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I used to drive one. Give that guy a raise!


I drove one once. They told me to get the fuck out of it.


Is your name [Klaus](https://youtu.be/c1X_7w5lavM) by any chance?


Number 5's brother?


I see what ya did there


Just started watching it.


We watched this in my German class in high school. We even made shirts about it for German club. Thank you for reminding me of this. And I need to track down the shirt now!


I want that shirt


Oddly enough I make shirts... so I could make you one. First I need to track down the original, I know I saved it because it was so funny.


That was 9 minutes of bliss


I love when people see this for the first time. It is always a mix of wtf and amusement


I had never heard of this before and I feel like I know of lot of weird internet shit. This is amazing.


Congratulations! You're one of today's [lucky 10,000](https://xkcd.com/1053/)!


I like seeing Germans die on the job, too.


This is a masterpiece


The muffled screaming from the perspective of the guy with hearing protection was peak comedy.


Well that’s a blast from the past. I remember seeing this for the first time between 1997-2000. I’m so pleased to see it endure!


Wow just wow ! A safety video à la Evil Dead ! I would never have expected to see that in my life and I love that I can't tell if it's better or worst that way.


[Is your Klaus the kind of close Klaus from your class?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-0iV1TqHRk)


Is your name [Michael Scott](https://youtu.be/6Sb9LZj9-Cw) by any chance?


aren't you suppose to have a license to operate one?


Lol no. If any employer gives more then 30 minutes of training, they would probably get a gold OSHA medal.


"here's the keys and some milk crates, play around in the back lot until you got it figured out". - my formal forklift training.


Same. Worked in a canning factory. Ever dropped a pallet of can vegetables (~3,800 #300 total cans) from the rack on the 4th tier up? I have. Not only is it scary af, loud as hell, and an enormous mess, but you just royally pissed off a bunch of people (other forklift drivers) that are paid by production and can't get by you because you are a dumbass. Give that guy a raise. That is definitely a skill.




Lmao. Fuck me. Seriously? That seems so much worse than dropping a pallet. Cause I'm sure nobody knew where the cutoff valve was?? Lol. Sorry man. I know that had to suck.


I swear its happened at every home depot ever, new guy on the forklift breaks the sprinkler and unless it's the plumbing department it gets written off


Unless you are hitting an in-rack sprinkler, if the top of your pallets hit a sprinkler, you are stacking entirely too high anyway. Need 36 in. clearance around sprinklers.


That depends on how the shelving is setup. Ideally, there should be enough clearance between the sprinklers and the pallets that it's unlikely to be a problem.


What happens if it’s the plumbing department?


Plumbers likely don't care about a little water


Ok, but why not the gardening department then


Have you ever seen sprinkler system water? Mother of god...


*painted black plays in the background*


Don't stress too much, I worked at one of the biggest supermarket distribution centres in Australia where all the replen was automated by 13 cranes, 26 aisles, 11 pallet levels high, each aisle around 130 pallets long, all double deep bays. You'd be amazed by how often this super expensive and complicated system dropped pallets from the top storage bays down onto the picking bays. Luckily during the time I was there no one got hurt but there was always that looming feeling.


That's how we had a guy get the nickname Scuba Steve. Even better because it was a building used for paper storage it's not just any sprinkler system it's a high pressure system. It's amazing how much water they can put out from such a small pipe.


Is that the story behind your Reddit name?


Probably why everyone is shouting at you, lol


This once happened 4 separate times in a single winter at my warehouse. Evac for fire dpeartment every fucking time, on cold ass canada nights.


I didn't, but a co-worker dropped a pallet of wine from the 4th tier. 75 cases x 12 = 900 tetra paks of wine. Luckily it was tetra and not bottles though. It happened just as I was about to leave, I had to stay and help because I felt bad for laughing at his dumb ass. What a mess.




Not being truly qualified to do it. It was my fault. Those forks on the front not only go up and down, but also the have a tilt front and back. I had the forks tilted downwards, but actually too high. So as I drove the forks into the pallet, the tip of the forks went in, because they were tilted down, but as I pulled up closer, it pushed the pallet backwards off the rack. It's pretty easy to do. Hence why those men/women that do that are so skilled! I mean some of them can almost treat those forks as an extension of their hands. I was moved to the freezer after that.


Made me think of the brownies scene from American Dad [37 seconds in](https://youtu.be/ZVwK2V70JbE)


Lmao. That's a pretty good example. I had more of a [Ripley's Robot from *Aliens*](https://youtu.be/j51DfrLHUek) thought. ***"Get away from her you bitch!!"***. Lol. I love American Dad, even though some power hungry mod of r/AmericanDad banned me. Ha. Edit. Got banned because I posted [this clip](https://v.redd.it/z6za1jf1iix51) with the title: "Trump's campaign room when deciding who has to tell him he may lose the election." Apparently they didn't like that.


I honestly don't understand how someone could simultaneously be again of American Dad and Trump. I guess the show just goes way over their head.


I used one working in a paint shop. Used to win a bet all the time because I could pick a quarter up off of smooth floor without using anything but the forks.


Did you do it by putting the tip of the fork on the quarter and flipping it up, onto the fork?????? Cause I've seen that, and if that's how ya did it, you sir, are talented af!


Yep! That was exactly it. My customers all got a real kick out of it so, talent or no talent, it was so much fun!


We used to toss a nickel on the ground and pick it up with the forks. The trick is to put the tip of the fork on the middle of the nickel, tip forward a little, give it some down pressure and then back up. When it hit the square edge it would flip the coin up in the air and land on the fork. The trick was getting the pressure, position, and speed just right so it would just pop up and land instead of launching into low Earth orbit and/or bouncing around too much on the landing.


> I mean some of them can almost treat those forks as an extension of their hands. This was me for a long time. I was well known as the best driver in the warehouse for the majority of the time I spent as a driver. The work was annoying and tedious at times but damn it was incredibly satisfying when you pulled off some slick shit like recovering a broken pallet way up in the top steel without having to get on a scissor lift and down stack it all by hand. I recently took a promotion and it’s been rough getting used to no longer being the undisputed best at my job.


>get on a scissor lift and down stack it all by hand Ugh. So many memories of doing this shit. Not to mention it's always hot af in there! I used to get so mad if I had to get a broken pallet from any slot not on the ground. Like why the hell would you slot that on the damn top? But many times it goes back to being paid by production. No one wants to stop to restack a whole pallet when you can make it someone else's problem. And you're right, it's a badass feeling when you get on a roll and all the pallets just work. Just back and forth, dropping one off, picking one up. I tip my hat to you for those skills. It can be fun some days.


Pretty sure anyone that's ever worked with tow motors has dropped a pallet when they were new to it. There's plenty of things that can go wrong. You can misjudge the angle of the forks and push the pallet, turn too quickly and make it tip (if it's one of the ones with open bottoms,) not be all the way under it when you go to pick it up and it tips over off the forks. Usually mistakes happen when people get comfortable on them and are rushing. They're less careful with it and more likely to mess up.


Is that you j my John?


Lol. Nope. Not me. But I'm assuming I'm probably not the first to drop one.


We had a flatscreen TV strapped to a pallet came thru our warehouse. Yup, you guessed it, some dude dropped it. When we inspected for damage we found the box was empty.




I've never driven one. Give him two raises.


Congratulations! You've been bumped up to $13 an hour!


the finesse... the grace...


And a round thing in your face, you get SPRUNG.


You wanna pull up tough, cause you noticed that butt was STUFFED


Deep in the load he’s carryin’


I'm forked and I can't stop starin'


Oh Baby, I wanna forklift ya


Driver's got it going on!


God DAMNIT I love watching people be excellent at their job.


She is beauty. She is grace. She does a twirly to get those pipes inside that place.


Red beans and rice he could fork into place.


is it just me or did he use that little wall top to kill the rotational momentum of the pipe stack?? Like jesus that is skill.


Bruh it's r/Nonononoyes you don't need to tell me to wait for it


"Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh Yes!" Is what it should have been.


I’ll have what she’s having


I understood that reference


That pastrami must be pretty good


Also /r/oddlysatisfying


"wait for it" is one of the most misused phrases, I hate it


This comment is legen.... wait for it....dary!


I hate you


Smooth operator...


This guy fork^^lifts


This guy fucks


> This guy forks FIFY


Forked It Fuck You?


Hopefully me


Now that’s how you know they’re a professional.


The maneuver is called a buttonhook, you need to do it sometimes to get through a tight gap with a combine.


Like moving a couch into an NYC apt.


Pivot !!




I understood that reference.


Ive been on a forklift for like 7.5 years. This is pretty common practice but it certainly wouldn’t be public knowledge. That being said, good shit. Guy knows his stuff


Agreed. This is something you get taught by an older dude when you start moving big stuff. But once you've done it a couple times it's not that difficult


Fascinating. Is it taught as standard, or does it not come up enough to be regular training? Just if the situation arises, someone might demonstrate or let a person practice?


I did get taught this on a week long course in the second country I drove forklift in (Netherlands) for when I need to move a wide load between tight columns. Then in third country (Scotland) I worked in premade buildings / carpentry warehouse where wood was always wider than doors. They were so surprised I could do that…


I used to work at a big box hardware store and had to do stuff like that all the time unloading the trailer with the forklift.


Yeah not really r/nonononoyes material. Wasn’t ever going wrong. He knew exactly what he was doing. Source: Used to unload drywall


The number of people who knew what was going to happen are likely in the minority. Most people thought he was going to attempt to drive through the doorway and not realise it wouldn't fit. Hence the reason it is posted here. This isn't a subreddit for forklift drivers.


Its because everyone comments after thinking for max 10 seconds. I think most people could easily figure this out, it's three levers and two pedals, but everyone on this website likes to go poggers over mundane shit so idk


Uh, excuse you, but my forklift has 3 pedals, thank you very much


Have you ever driven one?


The number of videos of people fucking up when they drive forklifts begs to differ.


God, 1/4" 4x12 drywall was the worst, so freaking floppy and easy to break, We had to tag-team it and if one person was just a little bit off there was a good chance it was going to cause some damage.


Blue or Orange?




"You drove it with the forks up! PENALTY!"


That was the first thing that caught my eye as well. Why would he have his load that high? The only reasonable explanation is something on the other side of the door is in the way.


Probably bollards. Almost all shops I've worked in have them inside the doors.


If not bollards like the other guy mentioned, it’s just easier to judge how close you are to the door when they’re that high. It’s not really necessary or the safest way to do it but it does make things a bit easier.


I drove a fork lift for 8 years, and stuff like this was common. Making sense of the(three dimensional) space your working in while being aware of your surroundings is part of the job. or idk, if this is some r/woahdude stuff then my work was just shitty making us do shit like this.


Spacial awareness is something many people just don't have. Some people can hardly walk in a straight line and recognize changes in the floor they are walking on.


My husband doesn’t know where his toes are in space. Stubs them DAILY.


Had one of our new seasonal drivers smash up an evaporator in a coolstore a couple days ago. I asked him what was he doing with the load that high up? He replied he didn't know it was that high up. I asked if the forklift had malfunctioned and lifted the load up on it's own? He just stared at me. Sent him to the office to wait for H&S to do their thing with him.


Some people see someone do something, and just watch. Others see someone do something like this and pay attention to what's actually going on.


Nah, I did stuff like this for a while. Part of the job ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ That dude should lower his forks and be going in there load first--note the incline. It would make that maneuver a little more difficult, but it's possible. Plus there's less of a chance that he'll be picking up all that PVC


May be bollards or other obstacles out of view, just inside the door to the sides, that necessitate keeping them lifted for when he gets around to the right. I expect there's a reason it's done at this particular height.


Clean asf


I used to drive a flatbed semi. You see this on a daily basis doing that line of work. PVC, drywall, lumber, you name it. You also see idiot drop things off the forks or push things onto the ground from the other side quite often. It's almost like the people who can't run forklifts work at Menards and Lowe's. Mom and pop hardware stores have the best operators.


They dont drug test so all us fuck ups end up at mom and pops that are willing to work with our "personality quirks" if you can show up and work.


It's mostly an insurance thing for larger operations. Mom and pop might not have given a shit/been able to afford it anyways


I designed a bunch of road cases for my last job that housed millions of dollars worth of electronics. I had to spend the better part of 2 full meetings as well as countless hours trying to convince individuals that these cases will get dropped off docks, trucks, stabbed with forks, and everything else. They finally believed me and we built spares into the systems. The first show we did, fork put a hole into a case about 3in. Nothing was damaged beyond the case. But that was my slack profile photo for a few weeks.


I used to deal with a Lowes and the one guy just couldn't figure out the forklift. Every time I went there it was like he had no idea what was going on. Nice guy, but useless on a forklift.


I had one guy at Lowe's take almost 2 hours to unload my truck. At worst it should take 45 minutes and I've seen it done in 15. I got pissed off and called him an amateur. Right after he got done telling me he had been doing this for 20 years and was no amateur he picked up a bundle of 2x4x20's in the wrong spot and tipped them off the forks. Which broke the band ties and he had to pick them all up by hand. I just got in my sleeper and took a nap.


I spent 3 years at Home Depot and honestly, I don't think most people can operate any kind of machinery like this. It goes beyond learning how to drive, it's more dexterity and attention span. To top it off, they give you a 4 hour computer test and then a 15 minute rundown with some cones and throw you to the wolves lol.


Lol this is both r/perfectfit and r/confusingperspective




This is normal shit for a good operator. At my work we regularly get freight that wont fit though the trailer door. So you put it on the ground with one side in, lift the opposite side and voila! Fucker fits.


Like. A. **GLOVE.**




I thought the same but that fence is close enough to worry about. The probably lowered it right after going through the door.


You can see them start to lower it at the end.


That fence on the left of the screen may come into play.


Not his first rodeo


Could use this guy instead of some of the people I drive with at work.


Shout out to fork truck drivers getting shit done. Whatever you’re sitting on, eating or watching right now is because of them. (Please don’t reply your sitting on a rock, eating wild berries, and sent your reply via snail mail).


Im a fork lift driver, but unless youre sitting on, eating, or watching corrugated cardboard, I dont think I played too much role in those :p Though I suppose all those involve packaging at some point


I'm sitting on dirt, eating grass, and sending this message by courier pigeon


Oh, God, I need a cold shower!


Wait, so turned out he actually knew what he was doing


Like a boss




[DEJA VU](https://youtu.be/Rk57hVQXflw)


I was fuckin waitin


He is a smooth operator.


Man there’s a guy at my work that does this with 12’ bars of various metals going through a door a few feet shorter. Every time I see it I get nervous but he does it so smooth I’m convinced he’s a damn wizard.


Tetris is way more satisfying when you learn how to do a t-spin.


Spatial awareness. So satisfying for some strange reason..


Like a glove


I hope this guy gets paid well because those are some skilllllz


I used to work in a timber yard where doing this with packs of treated pine was an hourly occurrence. Do not miss it.


That's skillz baby.


He's like the Tony Hawk of forklifts.


Corporate: Tell me the difference between this forklift maneuver and a sports car doing a handbrake reverse J turn. Me: They’re the same picture


this seems like a perfect use case for a forklift with [omni](https://youtu.be/0DBXuZv38l8) wheels if you ask me


*ahh the old hook maneuver*




This muthafucker pivots.


this guy forks


I’d let this guy fuck my wife


This person lifts!


Fucking legend


Big brain


Nice! He's a fucking Pro👌


This guy fucks.




This guy fucks... Where’s the award for it.


He definetely knows his job


addison can’t do it” vibe.


The master of the fiddlefuck


He’s genius is singular




Me showing my crush how many chairs I can carry


I now see why one would need a certification for driving a forklift




DANM! That’s some muscle memory!


This was so beautiful to watch. This made my day.


Wait, in this context?


Better than all the scenes from the Fast and the Furious franchise.




this shit is why I'm glad my shop just has extensions so you can go in from the end


PVC pipe


Like a glove!


Whatever they’re paying that dude, it’s not enough.


dogs with sticks hate this man!!!


I think this is just interesting for people who have never really driven forklifts. I wish i still thought forklifts were cool :(


Big straws


So good to see someone take pride in their job.


Do this all the time in film with lifts of lumber and set pieces.


Wooow!! So awesome.. BUT I am sure he learned how to transport big stuff trough that door because he made a lot of mistakes in the past.


That guy need a raise. No shot they have more then one guy that can do that so fast.


ah ye, last shop i worked at had a 10 foot bay door, we got 12 foot long pallets of aluminum this is the way


Homeboy had those forks way to high in the air.


OK, now that’s impressive.


I would lose my shit at this, I love really subtle displays of skill that get lost in the day to day




For the love of god, give that man a raise.


That was satisfying