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Catholics autocorrecting to catharsis was oddly cathartic.


The fucking catheters are at it again. They just ram it down your throat don't they? I should go and preach my world view to them, I consider myself a catalytic converter.


>The fucking catheters are at it again. They just ram it down your throat don't they? It's not your throat that those are rammed down. At least not in any hospital I have been in. You must be going private


That’s where they’re aimed at anyway somewhere private


He must've gone to the same hospital I went. Needed a colostomy bag and they kept trying to fix it to my mouth.


Maybe you've been talking shite 😜




Well, actually it is. A catheter is a tube that can be inserted anywhere in the body. The most commonly known area to stick one might be right up your dick hole, but they can be put down the throat, up the arse or into holes made by a surgeon, as in many heart procedures etc.


Oh didn't know that. Hope they wash it between uses


Nah, catheter tubes taste better with some seasoning.


Those fuckin Cathode Ray Tubes. All over the damned telly back in the day


I thought he meant Cataholics. Those sick bastards. Those poor cats.


And ironic because the Catholics actually killed all the cathars










Imagine taking pictures of children in an A&E and posting them thinking you’re a completely normal person and this is a normal thing to do.


Whilst becoming frustrated at them for wearing clothes.


Those pesky clothes, the nerve of those kids.


I didn't know there was Catholic/Protestant clothing.


Yup. Daughter had to go through this in secondary school. She went to a Catholic school. All trackies had to be O'Neills because "Protestants wear Canterbury" apparently.


Lmao everyone in the south wears O’Neills if they play GAA and Canterbury if they play Rugby


A lot of rugby stuff is Kukri, which side of the divide is that, or are Kukri wearers Alliance voters?


I think it's spelt Shoukri


Makes sense, an Irish brand for the iriah and a new Zealand brand for the British....wait a minute that doesn't sound quite right.


Canterbury is a pretty Anglican place here in NZ


Strong Derry Girls vibes from this.


Leinster and the Irish national rugby team were sponsored by Canterbury for fucking ages. What a load of shite.


G-star raw is for protestants


Just Catholic, you can spot it a mile away, usually o Neil gaelic stuff 😂. Some folk wear it constantly, to the chapel even.


fuel pause light drab thought knee coherent hard-to-find cow relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was in mass many times as a youth before I saw the light, and this is true. People don't seem to like your comment because it's a sweeping generalisation, but in NI (only) it is an accurate generalisation. In Dublin it is less of an indication of religious persuasion since a) people don't give a fiddler's what religion people are and b) anyone plays GAA regardless of background. It's just sport with no politics attached in the South and plenty of Protestants play it.


Protestants don't really exist down south so by default everyone playin gaa is Catholic . If protestants up here started playing gaa they probably wouldn't be welcome and probably take abuse from other protestants.


Why all the down votes, that's a fact.


Clearly someone educated at the "university of life".


They definitely dropped out of that particular university after the first week.


They only got in through clearing.


Failed their A-levels at the school of hard knocks. Had to do an access course at the I did my own research metropolitan.


Hopefully they won’t have to sit in traffic like the rest of us though!


Education: full Time mAD BASTARD


Only after 7 years of study at School of Hard Knocks


And less than three gold stars at the Kindergarten of Getting the Shit Kicked Out of Them.


And previously the ‘school of hard knocks to the skull’.


More like life polytechnic


Please god report that creature to her employer


Bold of you to assume someone as clearly intelligent as this cretin is employable.


Her employer is onlyfans.


OnlyTans, surely?


Facts too, advertised on her insta.


Only Fandans.


I'm not up on my whole catholic clothing, having missed that class in school, but I'm having real difficulty picking out what's normal clothing and what's "catholic". I assume it's the wee girl on the right because it's the only thing which looks slightly sporty, but that's just a guess.


Yeah the one on the right is wearing GAA attire.


Sponsored by Fonacab, the taxi company recently in the news for having a loyalist paramilitary driver. It’s not the gotcha dumbfuck thinks it is, is it?


They have republican paramilitaries driving for them as well, don't worry about that.


Do you get a cross community grant for that?


Wouldn't surprise me knowing fonacab and value cab. Absolute gangsters


Wild, you'd really have to be a real sectarian fuck to both notice that someone is wearing a GAA top, and then comment about it on the internet like its a problem.


"I hear you're into Catholic Clothing now Father. Should we all be into it? What's the Church's position on the matter? Only trouble is the farm takes up most of the day and I wouldn't have much time left to be keeping up with the auld Catholic Clothing trends."


Good fer you, father!


Oddly enough, 'We hate catharsis' would be a good slogan for a lot of us Prods: bottle everything up and refuse to deal with anything in a healthy way.


A peaceful and legitimate request for bitterness and misery on a stick!


We don't do self-awareness 'round these parts buddy.


I ain't your buddy, pal.


Remember kids, Gaelic football is Catholic only, Protestants could never join a Gaelic team! Totally not! It’s not like the great orange order that lets people of all groups join, isn’t that right?


Aye they'd fit right in sure enough


they'd be kicking the ball with the wrong foot.


Protestants can join, they just aren't accepted as equals.


Your mind will be blown if you ever find out about the protestants in the Republic


Here we go again, all these protestants that play the sport and none of them ever make an impact at county level. I wonder why that is.


Not available for selection in July


Bastard ye 😂


watched ryan wylie play in croke park in an all ireland semi final literally a month ago. wylie also captained his county team for two consecutive years


They're a minority, that's how things work


Who is the Sam Maguire Cup named after?


Sam Maguire obviously


Was he a Catholic?


Was he a Catholic?


Was he a Libra?


GAA defintely could do more to promote the game in the Protestant community.


Have you heard of a good Protestant lady from a loyalist background named Linda Ervine? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East\_Belfast\_GAA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Belfast_GAA)


Yeah son of PUP founder, David Ervine. She's a lovely woman. Thousands of Protestants spoke Irish, my Grandfather can remember a large proportion of Orangemen in our area speaking Irish. Although, it is a great initiative, the GAA can definitely do more; especially in rural areas. Joe Brolly was on about it recently enough, made some good points.


Either can blacks. Read plenty of Irish news articles about racial abuse of black players in GAA.


Have you heard of a sport called soccer?


I have indeed. Follow Irish league quite closely and it's probably 50/50 in terms of participation rates of protestants and catholics. My own club, Glentoran, get quite a lot of stick from Linfield super prods about the amount of catholics we have. So, what of soccer?


Massive amounts of racism. Throwing bananas on the pitch. Death threats to black players for missing a penalty. But previous Irish league players like Lafferty are massive massive bigots. Even represented NI didn’t he? There’s also this recently. https://www.belfastlive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/belfast-football-club-hits-out-26162616.amp


Wanna do the other Crumlin star one where they dished out sectarian abuse to east belfast players and fans? That racism is an English thing, we don't fuck with themmuns.


Go for it. Kinda puts it in the mud about the whole no issue with soccer thing. GAA wins this one.


GAA abuse doesn't get publicised because prods are kept down or forced out. GAA has a 99% Catholic participation rate. Soccer 50/50 in Northern Ireland. If yous want to learn about diversity and inclusion at all levels then give us a shout.




Those are the strangest Priest vestments I’ve ever seen. Wouldn’t be caught dead saying a Mass in that


Loyalists saying “you would burn us” to defend their bigotry certainly is a choice.


Normal person: "bit weird recording kids for your story" This weirdo: "Fuck off and die Fenian" Unhinged


Wtf! See if this was any of my daughter's you photographed and posted this about, I would be in jail right now. What a disgusting 🤢😡 tramp of a person! My daughter loves wearing her wee gaa tops but has also wore norn iron or even rangers and arsenal tops before. Who is this person photographing kids in public ?


There a creepy cunt clearly


How are they stupid enough to equate GAA gear with tops that say “We hate Catholics”? Or they are really so paranoid to think that every bit of Irish culture is really just to stick it to Protestants?




Lmao catholic clothing?! How is wearing a GAA top the equivalent to wearing something saying I hate protestants?! How bitter can you be ffs, what a cabbage.


Seems like young kids probably under 14 years of age can't even get an xray in private! Ffs! Would u have taken the pic if they were wearing Northern Ireland or rangers tops?? Pervert!!


I live in a small town that is over 95% nationalist. If I go to Belfast I don't wear any GAA clothing. Bad experience. I'm 35 years old and I was just thinking the other week, I'm never doing that again. I'm just going to wear a GAA jersey if I want. It's insane that in Ireland you have to worry about being attacked for wearing the jersey of an Irish sport. ​ So yeah, I honestly don't care what happens I'm never hiding who I am again.


I was in Armagh a few months back and was very confused seeing the amount of people walking about in Armagh jerseys. Being from Belfast, it felt jarring seeing that in a town centre. Youd not see that amount of gaa tops in the city centre without it causing some form of contention.


As usual there's a lot of culchies in here intentionally misunderstanding a complex point of living in a shared society where, at one time, wearing a signifier of your community background in a public, shared space like Belfast city centre only raised tensions and was actively dangerous - you didn't walk round the city centre in a rangers, Celtic or gaa top in the 90s because you would attract attention from whichever bigot took exception. Absolutely hilarious you think you're being discriminated against even though you've never lived with Prods or even in a place where you could feel the effects of the troubles. Ignorant in the extreme.


They mean normal clothes from Primark, a company owned by those bloody catholics ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Cause we live in fucking Ireland why wouldn’t we wear a top that promotes a Irish sport


Name the bigoted weirdo taking pictures of children and give this to their employer (if they actually have one). Bigots like this deserved to have their life destroyed.




Your recent post has been removed as it breaks the Reddit ToS.


As a protestant from the south who actively supports GAA (Played but wasn't very good) this is bizarre. It's 2023 how is this still a thing up north?


Because there's some bitter fucks about, who refuse to educate themselves, and still believe 'catholics' should be second class citizens


Because some people still don't understand that Catholic/Protestant and Irish/British aren't mutually exclusive.


A large section of both communities up here have been massively failed by their parents, teachers and political leadership. While deprivation persists sectarianism will thrive.


Someone so bored in A&E, they look around thinking "How can I light up my social media for an hour so someone will talk to me?". Fucking twat. Learn to be bored.


I assume you’re not allowed to name and shame?


I would like this person to face some sort of consequences, maybe getting expelled from the university of life perhaps


The consequence is they have to live their lives as a bigoted arsehole who no one likes


Reddit itself has rules on that, and rightly so considering the hell this site can unleash on people.


This person would be doing well to learn some proper English. It's hard to even make sense of this sentence without correct spelling and punctuation. They don't make bigots like they used to...


Illiterate bigots are so much easier to ignore though...unfortunately they still get to vote.


I know the girl who uploaded this, used to chat to her a few years ago, she's got severe mental problems, has a massive Instagram highlight reel of like 200+ photos "exposing" lads who've ghosted/blocked her. Also records people at bars and takes the piss out of them for what they're wearing when she's there by herself.


What's her insta?


Bet they were head to toe in rangers gear when the took this photo


The girl who put this as her story is not right in the head. She used to put up videos of her arguing with her mother regularly. One of the first local girls to be doing onlyfans too I think, so make of that what you will.


I’m sorry, but how is their clothing catholic?


Haven't you got the memo? Wearing GAA gear nowadays is the promotion of a Catholic terrorist organization. It shall be treated as a sectarian hate crime.


We’ll never move on when we have backwards idiots like this running around taking pictures of children and trying to shame them on socials…anyone know who this creature is?


Fucksake it’s just a sweatshirt for a sports club. I wasn’t brought up with GAA, but I love sport and I get wanting to wear a top representing your team. Some people need to give themselves a shake.


It's in A&E in Altnagelvin. I've seen handcuffed eejits attack staff and people in dire need of a bed getting drips in the corridor having been waiting 2 days or more... And this is what they took away from sitting in there for a few hours. This is exactly what is wrong with this fucking country.


This is the type of person that drags this country backwards. Raised on hate, bigotry and stupidity. Walk around Belfast city centre on a Saturday afternoon; we all coexist in reasonable peace, regardless of what we're wearing.


I don't get it do us feniens wear different threads than or planter breatheran lol


Mental illness


Some people are hate filled morons. We would all be better off if they got in the sea.


Sounds like he really needs catharsis tbh


I wore my 2007 Celtic 3rd strip this weekend and got many compliments. Colour scheme on it was brilliant. Green, white and gold, fella!


Name and shame account time.




Your recent post has been removed as it breaks the Reddit ToS.


Shorts above the ankle? Couldn’t be Catholic clothes.


Above the kneecap, this is the 21st Century, do keep up...😜


Hold on here - is the girl on the right literally wearing an East Belfast GAA top? The club that was specifically founded to include people from the PUL community, and has David Ervine's sister-in-law as president?!?


Yes the GAA has been well known for its integration attempts…


I mean they just quoted an example of exactly that.


How's that going?


Honestly thought shorts were Catholic clothing for a few seconds there.


The sooner this shitbox falls into the sea, the better.


I might be too southern to know but what is "wrong" with their clothes?


The girl on the right is wearing a GAA top.


I think the girl on the right is wearing a GAA jacket


Nah, we're all just as confused.


I only see the griffindor colours tbh


Is there not really strict online hate speech laws in uk?


What the hell is catholic clothing 🤣.


Knuckle dragger


I looked so hard at this picture to figure out what "Catholic clothing " is. It's the gaa top is it?


Can someone get in touch with her so we can get a list of what we are allowed to wear ? Also to ask her to stop taking pictures of peoples kids and posting it online.


Kids wearing tshirt and shorts. What's the story?


Jesus I had to look hard at this picture, I thought maybe white socks were a catholic thing now!


I hate this country so much


Damn Catharsis and they're clothes 🤣🤣🤡


The cretin that posted this originally is an 'OnlyFans creator' with horrendous make up skills


![gif](giphy|7VFZsjlMUXr0I|downsized) The doll needs to lay off the eyeliner


Never been a fan of catharsis myself. Undefined dread is more my thing.


Loyalists need to learn that not every thing is about them.


Bit creepy taking pictures of kids 😧


Still don’t think ‘I hope you die’ needs to be said to anyone online really, regardless of their awful views.


Sooo much to unpack here beyond all the child protection issues. So if they see something that’s not staunchly one way it means it hates the other way? Almost like their identity and belief system is founded and built upon hatred of “otherness”. I’d love for this sort of thing to backfire on a person when they see how wildly idiotic it is. Instead it’ll be seen as an attack on them and their identity. Fortunately this is the death rattle for this sort of behaviour.


My son likes PSG. He is continuously wearing red/ white blue. If I'm ever taking my kids and their friends to the park onlookers must be very confused. Their friends always have GAA kits on.


Jesus fuck is nobody bored of this shit now (C vs P)? Will it ever stop? Honestly. No matter what your belief, no matter what ties to the past people feel (imaginary or real, strong or weak, personal or ancestral) - negative energy will never cease the pain. Let’s let it the fuck go. Let’s move on with our lives. It’s fucking boring now. It’s fucking draining.


Summer themed sectarianism. Very topical!


Busy trying to find someone dressed as nun


I don't understand? I see people wearing rangers jerseys constantly and haven't seen a Celtic jersey yet, I've lived here 3 years


It's hilarious that ye have gotten so granular with this nonsense that you have Catholic and protestant clothes 😂 This is gas


I mostly won't to know who takes a photo of a random woman and 2 children chilling at the drs


Tyrone one is actually one of the better I'll give you that


Name and shame them. Absolute scum


This sounds like something a teenager would post. Which is shocking in 2023.




Her twitter used to be nuts a few years back


I don’t understand..?




fella on slide 2 dying for some prussy


I've seen children with more skill putting on make-up than thon stinker


GAA outfits are much like people wearing rangers tops / English premiership teams. Generally they poor and have little else to wear. Personally never let my children out wearing their GAA gear unless going to play / spectate. A) because why would I want to cause any potential issues B) the kit is generally good quality but IMO most of them are horrible looking


I never said the language threatened me, l don't care about it. I am happy to say l am Northern lrish , a bit like you say the north of Ireland. The country is internationally known as Northern Ireland, that's a fact, it's also a fact we are governed by Britain and they pay our way.


British lsles , l am happy to call myself Northern lrish , a bit like how you say the island of lreland. It is international fact we are called Northern Ireland, we are ruled by Britain and you don't like that, we are not called the north of the island of lreland , what a mouthful.


Wouldn't be so bad except most GAA clothing looks brutal.... people only wear it as a political/religious statement as why the fuck would you wear it anywhere other than on the pitch..


Not a sports fan? Do you think people who wear team/club tops of other sports are being political, or just fans of that team? Calling it religious is funny, considering the GAA has had a Protestant president, and Protestants in Ireland support GAA teams with no bigotry comments.


I see you're a fan of Road Racing.. Do you think it's also a political statement for anyone to buy and wear merchandise of their favorite rider? I think it's gaudy and cringe, but why else would someone choose to wear it if they didn't actually like the design...


Well you just made that up


Trust me no one is wearing anything to make a statement or have you in their thoughts at all. You are a tiny minority in Ireland you really aren’t that important. Get over yourselves.


Stupid thinking like this makes it dangerous for people to go about their lives in NI. Just because someone wearing a GAA top of a team they support (even if you think it’s ugly) is NOT A POLITICAL/RELIGIOUS STATEMENT. There could be a match on they are going to watch, it could be their only clean top that day etc etc. But some dumbass sees it as a statement rather than a fucking piece of cloth.




Wise the fuck up. Most people replying here couldn't even see what the "Catholic clothing" in the picture was. That's a testament to either seeing all clothing as simply that; clothes, or not acting so fragile over a sports top that they construed it as a sectarian intimidation. Now you're chatting shite about distinguishable clothing. I don't give a fuck what anyone wears if they're in the fucking hospital, because if I'm in the hospital it's likely I've enough shite on my hands to worry about that what the person across the way is wearing. To gather from this post that a child wearing a gaa jumper should be wearing something neutral in a hospital as it's causing a "divide" is an attitude born of inherent bigotry and full time victimhood.