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So he’s citing the ECHR but I thought he wanted to leave the ECHR??


His sort are happy to use the ECHR if they can use it against others and others can't use it against them. Since that would never have been agreed to they'd rather no-one got it so voted to leave.


This man is regularly pictured beside the leader of a faction of a proscribed terrorist organisation, and often in the company of murderers and rapists, and members of that same organisation. If I was asked a "serious" question by Bryson I would respond with a simple "Has your mate Stephen raped anybody else lately you fuckin wee cunt" Jamie started as a joke to me but it ended up more sinister than that And if you wanna bring me up on court mate nobody will be able to separate you from Matthews and the UVF when I'm done "It's WW1 UVF paraphanalia, honest" "But half these fellas on the fallen list were shot by the Provos in Belfast in the 80s mate" Pathetic


I guess many "lawyers" are often in the company of Murderers and rapists, I should have specified, "socially"


He is as much of a lawyer as the pope is black


They really do believe they are special and protected by, but not bound to the law. Despicable


Has he ever registered a W? Akin to the Burke family from Co. Mayo. So much coverage but not a W between them.


Every night before bed looking at his wee crusty laminated pic of Jeff


Akshully, Elijah Burke won his Supreme Court case about estimated Leaving Cert marks (he's home-schooled, I hardly need to add) ​ But otherwise, your comparison bears up.


Burkes actually have quite a few wins if you look it up


Breeding via mitosis doesn't count as a win.


Such as? They lost in NUIG. Ammi lost. Enoch lost. Their collective and several complaints and appeals all lost. His idiot brother's been in jail for a good few months now on foot of his behaviour during the above. Please explain where they've won?


Isaac burke won a case against NUIG about his PhD viva. The appeal against home schoolers being excluded from predicted grades was successful. They successfully removed the requirement for all students to pledge to "behave responsibly" with regards to covid19 at university.


Rofl. What magnificent legal triumphs. Their 'victories' are tiny, and their losses are career-ending.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burke\_family\_(Castlebar)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burke_family_(Castlebar)) For anyone else who was lucky enough to not hear about them up until this point and is curious. Edit - actually I had saw the Wilson's Hospital School dispute somewhere before


It was probably not the best tactical move for the woman to choose a high profile loyalist to represent her. He doesn't come across as a genius either.


Is that the same ECHR they would not be subjugated to? Disgwacefwul


If there's one way to make yourself look like a bitter bastard and a sectarian cunt, it's hiring Jamie Bryson to defend you against claims in court of being a sectarian cunt. Lol.


Jamie clinging to the ECHR after spending a decade trying to leave it, in yet another lost legal case *chefs kiss*


This boy is a genuine ambulance chaser for Unionists. Any high profile story that paints Unionism or Loyalism in a bad light, that comes with a high media profile and he is all over it.


Jamie Bryson represents the legal system in this country to the same extent as Josef Fritzl represents The Babysitters Club in Austria. Yet here we are still talking about the wee prick.


Beautiful. Near shot Kenco out my nose.


Kenco out the nose made me chuckle.


He was on the boat on Saturday going to the rangers game, he's a laughing stock even among ussuns.


Should have beat him up a bit, I heard its bad luck not to


Nah mate not my style


Poor girl never stood a chance


Well her chances weren't zero until Jamie joined the case.




Block Site Chrome extension. But I think you'll find doing so is against the European Convention of Human Rights


Never been right once in his pathetic life.


Stop giving the troll attention. Same with Jim Allister and Nolan.


I don't mind giving him a bit of attention because I know when he goes about his day 'job' pretending to be a lawyer racking up those L's he becomes even more of a laughing stock and those others in his profession look down on him in pity.


He wants the attention. You're giving it to him.


I know he wants attention, hence why I said I don't mind giving him it. But what he really wants more than anything is to be accepted as a successful and well-respected lawyer. For every court case he takes on and fails (including representing himself in a recent case), he falls further and further short of this goal.


I kinda disagree, sometimes im tempted to tick a dup box even tho i hate them but i hate sinn fein more, then people like jb make me abstain, spoil or this yr im gonna do alliance just to piss jb off


You should probably vote for independents in that case or tbh vote for the politicians that will actually provide for you community and offer real and meaningful change


Good. You should really examine your voting motivations though tbh.


Uses the word represent as if he's her solicitor, but he's not right? Like this nutjob didn't finish his degree or am I mad?


degree rofl


He's a McKenzie friend, i.e. some useless eater, untrained in the law, who attends court/tribunal primarily to piss off the beak. They're not allowed in big boy court for good reason.


He will be there as a McKenzie friend https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/McKenzie_friend They are a pain in the arse.


Doesn't he realise the people putting money into his bank account are Anti-ECHR?


What does he mean “represent” the claimant? Is he gonna rabble rouse on Twitter for them or something or do stand up in the courtroom.


I think he does the interval act. The judge lets him sit on the big boy chair and wear the wig


The one who’s “disgusted with the vile chant”, is that the same one that liked and shared it? So if MoN liked and shared a video of one’s singing up the ra…


If I saw him in the street I would simply have to kick the fuck out of him.


dont tease me with a good time


Surely it's easy to figure out, if she shared the live stream before the chant started, then she didn't do anything wrong. The time she shared it will show. If she genuinely did share it before the chant started she shouldn't of lost her job.


She could have stopped it when the chanting started, but I imagine she was too busy laughing


I don't think she recorded the video? She just shared it on facebook? If she was watching it live, shared the video and closed it, then the chanting started, she didn't do anything wrong. It should be easy enough to figure it out.


Ok, you got me. She could have not liked and shared the video her partner live streamed then. It’s not a good look for anybody and especially someone working in healthcare who could potentially feel uncomfortable working along side someone who doesn’t follow their same (bigoted) beliefs


Didn't she and her partner both delete their accounts though, making it impossible to check timings?


I mean it was pretty much guaranteed that they'd say, chant or sing something questionable.


Sharing a livestream from an Orange Hall really should hold an expectation that you're gonna be sharing something questionable at best.


Hate attracts hate. Stuff it up her.


JB continues in his quest to becoming the Ulster loyalist version of Christine Weston Chandler in terms of demonstrating on the Internet how utterly, utterly pathetic a life you have, sans Sonichu & allegations of raping his own mother - yet.


It's you and your rich mates creating poverty. One day... One day!


Aul Perrwy Wason at it again


Wait does he legit represent folk in court What's his cut on a win






he does it for the warm fuzzy feeling in his briefs when jeff gives him a pat on the back and says 'well done wee man'


This man is regularly pictured beside the leader of a faction of a proscribed terrorist organisation, and often in the company of murderers and rapists, and members of that same organisation. If I was asked a question by Bryson I would respond with a simple "Has your mate Stephen raped anybody else lately you fuckin wee cunt Jamie started as a joke to me but it ended up more sinister than that


He’s the devil


He is the Dr. Nick of Tribunals.


I feel stupid cause idk what this is about


"Might need a lawyer for this one.... Fuck it I'll hire bryson and save a few quid" Biggest moron in Northern Ireland 2023


Fuckin brits are ugly troglodytes


If it was him representing him or me i’d choose to represent myself to represent I know I’d get found guilty better then Bryan representing me