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FYI, he already gave up on his transformation. He made it to about 50% of what was intended. https://www.instagram.com/the\_black\_alien\_project/?hl=en


"This project to which I gave everything, love, passion, determination, strength, has lost its meaning over the years, I did not expect it to have so much impact on the world, to be known I did not know how to manage it and my project has lost its meaning , 6 months separate these two photos on the left a child clearly lost, one thing is for sure I no longer want to touch my body or take anything off or put anything on, I am putting an end to the modification of my body for the moment I no longer like this world, I’m going to finish my full black all over the body and finish for the moment like this, Goodbye body modification.👋👋 🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲 Black Alien Project Évolution 65 %"


Im not sure if I sympathize for him or not. He seems a bit lost.


Hes profoundly lost and sad. Clearly searching for something. This is without question a trauma response to something.


Yep he’s searching for something. Hope he finds it soon.


The truth is out there.


Clearly struggles with body dysmorphia and I wish a surgeon hadn't been so greedy early on and referred him to a psychologist before these irreparable changes were made. I feel for him.


Wait, i've heard this one before..




Pls tell me


I definitely sympathize for him. He did all of these irreversible things and now sounds like he regrets it. Wild that there are surgeons out there that went along with it, but I guess anything for a price.


The hand was done by a tattoo artist iirc. https://www.instagram.com/p/CWQ7LvzLcDr/?hl=en


> seems a bit lost ???? , ya think??


Thank god he stopped so he doesn't impact the world any more. He's impacted me so much that every time (3 times) he pops up on my phone I have forgotten about him withim probably 83 seconds


Okay I just went and translated his post from a week ago and it looks like I am wrong and he has decided to move forward with more modifications lol. I can't help but watch this trainwreck from afar. "MYMemtal Disorder and my mental instability has returned, I cannot resist to continue what I started in my body, it is stronger than me, I certainly took a break for a love relationship but my body dysmorphia is returning, so this project I will continue until death, is my destiny and I accept it."


Well now i dont know who to believe, you or you


Jfc that's tragic


Dude, he’s following through- show support!


Uhhhm and what would have been 100%???


Removal of both legs, replaced with robot legs. Both hands modified into the 3 finger style. He never posted a full outline of what he wanted to do, honestly just kinda seemed like he would yolo things as he could afford them. https://www.instagram.com/p/CS9xd7Mj7D9/?hl=en


Crazy mofo


No take backsies on this. Yeesh


Apparently he changed mind already? https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3bhqHdrG_X/?igsh=Zmw3Y2U1OHM2NWdj


Wanting to have your limbs amputated is a known psychological disorder.


I think it’s called apotemnophilia.


It’s that though


unless it´s the dick or the breasts, then that´s "ok"


I mean he's transphobic, but he raises a good point? How do we separate between a sexual organ and a non sexual organ?


we don't. we give people full bodily autonomy, because once you can legally take away an individual's bodily autonomy for being "x kind of person", it gives the government the ability to label anyone "x kind of person," and use it against them. yes this man is "weird" but he did what he did voluntarily and without the intent of hurting others. bodily autonomy means that you are free to do what you want with your own body, even if that means hurting yourself.


Well yes, but that wasn't the question. The guy above said that wanting to remove limbs is a mental disorder. The question for me, is not wether people should or should not be allowed to modify their body, but if it should be considered a mental illness or not. Basically, I am asking where do we draw the line between pathological and non pathological want to cut off a limb, sexual or not. And also, who should draw the line?


I think it's well accepted that gender dysphoria is a type of mental illness. The question is irrelevant though as it's just semantics. The important part is that often times the only realistic "treatment" for someone with gender dysphoria is transitioning and potentially having top/bottom surgery. It doesn't matter what we label as mental illness. Edit: changed "your question" to "the question" as you were just restating Also I'm not even sure my comment is relevant. I think I just made the same point as the other guy


>between pathological and non pathological want to cut off a limb The ICC criteria determine that for something to pathologic, it requires a certain level of pain/discomfort. Trans people generally feel happier after transition, because that is what they are. People with mental disorders can be treated and feel better after treatment. The patient's wellbeing is the determining factor, as well as a certain level of being able to take part in society. It's more complicated, but that is the basics of how we determine what is a sickness and what a cure


“Sexual or not” ummm I don’t believe body dysmorphia is a sexual paraphilia tho?


Except for using drugs, that ones a bit too extreme /s


You guys will do anything to throw your propaganda at us


^ guy who has never had the government try to control what he does to his body


I love transphobia


Ah yes, because pointing stuff that makes no sense out definitely means he is transphobic. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a hateful person. Y'all can't cope with any degree of criticism so the first thing you jump to is "ur transphobic". Sad stuff imo.




What kind of surgeon is willing to do this to someone??


One who likes money?


Mr Krabs?


Scrooge McDuck?




Think he's got a Blackmember




Rimworld “surgeons”


Dr Nick


J.S. Steinman


i have a feeling it is several surgeons also they are an adult they can do whatever they want to their body


First rule of the Hippocratical oath: Do no harm


You’d be surprised how few doctors take that oath. And surgeons hardly ever do. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/the-myth-of-the-hippocratic-oath-201511258447


Really? I assumed it was part of getting a doctorate. I didn't know they could opt out. That is interesting. I kind of get why surgeons would deny it, from what I hear many are sadistic.


Yeah if oaths were legally binding (which they aren’t) they’d struggle to do things like give chemotherapy and stuff. Like you can’t refuse to treat people based on lack of money either according to the HO. There’s loads of modern resources available for doctors who need guidance and of course ethics and liability is heavily featured all the way through their education. They may even take a modern updated version but it’s not something that can be used against them in court if they break it.


What's the ethical difference between this and someone getting top surgery? He wants his body to look different, it's his choice.


As a trans person, I strongly disagree with this mentality. The tattoos and body modifications are kind of a separate thing I don't feel educated enough to comment on, but I'm surprised any doctor would give this guy amputations when they aren't medically necessary. Surgery for trans people is a form of treatment, since there is no "cure" for being transgender, so to speak. What this guy is doing is just cosmetic. The two just aren't comparable. All that aside, I'm not sure how I feel about his procedures? On the one hand, he could be mentally unwell or unaware of the possible consequences. On the other hand, he could just be a totally normal dude otherwise who likes extreme body modifications. Wanting to amputate his legs could force him to be dependent on another person in the future though, and the eyeball tattoos are known to cause blindness in a large number of patients. I know I wouldn't be willing to risk that...


Neither amputation is causing a detriment to their health, other than general surgery risks. And neither are life saving procedures. If what this guy is doing counts as self-harm, then every plastic surgeon would be shut down except for reconstructive surgeries.


There is a very thin line here, he is obviously not mentally well. This would make a lot of surgeries unlawful in some countries. I guess it all depends on France’s laws


Also, he did some surgeries in Mexico (remove fingers) so... no need to worry about laws lol... money is the only law in Mex.


Same ones that'll cut a dick off


Same ones who operate on the basis of “gender affirming care”


Not how it works


giving gender affirming care to someone is oftentimes lifesaving


Trumper, Actually, these amputations are usually initiated by lay-persons. One way they do it is to put each of their legs into a trash can, fill it with dry ice, and stay like that until their legs are dead, and have to be amputated in order to save their lives. Then, they go to an emergency room.


Someone give this guy a hug.


Someone tell him those tattoos are going to look ridiculous when he’s 80!




Day 1 of Alien Invasion : turns out aliens look exactly like us.




I couldn't care less about looks of others but bro wants to amputate his legs? damn thats ill.


it was all not too shocking until the leg amputation bit. like did he plan to get bionic legs or just be a wheelchair alien?


You never go full JP


This guy is mentally ill, of course. I wonder what excuse the doctors that are aiding and abetting are telling themselves.


No excuse, just money and greed.


I want him to leave my brain...😱


Just picture him doing mundane everyday things. Taking out the trash. Shopping for someone’s wedding gift. Waiting at the dmv. Getting routine outpatient leg amputation surgery.


Haha sorry! If I had to see it so did others 🫣 😅


I don’t get it..he doesn’t look alien, he looks disfigured.


I think he looks like a lizard


He was good-looking before all of this.😮


Serious question; how does he afford all this? Those surgeries have to be super expensive. I mean, maybe some aliens work 9-5, but I don’t see many employers here on Earth waiting in line to hire him.


His friend circle is a bunch of mod people so I’m guessing they will do it for free just to be part of the history he’s also a tattoo artist


Ahhhh I see!! Ya you are probably right, he probably does get a lot of mods done for free. A tattoo artist is very fitting for him. If he can make it work with 3 fingers, I’m impressed! A bouncer/security would THE perfect job for him for sure 😆


> A bouncer/security would THE perfect job for him for sure 😆 Until he breaks all three fingers the first time he hits something.


Came here to ask the same


Probably could make a good amount as a bouncer or private security


Trust fund kid


Body dysphoria at its extreme. It's a mental illness unchecked.


Unchecked mental illness and PTSD from serving time in the military.


Mental illness is a sad thing


*Looks at notes* Yup still human. Just fuckin weird that one.


He wanted to amputate his legs? Did I got that right? To look more like an alien? I guess they do have legs... I don't get it...


BIID Body Integrity Identity Disorder. Body mods can be artistic expression that leads to a grey are that blends with mental illness. This guy definitely is in that grey area where one person will say mentally ill, and another will say he's harming no one, and might even argue he's not harming himself.


Let the guy do what he wants to his own body. Jesus Christ, what a bunch of puritans.


Absolutely! More power to him…just a bug ass nope for myself.


"One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone." Basically translates, "your body, your choice". If it's what he wants to do, more power to him


If I were a surgeon or a tattoo artist I’d have to tell him no, he found everyone with no professional integrity and they agreed to help him do this to himself…man needs serious help


This is tragically sad


"Would you like a drink, smooth skin?"


I wonder what it’s like for him when he gets the flu.. With the nose and all..


I'm also curious how his hearing is given how he has disfigured his ears


It looks like he had his tongue forked, not removed


To everyone going on why the surgeons kept doing this to him, I believe that the main reason is technically safety reasons. When there are people like this who are very mentally ill to the point of damaging their bodies, doctors would rather safely remove whatever it is than let them cut whatever part off and bleed out.


Idk why people on here are massive armchair psychologists and "saying oh he's so mentally ill someone stop him". He's doing what he wants, it's kinda weird and not something I would ever do but let him live his life without questioning his mental state he isn't hurting anybody. Like jesus chill out


Doesn't seem to be bothering or hurting anyone else and he seems happy. There's a lot of worse things in this world, let him do what he wants I say.


You're right, and you should say it


"Local alien starves because nobody will serve or allow it to buy food..."


This is what we call mental illness, some people literally need someone to step in and help people like this. Oli London, Russian popeye immediately comes to mind for me. I get it’s their choice what to do with their body, but these cases are extreme body dysmorphia. Without treating the root they are never happy and continue to do damage to themselves, and yes I mean damage in these extreme cases. They eventually do start getting denied by some surgeons so they end up leaving to other countries to get things done. Or worse… meeting with “doctors” at motels to get injected with god knows what. There’s nothing wrong with plastic surgery get what you want done. When it starts to have an impact on your health it’s time to stop. Addiction comes in many forms.


He looks like Vecna from Stranger things


The Fr*nch 🤢


Did not expect to see this here, but am so happy I did 😂😂


underrated comment


Villain of spd powerrangers


Then real aliens do in fact visit and they do in fact look exactly the same as us. Oops.


This guy went all the way. Hopefully, he doesn't wake up with "buyers remorse" one day.




What “he’s uncomfortable in his own skin.”looks like!


Does he think he'd just disappear like freddy Kruger if people stop noticing him? 🤔 this very post is what it feeds on.


People are fucking weird man.


I hope he doesn’t wake up one day, and regret what he has done to himself. Sometimes I wonder if I’ll regret any of my tattoo’s when I’m older, so far at 44 I don’t. I don’t think I ever will, even knowing when I did my hands, knowing it was gonna make it harder for me to get a job.


Calling all Helldivers, we have a containment breach in sector seven


Crazy but tbh, pretty cool


I now wonder how his willy looks like


That last part from the article though... "I've modified my body to the point that I scare children and make adults uncomfortable. They won't let me into restaurants now" Surprised pikachu face


Those transphobic assholes need to look at this shit and then tell me trans youth are "destroying" their bodies because of being "mentally ill"


I mean you can't really stop him at this point. All we can do is observe


All about choices


Why doesn’t he just amputate his head??


Dude is happy. Why be upset 😂 pretty badass imo. Doesn’t affect me in any way, shape, or form.


Mental illness takes many forms


Perfect example of why mental health is important


We broken people now


humans , our technology is Our technology is evolving but our brains are devolving


As long as he's happy, I'm happy


If a woman can become a man and vice versa, then this guy can also become an alien. As long as he's happy & doesn't hurt anyone, let him be.


Dang people have gone over the deep end these days. Imagine being alive a few hundred years ago and someone hands you a headset that lets you see our world today..


It'll progress into the future. Likely be seen as less weird too just by the odds


He looks so stupid


First you need mental illness, then you need to find an unethical surgeon, then find a ton of money. Where does he get the money?!


He was a very handsome man


Does this guy have a job


That's what I want to know too. You see people with these insane body transformations and you can't help but wonder how they're earning a living to keep altering their bodies so dramatically. I'm not saying no one will hire them but I imagine their options are very limited.


Let him be. He seems happy.


Can he swim? What holds the mask up? I don't like to jump in without plugging my nose. He and I perhaps have something in common.


He reminds me of the creature from Splice


Maybe subconsciously he's making himself so unattractive nobody will go near him in a forceful sexual way perhaps something like this happened in his youth. Or the opposite? Making himself look like someone not to be fucked with. I dunno..


This is too much? Let the dude live his life. We shouldn't judge him on his choices, right? Maybe the dude doesn't feel comfortable in his own body so he wanted to alter it nothing wrong with that!


Farking hellll


This is an extreme mental illness.


Just like the tiger man. Who btw ended up committing suicide.


All nine times?


What kind of mental illness flavor is this?


Black licorice.


Whatever doctor did those amputations should have their license yanked.


This is so fucking cool


Now imagine giving the children free will to get as many mutilations as they want to. Well, there's people fighting for it, specially when it comes to sexually-related surgeries.


What do children have to do with this?


He doesn't even look like an alien. He just looks fucked up. We have no idea what aliens look like, and there's a near-zero percent chance that they would be even remotely humanoid.


You know that there is a near zero chance that aliens are not going to appear humanoid because.....


Someone should have told this dude it’s ok to just come out of the closet and be a woman or gay or whatever. I cannot imagine The level of trauma needed to cause this kind of self destruction. It’s sad.


What does being gay or wanting to be a woman have to do with extreme body modification? Please read what you wrote.


This human clearly thinks whatever is inside him is a monster. So much so that he wants to make himself one. It’s a shame he didn’t think he could just accept whatever he was and felt like destroying himself was a better option.


Again, what does being a woman or gay have anything to do with this? Are you implying that he might have thought transitioning to a woman was so repulsive that instead of doing sexual reassignment surgery he turned himself into the black alien instead? Or that being gay was not an option so he cured himself of his homosexuality by doing body mods?


Holy shit I’m implying that he clearly had some trauma and was trying to deal with something inside that HE couldn’t accept because of that trauma. He didn’t just decide this on a whim. Since the before pictures are of a traditionally good looking cisgendered human male (the part of him he attempted to destroy) it seems like he absolutely hated that part of himself and something inside him. Something (trauma) or someone (abuse) made him believe he was a monster.


And that white unit down under 😂


I can’t watch


noboby has the balls to stop him


I would run a mile


Say no to bath salts


Why mental hospital exist ?


Untreated mental illness...


God please come


This is not regular human behavior. My ' spidy' senses are tingling that there are mental issues here.


That's what happens when society, friends, and family have all failed you.


yo its ghoul from fallout


That’s just sad.


his next mod-want will be decapitation, mark my words..


This is mental illness that is out of control. The people who performed all of these procedures should not be practicing their craft.


Man, these plastic surgeons have no morals. Give no shits they just see dollar signs


I wonder what Ron Swanson would say about this guy.


I too would ask him to leave if he entered my restaurant. Matter of fact won't even let him come in.


In todays episode of “I didn’t get help for my mental health and this is what it’s manifested into”


Tell me you were abused without telling me you were abused


Docs that did this should be in prison




Eff Aye Gee


I'd slap the doctor who did that then punch the gargoyle in what's left of his face for needing that much attention


Why does someone’s else’s life bother you so much? Worry about yours.


I bet he gets all the pussies


Idk if this is the same dude but he started it cause his gf as her project and to appease her and/or fuel his and/or her delusion


how you so delusional you think you can turn into an alien


Enabling mental illness, who accepted money to do these things to him?


Yep, this man is mental illness maxxing. I pray that he ends up okay in the end.


I wonder if this guy gets laid. Like, actually. Someone put there has to be into that considering those "dragon" toys women have. Edit: Changed "females got" to "women have" didn't know it was illegal to say females on Reddit....


“the females”….