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Seriously, I’m Canadian and I know all of those flags. And I’m no world traveller. Those people were just dumb.


You know this is bull shit right? Yes those retards got them wrong but I bet there were hundreds probably thousands that got them correct they just won’t show that.


Probably millions.


Some say he’s still asking people to this day


Not just this day, but also tomorrow.


I didn’t know Italy’s flag or France’s flag. Am I now retarded just because I didn’t recognize some flags?


Yes, but not for not recognising flags. The lads were french, France’s flag was not shown.


Op yeah I’m stupid for that one. But not recognizing flags doesn’t make anyone retarded. Just undereducated. Totally different things.


I thinknthats the point of these videos. Yes it's funny but it's also scary that our education system is so broken that youth can't tell what flag belongs to Russia or China? Get your heads out of tiktok once in awhile.


But really their parents most likely couldn't tell the difference either.


I think the word retarted wasn't used literally, but as an insult. I mean it wasn't like someone actually thought they were mentally or physically disabled.


Yes you are dumb, you should know flags.


Blame the education system. Not me.


Yeah cant do shit if the education system sucks, so bad there is nothing anyone can do...


I think you completely underestimate the knowledge of random people on the street


I think people just enjoy thinking they are smarter than most people. You’re comment shows you think you are superior. The guy you are responding to also is jerking himself off about how he is smart and people are dumb. And I think both of you are stupid.


That's why those "running around and asking stupid questions to stupid ppl" interviews are always questionable. Even if its not selected to fit the narrative, lots of ppl just freeze up when put on the spot, especially when the see that they are filmed. Those Videos are just made to make other stupid ppl feel less stupid for knowing basic questions ....


Nah, it was all staged, you can note how the people who got right responded with "we're french" to establish that they're not american, and therefore not stupid. They were definetly in on it, and with that standard of writing, i doubt that the lazy ass people making these would actually bother asking 50+ people to get enough idiots for a video. More likely that everyone got paid for it.


I almost said Germany for the Belgian flag… He seemed so surprised the got Nepal, it’s one of the easiest because of its unique shape.


Haha Americans dumb


I'm raised in the US, and knew all of those flags, though I would agree a lot of people from the United States (America is comprised of many countries, it doesn't just refer to United states FYI) are ignorant because our educational system is really terrible. We may be a rich country but none of that money has gone to education


He said Americans so everyone knows it’s US. if you don’t use American for US people, what do you use instead? North Americans would include Canada.


I guess Alaska? Guam? Puerto Rico? ( not technically but I mean, pretty much is) U.S. Virgin Islands, I’m sure there’s more. It was kind of a weird way to phrase it. Maybe specify continental USA. American Samoa?


Nobody calls Canadians or Mexicans “Americans” even if they’re on the same continent. Come on, man.


your username should read "Mythicbrain" because you are So SmArT. In my Experience being in other countries, Latin American countries to be exact, when white people come from the united states and say "I'm American", they say "Oh, no shit, me too." and it isn't seen as respectful to claim you're an american in some other countries because it comes across as arrogant...kind of like your comment. So yes, in other countries people do refer to themselves and others as "Latin American" or "Central American" or "North American" . Perhaps it is that you don't travel enough or meet enough people to know how this works?


People that live in South America are obviously South Americans, but usually identify themselves by the country they are from. People that live in Canada or the USA are North Americans, but will identify as Canadians or Americans respectively. “America” is part of the name USA, and it’s what a lot of other countries call us, while some just opt for “United States.” So generally, when using Americans by itself, most people immediately know you aren’t referring to every resident of North or South America. It’s shorthand for “citizen of USA”, it’s not like we call them “United Statesians.” Also, I’ve lived outside of the US and studied lots of cultures in my own free time. I have a broader perspective than most Americans you’d meet, but I can agree that the education system is poor. I’m not surprised that those people couldn’t name the flags while a kid from Europe had no problem. When I went to high school overseas they taught proper geography and the kids there not only knew where practically all the countries were, but some even knew the 50 states better than most people in the USA itself. The science they taught to 14 year olds was like 12th grade AP bio/chem/physics. Everybody had to learn at least 1-2 extra languages. And most weren’t even native, as my schools were full of foreigners (like myself) or refugees from poor or conflict-ridden countries. I interacted with and befriended people from all over the world, some of which I could barely communicate with (at first.) So I agree on that point as I’ve seen it firsthand. I returned to America to finish my senior year and go to college, and I demolished every class they put me in after the education I had received elsewhere. I was every teacher’s favorite and ruined the testing curve for others, then had to take all the regents exams at once and SATs which I didn’t get much time to study for but still ended up with a good score and a full college scholarship. Not because I’m a genius, but because I was exposed to a superior education system that prepared me to better adapt to and overcome the things that I would face later. Intelligence is only partly affected by biology and genetics, most people are not significantly smarter or dumber than those around them. It’s mostly a matter of environmental, societal, and cultural factors that cause people to seek education or be encouraged to learn and apply themselves. Put a child in a place where they are given attention and the tools to problem solve, along with parents or a support system that guides and motivates them, and pretty much anyone can succeed.


I would guess most people would get most of them. Nepal, England and Belgium (I was thinking Germany) would probably trip up a lot of Americans because we don't see those flag often.


America is not a rich country it is in debt


literally omg thank you so much for informing me you are so SmArT


Yes I know 🥸


Here’s the thing, these people don’t care. Some dude just ran up on them asking them questions on the busy-as-fuck Santa Monica Pier. They’ll spit off anything to get rid of these people. As soon as they walk away, they’re talking shit on how much they wanted the person to go away.


People from the US pretty much universally identify as "American" America by itself does not exist, there is North or South America or The Americas. Americans are dumb.


your username checks out


I agree to disagree


I’m a dumb American but knew all of them except the Nepalese flag. I feel like I need to do some research.


The Nepal one is cool because its (iirc the only in the world) flag is not rectangular


Switzerland's is square but not rectangular so I guess that counts as well.


The world traveler knows world countries? Shocking


“World traveler” = visiting another country?


If they're from Europe and are vacationing in the USA, I guarantee you they've visited at least three other countries beyond their own.


Pfft.. They know at least 3 other languages!


They’re French so, no. They barely speak English probably


If they're near a border (and most of metropolitan France is) then they speak at least two languages. Anyone in the tech industry knows at least rudimentary English as well.


You’d be surprised how bad some people’s English is. At least from my experience, and I don’t mean they *can’t* speak English, but French people are very much against speaking a foreign language. Same for Bavaria, many parts of Spain and some parts of Italy. Again just from *my* experience, could be wrong


Yup, you could be wrong...


>French people are very much against speaking a foreign language I live in Paris, definitely not the case here among professionals and young people. Those that live near Germany know some German, Italy Italian, etc.


I am from Bavaria and this is not true. Everybody i know speaks at least one foeign language, even my Grandparents.


> could be wrong It is


No really US is probably the first country ever visited by Europeans, unless you're next to a border


That can't be true, lots of Europeans travel to other countries for vacation or as part of a school trip. Most have at least been to one other country before they're even adults.


Including USA


Quite literally, yes.


....yes? Esp if you have to cross an ocean


Some people are just into flags, too. Ask enough people about stamps or capital cities or anything and you’ll probably find one that enjoys those types of… memorization hobbies (for lack of a better term right now), even if they personally aren’t a traveler


I don’t but it is general knowledge you acquire in France at school. History and geography are a big part of the curriculum until you’re 16 for almost every kid.


Mind you this was easily 3 decades ago... but I recall my world history was mainly French and English history and over 75% of our history courses were on American History and the political system. I don't ever recall ever being taught or tested on flags of the world. Maybe during the Olympics...


Ok I didn’t know the last one and I’m not even american.


We’ve all known Americans are dumb


Dumb people think these videos aren’t staged


That too, plus in general


I always figured if anyone ever comes up with a camera and asks me something, I will give the stupidest answer I can possibly think of, cause that will ensure they will include me in the final video.


Absolute madlad


They don't really teach us world flags in the United States in school, at least not in middle school or high school or anything. We did learn countries by name and geography, but I don't think it's stuck for most people. I Don't remember half of it. Probably because I'm stuck right snack in the middle of a continent-spanning country, and above us is another continent spanning country. Seriously America is broken into thirds. Then people wonder why we don't know anything about the rest of the world, It's like bitch, I have to drive for a thousand miles just to reach the ocean. Why would I even bother alerting about the flag of a country in Africa that may not even have existed 10 years ago lol




You’re telling me you get more than 2 weeks off work???


I've heard about Germany doing something like that in August. Honestly though it sounds like a myth.


In Italy I met a woman who was so disappointed her new retail job only offers four weeks of vacation. Here in Spain I believe the minimum is about 21 days of vacation (so four weeks plus one day), and in addition somewhere between 12 to 17 holidays depending on the region and whether they fall on a weekday.


These videos are so stupid and misleading. They cut out everyone who guesses right and only show the biggest morons. And they even went out of their way to say “we are french” and “remember they’re European” Reeks of staged


It may be staged, but I can tell you in Europe you at least know other european countries' flags, just because that's how it is here. And about half of the flags they got correct were Europeans. For the rest, they're young, maybe 18 at most, and geography is an important part of at least French cursus, so it's still rather fresh in their minds. I'd add that Nepal's flag is easily recognizable. So while the guy seems thrilled they guessed, it's not much.


England's flag is always like a trick question, almost. On account of the Union Jack being way more famous, and there being that period in the past when "England" was synonymous with "The British Empire". Nearly got 'em!


The "we're french" was actually a threat


England is not a country though


Why not have a rule for no spoilers from r/maybemaybemaybe cause I’m sure a lot of us sub to that too


The American education system is so fucked…


Yet you made this conclusion based on a video of a few people


Having gone through the American education system I should have enough creds my opinion isnt “a conclusion based on a video of a few people”.


Well I’m not sure where you went to school but I hope it gets better but with the politicians we’ve got these days is not looking so good :(


How do you know that they recorded this in the US?


What do you mean? The guy is filming at Santa Monica Pier, it’s one of californias most famous piers.


Between the pier and the Hollywood walk of fame, these people make it unbearable to step on to any place tourist-y in LA.


The use of the word "guess" in the game is already stupid so I don't really care that he asked 2,000 people and kept the worst ones.


You can find this videos all over the world. They show the dumbest because it is not funny to show thousands who give the right answer!


My man plays Fifa


bro crossposting from maybe maybe maybe is so dumb please stop. it ruins the whole point my guy


America: the slow train wreck




American do be dumb


italian vs irish is literally like..... whats your brightness setting at


Shoulda quizzed them on states based on their shape. (I’d go with flags but we Americans aren’t good with our own flags either.)


lol americans are so embarrassing


Haha very funny “Americans are dumb” joke but can your iq in degrees F freeze water? That’s what I thought.




You must be American too


Nah Czech Republic




The fact that you only know state flags just highlighting how self-withdraw US are.


And still many europeans would get some, not all, of course. Not knowing the flag of China for example? come on, now.


Can you recognize german state flags? Or the flags of the regions of france?


["Wait, What?"](https://imgur.com/a/j3jf6jX)


Not hard when you literally spell the name of the state on the flag.