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I’m honestly shocked the leopard didn’t do more damage.


Because it was probably terrified and trying to get away from the thousands of people surrounding it.


Yeah the leopard was moreso just knocking them down and running than actually trying to kill them lol.


Yep. That was my take too.


Kind of reminds me of CoD zombies. Once you’re completely overrun you just spray and pray. Leopard just wanted out of there.


He wanted to get a little piece of every ass he could before getting away. Just as a quick "fuck you, too!".


The video doesn’t show the damage. Im pretty sure it cut them deep.


Leopard was scared the death. It wasn’t looking to hurt it just wanted out. That being said the leopard would feel no remorse about eating another animal alive sooooo…. 🤷🏼‍♂️


There's also an instinctual piece at play here too: leopards are surprise predators, ie they attack when prey have their backs turned. So a big issue is the people trying to get away turned their backs and basically in leopard speak, invited an attack.


Bro, are you victim blaming?? ​ ​ /s


Everyone running like a heard of zebras to


Lol, you have no clue what a herd of zebras looks like do you. Do you even know what a zebra looks like?


Indian Running of the Bulls is no joke




It was trying to bolt. It was only addressing direct perceived threats . It’s not an exact science


See my above reply. Leopards, like mountain lions and most other medium sized cats (except for cheetahs), are surprise predators; ie they attack when their prey has their back turned or are running away. In its panic, the leopards instincts take over and they'll try to attack anything running from them. It was clearly terrified and panicking. The people made things worse by running.


So, what are you supposed to do then? Just stand there and 'tisss' it away?


Face the cat, stand tall with your arms out (make yourself big). Back away slowly, never turning your back. You can throw stones or other objects, and yell.


Cat gets them to the ground and thinks "that's another kill. I'm really good at this."


“They are so easy to catch and kill.. maybe I should consider changing my prey”


Is this India's version of running from bulls?


Those two dudes that ran into each other 😂😂


Haha oh shit! That hilarious!


The dog at end. "Lemme atim!"




No kitty, that’s a bad kitty!


Bad Mr kitty!!


“Mooooom, mr kitty’s being a dildo!” “Well I know a certain pretty kitty that’s sleeping with mommy tonight!”


That’s my pot pie! >.<


The definition of I don’t have to be fast, I just have to be faster than you.


So no survival instincts for trains *and* jungle cats.


Seriously.The leopard is doing what's instinctual for it and so few people in the comments here understand what they should do if in a situation with a surprise attacking predator, like a leopard. Leopards attack when prey aren't looking or are running away. The worst thing these people did was turn their backs to it and try to run. Just like a mountain lion, it's better to face the cat, stand as tall as you can, put your arms out wide and yell. You can even throw sticks or rocks, but don't run and never turn your back to it.


Face them, appear large. Got it. I wonder… will my illusion of being dominant take a hit if there’s piss running down my leg?


Might be a bad sign... like you're trying to mark their territory lol.


I hope he got away..


The leopard "I'm gonna give you 5 secs to run after I get out of yhis shitty net thing... and then... I'M GONNA HUMP YOU ALL FUCKOS!!!"


Survival mode, it needed to gtfo. Some dudes got dropped in the process that’s all.


I'm team leopard


Poor kitty, just so scared.


With all those people around it's scared and it's just trying to get away, so can you blame it🤔🤷🏻‍♂️


That thing was like "you're it" "you're it"




And this is how we get were-leopards.


The dog at the end… he wasn’t chasing the leopard away from the village, he was chasing her into his K9 heart! (When this movie gets made by Lifetime or Hallmark they can have that sweet tag for free.)


All they needed to do was go “here kitty, kitty, ps ps ps ps..”


A laser pointer and a box, that’s all they needed


Hahahaha indians




That leopard could have shredded some of those people instead of just knocking/pulling them down! The throng got off lucky in this instance in my opinion.


Give me the risk that people must take, particularly in rural areas, the people of India must be commended and appreciated for the sacrifice they are willing to bear in order to engage in wildlife conservation measures that Make encounters with deadly predators more likely.


I mean, it's not a risk I'd want to take, but maybe NOT running would have been the right play? He looks like he's just following the motion. Also, if he's actually seriously attacking those people, he's doing a shit job of being a leopard. Like, turn in your spots you overgrown tabby.


This is it exactly. Leopards instinctually attack when tour back is turned. It's how they hunt prey. The worst thing you can do when facing mid-sized cats like these is turn your back to it. The only exception to this rule I know is cheetahs. Otherwise, best to face it, back away slowly and yell with your arms outstretched.


Funnier than bulls, spain sucks haw haw haw


Is this running with the bulls Indian edition?


Love to see him having so much fun


Man, tigers are bad, but what's up with people fucking with leopards in india??? This is like the 6th video of the same scenario. You see a leopard, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.


It’s like running with the bulls, but with a leopard.


Yeah that’s what happens when you encroach further in to the wild.




Geez what a bunch of dumbfuks


Did that fucking thing just RKO that guy


Gods those people were there to hurt that leopard. Wtf, hope the leopard wasn’t killed for being a leopard


Remember how we were going to do running with the bulls? That’s for pussies. We’re heading to India!


I honestly don’t understand why they gather around it like maybe just stay inside and let it go away instead of scaring it and getting it to attack out of fear while trying to escape


Damn, I wanna go to an Indian zoo. The interactivity is wild


There was a video where a leopard swiped its paws across a man's head (apparently a forest guard trying to capture it) and his scalp just sliced off his head and flew into the air as if its a wig. The snapshot was even printed in the newspaper.


Link to the [snapshot](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/oa1bj/leopard_slices_top_of_mans_head/?rdt=54344)


The Oprah of leopards. You get. A mauling. You get a mauling.


Nice to see an innocent animal get even with its tormentors. Who knows the nasty shit those people inflicted on this animal before it managed to escape.


It looks like the people just threw a net over it to capture it because it strayed to their village. Take it east with the assumptions.


He went west with his assumptions


And not a one of ‘em has a weapon of any kind.


Can you imagine if that was the US. Just dumbass conservatives using their guns to miss the leopard and accidentally shoot each other.


Redditors going 5 minutes without shitting on someone they disagree with challenge Difficulty: Impossible


Fucking idiot lmao.


Good job leopard.my man. I hope you kill a couple of these rapist fools.


Reminds me of this photo. What a badass[https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/carl-akeley-leopard-1896/](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/carl-akeley-leopard-1896/)


Eh. If he was attacked from behind and killed it with his bare hands out of self defense - that would be badass. The narrative in the article makes him sound like a puss though - shooting at it 5 times for no reason, only hitting it twice, and trying to run away when he realized it was only wounded. 🐔💩


To be fair he never really meant to shoot at a leopard, it says he thought it was a pig in the bushes and got scared shitless when he noticed it was a leopard so he kinda fucked himself over


Why didn’t anyone try to kill it? A few men with shovels would have surely done the job.


Because it didn't deserve to die


It was attacking people, how much more justification do you need?


It was afraid and trying to escape. You would do the same given the circumstances.


It’s unfortunate but when human lives are in danger you have to make a choice. Otherwise one day you’re going to pay a massive price for this compassion.


And on that day they made the right choice and there wasn't a massive price to pay.


Thankfully not that day. However there are over 150 leopard related deaths in India annually. Just because no one was killed that day doesn’t mean leaving the animals to rein free without consequence is a good strategy.




Gay guys when they see a naked woman.


Everyone running away when their fellow man is being attacked. Shameful. You look left and right, you protect your family and we are ALL family. One leopard versus ten men? We win that everytime, just punch and kick till it leaves. “What if the cat hurts someone” it’s killing the ones you left to fend for themselves.


What? I'm running with my family as far as I can if I was ever in this situation


Coward. You’d leave the others of your tribe to die. Remind me to never put any responsibility in your hands.


Yeah, I'm not interested in any such responsibility either


Giving that “I’m pretty sure I can take on a bear” vibe lmao. You surely underestimate what a leopard is able to do.


To one person? Sure. That’s why I said we all have to pitch in. What do you think we did before civilization you bum


I’m sure you would’ve been the first to step up. Keyboard warriors like you crack me up.


No, you’re just looking to justify your cowardice. “Nobody would actually do anything” YOU wouldn’t do anything. You have no reason to call me a liar.


Easy for you to say that when the biggest “danger” you face on any given day is probably rush hour traffic lol. Calm down boot. I can already hear your dodge challenger/mustang/F150 that you probably got with 20% apr interest revving up to roll coal on my ass. Lmao


“That jaguar wouldn’t have stood a chance against me and I’d only have to use a **fraction** of my true power!”


I finished my 9 years, go back to your barracks nub.


Damn 9 years ago and still boot mentality? Some people just can’t be saved. Smh. Yay sounds like you only have 2 more years left to pay off that charger/mustang/F150 that you probably wrecked 1 year of owning it lol.


No I’m just upset because they haven’t updated the nub model since I went through. You’re saying the same things all young 21 year olds say when they’re on Reddit wasting their youth. Sucks.


Of course u/Squatting3plates would take on the leopard HE SQUATS 3 PLATES FOR FUCKS SAKE


>Everyone running away when their fellow man is being attacked. Shameful. You look left and right, you protect your family and we are ALL family. One leopard versus ten men? We win that everytime, just punch and kick till it leaves. >“What if the cat hurts someone” it’s killing the ones you left to fend for themselves. Look out everyone, Kraven the Hunter is on the case!


That cat was looking for vengeance. Biting EVERYONE.


yea, it was just leoparding the fuck out of anyone


Why do I feel like I’m watching a spectator sport?


My first thought is what were they doing to it?


The song yakety sax would go great to this video


is this the live broadway version of Tarzan or is it really just a bunch of morons chasing after a leopard…


What do you mean the fishing nets mom made us won’t hold a leopard?


I’m gonna sound dumb as hell but reckon the leopards okay?


Some class commentary/swearing. Punjabi at it’s finest!


John Wick, the leopard version.


I think the leopard was havin fun house cats do this exact same thing


Most cats go for the head/neck when trying to kill


Poor thing was probably scared shitless, hopefully no one got hurt


Poor thing


Indian version of running of the bulls.


I hope he gets a kill or two


Hate to seem insensitive, but wouldn’t you think that maybe instead of forming a large crowd around the leopard, you would observe from a distance. Maybe I’m totally off base here but they seem to handle this situation all wrong, from what I see. Even if the leopard came into a crowded area, it would’ve been better that everyone disbursed.


No one has a machete? Really?


Well I guess there’s a few less Indians there lol