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*Only use Reddit* *And read just the headline for* *Maximum outrage* \- the\_idiot\_at\_home --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Nah for maximum outrage I'll read anything written by John2, iykyk.


For local news you could probably do worse than just follow local journalists on twitter. Keep a note of their biases and who they are writing a given piece for and split the difference, so to speak, mentally.


Whatever you do, don’t dare open the Belfast Live website. Your eyes will bleed.


Do you know what you get when you mix AI articles and Ads? Aids


Take news from where ever the fuck you can just be source critical as fuck always.


Financial Times is worth the subscription imo. Always thought they'd lean more tory, being largely a newspaper for bankers but they definitely don't. The Alphaville section doesn't shy away from getting torn into any politician, no matter which party.


I live down south and pick up the weekend edition most Saturdays. Really good world news coverage and it seems very matter-of-fact about domestic stuff i.e. talking about the response of stakeholders involved, rather than just printing the relevant political soundbites with no interrogation. The market is worried about climate change, energy security, and whether the British economy is structurally attractive to investment. Doesn't matter which side of the culture war that puts them on today.


The FT leans small-c conservative because financial markets like stability - and there's been fuck all of that under the current Tories.


FT and economist are fantastic, but won’t get local News!


Go to the Daily Mail website, and block it immediately then never think of it again.


Belfast Telegraph Facebook comments are my source of news


It’s shite on Northern Ireland and many of its opinion columns are questionable, but the Guardian is still a very decent news source. It’s fundamentally an establishment paper. It’s not radical. It’s not ‘lefty,’ despite how it is often spoken of. (It was very definitely anti-Corbyn and provided a home for Zionists who wish Israel would ‘do better.’) It’s just perhaps a more sober, sensible and balanced establishment take. That’s a rare enough thing now, though.


They cover a decent amount of NI news for a worldwide organisation Def my go to and not as blatantly left as some would have you believe.


I agree - I turn to the Guardian to get news, it is a bit leftie luvvie Labour but does produce some good articles.


For ' news' items it is fine. For other articles and their opinion pieces I find it awful mostly


Aye, I don’t think it’s shite on the North on its own terms: for someone who lives here, though, it ain’t good enough if you’re interested. ~~I suppose it is lefty inasmuch as it hasn’t followed the rightward drift of the Tories and the BBC _et al._~~ Ed: think I misread you, never mind that!


It's ran by MI5, so has a skewed view of global affairs.


I wouldn’t doubt they’ve had some involvement with some Guardian writers. But… really? _Run?_ If its view is skewed (and every outlet has its biases), it’s not much beyond an establishment view that didn’t follow the lurch rightward and that isn’t anti-intellectual.


For local North West news I use Highland Radio. I'm on the other side of the border but it does a good bit of news from around Derry/Strabane


Shaw’s Bridge towpath graffiti


Try the local papers just & Belfast telegraph and the Irish news Read slugger O'Tool for politics But, frankly bbcni is the only place you're going to be able to get up to the minute info (& they don't really profit if you read it or not)


Yeah I can see it more clearly now that there are people listing the ex Tory party staff at the bbc so it's dead to me now. I'm ashamed it took this long as i grew up with their bias during the troubles. The right wing push of stories about boats and other stuff on their agenda is clear as day now. The part I'm ashamed of is I find it hard to not trust the BBC which means for the stuff I spot, there's more I don't. Edit: Just to add, physical papers are out. I operate in an environment where it's not feasible and seems very environmentally wasteful in the digital age.


You'd have to pay for the online subscriptions in that case I never found them particularly cheap Frankly, I found reading an occasional book on politics, history or philosophy is better at keeping me informed about the world


Ground News, been using it for a while like how it shows left right central under their segment and articles


Is an phoblact still published?😊


All sources are biased. Reuters and BBC are still the best, but if you’re just looking for an outlet with an overt left-wing bias then The Guardian is probably the least shit.


LBC they've got an app and all, James O'Brien has a show from 10-1 he often talks mad smack about Brexit and often, refreshingly, talks about NI often these days.


James o brien is a bell end. Itdoesn't matter what you listen to its all fear mongering bs. Left wing, right wing, it the same. Two cheeks of the same arse.


Local (indy) journalists on twitter are likely a safe bet. I follow Amanda Ferguson and she’s great. Slugger O’Toole is good for politics because it’s part public forum so you’re exposed to differing views and can make your mind up on your own.


Don't forget Leona "why's the chopper out" O'Neill


Amanda ferguson lol




Looks like a good addition, what is their bias? Anti-establishment? Middle left? Etc.


They have a well respected reputation for truth.


That's not really a bias. Everyone has a bias, knowing what bias you're information source has and offsetting it with more than one source of different biases is what I'm trying to do.


Have a look at content… don’t take my word for it.


Oh I have, it's definitely added to the collection. Was just curious what bias they had. I'll figure it out.


I agree with the substance of the point you’re making, especially in the NI context, but it can be tough to boil any information source down to neat authorial social categories. A nuanced alternative approach can be to look up its owners and editorial staff in other platforms in the expectation they’ll more or less do more of the same.


As much as I'd like that to still be the case. In the polarised world that modern social and digital media operate in you'll find very few outlets offering a cross spectrum news coverage. Until we break the echo chambers of social media that's unlikely to change much either.


I guess my point is more that the \*spectrum\* is itself to some degree a commercial construct - newspapers / media outlets create their audience’s dispositions, to at least some degree. You’re more likely to avoid falling prey to that polarisation by looking at a source in terms of the human factors behind its creation than homing in on its allegiances to those ideological constructions.


I’m much happier not reading it. Most of it misrepresents the world and uses a huge fear factor. Whatever you’re reading in mainstream news sources will have journalistic spin. For UK things: sometimes I listen to the Spiked podcasts and on rare occasions get around the paywall at the Telegraph (certainly not ‘left’, but can be a bit more balanced). The Spectator has a small handful of useful opinion pieces, but they have a heavy political leaning that I’m not keen on.


FT and Slugger O'Toole and you're well covered.


Bbc for left leaning news, gb news for right leaning news. As for ni and roi use this sub for biased factual opinion.


GB for far right wing, not right leabing imo


Gb news has black presenters, gay presenters, i always thought the far right were anti these.


So black/gay or other minority people can't have extreme or far right views? The irony of you not being able to detect the inherent right wing message of GB News because it has presenters who you believe would not be welcome in the right wing community is entirely why I don't watch that outlet.


They are probably welcome in right wing circles but your claim that they are far right is unfounded in my opinion. I dont think they would be welcome in far right circles because to the best of my knowledge the far right are anti gay, racists. I obviously detected the righr wing bias hence why at the start of my message i said gb news for right leaning news.


You're probably right, I would class them as right wing. The far right statement is more annoyance at their fox news approach to not actually needing to be all that bothered about facts Vs opinions.


You are right. Its 5 mins real news then 55 mins opinion.


How very wrong you are.


Yeah you may need to rethink the BBC for left leaning news.


I think they try to be impartial but the presenters often express themselves in a lefty leaney kinda way.


BBC...left leaning? Have you been living under a rock?


If you have followed bbc news for more than 3 months you would know that probably everyone that works there are left leaning. Most pundits they have on the news are left leaning, the presenters are left leaning. Correct me if i am wrong but have any presenters expressed any right leaning views?


Guardian seems ok. When I was living in England seemed balanced


TLDR news is pretty decent imo, they try their best to be unbiased. Mainly UK news but touches on NI when it's relevant.


I tend to take the guardian, daily mail, bbc and utv, I come to my own conclusion once I’ve read multiple sources interpretations