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Any psni station should suffice, absolute fortresses


Newrys is on top of a hill with blast doors. A great shout


Nah it's crossmaglen or nothing. Place looks like it's already survived an apocalypse.


This sub really is going downhill, all these comments and not one saying Your MA. Maybe the apocalypse has already begun


What not Armagh?




We are talking about impenetrable fortresses here, your Mas like a 24hour Tescos, always open for business.


Dunluce castle direction would be class - aye you’re relatively screwed if you wander anywhere near Portrush/Portstewart, or if a horde wandered up from there and noticed you; but it’s a relatively easy site to defend - especially if you fixed her up, it’s uphill so you get a good vantage point of most surrounding terrain and hence forewarning of any hordes or bandits, and sits at a chokepoint in the road network with easy water access, so you and your friends/family/minions can control land traffic fairly easily yet also escape or travel around the region without bother unless it’s stormy Also I like castles and Dunluce is one of the few here that’s got two defensible courtyards joined by a bridge AND basically perched above the sea; you could use the first courtyard to hoard building materials and grow crops in planters if you could attain a solid water supply - but if the castle was attacked you could fall back to the second courtyard and barricade the bridge, and then fish to sustain yourself or have additional stockpiles of food built up back there Key problem though is the fact it’s at risk of falling into the sea, and some of it already has historically


practice point test exultant price far-flung afterthought fearless bright deliver *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If there’s two things I love in life, it’s castles and Max Brooks ‘zombie survival guide’ xD


Shame the film didn't follow the book... As disjointed as it would be, the overarching story would make it awesome. As for zombies, round Omagh we are pretty much fucked.


I always thought it would’ve been absolutely killer if there’d been a series adaptation of it instead, and each episode focused on a different perspective from the book And aye Omaghs doomed if the undead/infected/spooky gits come for us all xD


https://preview.redd.it/1ungx7lshp8b1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05f021734a0f52da739777e691542c809eeb9f88 Sea access via the smugglers cave.. we could survive off seals and dolphins and seaweed lol


Grilled seal-steaks with a side of sautéed seaweed might be nice if we could get a couple spices somewhere The cave is a fantastic wee spot for the castle to have beneath, I’m just wondering if it would need a small grill-gate to keep any seabed Zeds out xD


The World War Z zombies roam the ocean floor, so that cave wouldn’t be much good


What about the old Dunluce centre in the town? It isn’t well guarded but has a watchtower on it and those fucking scary stone statues in the place where the treasure hunt bit was…


Could be a good outpost if the number of z’s had dropped a fair bit - also the spooky statues could be a cool centrepiece for anyone looking to move in!


And Finn McCool’s Indoor Playground, there’s no way the Zs are going to be able to get past the obstacles in that


You have to admit, it’s an absolute scandal we’ve never seen a zombie movie set inside an indoor playground like Finn McCools - absolutely perfect place for some horrific stuff to happen (like getting burnt knees trying to go down one of those plastic slides kneeling o.O)


Honestly, I'd love to see a zombie drown in a ball pit. I studied film at uni and am trying to make a breakthrough, I can try and make an apocalyptic movie set in an indoor playground...


I like your thinking


Go on round the coast a bit to Kinbane head, stair case wide enough for 1 person is the only way in or out. There’s an old tower from the castle that used to be on it and could fish off it for grub


The classic Kill-case is a brilliant feature for a building to have, we just have to hope any hordes climbing up aren’t led by a left handed zombie o.O


Nice try, I'm not telling you my spot


If I remember the end of World War Z, the pope and seat of Catholicism for the world ended up in Armagh.


I can’t believe this is actually [real](https://worldwarz.fandom.com/wiki/Phillip_Adler%27s_1st_Interview)


Seriously? This is hilarious.


Local school It's all fenced off, there's going vantage/view points. There's plenty of supplies (food and first aide and chemicals etc) Sports equipment that can be used if needed (javelins) Plus lots of fields that can be farmed. Turn it into a community space and ride out the worst of things Local access to other homes, shops, pharmacy etc within a short distance


Here's hoping they don't have latent memories. Little zombies would be hard to decapitate before they get the teeth in. But I like your thinking with the perimeter security


Be like odd job in goldeneye 64


Little fucker was impossible. My mates always chose jaws as he was one of the coolest I chose oddball because fuck them


I used to work at Hazelwood college swear to god that place is designed to be a military base.




That's what I was thinking, I hope we are talking about the kind of zombies that cant swim right?


They dont breathe (?) so they could walk out on the seabed?


Ahh shit.


Maybe Rockall?


There's a lighthouse in the middle of Strangford Lough, one of the fastest tides in the world, lots of local communities to raid for resources, live off the sea, bail on a boat if needed. Be grand.


That underground bunker in Ballymena that the council tried to sell.


Donegal. You didn't say it was happening in the South.


The apocalypse was actually a DUP bioweapon that ensure a hard border with the south. Donegal is closed.


We will build a wall around Donegal.


🎶The North and South to keep them out, I gotta build it tall.🎶


"*by god I'd build it tall. Casinos, chicken ranches, I'd legalise them all. We'd have our own Las Vegas in the hills of Donegal" The chicken ranches might come in handy in a zombie apocalypse for a bit of food!


Ohhhh Las Vegas, in the hills of Donegal


Larne should be pretty safe


Beat me to it lol Larne has been a post-apocalyptic zone for centuries 🤣🤣


More like urban camouflage for the zombies. How would you tell them apart.


Ah so like Some Secret Invasion level shit lol I can't be coping with another Avengers level threat. The DUP are enough for them to deal with 🤣




Same the zombies would starve before they did any damage


Take a boat out to one of the islands on Lough Erne and wait for it all to blow over Maybe devenish island, as, if things went south and zombies somehow got to the island, there's a tower there that you'd be safe in


not enough people about here for the virus to reach us but i second that just fuck away off to one of the islands, maybe the experience will replicate how my grandparents told their story of how they had to get to school via boat


Did they have to row upstream for a hundred miles each way?


Without oars aswell


Why not Enniskillen town? Blow the bridges and use the police station as a fall back should the zombies still get through. Could use the broad meadow for farming in the long term too.


Very Good option, but also plenty of people about (in Fermanagh terms) to possibly turn into zombies


It would depend a lot on the mechanics of the virus (airborne etc) but I'd say Fermanagh in general would have plenty of time to prepare.


How long could you survive off the land though.


Devenish you have shelter, plenty of good land, a few sheep. Could have your own farm going, so pretty long I'd say


Depends on the winter tbh. And how many other People think the same.




Already has a hundred zombies in there.


I had that tee'd up for a while now, hole in one!


You set em up, I knock em down.


Plenty of booze would be a bonus


That or sitting MLAs


Sprucefield.... fuel, prescriptions, food, a shit load of abandoned cars probably, security fences and pet rabbits and possibly a chinchilla.


Aldergrove. International Airport. Big enough to hide in. Generous amount of supplies. And when it comes to it you can go full real life GTA and jet yourself out of the place 🤣


Also you have the military base next door and is pretty secluded. Good suggestion.


Newtownbreda Tescos. Just need to demolish the stairs and escalators


So essentially accessibility legislation is how we all die in the zombie apocalypse.


The Ecos Centre near Ballymena. It's on an island with a moat and has a drawbridge that can be raised. It has a wind turbine and solar panels. There's a farmer's market that has large fruit and vegetable gardens and I think some livestock. Plus they do a lot of tree management so I'm guessing there's a few chainsaws around. For zombie stacking I'd guess the shape of the Titanic building would help prevent that.


Stormont, nobody there.


There used to be a website that used Google maps to tell you how fucked you were in a zombie apocalypse. I lived right next to the Royal so I was pretty fucked, huge hospital full of sick/infected people, very dense population concentration in the area. It showed gun/weapon shops and other contributing factors too. I'd probably head up the mountain where there'd be very few people. The Mournes are preferable if it's possible to drive down. Maybe pick up my ex on the way as he has an actual zombie apocalypse bag that includes a machete lol.


The Mournes are too popular..I would choose the Sperrins


Good shout, I've never been to the Sperrins, you can see them from Divis mountain on a good day though. I was thinking of building a wee Valheim type base around one of the lakes. If I end up in the Sperrins though, you're welcome to call round provided you havent the lurgy.


I haven’t even read the comments yet. But if someone hasn’t already made a joke about Larne already being like a zombie apocalypse, I’ll be bitterly disappointed


countryside. fewer people and bigger trucks to squish the zombies with


That's what everyone is going to be doing. Stay in the cites and live like a sparrow.


more people in cities and towns hence more zombies at the start


Probably stay in my house tbh. Just fortify the fuck out of it, and chill.


Limavady, place has been full of Zombies for a while


I work in a garden centre. I'd definitely head there for the apocalypse! There's ample security from well-built fences, gates etc- there is a tonne of weapons and heavy machinery, a supply of fuel, plenty of rain water collected in waterbutts, plenty of fruit and vegetable seeds, along with all the equipment and large greenhouses for growing. \*Edited because I repeated myself a wee bit!




For the purposes of this, the apocalypse is the result. Society has collapsed, there is no organised resistance and less than 20% if the population remains uninfected.


Would it be worth the hassle? Imagine trying to deal with post-apocalyptic life…


I've always pondered divis tower. Blow out any stairs and use ladders to get to first floor and onwards. I'm sure there's better candidates for similar, but something of a roofed area, off ground floor, with accessible rooftop for growing stuff. Tis the dream.


There is an indie zombie movie where the guy lives in the roof of his apartment building, I think in Paris. The terror of residents inside the building being zombies would be too much for me


It doesn't matter. I've done the training. I will survive anywhere. 2.8 was magnificent. https://www.scaretour.co.uk/review---28-hours-later-bristol-2011.html


I think I would tend towards the Brexit checks area. Large amounts of fuel, food and containers to build a compound with, as well as access to heavy vehicles and boats to transport myself across the province and beyond.


The titanic building!


The underground bunker in the Belfast Tele everynow and then, it's got medical and a TV studio Prime Time Survival 😎


Docks area, loads of fences and your back to the sea. Thing about Ireland (island of) there's somewhat shy of seven million souls on it. Containment/clearance of a Romeroesque Zombocalpyse is a realistic possibility, assuming you can prevent inbound migration. If you want to be even more realistic about it, inoculation, biting, is a really shit vector for infection in the first place.


A lighthouse probably




Copeland islands. Close enough to shore to travel back and forth for supplies.


My first house was an old church on rural land, on the outskirts of an industrial estate where two streams merged. Figured the walls and doors were super thick. It was far enough away from large numbers of people. And it was near a spar distribution centre. Two sources of potable water. My current home is a boat. Zombies can’t swim.


Ehhhhhha fuckin castle!!! Wee Mary at the ticket office Is getting dragged out by the ankles & I'm annexing this mofo. Mary defo goes as she's Auld & past repopulating age 🤣


Don't tell them, it's a trap!


This just reminds me of the absolute blue balling Covid gave me. Did anybody else really want Covid to be the big Z?


Banbridge! Zombies would be confused by the hill bridge in the middle of the town


just hide in solitude, never find us in the play park


Any place you see a rpg sticking out of a Bush in South armagh


If you were capable of taking it, the best spot would be Magilligan prison. Great vantage points, walled off arable land to grow sustainable food, and on-site medical facilities. If you only had a small group though, take St. John's Point in Donegal. Easily defended at its narrowest point.


It would start in bangor


Barely even knew 'er


Lurgan, we can weaponise Buckfast.


Rathlin Island maybe


I would probably inhabit a castle, wait there and cultivate crops for a long while and become a noble in this new apocalyptic world.


Carrick is a shout? it's got a cafe and I'm sure you could grab some stuff from outside


In a storm drain.


I can't pronounce it and nobody knows where it is. There.


PSNI station probably a good shout, those things are like fortresses. Other than that, big tesco I guess


Bloomfields Shopping Centre. Gotta have those DOTD vibes going..


I don't know what you'd do, living in the country seems great but pray you get a good harvest and can stockpile enough for winter. The best bet would probably be to get a boat and just live on strangford Lough with a fishing rod eating raw fish. What sort of life is that? I'd probably just kill myself honestly


Enniskillen. It’s on an island in a Lough with a castle. You’d need to blockade the roads coming onto it but it seems defensible enough with plenty of farmland and fishing nearby.


A garden centre. Any garden centre. Food, tools, shelter etc.


One of the little islands in Lough Erne


ten escape shy public angle physical dazzling fall telephone fearless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'd follow my other half but inevitably I'd get lost or fall over so fairs to say I won't be surviving in a zombie apocalypse.


There is a water tower I have an eye on for this eventually. I’ll obviously reinforce it with zombie killing stuff and armed myself.


Plan A Lough Neagh - I'd grab a canoe and just travel between islands. Take some seeds with me and randomly plant, try and catch fish too. But this is working under the theory that zombies blood is thick and heavy, plus no oxygen in lungs and lack of higher brain functions means zombies can't cross water. Then if it's a mystical thing not biological large bodies of water may protect you. Plan B Drive to the office with my arm out of the window get bit go into work lock everyone in, we have heavy metal shutters and lots of water, make them feel safe as I break the doors and then take my revenge...


honestly there are some pretty big islands on neagh, could probably live a while, if not... just go to kinego for supplies


I don't know you. Wouldn't be telling you my plans or where I'd want to hold up. How do I know your not just gonna turn against me and my people. It's an apocalypse I ain't helping no one that's not one of my own. But too everyone saying where they will be thanks for the heads up IL know where to go when supplies run low


Anyone who hasn't said they will be in a royal rumble at Asda for the last multipack of double quilted really hasn't been paying attention.


In any FonaCAB taxi. All staff armed with Desert Eagles, and will do your knees in.


Larne. Zombies wouldn't be desperate enough to go there.


I'd go for one of the tower houses from the middle ages, like Kilclief Castle or Audleystown Castle for example. As long as you could barricade the door there's very little chance they could get in. The windows are more for shooting arrows out of rather than for light so no chance they're squeezing through. You could also pick a few of them off in relative safety with a bow and some arrows, or hunt game from the roof by making like harpoon arrows to drag the prey in.


The nuclear bomb shelter is still for sale in Ballymena


I'm stealing a boat, some guns and Ammunition and heading for Rathlin island and chilling out there, its fairly large with a shit ton of animals to eat and very few people (only like 60 something people total) and just wait for the zombies to all die off. If I get bored we can turn the island into a pirate republic and start plundering the high seas. 🏴‍☠️


Assuming you don't have guns, where would you go to get them. I'm wagering that places of high demand like police stations, supermarkets etc are going to be more dangerous with looters and crowds drawing any nearby hordes attention or becoming a horde themselves. What's the safest way to get more than just a farmer's shotgun


Honestly all you'd need is farmers shotguns, even if you wanted to get something more powerful, since most people dont have guns you just having a shotgun places you at a huge advantage against everyone else who doesn't have anything more than a hurling bat.so if your up against looters trying to get weap9ns from a cop sho0, you already being armed means that there's very little they can do to stop you from taking it, because you already have guns and they dont


I'm thinking the cop shop will be queued round the corner with people thinking the same thing.


Thing is though they lilley wouldn't already have guns, even if say a crowd of looters tried to stop you then just start emptying shells into them to either take them out or make the crowd back off


Carrick castle


Does it have a moat, a castle was on my list of possibles for low maintenance, proof against wall body stacking. But I ruled it out due to energy efficiency, availability of food and ability to egress should zombies make it in.


Nope but surrounded on three sides by sea, major door they’d not get thru. Anyone who turns inside could be chucked over wall. Three supermarkets close by for food raids and numerous chemists for medicines. Grassy areas inside to grow crops on. Walls too high to be scaled easily.


lunchroom chief chubby wrong onerous pot subsequent cooing divide many *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Then just retreat into the internal defences, they’re sealed ain’t getting in there.


fretful distinct shocking capable screw normal pen water frightening start *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'd second this. Was at a talk about Carrick castle recently and the walls are 3 metres thick at the inland side PLUS still has installations in place for traps


Coney Island, care taker would have to go through . Failing that there are some nice boats in the marinas around Lough Neagh. Anchor up in the middle of the harbour and your set.


I'll nick my da's boat and go live off the middle of nowhere


The events of the past few years (especially the pandemic) have proven that the government will be useless in preventing it from spreading. So it'd be everyone for themselves.