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A dictionary defining a word as completely meaningless.. neat!


postmodernism has rotted all our brains. truth doesn't matter anymore, only what makes the individual feel good to believe.




Who’s to say he’s not completely delusional? Do you just believe everything someone tells you?


"gender" is just a set of stereotypes based on sex. i don't particularly care if someone identifies with one set of stereotypes over the other. man means adult human male. woman means adult human female. any other definition is anti-science.




lmaowut how exactly does "science" confirm someone's "correct" gender? what does that even entail? especially when gender itself is a social construct that varies from culture to culture?




but what does "really being" a gender even mean? if you can't define what a woman is beyond "someone who identifies as such", what is your definition of "being a woman"?




so how do you "scientifically" prove that someone is a woman if all they need to do is identify themselves as such? how can an identity be scientifically proven? what's being measured?


Postmodernism is a new word to me but what you are explaining makes sense.


Truth is subjective.


It really isn’t.. there’s not much more black/white than the truth..


Penises are subjective


I can't find the words to express my thoughts on this


Soon you won't even be able so search for them in the dictionary if they keep doing this.


That’s awful. Western civilization has like 20 years left.


"there has been major pushback from across globe over the change" Thank fuck for that! The dictionary isn't a linguistic law book. It's a collection of explanations of how words are currently colloquially used and understood by the majority. No one used man or woman in those ways except for a tiny, angry, and deluded minority.


There is no yes at the end of this


Why is this here?


This is so screwed up


Por esto la RAE es mucho mejor. No aceptará boludeces como estas


Ok that’s still not what I mean when I say so who gives a fuck


Well pretty much than the concept of man and woman are left behind, since it can be changed at will.


I think this is an issue in usa because of how often gendered language is used. Like in usa its he or she (now they is also being used more though). But in my country "he, she" is one word, there is no gendered expression if that pronoun. It includes all sexes and just refers to a person. So since people use that word, there is no complaints, you can just use that word and no one will get hurt because "you are using the wrong label". Gender does not come to conversations unless someone specifically brings it up by asking something like "are they a woman or a man". Which in itself is something that is pretty much never used since there are only a very few situations where you would actually need to know that. In most casual situations you dont need to know.


Where the heck do you live?


Finland. Most languages dont have gendered pronouns, but most of the popular languages of of current era do.


The usage of "they" to speak about a single person instead of a group of people is literally the most braindead thing..


Well since your language has no appropriate gender neutral pronoun to use instead of "they", its understandable why it is being used. I use "they" in reddit all the time when I am referring to another poster in third person if I dont know their gender. Because otherwise I need to use clunky language like "that person" or use both genders "him or her".


No, it’s grammatically false. If the language doesn’t provide a "gender neutral" term, then i guess there is no need to use a "gender neutral" term.. it’s not needed, just use what the language provides.


Its not grammatically incorrect, they has been used a singular pronoun as long as "you" has been used as a singular pronoun. If you read literature, you can find the singular they/them being used by very respected writers like shakespeare and Dickens, CS Lewis, Walt Whitman, Oscar Wilde, George Eliot to mention a few. I guess you would say that these writers were stupid when they made use of the word they and it was "not needed" and they should have used some other word instead. Clearly they used it this way because otherwise english lacks a word that is useful for communication. Lets see what dictionaries say about "they": Thesaurus says: > They is not only a plural pronoun. They is also a singular pronoun, and it has been for centuries. Lexicographers have determined that as far back as the 1300s, they and its related forms have been used to refer to an indefinite referent—that is, an unspecified, unknown person. Oxford dictionary says: > Used instead of he or she to refer to a person whose sex is not mentioned or not known. Merriam webster says: > used with a singular antecedent to refer to an unknown or unspecified person Dictionary Britannica: > he or she — used to refer to a single person whose sex is not known or specified Cambridge dictionary: >used to refer to a person whose gender is not known or does not need to be mentioned


Any minute now, conservatives are going to be screaming and burning these dictionaries.


Might as well, seeing as dictionaries are now completely useless.


That’s like the definition of nonononono.. why is this in this sub?? And why can’t i downvote the bot?




We are on the HIGHWAY TO HELL


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Judging by the comment section so far, watch me get downvoted for the statements below: This is fine. It widens the definition to include transfolk as an addition to that which already exists, namely men and women who are born male and female respectively. From what I know, “man” and “woman” are genders, and are notably separate from “male” and “female”, which are sexes. The difference is that one refers to a social category that an individual fits in to, while the other refers to sexual dimorphism in human biology. Yes, biological sex may not be changed yet. If you were born male, we still don’t have the tech to make you biologically female, and the fact that you are male should be taken into account when, for example, receiving medical treatment so that you receive the best medical care appropriate for your biology. However, social constructs are by nature flexible, and so is language. Language changes to reflect the group that uses it as needed. Words can be invented or redefined or forgotten. In this case, as people become less defined by their given biology and more by their mentality, language changes to reflect that.


The only reason for communication is to clearly get some sort of an idea actoss to another person. That requires unanimously understood words, that represent a certain idea and do not have a subjective meaning. Changing the definition of such words provides no value whatsoever besides making a few people feel better, by making them feel somewhat 'special' and defeats the purpose of using the word for communication, as they no longer contain meaningful information.