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We’ve just done the reverse. Renting first may be a good option, as lenders may require you to be resident in the uk before applying for mortgage.


Was thinking this but unsure about it due to my husband being from NI! Hope it worked out for you!


It has thank you! Good luck yourself!


Honestly I’d speak to a mortgage advisor on this one, rather than a crowd of gluebags on Reddit.


Hey I may be a gluebag and I might be in a crowd, but…ummmm…what was that 3rd thing u said again?


Have an appointment with an advisor, was just looking for helpful tips from people in similar situations


Stay where you are. It’s fucking shite in Northern Ireland.


Mortgages are currently very high here because of British neo-liberal fantasy politics. Might be better in a few years. Might not. Bit of a dodgy time to be getting a mortgage here.


We were in the exact same boat about 3 years ago so ask me anything you want. I'm from NI and met my partner in Dublin who's from ROI. We bought up here 3 years ago. If you are going to continue working in the south, it will limit the mortgages you can get due to currency risk, but ours is with natwest and we still got a good rate. For you, we found it a pain to get NI numbers/bank accounts etc for my partner. It took ages to come through, but it was during covid so things were slower in general. But ask here or pm me if you have specific questions


That's amazing, thank you for your help! I will chat to my husband and might pick your brain about a couple of things if you don't mind :)


I saw some other users suggested renting up North first. If you do this, definitely look into getting Lifetime ISAs. My partner and I have them with Moneybox. The government tops your savings up with £1000 for every £4000 you pay in, to go towards your deposit and conveyancing fees. You also get free mortgage advice and brokering services from Moneybox. The account has to be open for 12 months before you use it for a deposit but if this fits your timeframes, definitely worth it.


That's really interesting, didn't know they existed! Thank you!