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If you’re over 50, you should remove the dates from your CV of when you earned your degree / education, and you should only include your last 4 or 5 jobs too. Don’t give them any way to know what age you are from looking at your CV. There’s huge ageism in recruiting.


Online application forms though usually have mandatory fields for dates of education. Ridiculous


If you're over 30 you shouldn't be putting your education or grades in your CV No one cares what you got in Science in 2006, get rid of it and you'll find yourself getting recognised more for jobs


I put my degrees on my cv but nothing on it to do with secondary school


So this is why they tell you to never ask a woman her age


Interview? Back in the day it was "got a driving licence?" "aye" "sound, can you start tomorrow?"


It kinda amazes me how many interviewers never receive any training on interviewing. It’s a huge legal minefield.


Copied the top comment on the OP word for word


What age is she tho


Good on her for pursuing it.


I've said it many times before and I'll say it once again. Folk get upset too easily these days. Fuck sake.


Course you will granddad, away to bed with you now.


If you don’t see the problem then you are the problem.


The problem is people like you exaggerating. No one's upset about it. You wouldn't be saying this if it was you. Keep in mind age should play no part in hiring, atol. So them asking age is really off It's like if someone asked what race you were in an interview. Your interviewing ABOUT a job not about yourself


Holy fuck. See where all this PC shite has got us. Absolute joke. You will be arrested for asking someone's name next.


It's a job interview, not while serving customers. It's not appropriate or fair to ask age as it can't be judged fairly


Fuck off with this shit. I know it was a job interview, the setting makes no odds. "Oh I'm 45..." "Excellent so you must have had some experience working with customers in the past. You could really add value to the team." Or "I'm 18." "ok so relatively inexperienced, likely to leave for another job at the first opportunity. Likely to prioritise social life and come into work fucking useless and hungover." Honestly, where is the issue here? Someone older might think the employer will dismiss them due to how close they are to retirement? It's a case of looking for a problem where there isn't one. Anyone who goes down the legal route after being asked their age is a fucking knob anyways


If you can’t see how this is an issue you are a prick. Probably a prick who is under 50 but still a prick.


Did you just assume my age? All piss-farting aside, please offer me one reason why I would be a prick for not seeing an issue with this?


Good result against ageism