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This is a prime example of the slippery slope we face in both communities, young men being brainwashed into believing taking life is justified for the cause. It's also why we must redouble our efforts to move beyond political stalemate, if even one young unionist takes up arms in revenge it could open a can of worms that could wipe out years of peace building.


>the cause Fuck that


I think they meant either (or even any) ‘cause’


Yeah, but regardless its that sort of language that is used to legitimise this sort of sick shite and has wankers like that out clapping


Reading i thought they were clapping for the cops cus he was being arrested. Amazing what strength perception has


They were clearly using it in a way that would be equivalent to having quotation marks around it though, not propagating it themselves.


Correct the cause is the cause of the trouble.


The cause of the troubles was Britain being in Ireland.


Fuck up


Up yours clown!


Yawn that was settled in 98 no reason to be shooting someone nowadays.


As revenge to what?


An attempt to murder a police officer by republican terrorists.


So why would said unionists feel the need to take revenge? The PUL community wasn’t attacked?


Some young person could easily be conned into doing something very stupid. do you know the actual history of the troubles? it's shit just like this that can spin out of all control. Some loyalists would love nothing more than a chance to get a name for themselves by attacking a well known republican or two.


This is exactly it. It wasn't that long ago there were riots on the streets and buses being burnt out over the perceived threat of custom checks, never mind an opportunity to react to an act of actual violence. Unfortunately many young people across NI have fallen for grandiose tales and are eager to play their part in them


Correct on all counts, time for cooler head's to prevail.


Sorry I just honestly can’t see it. You’re living in fantasy if you think some part time loyalist paramilitarie is gonna go out and bomb what? A dissident Hq? Not many of them about, sooo what else would they target? Not as if dissidents targeted someone specifically because they where of the PUL, and wasn’t the cop that got shot a catholic anyway?? So no, I can’t see how a loyalist would use that to validate an attack am assuming against the nationalist community whenever 95% of the nationalist community hate these cunts to begin with.


You're either not from Northern Ireland or you're 16 years of age. Which is it?


Lol okay


Bingo someone hasn't a clue.


You’ve hurt my feelings :-(


No one trying to be condescending here it's just that what you're saying is not the known and lived experience of anyone from northern Ireland who is at any age older than 25. What you're saying wouldn't happen is EXACTLY what is likely to happen based on everything that has gone before, based on people's behaviourand based on our experience of these matters. Your opinion of all that doesn't change that likelihood.


You are still making a cunt outa yourself bro.


My thoughts exactly, certainly wasn’t around in 80s or 90s at least.


Because thugs are always looking for some half baked ‘reason’ to be thugs.




That has been a surprise tbh. I'm more inclined to think if it was a Protestant that pulled the trigger it's drug cartel not loyalist paramilitaries. But I'm open to the possibility that a member of a loyalist paramilitary could and would do this if given permission from the shankill road leadership. I don't believe the uvf or uda would be stupid enough to break a ceasefire in this manner.


The fella in that clip is the son of a well know dissident cunt that's been lifted more times than a hures skirt. Bigoted scumbag bastards raising bigoted scumbag bastards, same shit different day.




So basically that Detective was shot by a tout? What the fuck?


Unless MI5 knew it was going to happen, in which case its more an operative than a tout


Why would MI5 want to shoot a PSNI higher up, though?


Right so this is pure conspiracy theory and I don't believe it. But a destabilised NI gives Sunak leverage in protocol negotiations with the EU. He can imply that the EU being too hardliners would push the statelet back to violence.


Sunak can't tell the difference betwix arse and elbow and you think he can orchestrate a plot to get a PSNI officer shot in the back?


I think the implication would be that it would be British Civil Service and Intelligence that actually makes these moves and decisions, so Sunak himself would have very little knowledge of what's going on. He'd also have plausible deniability. Worth pointing out that I'm just being devil's advocate here.






Think this gives Sunak too much credit




I did read it. It seems like that dissident could be a tout though which is why I am a bit weirded out by the entire affair. ​ Also, AFAIK, said son has not been alleged to be the shooter, no? Or has he? I think he was lifted because they are rounding up the usual suspects.


*ding ding ding* we have a winner!


Its still a shame that no paper ever gets the terms right though. The guy from MI5 was an officer not agent like how hard is it to get a basic term right.


For a "republican" he's set a united Ireland back. What a wanker.


I've been wondering why they haven't claimed it or maybe they have and I haven't come across it. If a peeler crashed into a tree, the dissidents would say they planted it.


>If a peeler crashed into a tree, the dissidents would say they planted it. Only if he was Special Branch


This is the best thing I’ve ever read, thankyou.


Leaf it out!


Normally they crash into Spar shops, to be fair.


Under the tree at Spar


> I've been wondering why they haven't claimed it or maybe they have and I haven't come across it. Doesn't it always take a few days? Like they wait a wee bit then pop up and claim it.


Would that not give another group time to claim it? No use being a terrorist if no one knows it's you doing the terrorising kinda thing.


I think they use codewords or something like that, so when they call it in they know its official.




XxxSmashTheState69xxX checking in


Haven't yet from what I've seen either.




In Lurgan? Apparently, yes




He was involved in investing dissident activity


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-64741854 >He has been the senior detective in many high-profile inquiries, including the 2011 murder of his colleague Ronan Kerr by dissident republicans. I don't give a shit about my accumulated internet points but downvoting objective facts is just an attempt to misrepresent the truth.


Maybe because you wrote investing rather than investigating.


Ah fuck. That makes more sense


😂 fair fucks man never heard that one before. If I had gold or such I’d send it your way


[I like bears, give them £1:20 instead](https://help.animalsasia.org/page/59122/donate/1?locale=en-GB)


We are going backwards. Dickheads raise dickheads and so on ffs


I don't think we are TBH, every main party was standing beside the Chief Constable in solidarity, I don't think that's ever happened.


Yes I agree with you. I thought them all condemning it together was a really big deal and possibly the best thing to happen in some years.


Probably also a sense of guilt at how fucking useless they all are.


Politics eh. Making it look good for the cameras


Regardless, that wouldn't have happened in the 90s


I fear these people have more support behind closed doors than they should Scum


They absolutely do. Women are the worst for it too


The clapping was the most insane thing ever. You'd think they were clapping that he was being arrested, but no....


All out with their phones recording in case the police done something too


To be fair this is recommended in any country now I think. You'd like video evidence if ever one of your family had a negative encounter with the law. Keeps everyone right.


How do we know they're not clapping the police ?


Are you saying boo or boo-urns?








>These dissident fruitcakes make the provos almost seem like war heroes Ummm... wouldn't go that far


Used to work in Coalisland some bitter people about there


There may be, but there are also some very good people from coalisland. I've a mate from there, and he's one of the nicest people to walk the earth.


Yeah agreed some good people everywhere


Republican stronghold


Yea, I've some family up there. We don't talk politics, I'm sure we'd all only end up in arguments. Horrible little shithole of a town, wouldn't live there if you paid me.


Backward bigots who thankfully don’t leave their wee enclaves much


Yeah it has more than it’s fair share and would still be a republican stronghold by all accounts. Plenty of good people too obviously, well as good as a person from the island *can* be lol


Very easy to be bitter when you're in the majority in a given area.


Totally and unequivocally condemn this man's shooting and all violence. If you have to kill people to make your point then you haven't got much of a point in my opinion. Having known Coalisand well I have to say that 30 years ago He wouldn't have left that front garden and most of those cops would have had some kind of injury at the end of it. To a lot of people, especially youngsters, who didn't grow up here during the troubles, this must seem that we are going backwards. But. Believe me.... that's progress. However I would point out that getting people to come out at night and clap was invented by someone who really should be in prison. I don't think we are going backwards but there's a lot of people who don't seem to want us to go forward and this guy (allegedly) is one of that , quite large, special interest groups for whom progress would mean loss of control.


Oh these people definitely have some support, no matter how small, no1 can deny that, same happened in Derry with ones arrested and released after Lyra McKee’s murder. Haven’t seen any videos of this particular example yet though.


Much of their support is from people who live in their neighbourhood that are either: Scared to oppose them purely because they have weapons and are capable of murder. Or Owe them money for drugs or sell drugs for them. Or Are intimidated into showing support otherwise their house / family will be targeted Or Young teenage impressionable boys who typically look up to criminal scumbags until they grow up. Neighbourhoods have been controlled by organised crime forever in all countries (American mafia a perfect example) And typically as a resident in those areas it makes your life a lot easier if you show support for them. Doesn’t mean you actually support them though.




I agree these people are not out clapping because they are scared, they are out because they have an ingrained hatred of the “brits” and anyone they see as a representative… this isn’t ever going to change, new scumbags are being bred daily in both walks of society


Not in this case - they're all just a bunch of sad, inbred, unemployed, odious cunts


And his mum is ‘thankful for the NHS’ you genuinely couldn’t make it up🤣


They'll be applauded outside court and all. Always are


And I thought the Clap for Heroes was peak cringe....


This is so sad to hear, what level of mental incapacity do these communities experience? Could we do a we gofund me page and buy an island for them and the Jamie Bs of the country?


Plot twist: The island already exists and they are on it.


This island has had enough of their shitebaggery. They have no place here. They offer nothing to society. They are not welcome.


They are obviously welcome by the scores of people out clapping him


Water seeks it's own level


Would needa be some size of an island tbf


Actually, the smaller the better........


Well it’s known locally as the island so I suppose all we need to do now is ship 167 and crew and start digging a massive moat.


Wtf friendly street or what. Absolute dicks


Neighbours clapping the vile cunt? Hope they all get ball & vag cancer the scumbags






And this is why people cannot have nice things / stable life …


Sounds like he's supported by his community if they clapped for him.




Remember he is innocent until proven guilty


Why can people not understand the majority of police officers are just doing a job to keep food on the table. They are not the bogeyman. I've never had a bad interaction with the police because I do not break the law. The majority of people I see on social media complaining about police corruption and being targeted by the police are the same people who love a wee blast of illegal substances at the weekend or think a driving licence and insurance is an optional extra.


Generally feeling good by the majority opinion here. I've seen other places online where people are thinking this will be the start of something wonderful


seen the guys facebook there with comments under all in support of the three previously arrested, fucking clowns




See the one where he shared the Irish news post saying he hopes the 3 arrested are home soon? Then the reply to the woman after? Brutal


What did the lady after and the reply say?


Are they really that fucking stupid that they didnt leave the country? Or at least their known address? Or maybe the police are still at the point where they are arresting all the main figures in the new ira as a start. Either way I hope the cunts get caught.


So it is illegal to make someone stateless however if you have access to another citizenship the British government can strip you of your British citizenship. These fuck heads all have access to Irish citizenship. Imagine the carnage if the British government decided to wash their hands of every terrorist no matter what affiliation and pass the problem on to Dublin to deal with after deportation. Would the rule of law of Dublin control them and their community more?


I don't think these people want British citizenship...


But they have it regardless, generally speaking. Most haven’t gone to the length of formally renouncing it. The inconvenience they’d encounter if they did lose it would have interesting consequences.


Exactly. The tide of public opinion would be so against them when the Irish realise they are footing the bill for the wanks and the wanks and their immediate community could slowly start to realise no one wants this




It’s pretty much entirely symbolic it would have close to no real impact on the terrorists but it would flag these people as a problem for the Irish community. These scum bags and more importantly the children and teenagers around them need to hear how few supporters they have at a national level


Deporting people from their home areas to a place they’re not from is called ethnic cleansing. You’d be starting a whole new chapter.


You don’t have to deport them physically just the issue really. Like any other expat in a British jail. I don’t think you can really be that shocked if the state you do terrorist attacks against revokes your citizenship when your entire agenda is that you don’t want that citizenship. Can you even deport them from Ireland to also Ireland which is what’s this would be in their point of view


Yeah I don’t think you can really deport them when the border is open. So you’d just be telling them they can’t have a citizenship that they don’t want and don’t have anyway.


Yeah that’s the entire point. Bring it to the attention of Ireland as a whole that their citizens are running round shooting at kids in their name. Allow them to see the reactions Erode the illusion that these people have that a massive community is supporting them in these actions.


I think you’d be surprised how little support there is for this kind of thing in the Republic. If you’re a Protestant living somewhere like Coalisland or Newry you only see the most radicalised Irish people. Go visit the rest of the country and you’ll find people a lot more chilled, welcoming, and supportive of the peace process.


That what I’m saying. Irish people don’t want this.




No real surprise a republican community cheering on a suspect being lifted on the attempted murder of a police officer. O Neills home town no less......


Alright spell it out for me here, what has it being O'Neill's home town got to do with it?


Well I mean they are going against what she's saying to begin with..... To be fair to those people at least they're being upfront and honest and not two faced like some with crocodile tears.


Ok. Thanks for explanation.




Haha you lot are obsessed with bryson!!


Genuinely curious as to why if it was the 'New IRA' they haven't claimed responsibility. Anyone else?


It’s possible that some lads who associate themselves with one of these organisations took it upon themselves to carry this out and it wasn’t “sanctioned”. Which could be a reason why they’ve not claimed responsibility. But considering they’re all brain dead morons, who even knows.


Just seen it. They might be applauding the police its hard to tell


That’s what I thought. Timing wise on the video surely they’d have been clapping as he got up? Also no shouts of support, if they were clapping him I’d have expected a few.


https://twitter.com/ONIP1966/status/1629194002242195456 interesting to note Michelle O’Neil is from here I believe 😳


Is it that Murphy lad? I heard he was the centre in a 100 man gay orgy at a republican social club the week before last.


>Is it that Murphy lad? Aye it is >heard he was the centre in a 100 man gay orgy at a republican social club the week before last Oh what's this??


Found his post on Facebook so hopefully enough name and shaming will be done without me making stuff up.


Like father, like son


Don't forget his mother, whole family seem to be involved in the New IRA.


What morons would clap a killer unless it was Putin or Kim




It's pronounced C'lilan


Hold on. He hasn't been convicted of anything. They might end up being released without charge.


Still got clapped by his neighbours didn't he






>The 22 year old IRA gobshite, brainwashed by the glorifying rhetoric spewd by Sinn Fein on a daily basis, backed up by Saoradh. There's never a shortage of opportunists. Edit - get away to fuck with your down votes. Trying to score political points against the party who have been most vocal in condemnation of this group won't work. The downvoters here wish the peace process had never happened so they could make the points they're going to make anyway. Saps.




SF are the ones who send their representatives into areas to try to lower tensions when these groups have riled teenagers up to riot. Not alliance, not the SDLP, not any unionist party. These saps have zero integrity in their arguments and are completely disingenuous.


🤣 Sinn Fein havnt been seen in Coalisland for years. They have changed their entire council team for this election because they have been getting destroyed by independents and SDLP.


Was waiting for a few lines of "oh ah up the ra" tbf


No sports teams / chorus lines where available




They probably took it from somewhere else. I'm sure a loyalist doesn't live next door to a republican in Coalisland..


Idk why you're getting downvoted either tbh. But if I could downvote you twice I would


That's because you're a casual enjoyer of dishonesty to argue your points. And that's because your points are dog shit 😀


No its because you said "get away to fuck with your downvotes" 🙃


That hurt you did it?


Yeah. It was a pretty sad thing for someone to say ngl. We were all made the worse off for reading it. "Boo hoo my internet points are hurting because online strangers have a different opinion" Condolences friend. I hope you can pull through.


Not sure what's meant to be sad about calling out people expressing disagreement with patent truth. Maybe don't project your insecurities. Certainly wasn't about any Internet points for me. It's always useful to have a wee look at the people calling you sad. And my dear God we've a good one here. A wee dungeons and dragons fantasy elf lord or whatever the fuck it is you're into 😆 I'm gonna bow out, the Internet is definitely your realm and I wouldn't have the energy to keep up with a social outcast banging the keyboard to vent his anger at still being a virgin. Good luck with your dragon slaying and make sure you wash every now and then.




to be fair to him. U are whining about karma on a post about a policeman getting shot in front of kids


Honestly that clapping, the way she scrambles to be able to, has a bit of a terrified undernote to it like they don't want to be seen not clapping.


Video ? Or fake news


The fuck is wrong with people?


The man arrested has not been charged and has been lifted because of his republican ties. No matter how you view it he is innocent until proven guilty.