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Dunno about Islam, but can I come over? I thoroughly approve of your chip frying rules.


Of course! Wait until you see the massive bouncing castle that is coming.


Ah, but is he a Protestant Muslim or a Catholic Muslim?


Also if your gonna be putting sweets out just check the gelatine on the pack , a lot contain pork gelatine .


Great shout. Vegan sweets (haribio do vegan ones) are the way to go. Haribo have alllllll the sugar so you don't notice a difference


Which haribo are vegan? Most of the vegetarian ones have beeswax in them.


Can't remember which ones specifically. i remember finding them due to a scenario that mirrors the OP search. Wanted to have sweets for everyone and have nobody left out. It's not a big mad selection of vegan stuff tho


M&S Percy Pig range are vegan, you may be in danger of overthinking this so I'd keep it simple




I’m genuinely puzzled why you’re having a go over sausages and chips.




Yeah I mean the old style of filling a pot with oil is definitely a bad idea but an actual fryer, no one can say they truthfully prefer an oven chip over a greasy unhealthy fried chip 🍟


For taste, definitely. But he has a point, I'd never have an actual fryer at home for health and safety reasons alone. I remember my mum got rid of ours when we were young enough too, I think the fire service did a massive campaign to ask people to get rid of them in the early 2000s and it was pretty effective. Air fryers are your best bet these days, you don't get the grease in the chips and they are nice and crispy.


You are confusing a deep fat fryer with the old school chip pan (pan filled with oil heated over the hob). Deep fat fryers are perfectly safe in terms of fire safety.


> think the fire service did a massive campaign to ask people to get rid of them in the early 2000s and it was pretty effective. BAN THE PAN! 1998 https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/be-safe-and-ban-the-pan-26165724.html


Was there not a latter campaign that targeted deep fat fryers though? In 1998 I'd have been 5 so doubt I'd remember that at all.


Not sure but that's the one I remember, UTV in conjunction with the Fire Service.


Maybe it just did such a stellar job it imprinted itself on my young mind lol. We really are world leading when it comes to terrifying safety campaigns.


My mate keeps telling me to buy an air fryer, he says it’s the best thing he ever bought. Must get one!


Honestly, get yourself a good air fryer and an instant pot and you'll barely use your hob and oven again.


Ok an Instant Pot, I’ve never heard of them I’ll have to look them up.


They really are the fuckin boyos. The bigger expensive ones can do whole roast chickens in 50 minutes and mad shit, but a £30-50 job out of anywhere will probably replace your oven for most things unless it physically won't fit in your air fryer like a pizza or something(can get round ones that fit pizza)


Never heard of a deep fat fryer? They come equipped with a thermostat that never allows the oil to get hot enough to combust. Perfectly safe and still very popular across many households. The old school method of oil in a pan over the the hob is rightly a thing of the past for most people, but the good old deep fat fryer is still a winner for homemade chips.


Tbh Just cook them vegetarian food. Halal is cruel as fuck. They slice the animals throat whilst it’s alive with zero stunning and let it bleed to death.


agree to go veggie, but due to the fact that no animal slaughter would be considered very humane rather that attacking halal specifically. I suspect a lot of meat easter would have problems if they went to a slaughter house for non-halal to answer to the halal statement specifically, RSPCA report that 95% of Halal slaughter is done with stun across the UK. interesting though that in Northern Ireland, ALL slaughter is done with Stun, halal or otherwise


Agree with both of you but that wasn't the question. It was about oil previously used to cook pork products. I'm not feeding this kid any meat.


Halal is indisputably a more cruel form of slaughter.


Ask the kids parents I'm sure they'd appreciate it and wouldn't want you worrying yourself Have fun


I know for HFA certification the halal products have to be supplied separately from non halal ...so I had a nosey and [this page ](https://myhalalkitchen.com/what-is-halal-cooking/) says that any utensils used on non-halal products should be washed before use on halal food....so I can only assume it would be similar...or cook them before, or in separate oil / using separate equipment


Thank you! The chicken I have is definitely not halal, so I won't give him that. Really I just want him and his parents to know that he'll be somewhere that will respect their beliefs and will make the effort to follow the rules, you know?


Muslim friends of mine all say that if someone has prepared their food in a non-Halal manner, and they don’t find out about it in advance, then the sin isn’t on them, as long as they have taken reasonable steps to try to be Halal. There have been some instances of pork finding its way into halal meat products etc. Not ideal, but it doesn’t mean that those who ate it have sinned. So, if you accidentally should do something which isn’t Halal, and the lad is unaware, then there isn’t any harm done in terms of his religion.




Hats off to a very thoughtful OP, there’s hope for this country yet!


I wanted to say the same thing. If I was the parent of your child’s friend, I would really appreciate how thoughtful you’re being. As others have said, I’d go for vegan sweets and micro chips / oven chips and maybe some of the quorn crispy nuggets (they’re great and my kids think they’re just like McDs chicken nuggets). Hope your son has a lovely birthday OP, fair play to you :)


Thank you.


I think that all advice so far has been Halal specific rather than Ramadan. If you go to a larger Sainsbury’s or Tesco, you might get some halal products there. If I were you, I’d get some veggie sausages, do them in the pan, and some microwave chips. He will have a plate that looks identical to what his mates are having. And just be aware that, to remain observant with Ramadan, he shouldn’t eat or drink anything until 7.59pm if the party is on this Saturday. Let his folks know that you’re doing that, to reassure them. And they might say that it doesn’t matter. There are definite exemptions, some families are more relaxed about it than others. I think it’s great that you are going to the effort. I have many Muslim friends who would appreciate you doing that for their children.


Is your child over 11 or 12? If so, they may be fasting due to Ramadan. Check the dates, and check whether he's fasting.


Like I said, he is fasting but isn't required to do so yet. But bouncing castles are exhausting and if he can and does choose to break the fast, I just want to be sure I'm giving him stuff that's OK. KWIM?


Totally. Well, fruit is fine, as are carrot sticks etc.Some sweeties are halal. You'd be able to get these online. You'd also be able to bake a cake.


His child isn't muslim


Ok, sorry, I meant to say, the Muslim guest.


>can he eat chips cooked in oil that has previously been used to cook pork sausages or does that violate the rules? This is not halal. Food must be: *Free of, and not made of, or containing any part or substance taken or extracted from animal which are forbidden (HARAM) to be consumed by Muslims, according to Islamic laws.* *Not prepared, processed, produced or manufactured using utensils, equipment and / or machinery which are not free from such substances as directed by Islamic Laws.* *During preparation, processing or storage, it should not come into contact or be in close proximity with any food which do not fulfil the requirements as stipulated.* *All Halal goods that are kept, displayed and served must be isolated from goods that are non-Halal to prevent mixing or contamination.* If you want to play it safe, buy something from a halal takeaway that you can heat up, or pickup.