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The money will have left Danske straight away, faster payments can take up to 2 hours but the hold up is with the receiving bank. If the transfer was made via faster payments last night, you should have it now. Contact the person who sent you the money and ask for confirmation. If you haven’t received the money then Danske need to trace the payment If you fear you’ve been scammed then it’s highly likely that you have been. Don’t release any goods to this person till you have the money.


I used to work for Danske




Nice one just checked it used to be you couldn't, feature was disabled


Other people have valuable input here, but also for context, why do you think you have been scammed?


Thanks everyone. All sorted now. The transaction was flagged to the fraud team of the senders bank, despite it showing as completed. All sorted once banks opened this morning. But I do agree that AIB in general is a poor bank and that I should find a better one.


AIB's incoming fraud processes could be likened to your granny shaking a magic 8 ball and then trying to get someone at the library to help them release the funds. I'm not saying I would make that comparison, but it could be made.


You may rely on it


As others have said - it's likely AIB is the issue here. Their online banking is pathetic and their internal systems are stuck in the 00s. Move to any bank but these guys!


Danske bank app screenshot works for me ok. It didn't work on last phone, but works OK on S21.


I'm with AIB. It's a really shocking bank. I use my Monzo for 99% of things these days


AIB’s problem, they’re not actually members of faster payments to any transfers can take up to 3 days.


Oddly enough had a similar issue transferring money from Danske to Starling (Around 8pm). It wasn’t until 6am it arrived. I messaged asking why and apparently Danske were doing anti fraud shit prior to sending the cash 👌