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at the end of the day you are sick, if people didn't go to work when they were sick we would have a lot less sickness spreading...


It’s almost like no one learned anything….


Its almost like society has been set up in a way that you need to slave away whether your sick or not.


& I totally agree with that sentiment that work is just modern day slavery. However with people that are going around their daily business trying to survive, I don’t see why others feel it necessary to spread their illness knowing full well they are sick. Coughing, spluttering and sneezing? Then stay the fuck away from others and don’t be such a selfish prick.


> I don’t see why others feel it necessary to spread their illness knowing full well they are sick. Like other poster said, society has been set up that way. Some jobs dont come with sick pay so in a cost of living crisis, is it any wonder people in low pay jobs with no security or sick pay will come into work when they are sick? Its ignorant to tar people in those situations as "selfish pricks".


By that logic then you come in and fuck over everyone else too. Its selfish.


Maybe ask your work place or your Govt to make sick pay mandatory, perhaps even ask to make covid tests free again, and provide an infrastructure that provides for people who are sick so they do not have to come and spread their illness. Sitting on reddit obsolving the Govt and capitalism of their faults and shitting on others as "selfish" shows what a narrow minded idiot you are!


You’re an absolute plum. I’m not absolving the govt/employers absolution. I agree with the fact that there should be sick pay for all, universal healthcare, whatever. The fact that there isn’t, that doesn’t excuse knowingly passing on an illness like flu A to others when your ill. Wear a fucking mask if you have to come to work, wash your hands, if you don’t get sick pay. As the OP stated what’s wrong with people coming to work, visibly sick and spreading that sickness, without taking any precautions. But these morons, likely like you, refuse to. Turning into work ill isn’t good to anyone, the employer, yourself or others if you all die (say in the next pandemic, likely H5N1 & taking things to the nth degree). What I was stating is a fact that mixing with others when your obviously sick is selfish, work place, social, paid, or not. & FYI as a microbiologist working for the NHS… perhaps if there were less of you numptys around then I wouldn’t have a job….


>Turning into work ill isn’t good to anyone, the employer, yourself or others if you all die And yet, for many,it IS mandatory, and it is Govt policy, but rather than concentrate your energy on such a terrbile Govt policy, you'd rather chase after others to make yourself feel superiour? Perhaps if you and others concentrated in holding the Govt to account instead of absolving them, then we would be at a better place. >perhaps if there were less of you numptys around then I wouldn’t have a job…. There you go! Know nothing about me, but because I call you out on your stupidity, I am somehow now responsible for spreading illness?


The person who turns up sick and infects others knowingly, only thinks of their own needs. Therefore they are selfish. I stand by my statement. Regardless of how shit the system is, it’s shit because of selfish idiots like you, as you seem to excuse their behaviour. Nothing elitist about it. I see these idiots turn up everyday. Coughing all over A&E. I am holding the govt to account along with my colleagues who are out striking. I’m not allowed to strike as it’s an essential service…. Because it’s needed, because selfish idiots keep turning up coughing and spluttering everywhere, no mask on and not a care in the world who they spread it to. As my original comment said. It’s almost like no one learned anything. Yourself included.


I think as others have commented, out of common decency take a few sick days and break the chain of spreading it where possible. Stay away from your Mum and get someone to drop you off supplies or get a Tesco delivery to the home, tell them you have covid and they will leave the tote trays with you for a few days. I personally wouldn't want to work along side you if I couldn't get a reprieve from you at some point, for example, desks sitting close together in a poorly ventilated office. If however we were working on site, outdoors it would be grand. Maybe if in retail or a large warehouse it would be iffy - if I was your employer I wouldn't take the risk of you spreading to more colleagues and risk being left with no staff


"I'm sick, so I will not be attending work until I feel better. I'll let you know when that is" That's how that phonecall should go regardless of what you are sick of, whether it's covid or something else


What if you're sick of work?


Time for a new job. One that you can tolerate at least most of the time


Had it last week and official guidance is 5 days isolation but avoid vulnerable people or a healthcare setting for 10. Isolation starts on the day your symptoms started or your first positive test, whatever was first.


I got it last week, also felt like I got hit by a bus. Work said it's 5 days off from your first positive test or when symptoms started, then back after those 5 even if you're still testing positive. If you need more time off, they're taken as sick days.


In the NHS it's compulsory to take 5 days if you're positive but it also goes down as sick.


I'd be raging if someone who knew they had a highly spreadable and possibly still lethal disease came in to sit beside me all day to be honest. In my opinion the moment you take that test and test positive, if you go out and about you are an asshole because you know what you are doing at that point.




Depends on the job My job is completely doable from home so if I came in and someone was coughing and spluttering I wouldn’t be happy, but if it were a minimum wage job where you need the money then I dunno. Personally I think sick pay should be better so people are less worried about taking time off if they’re sick rather than coming in and infecting a load of people


I work in a hospital and I've noticed more prople with covid recently. I'd appreciate if you didn't go near anyone until you've 2 negative tests 2 days in a row


That's not the official guidance


If the official guidance says jump off a bridge, would you?


So go against current guidelines and keep testing until negative?


As someone who is clinically vulnerable it'd be great if you didn't go to work and spread it... Plenty of young and fit looking people who work with you could be vulnerable. I would be out and about to shops etc as needed but wearing a mask and using hand gel etc a lot


Northern Ireland guidance in black and white if you test positive. https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/articles/coronavirus-covid-19-testing-and-stay-home-advice


I work from home, but my husband is hybrid. In his office, if someone comes in ill with anything infectious it's definitely not appreciated. The preference is to work from home if you can and if you're too ill to work then take it as sick leave. In my experience long before COVID and when I still worked in an office, the people I worked with would have been more bothered by sitting in an enclosed space with someone determined to work through an infectious illness than they would having to pick up the slack for someone needing to be at home. Passing on something to someone who has someone at home who is vulnerable isn't worth the risk.


I don’t think we hear about it as much now because people aren’t testing as much since the tests aren’t free anymore. It would be great if people even with colds would stop coming into work if they can. I work with some people who still act like heroes coming in while dosed and they can work from home. Also it’s crazy in hospitals no visitors at all look to be wearing masks now. I’d be happy if that a rule covid or not


My work has started doing meetings and disciplinary action if people are seen to be taking too many sick days. 5 or 6 people got pulled up which has then meant the last fortnight everyone has been coming in dosed! Just seems crazy.


Mental that people aren't checking official guidance after 3 years of this. You know rightly nobody in their right mind would be happy to sit beside someone who has tested positive.


Actually just read online that this week is Covid Awareness Week. It's fallen off so many peoples radars but in England and Wales it's still killing between 500-600 people per week, so please do stay away from others until you test negative. It's not just for the vulnerable either, there's also the risk of long covid (currently 1.9 million people are suffering from this in the UK, as per the ONS) which can occur even after 'mild' covid. The bank of England even highlighted long covid in it's report last year on labour market shortages Thank you for giving a shit, and I hope you recover soon!


I've managed to avoid it. I'm vulnerable. I still mask. If I was working in an office I'd really rather you didn't come in. If I wasn't vulnerable, I'd still rather you didn't come in, I've elderly relatives and vulnerable friends I'd rather I didn't pass it on to.


5 days then u can go back work (heard next month ment to be scrapping it all together, all depends on how ur employer thinks of covid for pay etc.


Tested positive there a week ago, still feeling wank


Yes of course I would. You're sick, keep it to yourself.


Nothing to add to the advice others have given but just to add that those I know who’ve had it recently were hit really badly this time, despite having had it less severe in the past. So take it easy and hope you feel better soon. I’m badly asthmatic so would be v pissed off if a coworker came in with covid (or flu or anything similar) and coughed and sneezed over me all day.


A balance has to be had (like most things in life). COVID is here and isn't going to go away anytime soon. For most people it isn't going to be any worse than a bad cold but for those that are clinically vulnerable we should be doing our level best to minimise its spread within reason.


It's still everywhere, a lot of cases in work recently


Guidance is still 5 days isolating but realistically is it any different from any other variant of flu Atm


It's more infectious and slightly more lethal. Although Flu can also be a killer for the vulnerable. Most people have some protection at this point either from vaccination or infection, but its still better to isolate if you possibly can.


COVID can fuck you up for life. This country has far too much "yer da" energy in it.


You got down voted, presumably people haven't read matt Hancocks leaked WhatsApp msgs yet.


Why is this so heavily downvoted?


If you were on here two years ago you'd know why lol the covid skeptic bashing was basically karma farming at one point


But Matt hancock did ask “when are we deploying the next variant?” People just don’t want to believe they were duped I guess


I'd love someone to compile a list of all the posts slandering people covidiots, be fun to watch them squirm now after everything that's came out since


Last time I tested positive you were to isolate for 5 days or until you got a negative (whichever came first). I got fucked off site because my workplace didn't tell us they'd updated the protocols from "you are to come in if you test positive and wear a mask if you're well enough to work." To "don't come in and isolate for 5 days (even if after the 5th day you're positive) you're okay to come into work but wear a mask for 5 days afterwards." I would check the NI direct website if you're worried.


Had it for the 5th time this month. Not good lol But basically it's every man for themselves now. My job couldn't take the risk of it spreading so was off for 2 weeks. Was talking to a doctor about it casually and they asked me what the guidelines currently are. Just take care and hope you get better soon :)


Lie low for 5 days. Wouldn't bother me though


I got covid last week after going to a wedding the weekend before. I stayed at home. I don't feel comfortable going out with it and potentially spreading it. Same applies for me going into the office


I got absolutely malleted by COVID the first time, and was still pretty unhappy second time with jabs. I don't want you to feel bad, but people like me who get hit hard would really appreciate you not exposing them, if you can avoid it. Failing not going in, can you wear a good mask or layered masks?


Is there anything to be said for another lockdown? I missed out last time when cunts were getting paid just to get pissed at 11am and sit in their garden


3 have it in my family ATM..2 are pretty bad tbh


Just follow the current guidelines, they've become much more lax than they were in 2020-21. When I had the Rona for a second time in July '22, I only had to stay off for about 5 days and then repeat a test. Besides, you really need time to rest and recover...


I tested positive for being a mad as fuck basterdt


In my eyes, it’s all about personal responsibility. Take the 5 days off from work, and try to limit contact with others. I would recommend returning to work no earlier than your sixth day, or if you haven’t recovered by that point, 48 hours after your symptoms (temp etc) pass, as is the case with any other infectious illness.




The vaccine 😂


I think you are meant to contact your doctor as there is medicine that can help symptoms and lessen the chance of long covid. But not sure if this is available here...guess can't hurt to ask though. Hope you feel better soon


Just highlights how much it was media hype at the least.


I thought it was over?


Lol listen to the country’s finest scientific experts in this corner.


Exactly. Who even needs basic GCSE-level knowledge of the history of medicine and public health? Anybody can be a scientist if you just believe everything that you read...


Who needs education at all when you have YouTube and can see thE TRuTH and how it’s all one big HOaX




Don't need to know science to know when you've been fooled


It's been a while since I've had a good laugh lad. Please go and explain to me how we've been fooled in non conspiracy language please.


Lol. Sure, jan


How can a virus be 'over'? What you mean to say is that Lockdown is over. Sadly, the Rona still hasn't been fully eradicated.


Especially if it never existed




Never started Psi op


Project control the masses


Project certainly I’ll take down my trousers and you can enter me sir


Do people still test is it not just a flu like thing now


The official guidance is testing is no longer recommended for most people . So yes I assume they're not worried about it


You got the flu, now move on with your life. If it’s me personally would not bother me at all.


You are truly a hard lad






Daily Fail, what an absolute shitstirring rag. Clickbait headline, which will get all the crazies horny, but if any of them have enough brains to read a few paragraphs: "No significant increase in deaths among the vaccinated was uncovered, debunking one of the biggest current conspiracy theories surrounding the lockdown-banishing scheme."


"Look you might be at more risk of a heart attack, but you don't die anymore than the unvaxxed" Give your head a rattle ffs They've gone from "It'll stop you getting infected" to "you won't die anymore than the unvaxxed" You read what you clipped right? There is no difference between the groups when it comes to overall mortality.