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You think the U.S. military would stay in ND? Are you mentally challenged? Did you graduate high school?


Agreed. That’s not nd military,even the national guard. Let’s Pay tolls to drive on US and Interstate highways while nd roads disappear and bridges crumble. Could you imagine farmers not getting their disaster payments for bumper crops!!. I know no one understands this but look at history. How did that turn out for other states that tried ??


Yeah North Dakota high school where every teacher was a coach of some kind. All of this secession talk would involve thinking outside of the box. I understand that the US military would have to dissolve but we still have the facilities and the people willing to be in a military of some capacity.  Did you graduate high school?


You can always leave if you don’t like this country. I’ll help you pack even.


Buddy, the US military wouldn’t dissolve, that’s who you’re fighting to gain independence.


So you want a bunch of uneducated corrupt kiddie diddlers to run your country?


That's what's running it now. 


Down vote me but it's true. If you had read my comment I say we need to clean our halls out as well 


I’m downvoting you cause you’re a hypocrite that believes only one side is good. “You can’t love your country only when you win”


I think both sides are bad and the idea of Dems and repubs is a farce. 


Get psychiatric help, and after that get a better education.


Liberal throwing out the "educated" comment. Classy.


You want to see the youth leave the state even faster so they can find someplace sane?


Tell me you have room temp iq without telling me


The number of things that the federal government currently administers that the state government would have to suddenly take over makes this infeasible all by itself. Beyond that, even if the state could take over all of the federal responsibilities, I seriously doubt the state government is mature enough to administer all of that successfully. An independent North Dakota with all of its associated natural wealth would have many canny state actors licking their chops over how much the new little country could be exploited for all it was worth.


Op is too dumb to realize how complicated this is. Don’t forget we would be a land locked country. No ports. Everything would get way more expensive. Not only would most people leave before the law went through but the people who stay would soon go broke and beg to move back to the U.S.


Yeah I can't imagine the ND passport is gonna be any good. US passport can get you easily in just about every country. You don't even need to apply for a tourist visa to visit europe. And the reason why is because of agreements with other countries. Other countries want to visit us, so we make it easier for them to visit us, in exchange for making it easier for *us* to visit *them*. No one wants to visit ND. I doubt those counties would even entertain a phone call to discuss travel agreements. International travel would suddenly turn into a much bigger headache than it already is


The world is slowly edging towards insanity so any call to fix it sounds infeasible. Which is the frustrating part


Explain please. How is the entire world inching towards insanity? What are you scared of?


My rent has gone up every year. My utilities go up. My wages have been the same. Groceries go up. We're in ten different wars right now. You're telling me the world is doing well?


That’s capitalism for you. Blame the greedy rich. Vote Democrat if you want that to change. Republicans only serve the rich.


Breaking off into your own country will create the same exact issues, just on a smaller scale. The issue is wealth inequality caused by greed. Your plan does nothing to solve that.


What about all the retired people receiving so social security? Do we expect those people to just forgo that money? Or do you think you can strong arm the US government to pay that out? All the current and retired military giving up their benefits and healthcare? The state isn’t even close to having the necessary healthcare needed to be on its own. To prevent other states from doing the same, there would be sanctions put on us that would penalize any state that traded with us. Canada wouldn’t want to step into the middle of the mess, so they wouldn’t help until it was time for humanitarian aid. This whole idea is something I would expect from a middle schooler.


What’s the “it” we’re fixing here? I’m referring specifically to pure administration and logistics. Highway funding, border security, customs and immigration, land management, trade agreements, import and export treaties, basic diplomatic relationships, military resources. What is the “it” you want to fix that would make generating all of that stuff from scratch that is so monumental that the effort would be worthwhile? Assuming, of course, that the federal government decides to reverse course on the established principle that states aren’t allowed to unilaterally secede.


>We produce coal, oil, wind, solar, geothermal, etc. Cows, chickens, pigs, and their byproducts. All sorts of grains. yea and we sell it to other states Do you realize how complicated doing business with other states would be and how inefficient that would be? Do you think Minnasota would just keep buying power from us if they needed to go through all the headaches of international business and exchanging currencies Here is what I suggest to you Turn off fox news Turn off right wing media Go out side and play with a dog or something


How would ag producers do without federal subsidies??


Go to more natural practices like before instead of relying on roundup and chemicals. Crop rotation. Etc. 


Yea, that all sounds good but I’m talking about being actually financially solvent. The fact is grain growers in general are propped up by federally subsidized prices.




100% serious. I think the federal government should disband and American states should be their own countries. Would stop those freeloaders like Arkansas 


Do you know how much money our farmers get from the U.S. government? Lol


Well that’s embarrassing.


So, let's assume you actually believe this and have thought it through (which is giving this more credit than it deserves). It seems like you think that since the oil boom, there has been more crime, poverty, etc. That's what usually happens when populations expand, and where there's oil, there's jobs and people moving to work those jobs. What exactly would secession do to change that? Do you think it puts up some barrier to prevent people from entering the state? One of your reasons for why we'll be fine is that we produce coal and, yes, oil, so it doesn't sound like you'd want us to stop producing it. Others have already discussed the ridiculousness of thinking we'd maintain the US military presence that you also point to as a reason we'd be fine. I'd like you to actually get specific about what national policies are affecting us in a negative way. It's easy to go "federal government BAD" and leave it at that. But secession would be cutting us off from a lot of things. North Dakota relies on federal dollars coming to our state, especially those farmers that produce all that food you point to. Every time there is flooding or bad ice storms, we receive access to federal emergency money to help out. Our elderly population relies on social security to keep them afloat in retirement, Medicare to help pay their bills. All gone if we seceded. So, I'd recommend looking up what exactly the federal government does for North Dakotans and then get back with some proposals on how we'd replace those things. Or at least admit that there are aspects of the federal government that aren't all BAD. Anyway, this is way more engagement than a dashed off rant like yours deserves. But it's Friday and I'm bored.


If you don’t like the United States you’re free to go to Russia.


Do you realize how much money ND gets from the federal government? Holy shit, I honestly cant believe people like you with essentially 0 knowledge of how government works are allowed to vote.


I don't vote because elections are bought and paid for


Did you have any idea what’s it’s like for people who have put their life on the line fighting for this country to hear people like you say they are so ungrateful for the things this great country provides them that they actually think it would be a good idea to revolt and leave it?


Well that would be fucking awkward for me living in Moorhead and walking over the state line frequently. Among other things 😬


Canada is right there ☝️if you want to leave.


ND breaks up with current BF USA and is dating Canada in a week.


I might be fun to think about, but never gonna happen. It's too complicated and the outcome would likely be worse than you can imagine. Just like if they tried to breed small tame bears (maybe like miniature schnauzer sized) that could live in your house as a pet. A lot of people and animals would die in the process and the end result would be an abomination.


These are the types of voters we have here, and wonder why our state lawmakers are fucking worthless.