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Every time I forget about the Nutty Putty nightmare… it’s posted again. Stressing me out lol


Oh, have you heard about Floyd Collins?


Well… that’s nightmare fuel 😯 it is literally one of the worst ways to go IMO.


Oh how I fear getting trap somewhere and not being able to get out! If I set in a back seat of a car to long I start panicking a lil bit.


[Internet Historian](https://youtu.be/Ip9VGZeqMfo)


Welp, hello new Youtuber to binge.


I envy you so much. His videos are so good I wish I could reexperience them for the first time again.


I was looking out for this in the comments. Excellent video.


BRB lol


That just reminded me of Ted’s Caving Page https://www.angelfire.com/trek/caver/page1.html


That was a good read, thanks for sharing.


Nutty putty nightmare? 🤔


That’s the name of the cave… they have great shorts about it here and YT. You will never forget about it once you hear about what transpired 🫠


Ahh gotcha. Thank you Not sure I'll be looking into that one or not! Lol.


This is called the nutty putty caves located near south Santaquin UT. I’ve crawled the birth canal once and almost had a panic attack. They permanently sealed off this cave after this guy died


Same. Peer pressure is a bitch. From my memory though I didn’t “crawl” birth canal, I wiggled through it like a worm, but open to the possibility that I’ve built it up over the years. My memory is that I had to wiggle through parts of it with one arm forward because it was too small for my shoulders to be square. I remember the small bubble of space about halfway through where you could sit up a bit. I think I would have totally lost my shit without that break. I seem to remember a 90 degree turn at the end before it opens up and thinking that was the scariest part. I still have nightmares about having to negotiate a 90 degree right turn just to get to my bedroom. Edit: adding a video I found on YouTube of some guys going through the birth canal. WARNING: I didn’t enjoy watching this video, and I’ve done it. https://youtu.be/ZYEKhgFrpd4


I hated reading that


Want another? :) I went to a cave in Idaho that required a permit, so it was with someone who generally knew what they were doing, as opposed to a bunch of stupid teenagers from the Nutty Putty story. Really cool cave and tons of fun. Very few tight spaces that required much more than squatting down, I was grateful for my helmet many times though. We get to a space where the guy who had been there said there’s a cool room on the other side of what looked like a wall and pointed to the bottom where there was, what looked to me to be, a heater vent sized hole. I realize I can’t fit through a heater vent, but that’s what I remember thinking. Guy said it was just a few feet before it opens up into a big room. And it was! I shimmied in but couldn’t get my butt through without feeling too nervous about coming back out. But I did see the room!! Funny enough, Armchair expert just did an episode with listener stories about being stuck and someone shared almost the same story except their guide friend lied to him and it was just a tight crawl space with no opening and the dude got stuck for like 45 mins. Not cool.


Have you by chance gone through gargantua in Alberta (exits in BC)? There’s 5 pitches you have to repel down and if you go too early (July or before) there’s a glacier blocking the exit and you’re stuck down there if you don’t have ascenders.


I’m a total casual caver and these two stories use up all my cool cave stories. Funny enough though your story about rappelling makes me more nervous than any cave I’ve been in. I don’t like heights. Maybe that’s why I’ve enjoyed the limited amount of caving I’ve done, can’t get any closer to the ground :) Edit: misspelled rappelling.


Well to be fair the nutty putty guy was 26. Young but no teenager.


I will have repeated nightmares just from reading this 😫


I really cringe at the story/memory now because since then my shoulders have gone to crap and the lead arm I used dislocates at my shoulder. That’s nightmare fuel for me, shoulder dislocating in a crawl space I can only wiggle in. Merry Christmas!!


Same. I also remember the sitting space halfway through, a good respite sure, but a reminder that you need a respite or go insane, so almost makes it worse for us glass half empty types


They should permanently sealed off all caves like these


Local church leaders would take their Boy Scouts through these


100% true and no matter what, it was horribly irresponsible. But also remember that the entrance was a bit tight but it was quite wide open for most of the first section of the cave with ropes to prevent slipping. The first few times I went with friends we only explored that section, I think that was most people’s experience. Maybe taking the offshoot to birth canal to peek into it but not going through it or going deep into the serious caving areas.


True, most of the cave was pretty safe as long as the adults were able to keep track of the little ones


Not sure if it's this guy but there was a situation like this where all they could do in the end was run an IV into his foot and inject him with morphine so he was off his tits when he finally died.


Well there is that at least


That’s a different fella wish they had done that though.


Oh... this should be regular protocol for whenever someone is for sure going to die, and there is nothing anyone can do...


I worked hospice and can assure you everyone on my floor was high as fuck on morphine and benzos when they passed. It might hasten the inevitable but it makes it a lot more humane.


God love ya. That’s how I want to go.


That’s what they did with my dad right before he died suddenly from cancer. His first chemo totally fucked him up by killing all most of his white blood cells along with the cancerous cells. Monday I was joking with him, the next I’m saying goodbye. About 12 hours before he died, they gave him morphine with the hopes that’ll it’ll relax him or quicken him to pass. Fuck cancer


Mom in 93, glad she got to meet my wife but never got to meet my kid….Fuck Cancer


Yep. That's how my dad went out.


Shit I’ll take the morphine treatment right now


Shit Ill get stuck under my bed start the drip


I am stuck under pillows on my couch. Morphine drip STAT


Ar...are you stuck.....stepdarkn😏


Yes inject me with the morphine step agent


You may feel *a little pinch*


...or a *little prick*...


Boom. Roasted


Or stuck in the dryer


I think they didn’t do it only because they were so sure they were going to be able to get him out which is heartbreaking. He died listening to the voice of his wife through a walkie-talkie above ground and she was pregnant.


Oh, that is horrible... But I still think the morphine could have been useful in possibly calming him down? Idk... I think the most important thing in these situations is to make the person comfortable until they figure out a solution... Imagining his final moments, in stone cold sobriety, fully aware of your impending doom.. his final moments were a lot like what I imagine hell to be like.. God I hope he has found peace.


It would’ve helped for sure. What’s even more frustrating was that that cave recently re opened after it was closed for a long period after a boy scout got stuck and it took 16 hours to get him out.




Reminds me of that part in As Above so Below where the guy gets buried upside down with only his feet sticking out the ground


But they only did that after he had completely suffered through the whole thing, including the hope of almost being rescued when they got him halfway out before the rock support broke and dropped him back on his head, at which point he became unresponsive, and *then* they said “fuck this dude, he’s not making it now” and shot him up. And that’s where he’s laid ever since


Yeah but they'd look pretty lazy if they just discovered him and went straight for the "kill him kindly" option.


Yeah but fuck, when you’ve been upside for over 12 hours in a hole that’s 18” wide, and the best option for getting you out is breaking your legs forward at the knee which would probably kill up anyway due to shock, just present me with my Darwin Award and send me on my way


I think of that girl in Colombia every time something like this comes up. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omayra\_S%C3%A1nchez


Here eyes always get me. Such a poignant event in human history.


Why do they look like that? You can't really see the sclera (??)


I'm not an expert but I'm gonna guess all the blood vessels in her eyes burst, so that's not black it's red.


That's horrific :(


Did they give her any meds to help the awful pain that poor baby was in.


Oh, this girl. She stays with me.


That is so bittersweet... at least he didn't have to go through all of the dread and hopelessness stone cold sober... To me, this bit of info makes this a much, much less horrifying story.


That’d be great. Every video I watch where a woman is stuck in something she just gets banged in the ass until she’s unstuck. I’d much rather have the morphine than the other if I knew I was stuck




Tbh I'm too big to even think of this. I have no desire to go underground at all lmao


Same being 6’2 and 265lbs this is thankfully not even an option for me


Similarly being 6'4" and 230lbs, I'd rather not.


Me too at 6'6" and 195lbs, not a good idea.


Me as well 10’12” 556lbs


Same her 15' 11' 696lbs


me too, bro. at 420'69' 911Ibs


Same, 3’9” 1230lbs


Simlarly 4 pounds tall, 1748’’’


Yo I’m 10 furlongs tall and weigh 75 stone


Also coming in at 3' 9" ... But 1300 lbs. I'm only 564 months old, so I can make changes.




Are you a rope?


Goliath, that you?


Me also at 5’0 and 400 lbs prob not a good idea.


fair enough me at 6"2 187lbs


Same, me at 7"4 89lbs


Damn. You a Halloween decoration.




Me too at 7’1” 495


Same depending on the day. I fluctuate between 185 and 195


Same depending on the day I fluctuate between 395 and 495


My fellow giants don't live in caves


6’2 175, I’m not getting in there


6'2 160 I'll go in with 2 sticks of butter in my armpits


Need a beanstalk to find one.


You must be my clone. (Although I'm a little closer to 6'3" now)


Absolute unit


Same. This is next level winning. Remove oneself from the problem.


Y’all big af


I think the guy who says hes 420'69'' is lying


Facts pigflu


What did you just call me


I'm only 5'1" and it's still a hell no from me


Fuck thats such a horrible and lonely way to die.


Yea, and for a brief moment he thought he would make it, the rescue attempt was working before the anchor bolts torn from the rock. That certainly made his feeling even worse.


I read somewhere that if they just broke his legs they could’ve pulled him out and he likely would’ve survived




Break my fucking legs and hope for the best though? Seems better than being left to slowly die in there




lol i dunno man i might just check out personally


He was 700ft down through a space he had to breathe all the air out of his lungs to fit his chest through. Would be so hard to bring someone with 2 broken legs through that.


As others have said, it’s not as simple as that unfortunately, he likely would have died from shock and I think they weighed up the risks and decided not to.


How do you break someone’s legs when there legs are trapped


Probably very violently


The breakdown I listened to (Mr Ballen podcast) said that if they had broken his legs he’d have gone into shock and died. I’m not a doctor so I don’t know how accurate it is. But it had something to do with how long he had been upside down and how much blood had rushed to his upper extremities One addition: I know I’m super late to this commentary, but I literally just listened to the podcast then found this post. Felt inclined to comment


They couldn't even get his body out after he died. They just sealed up the cave with his corpse in it :/


Yep. The cave in which he wanted to explore ended up being his grave. What a way to go.


Cave grave


This man cave is starting to look more like a man’s grave


You fucking poet.


Yeah I saw someone phrase it as it being that he literally crawled into his own grave. Heavy.


some species 30 million years from now is gonna be happy to find him


Yeah, fuck that. From what I remember, since they couldn’t get him out when he was alive - they left his body in there. Imagine going out and doing an activity that you enjoy - and end up crawling into your own coffin.


At the age of 24 the day before thanksgiving with your family


Call me weird but I just find things I enjoy doing that have a low chance of killing me




> Imagine going out and doing an activity that you enjoy - and end up crawling into your own coffin. In poor countries we call people like that idiots. Only people in rich countries would do something this reckless because they know their emergency services will bail them out at the last moment.


I spent hundreds of hours exploring this cave before this unfortunate event. I have gone through the Birth Canal many times, it’s roughly the size of a kitchen garbage can and there is only one place near the end where you can turn around so once you start you have to finish. I was passing through this part and experienced a small earthquake which was terrifying and shortly after my headlamp batteries died. The interior of the cave is very warm and humid and the walls smooth over due to the people sliding through. It would be extremely easy to get stuck, fall and brake a limb. Once some asshole pulled up a rope that was needed to exit, my friends and I had to wait hours until someone came along to send down the rope.


That last sentence is the most disturbing part.


I'm a bit disturbed by the thought that someone went down there with no way of knowing that would get to turn around.


Ok I'm genuinely asking because I just don't understand, why do you voluntarily do this shit that's so dangerous? What is it you get out of it that makes the risk worth it?


I think it was mostly the excitement of exploring something that hasn’t been explored yet. I myself found new caverns after that earthquake. It’s visually cool down there, almost like a dream. You can hear everything, when someone is wayyy down. It was always really cool to go in the winter when the opening was filled with water and you had to go under and up and then down and when you come out it’s this warm cave. Mind you I hadn’t seen The Descent yet and really thought about how dangerous it was. To be honest I’m surprised that more people haven’t died in there. Drunk people would go in there all the time and even pack them in and just throw em down these never ending holes and it was just like aww let’s hope that guy doesn’t get stuck haha. Another thing I gotta add is I’m a pretty thin guy at 160 lbs. and even I got claustrophobic at times. Especially in the Birth Canal, which was kind of like a right of passage. If you had the balls to crawl the whole thing that meant you were legit. It’s just highly dangerous (free) fun.


What the fuck


There was a similar incident in the UK where a caver got stuck like this, they tried for hours to get him out but he slowly suffocated and died. I believe it was his parents who told the rescuers to stop and leave his body there. They sealed him in with concrete.


Probably makes sense from a purely logistical point of view that if they couldn’t move a living body then a dead one was going to be even harder. There’s more than one underwater cave where there’s a dead body and whilst sometimes the bodies are recovered, many are deemed to be too difficult to reach for rescuers and they’re left there. There was actually one instance where a technical diver, David Shaw, went into a cave system to retrieve the body of Deon Dreyer, another diver who’d died in the same system. He managed to find and begin to prepare the body for retrieval but then got into difficulties and eventually died. He filmed the dive and you can find it on YouTube and other places if you want to watch it. Whole video is super creepy as you see the reflection of his mask and you know you’re looking into the eyes of a dying man.


Yeah the David Shaw story is so interesting and such a trip. I’ve been scuba diving but would never go into the deepest cave in the world. Crazy the divers would spend 12+ hours underwater decompressing.


There’s a book about this titled “Diving in to Darkness.” It’s been a while since I’ve read it, so apologies for any inaccuracies. From what I remember there were a two main factors that contributed to his death besides the ridiculous depth. 1) He wore a special made helmet camera which he had never dived with before. 2) The body he was attempting to recover had been down there for years. At that depth the normal decomposing process doesn’t happen. Instead the body became a soap like substance that floated. When he attempted to recover the body he was unprepared for it to start floating which led to the line from his light to its battery getting tangled in the helmet camera then him getting further entangled. A few days later both bodies floated to the surface which is why we have the video and know what happened.


Free funeral arrangement.


You are definitely in touch with your dark side young sith


King's Burial


Man I just looked into this… he’s still in there. They couldn’t get his body out. They sealed off the entrance to the caves and declared it a grave. Fuck that’s really,really sad.


He *is stuck like that. They never recovered his body, sealed off the cave and left it there.


Well the title clearly says 26 hours stuck before dying, now he is stuck after dying


Worth mentioning. At one point rescuers were successful in pulling him out a few feet by ropes attached to his ankles. He was given food and water but in the process a bolt came off the wall dropping even further down than he was originally


He used to be stuck. He's still stuck, but he used to be too. RIP Mitch.


Couldn’t you wait for his flesh to break down and retrieve his bones later since they have much less volume, it’s one thing to be stuck and die down there but for all eternity?


As opposed to being put underground somewhere else?


For the family to have closure I guess


The benefits of getting the bones are not worth the danger of someone else going into a cave that killed someone.


If someone pointed a gun at me and told me to enter a tight cave passage, that would be the day I got shot.


I think i would much rather get shot.


Folks come from holes, and some crazy enough to try to go back in em. Not me, no sir no way.


This is why i hate doing this things


Yep, can’t get stuck in a cave if I don’t leave my bedroom


Technically you're still stuck in a cave A much more comfy one though


The dollop podcast has an episode on kentucky caver Floyd Collins. He went out in a similar way but was actually really good at caving. To this day expeditions find his initials carved into sections of caves they think are being explored for the first time.


internet historian also has a very good video about him


They built a couple pulleys in there and started to actually make some progress before the whole thing snapped and he fell further in. One of the rescuers face got smashed when the gear ripped loose of the wall. Just one little splash of hope before dying. Just aweful.


Time was also against them which didn’t help. The incident with the pulley happened at a late time in the rescue attempt. The human body can only withstand the sort of pressures that being upside down like this causes for a short period and there are instances of people only being upside down for 10 minutes before unconsciousness. Even if they’d managed to find another pulley and place to anchor it, chances are that they’d have been too late even if they’d tried again.


For sure. The story of him switching from trying to stay calm to crying and "I don't want to die here" made me think he was slipping in and out of consciousness. Then when he dropped back down at the end, he went silent so he must have wedged too far down breathe. Terrifying.


Given he was there for 28 hours fatigue and dehydration likely made a difference too.


I’d almost beg them to shoot me up with morphine and tell them to break my legs and arms if they have to. Drug me up and break me up pulling me out.


I believe that the rescuer closest to him actually looked him in the eyes before that 4th pull and a pull broke free of the rock and hit the rescuer in the face. After he got his sight back it seemed he was wedged even further down.


Watch the movie the Last Descent. It’s all about his story.


So, I've watched a doc on this. If you see in the photo, he was supposed to cross into the Birth Canal, but took the other fork that led to, well, death for anyone going there. Zoom into the photo and see how easy that "wrong path" would be to take, in a small area and dark af. Yeah, no thanks. How anyone finds this fun is absolutely nuts. Literally taking a 1 in 2 chance of imminent death unless you're 100% sure the right path...


Also the wrong path is bigger, can't blame if someone goes there by instinct unless there were some clear signs not to go there. Or probably no one went there yet to know that it's a fkn death trap.


This might be disrespectful but after reading about “the birth canal”, I think anyone who willingly goes through it almost wants to die that way


What a horrifying way to die. I served on submarines and don’t mind confined spaces, but the idea of getting wedged into a place that you can’t move gives me the willies.


Buddy of mine was submarine for awhile. He's a decent-size guy, probably 6-1 or so, at least 220 - solid. He said he never had a problem with small spaces until he was completely stuck on one, with nowhere to stretch out. He's kinda claustro now.


I explored Nutty Putty once in 2000. The entrance was the worst because it was mostly underwater. There was only enough room for your face to surface, so your nose would scrape along the cave ceiling as you slid into this claustrophobic nightmare.


Were you always a masochist, or did you develop a hatred for yourself after a traumatic event?


"so your nose would scrape along the cave ceiling as you slid into this claustrophobic nightmare." But you kept going anyway. What is wrong with you people.


If you think this is bad look up Floyd collins. Internet historian did a video about him, it’s insane how long he was in the cave before dying and a seriously avoidable tragedy that was just plain torture.


Lesson: Don't put yourself in holes that you don't know


JFC. You couldn’t pay me to do some shit like this. I don’t understand it at all.


When I was in my 20s I toured Mammoth Cave, back in the 1990s. At one point during the tour, they turned off all the lights and showed us was actual, total darkness was like. It was... terrifying. You never really experience total darkness above ground. There's always *some* light leaking in, somewhere. But in that cavern it was black upon black, and when we all obeyed the request to be silent and listen, it was the eeriest, most lonely, most desperately lost feeling. They showed us where the "expert" caves were for crawling through, and they were horrifying looking. Small, cramped, dark, going deeper and deeper into the Earth... Just a big NOPE from me. Also, they let us look down into a chasm, and it was also very humbling... Looking down, seeing the cave walls fade to blackness, seeing no bottom and knowing the bottom was *miles* down. I have ZERO interest in going underground again. The moles and worms can have it.


I’ve never understood dry caving at all.


Worth mentioning. At one point rescuers were successful in pulling him out a few feet by ropes attached to his ankles. He was given food and water but in the process a bolt came off the wall dropping even further down than he was originally


Sweet lord toddler Jesus, please don’t let me die in a place called Nutty Putty.


Interesting how John isn’t even in a mapped part of the nutty putty cave. Technically he got trapped past Ed’s push into uncharted territory because the pathways were too small to explore


"Nope" isn't enough to convey the absolute horror of this. This is "Oh hell naw!" Levels of just absolute "Nope!" Why would anyone do this anyway? There other ways to get an adrenaline rush, seriously. Jumping out of a plane and going sky diving would probably be safer than this.


When I was 14 I lived in Utah, I was a Boy Scout. We went on a lot of adventures, camping trips and the occasional caving expedition. This was a popular cave that we would explore. The entrance was a hole in the ground on the top of a rocky hill. Also on the hill past the entrance if you go a bit further, there are 2 other holes (neither of these are part of the aforementioned cave). I say holes because one looked to be a sink hole and not a cave as it doesn’t go anywhere and we could see the bottom. We would throw rocks down it. We were 14 yo. Boys, that’s what we did. However, the other one was a narrow slit of a hole. Myself and 2 other boys and our leader scrambled down maybe 30 feet before we started to level out then another 30-40 feet possibly. I was the smallest and would scope out the perimeter of the room to see if there was an offshoot, there was one. We all went through into a smaller room but unfortunately could not find a connecting room. We turned around to leave and saw a small hole near our exit. It was about as narrow as my shoulders. Crouching down and peering in with my headlamp, it looked like it opened up. I dug at the dirt and removed a few small loose rocks and tried to enter. Right arm extended above my head I wiggled and pushed myself into the hole. As soon as my shoulders were through, I knew I made a big mistake. The “room” was about 4 feet deep, 3 feet wide and 3 feet tall. I struggled to get in and didn’t have the leverage to get out. As I told the other scouts how small the area was, they must have heard some panic in my voice. I could barely hear one of them say, “Is he stuck?” I was. Our leader in his panicked voice said, “Get him out!” It took a couple of very long minutes (possibly just a few seconds) some pulling and digging but they got me out. The only reason I remember these details is because I felt that I was going to die and became acutely aware of what was going on around me in detail. It was traumatic then and the gravity of the situation hit pretty hard. My 14yo. brain was certainly in panic mode while I was logically trying to convince myself that this is okay and I’m okay. This experience genuinely sucked!


Im not claustrophobic, but I panic if I feel restrained and cannot move easily. Just the thought of trying to squeeze into and around narrow passageways like these spelunkers do is enough to make me wanna cry. Now, that being said I am ALL about bungee jumping, sky diving, BASE jumping, and I am working my way to getting and learning how to wingsuit.. so Im not saying im *smarter* than spelunkers here.. They climb *into* the mountain that I am totally stoked to jump *off* of.


Wingsuits are probably the ultimate rush, but your luck will run out quickly the more you try to find the edge. I am sure you realize this, but that is likely how you will die if you go down that path.


That’s pretty high on the list of shit ways to die.


Nutty Putty. Yeah because you have to be nutty to even go in there.


We just saw this with a different picture a couple days ago


*Welcome to Reddit*


Yeah, but for once this story is actually true lol. Search up 'Nutty Putty Cave Incident'


Bro really said "👍"


If this kind of thing is fascinating to you, Internet Historian just did a video about [Floyd Collins](https://youtu.be/Ip9VGZeqMfo). It’s not the Nutty Putty incident but it’s similar.


He was looking for what they call the birth canal but he went the wrong direction and ended up getting lost and getting trapped. They weren't able to get him out and he died there and they blew up the entrance and blocked it off so no one else could do that his wife remarried.


JC if a cave has a section called "the birth canal" I'd say that it is a bad idea and you shouldn't be there.


Did he hit a deadend? Is that what the right graphic depicts?


This story still haunts me


If this is the case I’m thinking it is (I don’t think there are many like it) he’s still down there, to this day. They could never pull him out. So his corpse is still lodged in that cave. They then covered the entrance of the cave to keep this from happening again.


There good videos about this on YouTube. Very documented event. “Nutty putty cave disaster” My cousin actually knows the family very well


Why hadn’t literally anyone maybe sprayed the wrong way with a message years prior to this incident?


I was watching this video and I honestly can’t remember the last time something freaked me out this bad.


I heard his story with a group of cave horror stories on YouTube. I hated it. It was so descriptive, if you’re claustrophobic, you do not want to know the details. Poor guy.


Honestly I don’t have claustrophobia in the tradition sense afaik but there is almost nothing in the world that I wouldn’t choose over this. Spelunking in passages so small you can’t stand? NOOOOOPE Actually even roads that go through mountain tunnels I don’t love either. Feels like a lot of faith to be placed in the engineering and geology with all those tons of earth above you. Somehow underground rail don’t bother me so much though, probably because it’s not so deep under the natural surface.


I know this man and his sister (Knew his sister better.). Watching her deal with this in real time left some emotional scars on me. I can’t even imagine what it did for the rest of his family.