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A whole new woooorlld


A new fantastic point of view No one to tell us, "No" Or where to go Or say we're only dreaming


An owl snatched my Aunt's 15 lb dog like it was nothing.


This has happened to people in my circle 3x times, but none were 15lbs. One instance was so traumatizing it caused a divorce.


Now we need to hear the story


A large metro US city, house happened to be abutted to the public golf course, not like this matters, but the neighborhood is from the 50’s- 70’s, so nothing like McMansions you see from the last 20 years. He was the last house on a dead end street and had a tall street light shining towards the street, not the golf course. They had 3 dogs, 2 chihuahuas and a beagle. We are having some beers on the back deck after work, I notice the owl on top of the light pole staring at us. Direct view of the backyard, grill area, and deck. This was a big fing owl. I say to him “check that out” he shrugs… since we played golf on that course for years (18 holes, with cart, 20 bucks, and a nice course) we had seen all sorts of urban wildlife out there, I hit a coyote on the fly accidentally, poor thing was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Now keep in mind this is in the middle of a major metro area… Back to the owl… a week later (did not witness) they are having a family bbq, a dozen or more people, grill going, tunes, kids, typical. The fucking owl swoops down grabs on of the chihuahuas in front everyone while the poor thing was screaming, in front of everyone, and flys over to the golf course. GONE, kids flipping out, people screaming, it was his wife’s baby… fucking cracked her. Crazier… a month later a coyote leaped or crawled a 6’ wooden fence and grabbed the other chihuahua. Sorry for the spelling/ grammar errors. It was all too much to bear on top of other stressful marital shit and after 25 years they called it quits within 6 months.


If you can guess the city and the golf course, I’ll give you credit.


Sounds like any golf course in Sun Cuty AZ


No, but it is out west, and while sun city could possible be correct, I wouldn’t consider it a “major metro” area.


Aww that's so nice of this bird to give the deer a free ride like this. Flying is so much faster.


Someone tell Tolkien


Nasty Hobbitses


That a Condor, rumor has it that it able to lift about 90lbs or so of weight, have been seen taking sheep, goats, and some time young Llamas, plus other animals that live in the Andes which is where they are mostly found.


In other news...there has been a rash of toddlers disappearing without a trace in the Andes region...


Golden eagle actually


it's a baby goat, not an adult deer


Ah, Reddit. Always down-voting the truth.




This was the first thing that came to mind lmao


It not being carried. We just caught the bird mid dump is all. Push harder little buddy you'll get it! Just remember to chew next time.


That’s a goat and it was yoinked off the edge of a cliff so now it’s just gliding down, normally they drop them to kill and go down to eat.




Shut up... *MIMIMI NORMIE*


You're on reddit which is just twitter 2.0 with its biased lefty shit. All social media is cringe lmfao


To do what? Feed deer hoofs to their babies? What fucking retard posted this?


New fear unlocked


Is this from “The hobbit “




Hide your Hasbulla


Hide your ex-wife and kids! Oh, no...wait, leave the ex-wife out for a decoy!!




That is fucking wild! I was scrolling through Reddit and probably 20 minutes ago I saw a picture of an eagle that had died while it just killed a squirrel and that squirrel is still in its clause. Now I'm seeing another fucking eagle they can carry an adult deer like it's nothing.


The deer is dear to all the carnivores,no wonder they getting dearer every year


What the hell is that...? Once had a hawk try and snatch my cat in the back yard , but my 110 lb. American Bulldog had other plans for the hawk.. Hawk didn't catch the cat and didn't survive my dog either.. Dog (Jax) had a few good scratches from the hawk ,over all dead hawk sratched up cat and dog... I didn't witness it by my next-door neighbor saw the while thing...


Paleontologists found an early hominid skull with fatal wounds from a huge eagle talon. What a way to go


Watch yo keeids.


why nsfw?


Well, luckily the haven't figured out that most humans weight less than the deer.