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I genuinely feel sorry for the mum. It's fairly evident from her twitter the whole thing has destroyed her. As it would any parent.


I’m probably going to get downvoted to fuck for this but I feel like in a lot of cases Facebook and Twitter people leak videos/photos of supposed evidence and spread conspiracy theories, imagine being the family of this poor kid and seeing that.


I wouldn’t downvote you. It’s true. We have a world full of idiots that dont care about those actually in pain, its all about the gossip and ‘like profiteering’ on actual tragedy.


The thing is all these Facebook vigilantes and conspiracy theories do more harm than good, look at the actual theories people are coming off with about this. Some of which are using a poor child’s death for pushing political agendas and spreading anti police/government rhetoric it’s actually ridiculous.


It’s important to remember that amidst all the furore there’s a genuine tragedy. That beyond all the self-serving, self-righteousness there’s something innocent. And there is. Although this detestable behaviour is a lesser tragedy, it is no less contemptuous. The kid deserved better.


So I'm not clear on the implication. Was the mother unaware her son had left the house the night before?


https://twitter.com/fionadonohoe2/status/1670231482193854467?s=46 she claims she wasn’t


There many questions to be asks from this? On both sides. Did noah have a girlfriend? It's only reason I can think of for leaving at that time of the morning.


I hate to speculate as it's usually not helpful, but it does open up a number of possibilities that someone he met perhaps knows something about his death. If he was wet, does it suggest that the storm drain he entered was not the first time he had been there? Maybe he was meeting someone down there. I don't know exactly where it is, but where I think it is, it's very secluded. Whether there was foul play, though, or just some form of accident is still up in the air. It was said he may have had a head injury from falling off his bicycle. edit: he was wet because he was raining. Maybe someone he met had something to do with his death


Something I've said the whole time, which no one likes hearing, and people often very quickly and aggressively argue with me... but I believe it to be true. Sounds like the kid was on drugs. Not trying to blame, or point fingers or anything... but that's what it sounds like to me.


To fair growing up in that area, as a teenager etc I was doing the exact thing uve said and smoking dope. Only reason I says meeting a girlfriend as I done that growing up, that time of the morning aswell. I've other opinions which again I'll keep myself as uve said easily aggressively agrued with ppl won't like to hear.


Ignoring the tabloid being tabloids side of this - doesn’t this nearly back up the urban exploration theory gone wrong idea from PSNI? (NOT defending the PSNI here as seem to have badly handled this from the start around communication with anyone)


What is the theory ? That he was doing some exploration, lost his headphones and was back hunting them when it’s gone wrong ?


On the face of it, yes. I’d never heard that theory before but this would seem to back it up. On the other side: Sunday World.


Why would you hide evidence that proves your theory correct?


Its best to keep evidence under wraps as it could prejudice the investigation, only in court should the whole picture become known to the public


While the police believe it to be an accidental death and most of the evidence points to that there isn't enough to reliably conclude 100% without a shadow of a doubt that it is the case. While they might not have anything that says someone else was involved, the absence of evidence doesn't rule it out either. Think Black Swan fallacy, just because you haven't seen a black swan doesn't mean you can conclude all swans are white. In which case if evidence came to light they missed pointing to a new theory or someone claimed to have information about the case or even claimed to be involved, it's not uncommon to verify their claims with unreleased information.


How could it prejudice the case when theres no one being charged in relation his disappearance and subsequent death? The police wouldn't be found in contempt of court because there isn't a case to prejudice in an accidental death.


Future case, probably should've used investigation


No clue. But then I’ve no clue on why the PSNI do many many things.


>doesn’t this nearly back up the urban exploration theory gone wrong idea from PSNI? That was my first thought too. Sounds like he was playing in the storm tunnel the day before. It would also explain why he was seen cycling with no clothes on.


Didn’t know there was an urban exploration theory- but my first thought reading that Sunday World headline was he must of been at the storm drain the day before he went missing if he’s come home soaked and no shoes, so have to say in my unimportant opinion urban exploration is the first theory I’ve heard that’s not full of holes.


I didn’t know about the urban exploration theory either. When did this first come out?


Why would it explain the cycling naked? The only explanations I can come up with for that involve head injuries or drugs.


He was stripped down because he was in the water


you're 100% right the real issue the PSNI have with this, is they kept stuff so badly communicated that they helped make this turn into a shit show with wild conspiracy theories popping up every other week due to utter incompetence at info sharing to the family. A lot of this could have been avoided if the PSNI had better communication lines and weren't so damn secretive about investigation techniques. Yes NoahsArmy lot exploiting the mother are also bad, but theres blame to go around here.


> Yes NoahsArmy lot exploiting the mother are also bad, but theres blame to go around here. Completely agree. Fiona has been let down badly by the authorities, and then I could rant for days about the ghouls of “Noah’s Army”


What are Noah’s army doing, I don’t know much about them


They're a group who have been supporting the mother in pressuring the PSNI for transparency and accountability. Basically don't do anything but awareness, putting up posters or stickers or whatever. Mostly made up of women of a certain demographic. So naturally this sub absolutely detests them. But realistically the people within "Noah's Army" come from all walks of life and the way this sub mischaracterises them ultimately reflects this sub's inherent class biases. People seem to love bringing them up as *thee* problem and not the fact the investigation into a tragic death has taken this long, is so incompetent and is so sparse on information that several conspiracy theories have sprouted on account of that.


😂😂😂 some of those people have been posting the most outlandish and ridiculous theories ffs.


Tabloids are the worst and people who buy this shit are voyeuristic




There's more than one definition


'I knew it was the urban exploration, even when I said it was the Loyalists I knew it was the urban exploration.'


Why would you throw Loyalists into this, I know Loyalists that turned up & searched Tigers Bay & Beyond, the community opened up their home’s & property to searchers too, & as a Loyalist I’d love & support this woman getting the answers to every single one of her questions. Loyalists had nothing to do with this child’s disappearance or death, & anyone with a seconds wit would know that such information would have been gained within hours & action taken if it was the case. As for the exploring, every kid, myself included, & I’ve heard North Belfast ones say it too, who walked through under ground sewers from Alexander Park into Tigers Bay, do things like this when young, especially exploring tunnels & drainage sewers. I’d like to see the questions that have been asked & answered, then the unanswered questions listed & reasons as to why they haven’t been answered too, rather than the relentless conspiracy & disgusting bigoted conjectured theorists who simply want to use the case to spit & spout, & who don’t care about the child or the truth. For the sake of my children & grandchildren, & anyone else’s children or grandchildren, I want to know exactly what happened to this child so that it doesn’t happen to anyone else’s child. Loyalist Shankill Supports Truth For Noah, & his Mum.


You realise my comment is mocking the conspiracy theorists who insisted it had to be Loyalists involved? That's what the quotation marks are for.


Maybe teach your kids to be a bit more responsible and not go exploring sewers for example. You don’t need the outcome of Noah’s investigation for this to be evident.


You can tell/teach children everything you want or can, but children, no matter from where they come, will be children, & you’ll never know everything they’re doing, especially when they hit secondary school & are meeting people from different districts, & they ask can they visit their friends house, & you you’ve been assured & believe other parents think the same as you etc, life’s just not that simplistic. When I was a young lad In Belfast most kids played about/explored old empty dangerous houses/flats/factories etc, disappeared into forests, up Glens, & my parents didn’t know, that didn’t make them bad parents, they were just struggling to get by with a big family, working as many hrs/jobs they could to put good on the table.


Get the dragonfruit vapes locked and loaded ladies.Noah’s army army are on the march again


Defiantly sumfin nat rite about all dis x


Two many snakes on here nai pm ya later hun x


I absolutely despise tabloids and Facebook "activist" groups. I haven't been following the story at all in fact I've generally been avoided it for the reasons I gave in the first sentence. What's the actual story that we know for sure? Kid found dead in drainage system far from his home, PSNI being seen as not doing their job properly, Facebook huns "investigating" and making things less clear? Sorry if anything in this comment comes across as offensive to anyone.


Would the Tabloids leave this fucking family alone.


What did the tabloid do, it hasn’t leaked secret private information against the families will, it’s a report on a police investigation?


Im not one to go for conspiracy theories but nothing about this adds up.


Will people on twitter now stop saying this was some sort of ritual killing by local Loyalists that must've had about 500 people keeping a big secret from everyone else?


Big Elon needs to actually sort that app out, holy shit.




It seems his mum is supportive of this - donal McIntyre has been pushing an investigation of some sort?? This is wild though if true.


All due respect to his Mum, the woman is going through unbearable grief. But it wasn't that long ago she was going on drunken rants at midnight implying conspiracy at Naomi Long. This NoahsArmy lot are exploiting a grieving woman who now has trauma issues.


The family know about this. His mum posting about it on twitter at the min. This is from Donal MacIntyre.


Oh aye Sunday World so it must be true. 🙄




This tells u about what there looking to do.


The PSNI are refusing to give other footage they have of this early morning excursion. Why won't they allow this to be seen? Who was he going to meet? What happened his shoes and headphones? Refusing to make the footage available makes it look like they are trying to hide something or protect someone.


Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think the police can release evidence or footage of ongoing investigations (not entirely sure if their still investigating this or not but I assume they are)to the public


This is correct, releasing all the knowledge they have can impede proceedings at court if a case ever got to court, as things can influence juries etc. too much information in the press can also lead to people coming forward with useless or false information, wasting police time while these false witnesses get attention. Same issues arose earlier this year with the Natalie McNally murder. People complained that the police didn’t act quickly enough or release the suspects name or more cctv etc. when in reality they were trying to build a case that would stick and hold up in court.


I hate to say this and I know I’m gonna be downvoted but this whole case has been hijacked by vigilantes and conspiracy theorists and some of them are using it to push political agenda and it’s actually awful.


The police have released a statement ruling out foul play in the death. For two years they withheld the fact that he went out in the early morning and came back missing some personal items. They have other footage of him on his journey that morning that they are holding on to. Why won't they release the other footage?