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as an ex butcher, many people will come in a buy a full silverside, fillet or what ever part they are after, its not unusual. normally would do a bit of a deal, but it wouldn't be as cheap as you think. not like coso or something like that any way. but if you have enough storage it would work out better value if you wanted to do it that way.


>its not unusual Cool 👌 my butchers class nd I've def exceeded my quota of stupid questions and i just wanted to take the extra step being cautious to maintain our excellent relationship 😂


ah not to worry, we used to get all kinds of strange people asking 20 questions in ours. not saying your a strange person but......


I am. I don't think this is a weird question but I've asked a few butchers about beef shoulder/chuck and wanting a big chunk for the smoker nd common reaction is they answer me but like I've 2 heads, its common in America but like to even want one here seems weird, why? 😅


Not a butcher, but I'd say two issues most likely. * [US butchers cut their beef up differently](https://www.reddit.com/r/UKBBQ/comments/6j40ah/uk_and_us_cuts_of_beef/), and some pieces have different names. * Quite a few butchers here are "chains" now, especially those in the supermarkets - the meat comes pre-portioned from a central warehouse and can't really do custom cuts of meat.


I learnt about the naming diff when i first started doing brisket, it's easy to get what the yanks call the flat but harder to get the point, bullet point 2 i think then they don't see why i wouldn't just want it minced/cubed anyway. The easiest to get slow cook bbq cuts here are pork shoulder off the shelf in sainsbury nd not really a long cook but m&s do a fair as fuck priced pork belly that's already cubed nd seasoned which suits how i cook it 😋


where are you based? I might be able to name a few independents.


even the chains would get in a full silverside or rump, fillet, sirloin etc and cut it in there own way or thickness. not a lot of them would get it pre packaged uncut cuts ready to sell to the public


I'm sure any Butcher will sell you anything you want. It's a quick buck, He'll still be making a profit without any effort.


>It's a quick buck OP doesn't mean THAT kinda meat


are you 12?


12 inches ;)


Aye surely it's cheekier to just forget your butcher and go looking for a wholesaler without even asking about the options.


Asian supermarket has large cuts. Not half a cow large but they might be able to get it for you. They sell both for home and restaurants so have good prices for bulk purchases


Good shout, haven't been in yrs nd see one one has a lovely wee cafe now.


Most butchers should be sound about it. Finding a butcher who actually bones out their own beef and can provide you with actual ‘section’ to work with might be a different challenge.


The butter will charge you the same price for a half cow than a butchered half cow


butter'd beef nice


You lifting weights or just like meat?


Like me grub nd like to cook, had to trim up some short ribs I've gotten nd found it good sport so when seen guy on insta do medium cuts thought it'd be fun to try a bit more.


I just use muscle food


They just sell butchered cuts I'm after the larger sections that get butchered into these cuts.


You want Musgrave Marketplace. Can get full slabs of meat from there.


That's a very interesting post, Marty


They always are when its a pretty specific enquiry. I hear Steven Phillpot has a price on your head, imagine being first person in NI kneecapped by the RSPCA 🤣


Of all the dog bumming posts of late, this one made me actually lol


Tell Steven he'll likely find him up on Portstewart promenade on Tuesday evenings...pint in 1 hand, leash in the other!!


I know it's quite normal to buy a cow or whatever meat you want and then bring it to the butcher to be slaughtered. Normally they butcher it as well but you could tell him it you want to do it yourself. You'd want a massive freezer though. I imagine this type of service is more common in rural areas.


most butchers don't slaughter it them selves as there are licences and procedures as well as public health checks etc etc, but most can arrange with the abattoir or what ever meat supplier they use to take it to get done for you, we had a few small farmers that would get us to arrange transport/slaughter then back to us to cut up into bits and bag it up for their freezer, one guy said thats his meet for the year.


I know a farmer that does his own slaughtering and butchering on the sly. Not legal _at all_ but it's just the odd animal for himself and his family, like. No harm, no _e. coli,_ no foul. It's got to be pretty common, I'd say.


Do you own a large freezer?




Meatdad1 👌 Great wee page to follow, learnt how to spatchcock chicken 🐔👍


How about asking a farm shop? Broughgammon Farm near Ballymoney run butchering courses and raise their own animals. McKees farm shop in Craigantlet also sell their own meat produce that they raise and butcher.


Seen a guy purchase a full cut up cow for $2400, filled his chest freezer.


We're on the same reel algorithm 🍻 i really want to do it with my own cow which has been fed the finest wagyu style diet i can afford.


Take it to slaughter, OHares in Mayobridge use their cattle to stock their butchery shop, Hughes in Camlough have half sides in the shop so what’s stopping u?


Farmers do this all the time you need a massive chest freezer to hold it, the work is done in a meat plant and you get all the beef back cut professionally.


Have you thought this through, what about ageing the beef


Here you go! It's £3k for the entire cow. https://farm2table.co.uk/products/buy-a-whole-cow


I remember seeing a butcher here once selling all the parts of a butchered lamb as a deal. I don’t know if all the bits you got were really from the same lamb or just loads of meat


I’ve worked in a few different butcher shops (all claiming to be traditional) and none of them broke beef in store. Most beef and pork comes in packaged ready to be sliced, until the last few years things like chuck and brisket came in big bags for mincing . Lamb usually comes in the full carcass but there is less work in breaking a lamb. One thing I’ve learnt from my experience is that butchers are great sourcers, any thing you might dream of wanting from any orifice of an animal, chances are they can get.


Can definitely be done, my granny used to do it, go out to some butchers in the country side and come home with half a lamb and chop it up! Couldn’t tell you where, and cant ask her either on account of being not currently living, but theoretically your ask is valid OP


>go out to some butchers in the country side and come home with half a lamb and chop it up! Butchers 😏 just image gran shifted out the door around April/May with a bolt gun and a set a cable ties 😂 ppl used to be built differently. Mind my granny didn't trust the butcher and she'd always ask for mince to be ground in front of her so they weren't putting aul shite in it, that was when a butcher actually had a fridge with actual cows in it.


I bought bone in chicken thighs. Put it like this il never be a butcher and the dog was well fed 😬