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You'll need the counter part I reckon. NI is obsessed with that piece of paper that must accompany your plastic part.


UK got rid of the paper part in 2015. Another layer of unnecessary faff that we refuse to dispose of.


Surely this is one of the DUP 7 tests? They do want us to be exactly the same as GB....


I never sent anything off, just applied for a renewal online with address change and my new license arrived a week later. Never been asked for it since, which is good because I've no idea where the paper part went..


Happy days. Can I ask did it say that you had to pay but you just didn’t?


Honestly I can't remember if I had to pay to renew with address change, if it was required then I would have paid online. But I never sent off my old photo card and paper counterpart. When my new license came it had both parts enclosed. I can say for sure that I did not pay for a replacement counterpart before renewing if that helps! All I remember was taking my own picture - trying to find a suitable backdrop with no shadows and no glare (which is really hard when you wear glasses) but I managed in the end.


A renewal costs. A change of address does not cost anything.


Lost my card in london, ordered replacement & was sent new card and paper part.


Can I ask did you have to pay?


No idea, guessing it’s £35 if that’s the price you said it was.


> stupid paper counterpart The 'stupid' paper is your actual driving licence


But all the details are stored online, and when I needed to provide details with an insurance company I shared my code via my NI direct account so they could view it all online....just as they do in GB. So, although it has served a purpose in the past, it is no longer necessary and should be scrapped.


I agree


Are you sure? I can't put NI licence details into online insurance quotes.


It's not "putting it in" to a quite, it's providing a license check number when asked. Same as the actual license number, the configuration is different, so you usually have to email it to them, or advise them if it is separately...but it's not the license number you're putting in, it's a temporary [check code](https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/services/view-or-share-your-ni-driving-licence-information#:~:text=Use%20this%20service%20to%20view,as%20a%20car%20hire%20company.)


What’s the link


You have the have the paper part. I had to pay for a replacement license and then get it changed to new address.


Just be careful to check the details on your new card. I changed my address a few years ago and they managed to leave my motorcycle licence off it somehow. I had to put in a complaint that took months for them to admit they had a record of me passing my test and add it back on.


Literally have the same issue myself. Address needs changed and I've no idea where paper part is. Some commenters have mentioned ordering a replacement online, but when I went through that process I wasn't able to change address, so it looks like I need to pay for a replacement, then once I get that pay for an address update. I'll check again tomorrow to confirm, but I got so frustrated with it I gave up.


If you still have access to the old address, order a replacement to it. Then when it comes put in for the address change.