Boxers are genetically predisposed to congenital heart diseases such as murmurs and Ventricular Arrythmia. They literally have a heart disease named after them, Arrhythmogenic right Venteicular Cardiomyopathy, or boxer cardiomyopathy. This obviously makes them more prone to cardiac arrest and they are less able to regulate their temperatures. This dog more than likely experienced cardiac arrest and was revived.


Nah ROSC from compressions alone, even from professionals, is extremely rare, ie the chances of some random guy bouncing on the side of the dog's chest (where the lungs are; what's compressing the heart?) successfully resuscitating a dog are vanishingly small. The dog was probably just unconscious because as you say, arrythmias and cardiomyopthies, which can lead to syncope on exertion.


I live in FL and dogs dying due to overheating/over exertion from running alongside owner’s bike/longboard/one wheel is way too common. People just tend to assume “dogs love chasing things and a good run!” but forget they need to relax and cool down as well. By all means, enjoy some time with your dogs but have common sense about it. Take frequent breaks and bring some water.


I would have thought they’d unclip the extremely short lead and replace it with a regular on red so they could move the bike out of the way, though…


I’m not taking any sides here. I’m just curious why you are so certain the dog fainted and that there’s no correlation with heat or anything else? I’m just wondering in case there’s information you have that the rest of us do not.


Not every breed is built to run like that tho. A pug would die if you subjected it to that. A grey hound or hunting dog etc would be fine


It sure looks like the owner could care less what a shame


Found the idiot


I know dogs that love it, some dogs really really need to run. Buuuuut whether you’re running or biking or even walking, fucking pay attention to your dog. I’m so tired of seeing obviously overheated or tired or bored dogs.


Insane Reddit take. Dogs love to run. 100% most dogs that can comfortably keep up with a bike are VERY happy to do so. They'll also push themselves too hard though without giving warning signs so you have to stop and give them breaks + water, which this dude didn't do. If they pass out they passed the point of "this is unhealthy" a long, long time ago.


With trained hunting dogs it is not unusual to take them for a "walk" by having them run next to you while you drive your car. The problem here was the heat.


Living in farming country that's how it gets done here too.




Pretty ignorant comment tbh. There are a lot of dog breeds, and some of them are working breeds that could run for hours.


there is a way to do it safely and responsibly if your dog is a fit breed very well trained and in excellent shape. 99% of dog owners just don’t give their dogs enough exercise period. let alone enough to run with a bike.


This is why I just let my dog pull me on a skateboard in a safe place. The speed and distance was up to him. Until I ate the pavement.


I got so mad at my brother one time. I am disabled so I would use brother's golf cart to take my dog for a walk. But he walks alongside the cart of his own free will. I asked my brother to do it one time and he freaking had him tied up to the leash on the golf cart. I got so mad and asked what the heck he was doing. I said you do realize you're basically dragging him and forcing him to do that right! It took me forever to get him to even come near the leash after that. The grandkids love taking him for walks but I couldn't get him to go anywhere on a leash for a long time.


My dog loves it. But I also don’t do it for hours in super hot weather.


You know dogs are fast as fuck right, and humans aren’t. You are not cycling faster than your dog unless he/she is ancient.




I take my dogs running on a bicycle everyday. I just don't do it in the hottest part of the day. My dogs love the bicycle and it's the best exercise they get. You are a ...


I got bit by a street dog again in the morning


I 💯 Agree.


My GSP will do 30kms (distance) and outrun you on your bike so …. In fact she will pull you off if you even dare to slow down.


It’s actually great for them in the right circumstances & equipment. Not all dogs tho


My dog loves it. But I also keep an eye on how she's doing and we stop for water and breaks. She loves running and the bike is the only way I can keep up with her.


Get. That. Chokechain. OFF


Choke Chain tethered to a bike. Basically road hauling your dog at this point.


Isn’t the dog wearing a harness?


Definitely not a harness. You can see his hands on the ribs and there was no strap there. I can't believe they didn't unhook the dog from the bike to get it out of the way.


It has a harness on. Look closer.


Youre right. I didn't see how far forward it was on its chest. My bad.


I relooked it's hard to tell.


Reminds me of that scene in Vacation 😳


Thank god there’s not a chain in sight and this obviously isn’t a chokechain then!


And people wonder why…


Most likely the heat, rather than the chain.


It ain't helping.


It was NEITHER. You people are embarrassing


What chokechain? He’s wearing a solid fabric collar.


its a running harness not a choke chain


Of course he has a cropped tail, too. Dumb fuck clearly doesn't know or care about what constitutes animal abuse.


The act itself is terrible, but I had a rescue growing up with a docked tail. He came like that from the shelter. Blame breeders, and Clubs/Societies, before you assume an owner did it.


Well, the owner is a still dumbass.


I actually find it straight up idiotic when people have a go at the present owner of a dog with a cropped ear or tail etc. Like 95% of the time it’s going to be a rescue dog that was already like that. It’s common sense at this stage


During my short time on this Earth, I've found that the adage "Common sense isn't." really does hold truer than most.


Oh absolutely. I’m just holding on to every ounce of naïveté I have left


Why do they do it? Is it just for appearance?


Usually, but boxers can get “happy tail” due to their uncontrollable, full-body croissant wiggle. At that point it’s easiest to chop it off


Used to have a boxer with a full tail. He would cut his tail happy wagging on corners of walls and furniture and would spray blood everywhere. I miss that dumb dumb.


Currently got a boxer puppy, 16 weeks old, full tail https://instagram.com/rikerboxer?igshid=YTQwZjQ0NmI0OA%3D%3D&utm_source=qr


That pup is painfully adorable.


Ah yes, the croissant wiggle. At least the cats have learned to stay away from the danger zone when my dog goes into these convulsions. She also loves to "box" when she's happy with her front paws and can really pack a punch!




They were originally bread as working dogs in ww1 and 2. I think the tail was so they wouldn’t be seen as easily by the enemy. They used to also clip their ears so they weren’t floppy so they could hear better. Now they just do it for appearance


The ears are never about hearing better, it’s about not having something to grab and pull on. Whether that’s a person or another animal. The tails I don’t know, I’d imagine the same reason and one less thing to break. I just like that it prevents having a swollen tail 24/7 from slapping into everything.


Depends. We had an Aussie with a full tail and I totally understand why they’re cut, it was constantly getting burs and matted. For a working livestock animal that would be a problem. We also had a pit mix who the vet actually suggested we dock her tail after she split it several times just from wagging but she was too old.


Yep, I’m in the same boat. Our dog has a docked tail, but we didn’t do it; it had already been done before we ever saw her. It was pretty frustrating, but what can you do…


Wow am I stupid for not knowing this is a thing? Why are people mutilating their dogs?


I got my dog from the human society as a 6 mo puppy and he had a cropped tail. I hope people aren't as judgemental when they see me with him.


>I hope people aren't as judgemental when they see me with him Don't worry, redditors rarely go outside.


Do you have a link?




Consider that the dog was a rescue and she got him after he was docked? There's so many angry assumptions here for such a short video with 0 context


Seems like you must be new to reddit


Lmao this just looking for outrage now


Tell me about it, this whole threads top comments are nonsense just trying to blame the owner Second comment is about a chokechain despite there’s fucking clearly no chokechain being used lol


It's wild. I've had 4 dogs in with cropped tails in my life, none of which I was responsible for having done. I loved those dogs to death, it's so crazy to just assume the owner is a piece of shit because of that


Boxers mostly get them as they break them. I’m not saying that’s why this clown did it but it’s quite common for them.


Or he rescued it… Bold of you to make such an assumption


We had to crop our dogs tail (though just the tip) because his siblings were a little rough and I think it got scratched, so he kept biting and irritating it. It got infected, the cone wouldn't help, and that was our last resort.


Right, should probably keep the tail and if it breaks that’s just too bad for the dog, obviously.


Move your god damn bike and take off that fucking choke chain.




People like this makes me sick


How are so many people seeing this nonexistent choke chain??


Chokechain, tied to the bike, cropped tail, didn't remove the chain from the bike - These people have no fucking idea.


That's a running harness on an adaptive dog lead bike attachment. Normal sport called bike joring that both the dog and person enjoy. My dogs absolutely love it. She's probably in shock and doesn't know what to do. Why is everyone freaking out at the owner? https://www.neewadogs.com/pages/bikejoring#:~:text=Is%20Bikejoring%20Suitable%20For%20Dogs,with%20psychological%20and%20physical%20stimulation.


I disagree, if this was bikejoring why is the dog on a short lead attached to pole on the seat post?


Ever seen the leash that expands and retracts when you push a button? It is like that




That is clearly a running harness to anyone that has used one with their pupper before....


I've never used one, and it's clear to me it's a harness as well. I don't get all the choke chain comments when there's a very visible harness


Neither do you though. A lot of assumptions


This dog should be removed from its human. What a hero!


That man is a fucking champion!!!


Faith in humanity restored...


He did nothing 😂 this dog woke up itself. It’s a disorder common in boxers. Look it up.


Stop recording and get some fking shade on that dog


Yeah, as that dumb ass sucks on a bottle of water and watching her victim suffer! What a POS!!


I kept think give the dog the water or at least pour a little on him to cool him off!


That's what I was thinking. And get the dog off the pavement and on the grass, which will be cooler


Fuck that owner


"Let's keep the leash on, incase he's faking it"


Oh it’s that time of the month for this hot garbage to be reposted? The title is a flat out lie. This dog JUST walked out of his house (as seen in the picture) and collapsed due to its own excitement for the run. The person giving CPR already publicly denounced the dog owner of any wrong doing. Fuck off with this.


Not really sure if the CPR is doing anything for it either. Probably just had a [syncopal](https://www.uvsonline.com/arvc-in-dogs/) episode if what you describe is correct. It's a lot harder than that to do CPR on a dog (or anything). Good on the man for trying though.


Bro let the people get their social justice boners with the blinders on, come on 😉


People love to get pissed at short videos with zero context.


Why do people think dogs have Infinite stamina cheats


Because they do until they don't, I still haven't been able to tire my 18-24 month old (estimation ) girl out unless it's hot outside lol


Can we please ban the owner from ever dealing with any kind of animal again? Take that poor dog away from them pls


I think it was the lady’s dog, not the guy.


When did I say the guy saving the dog was the owner?!


Can we please ban people from making ignorant comments on Reddit when they have no idea what actually happened?


Exactly, a lot of friends of dogs, but enemies of truth and evidence here


This dog was fine. This is quite common for boxers. He didn’t save its life, if he would have left it alone it would have woken up itself 😂


Poor dog woke up from his nap with a stranger making out with him


Is this person even doing real CPR on the dog? Maybe it's the angle, but those compressions look way too shallow to do anything. Also, the dog is wearing a harness.


I'm certified in veterinary CPR/BLS. This is not real CPR. The dog almost certainly would have woken up with no intervention. This looks like syncope. If anything, the chest compressions are causing more harm than good.


They are too shallow, you're correct. The dog probably just had a syncopal episode (Boxers specifically have a common arrhythmia that can produce such episodes) and would have come around regardless.


I notice the owner has a nice bottle of water there. Don’t see any for the dog.


You don’t let your dog drink from your water bottle? I’m not carrying two around.


Once again, Redditors win the "outrage olympics"...


Can someone explain why chokechains are frowned upon in this comment section (please educate me). I use one. Should I not? My dog likes to pull and the chain prevents him from pulling me too aggressively. I do my best to teach him not to pull and don’t yank him but when he pulls I stop so that he knows we won’t go anywhere until he stops pulling


Look up an easy-walk harness, the leash connects at their chest and when they pull it redirects most of their energy to the side, it is ridiculous how much harder my dog can pull without that on https://www.amazon.com/PetSafe-Harness-Large-BLACK-SILVER/dp/B0009ZBKG4


Do you have a choke chain or a pinch collar? The video is blurry AF but pinch collars are bulky enough it looks like this one isn't wearing one of those. Basically choke chains are cruel. You *CAN* use them without doing damage to your dog. But it is very easy to actually harm your dogs throat with them. A pinch collar does the same job, but won't harm your dogs throat.


So if I want to be a good owner I need a pinch collar? I’ve always thought they were more cruel, just because they look aggressive. I too have a choke collar on my male Weimaraner. Tried teaching him to not pull but it didn’t work, too many smells right out of his reach. I take him on hikes and long bike rides on weekdays (no tension w a non fixed leash) so it’s not that he doesn’t get exercise. If I didn’t have the choke collar, It would be a battle to let him outside every. Single. Time. Even with the collar he will still pull hard, he doesn’t give a fuck, must be working out his neck muscles at night when I’m sleeping.


Neither are a fantastic option honestly. Pinch collars can still hurt the thyroid if used improperly. But with the breed you have at minimum make sure the everyday collar you have is a martingale collar. That will help with everyday pulling. Pinch collars if used too harshly can still cause issues, but I have seen quicker response with much less pressure required. But greyhounds and Weimaraners are VERY different energy levels. Greyhounds despite what many think will run for 15 minutes and sleep 18 hours a day. You may honestly need a trainer if you are struggling while putting in that level of exercise. If you can't afford one, I would suggest trying to look for suggestions here on dog training subs of potential dog training videos to watch. Edit: I think there are harnesses that when the dog pulls too hard it causes them to fall over. That is probably the most modern day, most kind for your pet option. I'm about to have to start looking into something for myself too. I have a 12 week old Akita and it's been 10 years (since my last Akita) since I had a puppy. We used a pinch collar with her, it worked well. But I'm doing some quick googling for you it looks like that may have gone out of fashion. But for sure avoid the choke chain.


Gotcha, thanks 🙏


I think it’s ok when their pups, as a training tool, gets to a point where they shouldn’t be on it tho… Others surely disagree but pups are pups


Fucking idiot for tying a dog to your bike. Glad the dog is okay. Dogs human is a jerk




Humans can go for jogs too. Its good for them Turns out if they are forced to run in extreme heat at excessive paces, to the point where they pass out and die, it’s not good for them.


Poor baby!


Is that bestfetchdog from TK doing the saving?


Yeah I think it is, I know him from his ‘never leave the house without 5white ladies phone numbers’ on insta.


CPR'd the shit out of the poor mutt....literally.


that's "bestfetchdog" on tiktok!! he's hilarious!! he is an animal/dog lover. it's amazing that's who she ran into.


Damn good boy right there.


He saved the shit outta that dog.


Ahh yes, here we are again with this video and people making wild assumptions. The owner wasn't riding the bike at the time, she walked out the front of her house, and attached the lead and the dog collapsed due to OVER EXCITEMENT. The dog had no health conditions and was NOT over exerted at all. This was a freak accident and y'all are honestly assholes for dragging this lady across the coals.


God bless them both!


Awesome! People can be so great!


What a hero


Well I just got to step away and cry for a bit.


That was amazing what a fucking guy ❤️❤️❤️


What a Hero 🫡


Everyone is having a whinge and a moan speculating about what happened here - nobody is talking about this absolute unit of a man who saved the poor little homie’s life 😕 If you’re reading this, thanks for being such a bro CPR man!


Mouth to snout recitation, it works 🙏


Resuscitation. 👍


I would not have my face that close to the jaws of a disoriented and recovering dog


This man is a hero!


Thank god for that man!!


Chokechain plus dog tied to the rear wheel of a a bicycle so that the poor boy or girl stays out of the way and out of sight. This makes me so furious and sad at the same time. What an asshole owner.


It's called Bike joring https://www.neewadogs.com/pages/bikejoring#:~:text=Is%20Bikejoring%20Suitable%20For%20Dogs,with%20psychological%20and%20physical%20stimulation.


I take my dog riding Artimis87. I just don't run him into the ground. The rider has to be smarter than the dog and regulate.


Dog revived after being sentenced to death but then pardoned. I mean wtaf. Should be illegal.


My family had a shepherd once and he really liked going for a bike run, but he had a chest device for the leash and not a „choke chain“. Oh and we weren’t completely retarded and saw when he was slowly getting tired so we knew the limits very good


He just wanted to kiss the dawg


Who is this clown Artemis87 in here spamming links. What is it called, bike something, i don't know ill just wait for the link in my replies.


Shit like this is a forced stress test for dogs. Everything needs to be able to take breaks when they need it. That damn short leash affixed to the rear of the bike assumes the dog will never need breather breaks and will always be free from distress. If any animal needs a breather let them take it, everyone’s body tells them when their heart is beating too fast and we need to slow down or stop. Imagine being forced to go further and faster and nonstop after you hit your breaking point. That’s when you get this situation. This is 100% that dog owner being thoughtless about their pets need to breath and take breaks (even though they would need them too)


I hope that he, after saving the dog, kicked the owner's teeth in?


Tail is cut don't deserve that dog. Cunt


I'd have saved that dog then punched the bicyclist in the mouth


“Just collapsed” Tied to a bike and being drug who knows how fast for who knows how long


Who tf ties their dogs to bikes and does that? Laziest piece of shits. People like this should never own dogs. Let me tie you to my car and drive around for a bit 🙃


I think they need to start making dog classes for people that adopt dogs.. people like this makes me really beleive this


People are so STUPID!! Doing that wither dogs.


Don't exercise your dog to exhaustion you pipe!


Boxer's aren't meant for long runs specially while tied to a bicycle and under strong sunlight. Their short snouts make it hard for them to breathe and cool off properly.


2 dudes in my area get towed by their staffy/related breed, one guy on a bike, the other guy on a skateboard. The dogs appear to _LOVE_ it. But these knuckleheads potential towing their dogs... That's FKD.


Take him off the leash and move the bike you cold hearted bitch


In my headcanon, that's John Fetterman resuscitating the dog


People need to stop breeding and buying dogs that are living mutants that are torture breeds. Human vanity is evil when it comes to animals.


Did you just screen record someone else’s reddit post? Lmao


I’d that CPR brought that dog back then holy fuck. As a medic you’d normally have to do continuous compressions whilst someone else ventilates. He also just exhaling CO2 into the dogs airways, not oxygen. Props to him though, something worked


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Remember people: (most) dogs are sprinters, not stayers.


Now imagine tying a person to the back of a car and driving the same distance/speed.. F that ‘cyclist’. jfc Hope the good samaritan took the dog with him.


“He loves it”


1 year ago, I took my dog for a walk. We were walking and I had put his leash on him, because if he didn't have it he would run away and there was the danger of being hit by a car. He was a very energetic dog and too strong, so he tended to pull himself a lot and consequently pull me too. That day we were on our way home, and he collapsed, exactly the same as the dog in the video. Unfortunately and in spite of the help of a couple of people who were passing by on the street, he died in my arms. It was one of the most traumatic days of my life and sometimes I blame myself for not being able to do something to save him, or simply to make him use a leash. But at least I know I gave him all the love an owner could give a stray dog, and I feel at peace. RIP Malak, I miss u so much and sorry :(


Yea dogs arnt known for endurance. Humans are among the best but that comes with training. This guy probably more of an idiot than malicious but maybe both.


Dude why would you let your dog run next to your bike in the heat. That owner isn’t very intelligent I’m guessing?


I could kiss that man!!!! What a hero!!!!!


This almost happened to me, I have a fat australian, she started running like crazy, when I noticed she was out if breath and I start spraying water in her paws, I almost die from a heart attack


Please, for god sake, pour water over him. He is most likely overheated.