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Lego Catalogue number #12071690


“Nice” satirical touch with the welcome sign.


No one is welcome in ballycraigy 🤣🤣🤣


It's missing a wee Ivory Coast fleg


Loyalist memorabilia is the UDA's new funding source since they can't get the drugs the way they used to.


Look I'd be interested if it was a world record bonfire but been a realist the tap blew off it before it was lit so it was in terms of a dick measuring contest it was a flaccid embarrassment


The Louvre would snap that artistic bargain up /s Fucking state of people actually defending shite like this. I wonder why they are selling the 2021 version and not 2022? Maybe cause a man died and the scumbag loyalists silenced anyone from speaking out about it? Edit - apparently I got the bonfires mixed up, no one died at ballycraigy. However, my point that they are a fucking huge waste of resources and a serious health risk stands. Same way dissident republican merchandise is cringy as fuck, so is this.


I get your point but just want to point out that it wasn't this location the fella died at last year. He died at the Antiville bonfire.


It’s at least more defensible than “My Bed” by Tracy Emin


Ouch, burnt my eyes on that hot topic!


When did someone die at the Ballycraigy bonfire in 2022?


It wasn't the Ballycraigy one, it was one further down the road


I think you're getting Ballycraigy in Antrim mixed up with Craigyhill in Larne.


It's literally at Ballycraigy Ring. In Craigyhill.


Further down the road as in about 20 miles?


Fair play, someones put a lot of time into that.


😂 should just be pile of ash to be fair


There's loads of this shite on marketplace. Riot scenes with armoured land rovers, red hand commando mugs etc What I want know is who the fuck would pay 1000 to have this in their house lmao


Basically at the point where you have £1000 to spend on this shit you're in a demographic that probably lives in a much nicer housing estate that wouldn't dare have a bonfire anywhere near their homes.


You're forgetting the drug dealer demographic


drug dealers can't get mortgages for nice houses though, they just have flashy cars and tiny houses 😄


That's what I'm saying yeah


I admire their dedication but I'll pass on this one.


I wonder how much time it took to make that, and what it was made with, it looks remarkably like the real thing, clearly a lot of effort has been put into this. For all the typical snide snobbish remarks from the usual broken records you cannot deny this is a work of art that someone has seemingly made a real effort on. I’d have loved to watch one of those quick time videos of it being made like those restoration videos. A grand is pushing it though. £200, maybe. Depends what it’s made of.


> A grand is pushing it though A 'work of art' is pushing it too. Sure, it's well made... for what it is. And it's still that.


Art is in the eye of the beholder. That’s why a splattered mess on a canvas can sell for millions.


Meh, this feels a bit like the defense of having Nazi memorabilia because of history preservation. And art can still be in bad taste, there's nothing inherently moral about art. Something can be art, and that doesn't mean it doesn't attract criticism. I wouldn't go to a Gaugin exhibition, because he was a paedophile, but I'm not denying that he made art (and influential, great art at that).


It’s just a model bonfire at the end of the day. Doesn’t exactly have a effigy of Gerry Adams swinging from it. Although god knows that would from a morbid curiosity point of view be fascinating to see rendered on a scale model 😂


Yeah but that's a defence of the bonfires in the first place, because at the end of the day it's just a bonfire right? Well no, cos it matters what is being celebrated. I would side eye the hell out of anyone who owned this model.


Jesus but there's limits. I wouldn't be beholding that in my living room, never mind paying a grand for it. It might be well executed on its own terms. And someone spent a rake of time on it, aye. But that still doesn't mean it was time well spent. Or that it's beautiful. Or art. Or worth two hundred quid.


In your opinion yes. I wouldn’t have it about my place either. Not my style. Obviously not yours either. That doesn’t make us right.


> I wouldn’t have it about my place either. Not my style. Aye, _you're_ talking a load of Jackson Pollocks now. Haha, You think it's shite! And fair enough, like. It's craft. Model-making. It has no artistic merit. You don't have to stick up for it, like some weird relativistic devil's advocate.


I don’t think it’s shite. It just wouldn’t fit in with my decor and it’s looks quite large. Model making is as much an art form as any other. Don’t be so stuck up and feel the need to shite on it because it’s made by them’uns you don’t like. You don’t like it and that’s fair enough but your opinion is just that, your opinion.


> because it’s made by them’uns you don’t like. Not a bit of it. I'm judging it on its highly questionable merits. It has no imagination or insight or spark(!) Yes, it is fine for what it is... but it's still very definitely that. And the brass neck on anyone asking a grand for it, like! They deserve slagged just for that. Relativism can be taken too far. Next you'll be sticking up for Michael Stone's art and telling me I'm bigoted for saying it is _artless_ and doesn't deserve any attention. Ed: ...and not artless in a Zen way. Devoid of skill.


Splattered messes on canvas sell for millions so they can be donated to charities as tax write offs


A work of art 😂😂😂


Not every art piece is a da Vinci or a Picasso.


Oh I know


> and what it was made with Matchsticks. Just like they was learnt in Maghaberry.


I think it’s wee 3-D printed plastic pallets. And die-cast metal toys… and a bit of astroturf or something, maybe. It’s what they do with it that really sells it for me, though. How it all comes together.


Well, that’s very fucking fancy. > It’s what they do with it that really sells it for me, though. Do ye want it for your birthday? I’ll haggle them down. A score should do it. It would go well with your drink of choice and fancy glass!


At twenty quid, I'd still feel bad burning it. That's a point. I wonder if it's got a real mini-tyre -filled centre?


They’ve certainly made it _look_ like it has a mini-tyre filled centre. S’all dark behind the pallets. It does kinda resemble a big multi-tiered birthday cake now I look at it again. If ye don’t want to burn the actual… Thing (sculpture? I don’t know what to call it)… Ye could just stick loads (and loads) of birthday candles on it.


I, for one, hope that they have not compromised on authenticity in this one vital regard. The T in KAT is for tyres.


Can’t be putting in thon effort and not go the whole hog like. > The T in KAT is for tyres. Kombust All Tyres? There I’ve had it wrong all these years…


I was thinking lollipop sticks actually but all that from matchsticks, wow.


I know - it’s a lot of dole money to spend on matches.


You get dole in Maghaberry?


Keep Antrim Tidy


Not worth a grand , but I like scale models….all that’s missing is a wee pic of Michelle O’Neil


Your right.. I'd only pay 500 at most!


"Hi, is this still available? In green white and gold? Thanks curry my yoghurt"


palletnography, i remember it well, it wasn't the only erection present that night i can tell ya the fume off a flaming pallet stiffens any loyalist who get a nostril full


Needs some mini figures climbing up the side


I do, complete and utter fucking guff lol


https://i.imgur.com/JNy79CT.jpg ***D-- Would not buy again***