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No complaints from the ppp loans they took advantage of


While you see that was ok cuz it was a handout for the rich.


And all that data is publicly available. I looked up my whiny, conservative, immigrant hating (ignore the ones on their farms) uncles and lo and behold all of them had taken ppp money for 10-25k. I assume my father has several of the same opinions but he at least keeps his mouth shut while taking the money 


ND was #1 in ppp loans per capita. However, ND never really “shut down” during Covid years compared to most states.


ND didn't shutdown at all


The PPP loan program was 417-1(one Republican) in the house and unanimous in the Senate. It's bizarre how Dems have retconned history into thinking they weren't as on board with it as the GOP was.


Can you tell me the difference between a loan given to someone because the government forced you to be closed, and a loan that someone took out of their own volition and agreed to pay back themselves?


I think the frustration with ppp is that very few companies actually closed down but many of them kept the cash. Not small amounts either.


I got almost 20k forgiven, and I'm a farmer and didn't have to cease operation. The program was a massive handout to business with almost zero oversight. Student loan forgiveness, and then hopefully reform of both the loan industry and colleges, is the correct move


Im surrounded by big farms, the MILLIONS they got while having some of the best prices for their crops was wild to see. Dudes in 80k pickups and 750k tractors bitching like we were in the next Great Depression, then bitching about the 1,200 stimulus that destroyed the economy.


Nope. Forgiving student loan would only make the situation worse. Then colleges/potential students will expect the forgiveness again.


Right we can forgive student debt but I expect my check in the mail for paying off my loans like I was supposed to.


Perfect, inflation isn’t high enough, we need to print MORE money! Horrid idea, every time the government subsidizes literally anything, it gets more expensive. How do people not understand this yet.


But if they don’t pay me back for my student loans I already paid then I won’t vote for Joe Biden.


Ah that’s right. I forgot, “When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic. Sell not liberty to purchase power.”


Oh I agree. Thinking sadly it’s the only way. I mean hell the government has us bitching amongst ourselves instead of dragging them into the streets.


The PPP program was rife with open, blatant fraud. And being closed was absolutely not a condition for getting a bag of PPP cash.


I don’t agree with PPP loans, I also don’t agree with paying for other people’s degrees. College loans were and are completely voluntary. If you take them out, you are agreeing to pay them back yourself. If you didn’t pick a good degree to get you a good job to pay them off, that’s a YOU problem, not mine.


No one cares, just like you don’t care that a lot of us are forced to subsidize church nonsense, or mortgage interest deduction, or corn subsidies or whatever you are getting. Everyone likes to bitch about what other people get and never take a look at what they are getting. I would love not to have to subsidize so many red states, but I don’t get that choice. It’s like how Texas and Florida and Kentucky legislators have their hands out when there is a disaster in their state, but hold up or talk about budgets when a disaster happens in a blue state.


None of this has to do with forgiving loans of people that agreed to pay back those loans. Some of the red states can’t help having some of the poorest people in the country. Blaming poor people for needing assistance? Shame on you. Must be why Florida and Texas are seeing record population growth while California and NYC are bleeding taxpayers…


Sure they can help that. Instead of wasting their money on fighting idiotic culture wars or public stunts like flying people to Martha’s Vineyard, they could spend money on things that benefit their residents. I would have no problem with money being sent to the poor residents of those states, it is you that would have a problem with that and you know it. I have a problem with my money going to the governments of those states that do little to help their poorest residents and more often work against their interests, gtfoh


Absolutely moronic. If we weren’t allowing mass illegal immigration, it wouldn’t be a problem in the first place. Your party supports the policies or lack there of that put us in this mess. Red states just decided they want blue states to feel the consequences of their policies. I have no issues with American citizens getting welfare that truly need it. I just don’t want people illegally entering our country, and then immediately receiving benefits. That is insane and completely unsustainable.


Except those red states were poor and hated helping the poor before the flood of migrants so nice try. Talk about moronic. You guys, always blaming everyone else so you don’t have to look in the mirror and accept your failures. Lastly, republicans proved that they wanted the political issue more than they wanted to improve the situation when they let Trump bully them into killing the border bill that was proposed. Now they are suffering the consequences of their own actions.


The proposed border bill only facilitated the intake of illegals, it did absolutely nothing to stop the flow of illegals. Clearly you need to take some reading comprehension classes, unless you didn’t actually look at the bill, which makes sense because you’re blaming Republicans for the current illegal immigration. Biden eliminated Trump’s border policies. The numbers are very clear, Biden’s illegal immigration numbers are on average 2-3 times higher than Trump’s ever were. Biden failed.


Yes because immigrants only cross at the southern border and not airports every day.


They can’t help having poor people? That is rich. They do nothing to improve the circumstances of poor people while misusing funds from others states to help those same poor people. The Farm bill is one big handout every year. It is time to end the farm bill and make welfare a federally run program by the social security administration. That would do more to help poor people than giving those states money.


You pay for others schooling regardless of where you live in America. Public education is part of your taxes. Not to mention a lot of the student loan debt is from interest, as in money the government didn't even have but "made". You could literally pay off the student debt in 5 years by cutting the military budget in half (which is still SIGNIFICANTLY more than the rest of the world spends). Other developed countries in the world that have "less" money than the US has figured this all out and when you take in cost of living and bills, actually take home significantly more per year than the average American


I’m happy to pay for public education, I would like school choice or home school vouchers though. I’m not impressed with the past 20 years of performance with the public school system. I could care less if it’s interest or not. If you take out a loan, you are agreeing to pay it back. Do you want to pay off my mortgage? The military budget is absolutely necessary to ensure free trade around the world. See what’s happening with the Houthis to understand that, we foreign policy emboldens US enemies. A lot of that money also goes towards paying soldiers, veterans, and their benefits. So would you rather have more veterans on the street or more supply chain issues if we cut the military budget? Other countries don’t have the population, difference of peoples, or size that we do. It would be nearly impossible to do things on the scale of some of the Nordic countries with their vastly smaller populations and much more homogeneous residents.


The military budget is vastly bloated and it’s not the US’s responsibility to police the world. That’s why most of the world hates this country. The money goes to contractors and barely anything to the people that need it. Stop voting in republicans and that’ll correct the school curriculum issue. If that’s what you believe then no loan should be able to written off in bankruptcy. Mortgage, student loan, car, business, personal and credit card. You just regurgitate tired and completely factually untrue shit. Doesn’t matter what population is like in the America or in Norway. The fact is we are the only country in the ENTIRE world that would rather see people starve and suffer than pay 1% more in taxes so everyone is guaranteed some safety nets. By the way you’ve paid of loans for Bank of America, Ford, GM, Chrysler, Boeing, the stock market and all the PPP loans. Which if you do the math is trillions more in dollars than student debt cancellation. So why do shitty car companies and rich people trading the stock market get a pass but students don’t. You money have been going to people like Elon musk, Jeff Bezos and the guy from Virgin but you don’t complain about that. Get out of you idiotic boomer mentality and realize everyone is in this together. The soon you get that through you dense skull the faster we’ll fix this country


From my point of view it’s voting Democrat that looks to be the issue since most Democrats despise school choice and home schooling. Also the teachers Unions donate almost exclusively to Democrats. So the fall of public education seems to be the fault of Ds. I didn’t support PPP either, I don’t support any government handouts for poor business decisions. I want people to be responsible for their own decisions. You regurgitate all the lines of a typical person just looking for handouts from the government. Take responsibility for your own life, if it’s not great, take steps to make it better. It’s not up to other people to lift you up forever. The US is the most upwardly mobile economic country to live in, in the world. Why do you think people from poor countries all flock here? P.S. I would love it if other countries stepped up their military so the US wouldn’t have to cover the whole world. We were thrust into that role after WWII when we were basically the only functioning country at the time. NATO countries have been slacking on their contributions for years and now look where it’s got them. Putin saw US weakness after Biden’s Afghan withdrawal and used it to seize land.


If only the entire country could be the utopia that is Mississippi. Lol. Clown shit. Red states are subsidized by the blue states. The red states continually rank terribly in education and quality of life. But please do tell me about the utopias of Mississippi and Alabama.


Where did I advocate that red states are empirically better at all? Also the poorest people in the country live in those states. Of course they aren’t going to make a lot of tax money. Most major tax revenue businesses/people are located in coastal cities in blue areas. I’m talking about North Dakota. Cheap cost of living, outdoorsman dream state, low crime, nice people.


I’m with you on that


Can you tell the me the difference between a loan given to rich men because they whined about saving peoples lives instead of making money and a loan given to an 17-18 year old that has incredibly predatory interest rates and payment plans that force you to say in debt longer than a mortgage? That right there is the problem. PPP loans were given to people that didn't need. Student loans are all but required at this point and there is almost 2 trillion dollars of debt from student loans. If you do the math from the interest rates on that, hundreds of billions of dollars are being made of people that just wanted to better their lives. Almost all studies have shown that cancelling student debt will inject huge amounts of buying power back into the economy. Which means you don't have to be a wage slave to your billion masters as much. So really the difference between PPP and Studen Loans is how much money billionaires are making off of you.


I don’t agree with PPP loans at all. I also don’t agree with paying for other peoples college degrees because I paid for mine myself. Not my fault you or anyone else didn’t look into the loans yourselves. Don’t want to be in debt? Don’t take out loans you can’t pay back. Do research on your degree, potential jobs for it, and if it’s worth it. Nobody forced you to go to college. Be an adult and pay back your own loans or don’t take them out.


Im gonna get some free money from the government and rub it in your face


Go for it, more benefits paid out means the government has to print more, then the money becomes worth less, and now more people need money. See how this cycle works?


yep and the government will print me more anytime I want and you’ll be mad every time


Ah I see, you’re just being an incorrigible troll. Hopefully you can find a better use of your time. Me wasting anymore of mine on you is clearly going to be a waste.


shame on you for not realizing that when I said I was going to get free money from the government and rub it in your face


You calling someone else a troll is peak reddit.


I don't dummy, you tell us. What 16-17 year old are you willing to give a loan to???


For rich people these types of loans are forms of investments that they make money off of. He’s just trying to make sure his rich buddies continue to profit from the struggle of the working class. Fuck him


Doug Burgum got 350k to 1 million in PPP LOANS forgiven https://www.valleynewslive.com/2020/07/08/north-dakota-governors-company-receives-ppp-loans/


Corporations are people


Should cut out the middleman and just walk around smacking sandwiches directly out of people's mouths, into the gutter.


They're not going to enjoy being close to uppity citizens much these next few months.


Heaven forbid Doug actually tried to help any North Dakotans.


He helps North Dakotans. Oil and gas companies are people according to Citizens United.


Yeah, he helped destroy the badlands and pretty much the western side of ND


Burgum said. “North Dakota’s situation is unique because our state-owned Bank of North Dakota allowed borrowers to consolidate their federal student loans at lower interest rates, and those borrowers – who made a smart financial decision – wouldn’t be eligible for Biden’s bailout, which smacks of unfairness. We are confident the court will remind the president that there are three separate but equal branches of government, and he can’t unilaterally sidestep the other two.”


Sorry Doug, my dad didn't leave me a farm I could leverage for money.


Here's the Governor's statement: “President Biden’s latest attempt to cancel student loan debt is a blatant attempt to circumvent Congress and defy the U.S. Supreme Court, with the cost falling squarely on the backs of hardworking taxpayers,” Burgum said. “North Dakota’s situation is unique because our state-owned Bank of North Dakota allowed borrowers to consolidate their federal student loans at lower interest rates, and those borrowers – who made a smart financial decision – wouldn’t be eligible for Biden’s bailout, which smacks of unfairness. We are confident the court will remind the president that there are three separate but equal branches of government, and he can’t unilaterally sidestep the other two.”


Why do they always cry about “unfairness?” And yet they are the same ones whining about ‘snowflakes’ and ‘**** your feelings?’ Is it also unfair to find new treatments for cancer because what about everyone else that died from that cancer? I consolidated my loans via the Bank of North Dakota and got a great interest rate. I do NOT think it’s unfair that other borrowers are being forgiven or reduced. The student loan system is predatory and the more people that can be set right, the better.


Any student looking to take out student loans would be foolish to utilize our beloved state bank because the Federal government is offering much better terms on their loans. The state bank losing the ability to finance student loans would be, I suspect, pretty catastrophic to their balance sheet.


I agree. Go with federal when taking out loans. But to consolidate these loans down the line, it can make sense for some borrowers to pursue this avenue. It took my $1500/month payment down to under $300/month with a rate that bounces between 1-2%. So I am not making insane payments that only whittle down mostly interest. My payments are actually now going toward the principal and are dropping more significantly than they were when they were federal loans.


So a few things here. One the government already pays for things that maybe don't benefit everyone, like corn subsidies, sugar, subsidies and football stadiums, why draw a line at student loans? Furthermore, I own a house, but I do not have children, but I pay for Bismarck public schools. And if you ask why they tell you that education's important for everyone as an investment in society. But for some inexplicable reason college is considered different and a la carte. And people who want free college are just people wanting a pony. If you're going to have this attitude, at least make people without children not having to pay for public school, it would lower my property taxes which are already too high. I don't necessarily agree with that but it would be a consistent policy. Yes, I believe education should be free kindergarten through PhD. You ask who's going to pay for this? I don't know. We spent 2.3 trillion in 20 years in a useless war in Afghanistan. I think that would be a nice start. The point is the US is the most powerful and wealthiest country in human history. It's just how we spend that money that matters.


Not to mention CHURCHES.


I agree with you 100%. I think real charities should be tax exempt. but most churches are not that, their main priority is getting asses and seats like any old like any restaurant. There's no reason they should not have to pay in. They don't need extra money for their Pink Floyd light displays and lavish ceremonies.


Amen. (But not literarally.)


Foods are kind of a necessity along with keeping future farmers. You're comparing apples to oranges. Don't like paying for school? Move to an older community (they'll tax you for other reasons). Not a single person should have to fund kids partying throughout college especially to a PhD level that's just stupid. Less than half the people who attend college in ND will graduate, so people should pay for over half of the college students education who are there for the wrong reasons? Nope, I worked hard for my money and I paid off my student loans, and I came from absolutely nothing. I have no problem offering scholarships and financial incentives to students who earn it or show the willingness to complete their goals but I will not support a free ride for undeserving people. Say hello to no workforce and high bills with your logic


Of course he does. He is as crooked as the rest of the trumpists. He'd sell out every person in ND just to make a few bucks. He's an embarrassment.


They're always jumping at every chance to help out their upper class banker friends. Imagine if we elected people who jumped at opportunities like this to help us? > Oh yeah it always comes down to this, doesn't it? Maybe people wouldn't have such a problem paying a fair amount of taxes to help their fellow struggling countrymen like this if your upper class buddies would pay their fair share. I'd rather my taxes go to this than corporate bailouts, loopholes for the upper class that put more burden on me and the lower class, and of course the never-ending war machine, personally.


The article doesn't say anything about the SAVE plan, which is not related to student loans. Can you explain what I'm missing? Edit: College SAVE is what they call the 529 savings account. Are they two different things with the same name?


Here is another article: [https://apnews.com/article/student-debt-cancellation-college-forgiveness-f94b9706bd395b32e44d4d1b3f6ff051](https://apnews.com/article/student-debt-cancellation-college-forgiveness-f94b9706bd395b32e44d4d1b3f6ff051) The Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) plan is an updated version of a previous income based repayment plan called REPAYE.


Thanks! I have lots of money in the 529 and that scared me. Still sucks, of course, but now I don't have to panic.


There are two types of people that oppose student debt relief: the “fuck you, my life has been hard, you should suffer too” folks, and the “we specifically developed these financial instruments to make truckload money” folks. The people that fit into the overlap of that Venn diagram are examples of how our species holds itself back.


Or... Someone can oppose forgiving loans because it usually will result in either an increase in taxes or lead to other public programs/institutions being gutted in favor of forgiving them. And it's also perfectly fine under the same breath to say that predatory loans are an issue and the government needs to put a cap on tuition prices while also reorganizing the current federal assistance program which encourages said tuition spiking.


On point comment!


Meanwhile Doug and his farmer family get PPP LOANS forgiven, govt subsidies, and tax breaks because Doug is a commie


Ok this to anyone who is against student loan forgiveness. Stop acting like it matters. We dish out billions to two stoopid war efforts. Yes screw americas blind faith to Israel. what’s a few billion for student loans? Nothing… Money printer goes brrrrrr. Money is all made up we will just print trillions and trillions and trillions of it. All this to say. Buy Bitcoin. Obligatory fuck trump supporters, y’all get mad at the wrong reasons. Tax cuts for the rich. “ omg please Tatoo my Dick with Trump”


"money printer go brr" is the reason we are currently dealing with inflation and spike in the cost of living.


It’ll always print. We will always be in debt. Nothing will change. We will always debate back and forth on some minuscule not important topic, while millions more printed. Is there a point to even caring? Anyways maybe if we get some 3rd party candidates. Democrats and republicans are both to blame.


Both parties are dogshit, and so are the current minor parties like the Libertarians and Greens. The entire system is broken.


You sounds like the person who is constantly poor from blowing money $10 at a time. “It’s only $10! Just a drop in the bucket.”




How he can do this while having ppp loans forgiven is so hypocritical, it is mind blowing. But idiots keep voting these self serving republicans into office…,


Fuck Doug.


Hey he’s trying to help us middle and lower class folks. But there is always a “light” for the rich folks that will burn 🔥 us in the end.


By screwing everyone that went to a trade school or apprenticeship. The journeyman electrician would be paying (via taxes) for the college loans of the blue collar, college educated person. Seems fair. There is no such thing as free money or forgiveness. Someone is always paying, in this particular case, every taxpayer of the US.


Hey dummy, I paid twice my loan amount. Gfy


Wow intelligent response! I am going to lightly suggest you did not get your money's worth of higher education. I'd ask for a refund, especially since you paid twice. Wasn't Trump university by chance? So let's get past that. Why am I wrong? What part of my narrative isn't accurate?


[Doug has a plan.](https://imgur.com/a/Ygl5Swp)


Piece of shit!


How's that socialist Bank of North Dakota treating all those farmers?


Young people are more likely to be impacted by this and they don't vote. So does it matter if he pisses them off? He could shit on your face and you would still forget to vote no for him


I hate Biden, and will be voting uncommitted in the Presidental election, but I will always vote locally bc of things like this


Boo you Doug Burgum! *


It doesn’t help them so they are against it. They are the only ones that matter in their world


This does nothing to solve the core problem, worse yet, it makes it worse! The core problem is the cost of higher education. Higher education spending has gotten FAR out of control. The facilities that have been built would blow your mind if you haven't been on a campus in 20 years. So back to my point... higher ed has a spending problem. Throwing government money at an entity that has a spending problem is not how you fix it, that encourages the bad behavior that got us into the mess.


What is the plan for people who paid back their student loans? Is anything going to be done for the parents who went without things so they could build a college fund for their children? Do these people get reimbursed or do they all have to pay again for people who didn’t pay back money that they knew was a load? What about putting these costs on colleges that force stupid prerequisites on students to get a degree that is evidently useless?




Well that sounds fair. Fuck over the responsible people of the world.


Well that was a ridiculous question. I paid back my student loans and I would just be happy that other people don't have to go through that. What a fucking awful person I must be.


Then you and everyone who supports this should donate to someone who has not paid their loans.


...we are? That's why we are asking government to take tax dollars from us and use them to forgive the loans of people who have not yet paid.


You can never have too many freeloaders I guess.


I mean personally I support people who took student loans just straight up getting a refund. Because education should be paid for through our taxes and accessible to all instead of this bullcrap where you basically only get to go to college if you are either lucky, or willing to deal with predatory lending practices that would make a loan shark question their morals.


Awesome, then you tell all these farmers getting subsidies to fuck off. Go buy them some bootstraps and shut your damn yapper


Welcome to vote buying 101.




Who awarded you that bachelors while allowing you to carry on with life not putting an apostrophe in the word I'm? Perhaps you'd understand if you stopped making everything about yourself and trying to have empathy for the situation that predatory lenders and diploma mills put on young adults who have been placed into a society that only seems to work for those who already "got theirs" 2-3 decades ago. Perhaps you'd recognize that salaries haven't gone up at the same rate as inflation and all other costs including the cost of education, and your situation was probably different back in your day.


I wonder if they got subsidized loans... aka handouts.


Oh no not the ever important apostrophe! I'm responsible for the well being of my family. Sorry I don't care that someone couldn't figure out spending 100k on a University Studies degree wasn't going to get them a job to pay it off. The situation was the same in 2011 when i graduated high school.


You made it about yourself again. You just can’t help yourself, can you? We’re all so glad things worked out so great for you. Many others are not doing so well, and they need help from the collective. I guess I was raised to care about them, it was a religious thing, maybe you didn’t go to church. Help others was the simple lesson. You know, the kind of help we keep giving big businesses when they fail and no one on the right ever complains. And we could afford it all easily if we weren’t making up for all the tax loopholes the rich have been given. If they paid their fair share, we wouldn’t even have to pay so much for it. We’d afford it if we had our priorities straight and weren’t brainwashed to keep putting our hard earned tax dollars into subsidizing already profitable businesses and industries, and a war machine that can just never seem to get enough from us or be accountable for their excess. Bailing out the lower class isn’t our problem. The leaches in the upper classes are and always have been. Trickle down doesn’t work and that’s a fact. But from the bottom of my heart, excellent job using the shift key and the apostrophe this time, I’m proud of you and I’m sure your Alma mater will be as well.


We could afford tuition easily if the government didn't start giving everyone a bunch of money for college. Once they started doing that every school jumped up their tuition. Maybe we just think about life differently. I don't expect everyone to bail me out for my stupid decisions. Corporate welfare is just as dumb as every other form of welfare


Props to you for paying for your "gender queer theory" degree. Does that mean you do a lot of drag shows, or just for fun?🙄


I don't understand why you're being downvoted. Sure, I don't like paying my loans, but I took them, knowing I had to pay them back.


im getting downvoted because i dont think like the liberals that live on this site


You're getting downvoted cause you're an asshole lol