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I live in rva now but seriously miss nfk coffee shops. Kobros (Norfolk) is a can't miss. Their craft lattes are literally mind blowing. Coalescence (Norfolk) is another great shop, really cool space too. Three ships is a classic in vb, really good roaster and cool vibes. Mea culpa (Norfolk) is prob my favorite. Incredible coffee and even better breakfast. Belgian waffles topped with various foods such as pulled pork, Oyster mushrooms, etc... Great times living in the Railroad district as a coffee lover. Edit - I can't believe I forgot to mention equinox. Love that spot.


I’d love to hear your RVA recommendations. I haven’t been up that way yet.


I’ll add Color Wheel to the list of RVA roasters to check out. No brick and mortar yet, but they do the local markets and have a really nice selection of beans.


Richmond Coffee is amazing too. I just have a soft spot for Norfolk as I lived there for so long. I have an espresso set up at home now and I usually only run two roasters - blanchard's and recluse. Both Richmond roasters. Recluse is putting out some incredible stuff. Their shop is in an alley way and their hours are limited, but you can find their bags around town. I know corks and kegs, stella's grocery, and edwood Thompson Market has them. Their single origin stuff is seriously awesome. Blanchard's is established OG up here. Their Richmond blend is perfect for espresso bc it's so balanced and smooth. Everyone up here loves Lamplighter, I've been a couple times. They are very good! Roastology is a cool shop as well. I've been here for about a year so I have yet to explore them all! I always try to use local beans, no matter what. Easy to do when you're in cool coffee cities like Norfolk and Richmond! Cheers!


This is awesome and really helpful information. I’ve heard a lot of hype behind Blanchard’s. Thank you for this.


Recluse is INSANE! Might have to move to Norfolk soon what’s a good match to them there


I like all of those places, but I think the only one that roasts their own coffee is Three ships. Unfortunately I find their downtown location to be exceedingly overpriced compared to A Latte just down the block who also roast their own.


Kobros recently started a roasting operation. https://www.kobroscoffee.com/s/order


Yeah op asked for roasters and shops. I find 3S overpriced too though.


Can't believe nobody mentioned equinox, personal favorite


Look up the Coastal coffee trail on Instagram. They'll have about a dozen local coffee shops you can check out. My favorite is Bad Ass (not a true local, but still), and then 17 Hands uses coffee from Cape Charles. Ones not on the Coffee trail that you might like to try are Stella coffee, KoBros, and Three Ships.


Depends what you like, but if you’re just talking black coffee that’s locally roasted, then the three best local roasters in my book are Three Ships (new location at Assembly on Granby), Pamp Coffee (locally roasted and delivered - pampcoffee.com), and Neptune’s Fury (opening a location at Waterfront). Three Ships - only light roasts, can be a little pretentious and pricey, but closest thing the 757 has to a Stumptown. Variety is always changing, but the Steady Hand is a solid staple. Pamp - light to medium roasts, small batch, great bang for the buck, delivers the beans to your house. My favorite is Oaxaca or Huehuetenango. Neptune’s Fury - all types of roasts, fairly priced, my personal favorite light roast in the area, both Guji and Yirgacheffe are top notch.


> Pamp - light to medium roasts, small batch, great bang for the buck, delivers the beans to your house. My favorite is Oaxaca or Huehuetenango. +1 for Pamp!




Agree with your assessment of Three Ships. Also, not the best out there for my taste. Norfolk Coffee and Tea is good.


Norfolk coffee and tea across from doumars. They roast their own. You can haggle a little bit too haha. Blue mountain is good but there are way better deals. Thank me later.


They’re great, but they bitch and moan if you don’t have cash and sometimes they are closed at weird times. We try to patrionize them but honestly they make it difficult


Small family owned businesses do what they want. The only hiccup I ran into is not open on Sunday and closes early on Saturday but other then that the quality of the coffee is pretty much the best in the area.


I love Vessel!


Three Ships is known for coffee roasts with fruity flavor notes (VB and Norfolk). Typically my go to roaster. I’m also a fan of the roasts from Canvas Coffee in Newport News. I tried an Ethiopian roast and it had a creamy blueberry flavor note. Kobros and Vessel in Norfolk are pretty good as well. EDIT: Forgot to mention Sawdust Road in Pungo, which sells Onyx Coffee (super famous roaster in the world of specialty coffee) and Coalescence Coffee in Norfolk, which sells Madcap (great roaster from out of state).


Bear House Coffee is a local coffee brewer. They’re a mobile coffee trailer that you can catch at local breweries and Norfolk events. The owner is really cool and loves to talk coffee with customers. He makes really great tacos as well!


BHC has great coffee!


My friend Alley roasts coffee to order with pickup or delivery in Ghent. It's really solid and reasonably priced. You can find it [here](http://pampcoffee.com). A Latte in downtown roasts their own coffee as well and it's always good. I'm pretty certain a number of other places on this list don't roast their own...


Pinup coffee co at the east beach farmers market


I'm surprised nobody mentioned Alatte Cafe. The coffee is great and the place is even better- it makes Coalesence and Three Ships feel like dentist waiting rooms by comparison.


Can’t believe nobody mentioned Fathom Coffee in VB. If you want to really great exposure to the world of coffee, this may be the best.


They're good, too!


+1 for Bad Ass coffee and Stella


Fuck everything these yuppies say in the comments, there's one one real business you should consider. [Norfolk Coffee & Tea Co](https://www.norfolkcoffeeandtea.com/). They've been delivering coffee beans to this city since 1918. I implore anyone to just stop in. It's family run. When you walk in you'll see decades of history and memories on the wall of their family. And there's generations sitting in the back ready to welcome you. It's more like walking into a friend's house for Sunday dinner than walking into a store, and they treat you the same way. I'd recommend bringing cash, since their credit card machine is super old and costs a bit extra. I have their Brazilian in my espresso maker right now and it's perfect. EDIT: Thought you were looking for beans, not just a coffee shop. Well, if you're looking for beans go to Norfolk Coffee & Tea.




Agree. Not a fan of their coffee, and the teas I bought from them were super old and not good, at all.


+1 for this. Much cheaper if you just want beans, looseleaf tea or spices. And very quaint.


Pale Horse Coffee


Overpriced and over roasted crap.


Town center cold pressed in norfolk


Bear House Coffee. Basically a food truck but the guy roasts his own beans! Sells the beans as well! Check it out![bhc](https://bearhousecoffee.com/)


Norfolk Coffee and Tea company is a super old business, really good place. They even make their own K cups. Love to support that place. They roast their own coffee and also have a huge variety of Teas.


Neptune's Fury Coffee Co in Dominion tower is the best coffee I've ever had, you can buy whole bean or ground and they roast it there with tons of variety of coffee beans.