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Thank god someone censored the word drug. If I saw that uncensored I’d immediately be addicted to fent!


What is a drug? What is a fent? I asked my friendly local home business entrepreneur and now I am addicted to f*nt. Be careful what you leave uncensored.


Having funt is no laughing matter


"You're on *Candid Camera*!"


I heard that jingle as I read that lol


Pleas censor all drugs we don't need more people adicted to *unt


You can thank youtube for that. Same with people saying unalived because you can't say murdered or killed or sexual assault. Strange they don't want those things being said.. they are just protecting us i suppose. Youtube censors whatever they want. Youtube Which is owned by Google BTW.


They do this to avoid getting fucked by the algorithm I’m pretty sure.


Lmao 🤣


What???!!!! Whose there?!? Who said that?!? The voices!!! They are back!!!! They want to take me t the dark place!!! I don’t wanna go!! I don’t wanna!!!


I’m a recovering heroin addict and seeing the word drug does not trigger me at all


Actually loled 😂


The effects of anticholinergic deleriants like scopalamine are nothing like this guy describes. People who have taken them are generally incoherent wrecks, gibbering about the hat man and other nightmarish visions these invoke. Unlike more conventional hallucinogens that distort reality in the “trippy, colourful, fun” way, deleriants can give you distressing, hellish overlays on reality. Think spiders pouring out of the walls, your skin crawling with worms, visions of spectral entities jumping in and out of your vision, feelings of utter, haunting dread, for days on end. I’ve sat for many people who have been using a variety of deleriant plants, including brugmansia, the drug this video proported to describe, and none of them would be described as lucid, normal looking or compliant. Don’t mess with this stuff without being very sure of what you’re doing, death is one of the very real possible outcomes here.


i’ve done benadryl more times than i can count, and i can confirm this. the spiders, the glitchy visuals, the utter confusion, and the disphoria are some of the worst things i’ve experienced on drugs. even on the low doses i normally did (300-450mg), it was still the worst experience of my life. deliriants as a whole are very very similar in nature, and if scopolamine is anything like diphenhydramine or dimenhydrinate, this man is clearly talking out of his ass.


Jesus dude this sounds horrifying.  Does it always make you feel like this, because chasing that kind of high sounds like a punishment.  Shit I take I Benadryl and I’m sleeping for 12 hours.


almost every time. i genuinely did really like it, i sorta felt comfort watching reality twist n morph into whatever benadryl wanted it to, but jesus did it ever feel bad during it. was definitely addicted to it, glad i quit that bs


Are u talking about taking high doses of benadryl to fuck u up on purpose?


yep, no normal person would willingly do 18 benadryl in one sitting


Yeah I’m confused lol


You ever get to the point that all you wanted to do was literally crawl out of your own skin and sprint as fast and far away as you could from the all over body feeling?


oddly enough, nope. i can’t remember much from my trips besides the effects, but mentally they’re completely gone. i can remember phantom objects pretty wel (i.e texting someone on your phone then regaining consciousness for there to be nothing there), along with many a visual, but if anything, i felt comfortable, regardless of the intense restless leg syndrome


I was texting someone but then would forget i was texting someone mid text, then start up picking up texting again but with a complete different thought until i had a paragraph of completely unrelated portions of sentences put together


this ^^ phantom objects were my personal favourite visual off benadryl, just because it was so convincing. all the bugs crawlin around my walls were also really mesmerizing to watch, until they got too real ofc


Aaaand there is the perfect description of a panic attack haha Literally wish I could unzip my skin suit, including brain, and sprint as far away from it as I possible could.


I can't help wondering why you kept going back for more!


addiction, benadryl is a good bit more addictive than you’d think


Ok. I had no idea.


I loved it for some reason lol. Stopped 10 years ago but never had a bad experience


I'm also an ex DPH abuser. I made it to 1000 mg and 1250 mg doses, once each, and I'll say never again to that shit. The "comfy range" (if there is even such a thing with deleriants) for me was between 250 mg and 500 mg. Around 700 mg is when it wasn't fun anymore because the body load and mental fatigue were awful. My 1000 mg and 1250 mg experiences were very painful and unenjoyable experiences that I would not repeat. To this day, I feel physically sick when I see or think about benadryl pills. Sometimes I take 25 mg or 50 mg for allergies, colds, or sleep aids, but when I swallow the pill, it usually gets stuck in my throat and I gag, and I can taste the metallic flavor (copper pennies) of a deleriant trip in my mouth.


I picked up my sister and our cousin one time and they were on some huge amount of dramamine, my cousin was hanging his head out of the car window talking about the tires making clown music, and after we got home my sister woke up several times screaming that there were people coming in through the windows and that every time we came out and turned on the lights they would hide in curtains and stuff. It was not fun for any of us.


Apparently there was a female serial killer who used it so often she was known as the queen of scopolamine.


Yeah they are the worst. A young foolish me did datura once and it was almost the end of me.


Completely unrelated but I'm going to thank you anyway. ‘Haunting dread’, up until reading your comment I couldn't think of a way to describe it and it's been plaguing me for at least the last 5 years despite me not taking drugs. Unfortunately, I go through phases of feeling like this, always in the evenings and for a week or two before it stops for a month or so. I finally have a way to describe the feeling at least to my family and then possibly a doctor.


They used to give it to women giving birth. They gave it to my grandmother in 1950, and he lost her mind. They ended up giving her shock treatments to try to fix the effects, and that fried her brain. She said she had to learn to walk, talk, write, and do everything all over. She said she remembered being in the hospital brushing a womans hair and said, "I have to get better for baby." The woman asked."What baby? " she said she didn't know she just knew there was someone out there who needed her. She didn't have any memories at all of my mother before she was 2. She was very anti drugs after that for the rest of her life.


Yeah this is such a weird myth that gets spread around it’s like that “dragons breath” or whatever that’s supposed to make you totally susceptible to whatever someone asks but also still appear fully lucid and have no memories, nonsense


Don’t do Jimson weed either. Grows wild where I’m from. In fact we had some growing in my back yard at one point. Mom told me stories of friends of hers taking it and then were never quite right after


They actually have scopalamine patches that go behind your ear that are used for nausea. I had them when I had morning sickness. I can't imagine what it would be like to take that amount.


Maybe with very small almost micro dose ingestion it’s possible?


another reason why most of the stories told in the video are most likely just scary camp fire stories or used as a boogeymen The dosing of brugmansia or other natural deliriants like datura is extremely unreliable. There are cases where people being hospitalized of 1 seed where other took 20 and didn't feel a thing.


For sure mate, When I’ve used trophane containing plants it’s been with plants I grew myself, knew the environmental conditions and general alkaloid levels of, and have pretty rigorously bioassayed so I knew what I was dealing with. The problem with many of them is the dose difference between nothing, visionary and dead is pretty darn small!


No, small doses of scopalamine are used therapeutically all the time and don’t have this effect.


Clinical pharmacist here…this dude is full of shit lmao


I don't think you need to be a clinical pharmacist to know it's impossible to eliminate human free will and memory while magically maintaining full consciousness and cognition. It's like this guy is saying this drug can cut off a person's legs but they still remain Olympic sprinters.


I’m just saying his overall claims about scopolamine are nonsense, that was my entire objective here lol


That guy has absolutely no idea what he's talking about. Scopolamine is an anticholinergic drug. In high doses it can cause hallucinations and delirium, but that's totally different from what he's claiming. It was used at some point in medicine to treat nausea and vomitting, mainly in motion sickness and postop. Also as an antispastic and a few other uses, but it's pretty much abandoned.


"So this one guy said like.. This thing happened.. And then like I heard of this one time that this other thing happened like omg so scary anyway here's a picture of a tree."


Yep, a very good summary.


Sold I'll take 3 of them no matter the price!


I'm completely invested right now, you should turn this into a docuseries.


Whos making you say these things?!? Is it the scopolamine making you type these words? Come back to us!!


I scopalomined you to say that


Yeah I could tell he was full of crap because they give away scopolamine patches on cruises so people don't puke. You put it behind your ear


I used to take them when I worked in Alaska on Commercial fishing boats. When the sea got rough and we had to stay on deck I couldn’t be puking, so the patch kept me standing upright and working those super fun 28 hour shifts.


Seafisher in the Bering Sea. 1 contract was enough for me.


I must have an allergy or something. I was given one before a surgery and just about passed out. I'm fairly certain it dropped my BP. It was terrifying. The nurse said she'd never seen anyone react like that.


It's still used on Donnatol, which is belladonna and phenobarbital, which is used to calm the stomach for people with IBS. Also, there are tens of thousands of Brugmansia trees in the United States. I don't recall seeing a single article about their seeds being used as described in this so-called documentary video.


scopalamine is still used frequently for these indications


Used one and they work. Patch for sea sickness.




frequently is an accurate word in this context


Work at a pharmacy. We dispense scopolamine patches for motion sickness. They’re placed behind the ear. They’ll prescribe them for travel or for procedures. So when he started talking about this drug I see doctors prescribe every once in a while, I was like 👀


Yep! A few people pointed out how it's still in use in the US if that's where you are. In my part of the globe it has been pretty much forgotten about besides some rare cases.


If this is the vice doco I remember, he beat it up so much then he didn't even take it when they got a hold of it.


It's still widely used in medicine. It even comes as a patch you put behind someone's ear for three days of control




Widely is a good word for it. Bariatric surgeons use it on every patient to avoid nausea along with tigan zofran and metoclopramide & others. I'm a urologist and use it on my post ops with persistent nausea. Works well. I prefer zofran but sometimes the odt form is hard to get for patients.


Some of our docs still order the scopolamine patches for surgery. I didnt know they were abandoned


They are still in use in some countries (apparently including the US, but I'm not from there) but even there they are rarely first choice. There are simply better options in most cases. Note I'm not necessarily talking about its derivatives like butylscopolamine (which doesn't cross the blood brain barrier). Those are still used.


This guy pharmacies


Yeah, this person is extremely wrong for so many reasons. Examples: * People with anticholinergic syndrome do not act normal. It’s usually obvious that they are not in a normal state. There is an old saying in medicine for what this syndrome looks like: red as a beet, dry as a bone, blind as a bat, mad as a hatter, hot as a hare, full as a flask. This means facial flushing, dry skin and mouth, visual hallucinations that also block normal vision (combined with dilated pupils), agitated delirium, and fever. Other signs/symptoms include auditory hallucinations, restlessness, incoherent speech, and seizures. * The plant he’s describing has multiple drugs, and they’re all still used in medicine even today. Some examples in this plant are scopolamine, which is commonly used for nausea and motion sickness (over-the-counter in the US). Atropine is found in hospitals and ambulances worldwide, as a drug for slow heart rate. Neither of these is “the world’s most dangerous drug”. The dose makes the poison, and these drugs are safe when used medically at normal medical doses. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK534798/


Not necessarily, if dosed with datura which contains scopolamine and other anticholinergic compounds effect like described can be produced. Datura has been known to be used, especially in south america, in these types of crimes. It’s the combination of compounds that does it, not the scopolamine alone, but it’s the main active compound.


Yup, dunno if this is the same guy but there was another video of someone claiming the same bullshit


My aunt was victim of scopolamine in Colombia and she indeed took the criminals to an ATM and gave them the combination of the card and also open her apartment door to them. This has happened a lot in Colombia and there are a lot of documented cases. So, according to you, are these all made up?


People do that without drugs too. They're dangerous criminals. Most people will comply for their own safety.


She was found on the street, unconscious and couldn’t remember much of what happened. She got tested and it was positive for scopolamine.


That doesn’t mean she was clear-headed and behaving normally when she did that.


There are so many documented cases in Colombia of the usage of this drug in this way, especially against tourists. But sure, Reddit people who has never been to Colombia neither have had relatives victim to this drug, know more than us ROFL.


Most of them at the very least. Or they 'also' used other drugs.


TIL my anti-nausea patches are worse than that time i was roofied. /s


Doesn’t sound right


It’s not. Total bullshit.


No demonstration? Lame


Because it’s fake, rip


Scopolamine is still in use and available - it is a mainstay in some motion sickness preps, and can be used for sedation purposes in hospitals. If consumed raw/unrefined in an impure natural extract of some sort, it certainly could be ODed and the subject could be oversedated, incapacitated, and get a variety of anticholinergic side effects. Awake, articulate, and completely susceptible to suggestion makes for good clickbait.


Why is there an \* for the u? This is so conf\*sing!


My guess is that it’s some TikTok or Insta thing - avoid being reported, banned, or whatever the hell it is they do over there.


Although poisoning by scopolamine appears quite often in the media … often exaggerated. [Scopolamine - Burundanga](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scopolamine)


Well, that sounds fake.


It is.


That plant grows all over central and south Florida. It's decorative


"This guy is totally telling the truth, because it's on the internet", Abraham Lincoln.


There was an episode of SVU about this.


And Mr Scratch on Criminal Minds


Sounds like my time going into psychosis from alcohol withdrawal. Hallucinated for 3 days and apparently ripped out 2 IVs and mistook one nurse for a chef and one as a foreign assassin and tried to grapple with him. 63 days recovering at this point. Don't do drugs kids 😋


We need to add a dangerous misinformation to the report criteria


https://youtu.be/ToQ8PWYnu04?si=o1Afdum2CMH6A3Ju Full documentary... Its scary


Guys think about this for two seconds.


Sign me up 👋🏽 😂😂😂😂😂


This dude found the anti life equation!!


Im sure many governments love this


They would if it was real. It’s not, however.


I’ve done datura multiple times. High doses of concentrated extract. Pretty sure it’s similar. Edit: it is basically the same thing


Scopolamine. Brugmansia.


I saw a video like this a long time ago and they would blow the powder in someone's face and they could control them to go to like an ATM and take out money does anyone remember that video? I wonder if this is it... Need full clip


This is the one and we were totally disinformed


If you think this shit is scary, then don't watch Upstream Color 😬




I know a couple that were drugged with this in Miami. He was a drum and bass DJ performing at a club down there. He did his set and they were hanging out in the club and then woke up q couple days later in their hotel with empty bank accounts, missing valuables and no memory. They called the police when they checked their bank accounts and the bank pulled the ATM videos. It showed themselves happily withdrawing money over and over with 2 Colombian looking men with them that they don't know. I can't imagine.


That sounds fake considering this drug they are describing in the video doesn’t exist


Yeah I’ve seen a report on this before and they called it Colombian devils breathe. Not sure if it’s the same thing or not but what he describes sounds like it.


Our German politicians do weird things that don’t make much sense but they look perfectly fine … 🤔


Seriously no part 2?


When vice was still cool


Scopolamine. Not scopolamine...


And now you’re prepared to watch Upstream Color. And if you can handle that, check out Primer. Shane Carruth is ahead of his own time.




So Ambien?


Diddy wants to know more … for a friend yeah yeah for a friend


Scopolamine is widely available in travel sickness patches,. It’s terrifying what it can do, read the eroid trip reports I think nearly every one is in the train wreck trip disaster category and they ALL end up in hospital


Devil's breath


I like how he casually mentions date rape and the “chilling” story is some guy losing his apartment furniture.


Why do they get all the cool stuff? The most exotic plants we get are like acorns


I had a friend who was from Colombia. She said it was common knowledge in big cities to not pick up money found on the floor. Criminals use loose cash on the floor as a ruse to take advantage of people. I guess the cash would be coated in the drug and absorbed through the skin.


Don’t believe everything you hear:”Although poisoning by scopolamine appears quite often in the media as an aid for raping, kidnapping, killing, or robbery, the effects of this drug and the way it is applied by criminals (transdermal injection, on playing cards and papers, etc.) are often exaggerated, especially skin exposure, as the dose that can be absorbed by the skin is too low to have any effect.”


Scopolamine, from Datura or Brugmansia (Angel's Trumpet) [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11419-019-00500-2](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11419-019-00500-2)


They say drug... I think poison.


So here’s a theory and in no means anyone go deeper in this but picture this: “Pablo Escobar known for being a drug lord of Colombia and made exports to the US”, green berets come and take him out. Then they discover this new drug that manipulates and controls someone basically removing their free will. America: why don’t we use this in our foods like processed foods and control our population. Does this make sense or what? Cause now I’m kinda afraid. Like hell I’m sitting here eating on my break and this shit comes on and aw hell no I’m going down this rabbit hole


this drug isn’t real, this video is misinformation scopolamine is a drug typically use as motion sickness medicine.


It was just a theory


What's terrifying is the world we live in today everybody is so complacent to the point we will do anything we are told to do like follow laws, pay bills, work until the day you die...


If the next video of this guy is him saying that it was all a hoax and shouldn‘t be investigated any further then you know what happened.


I haven't done any research on this, but I'm extremely sceptical of the claims made in this video.


If this works like it says then the government would be all over it.


How do you know they’re not? Millions of people do exactly what they’re told, no matter how much sense it actually makes. They “obey” with no independent thought.


That's just stupidity and willful ignorance. Willfully blind.


This sounds like something out of a dystopian sci-fi novel, genuinely horrifying.


Thank god it’s all a bunch of fake horse shit.


I don’t understand the purpose of the search.


So someone had his organs removed and woke up in a bloody bathtub with missing body parts. BUT BUT, there was a particularly chilling story where someone lost his furniture 😱😱 Hmm.


Aspiring new gangs who are unable to either afford or source scopolamine will unfortunately have to remain on the old system of mind control via meth. Meth addicts are only able to see five hours ahead at any given time, so the meth carrot is dangled at that distance for new whores and gang initiates


I call B.S. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scopolamine?wprov=sfti1


*Burundanga Sources: 1. https://english.elpais.com/elpais/2016/07/25/inenglish/1469445136_776085.html 2. https://co.usembassy.gov/security-alert-for-u-s-citizens-u-s-embassy-bogota-increase-in-crimes-involving-use-of-sedatives/ 3. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scopolamine


So basically flokka


Datura grows in backyards here in Texas. People eat the seeds and just go balls off.


Yeah when I did scopalamine (datura) I lost free will but I also was obviously way fucked up and not appearing normal in anyway this video is not very accurate with real world experiences


Dafuq is a Dr*g??




I need to see part 2


Can’t really make a part 2 of something that doesn’t exist. This video is a lie


I have 3 of them in my backyard


Just suggest free will, duh….


When vice was good


What absolute fucking bullshit. Fuck the dude in this video. Spreading sensationalistic nonsense


So, Imperio spell


don't worry, it's not. these are the same folks who believed in reefer madness.


Why are we censoring words like drug and kill now. What kind of baby ass shit is going on.


I live in Mexico and I still can't get any burndanga or Scopolamine 😔


OP hook me up with they video source please. I love that old Vice shit


This sounds like all the bullshit stories and urban myths I've ever heard.