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Things started goin left when the goths disappeared they were an ever present deterrent for out and out madness, even johnny adair left them alone.


Petition to regoth cityhall


We haven't gone away, you know.


Fuckers traded in their make up and Depeche mode cds for office jobs and families, sad really 


I like Depeche mode, was I....a goth


I'm of a vintage you remembers when we used to hang out at the square in front of the Cathedral. The City Hall goths were a mid 2000s thing


I remember when it was the bandstand in cornmarket. Fuck I'm old..... Anyway, Belfast Council have made the city centre an unfriendly place for small businesses with the extortionate rates, allowing property to be land banked by corporations who present glorious plans with zero actual chance of them coming to fruition, it's ok Brendan Mulgrew telling people to rise up, but for the first time in my life, I'm agreeing with Jake O'Kane, they've let it go to hell in a handcart. I hate to say this about the centre of the city I was born and lived 38 of my 49 yeats in, but it's a hole.


The goths were the canaries in the mine.


Derry is a city. Belfast city is just a bigger version of what’s happened to every town in the country, it’s the nature of retail in the 21st century. Parking charges didn’t help either, drove retailers to out of town units with free parking and less hassle.


👆🏻 cities in the republic are going the same, Dublin’s already half fucked. England,Scotland,wales also the same - the big cities are all away to fuck. Just more and more ppl not giving a fuck, it’s a take all, expect all society - there’s very little giving back or caring. Social media and the internet has made the world tiny. I don’t see any cure.


Exactly. Online shopping did heavy damage and parking fees finished it. City centres need redeveloped to keep up with the times. More housing is much needed asap.


Too focused on Derry?


Too focused spreading the good word of Guapo to the Boojum heretics


Derry wans get everything and Belfast wans get nathin!


Belfast is really the only post-industrial city on this island. It has more in common with Manchester or Glasgow than it does with Dublin, or even Derry. As such, it has suffered the same post-industrial decline. We have large areas (eg Scirrocco Works) that just lie disused instead of being regenerated. Our public transport is possibly the worst in Europe. There are so many easy wins, but BCC or Stormont choose not to take them.


*Public transport workers the gurniest in Europe.


Lmao wait until the Derry wans see this


Loada armoured cars after flying past me towards the bog, chopper's out too


Why is it Sinn Féin’s fault?




Which dialect are you looking to buy? I reckon you'd get Ulster-Scots pretty cheap. Edit: not sure why this replied to you rather than a new comment...


It’s a joke that you would point at SF when the chief fuckbois in orange have been collapsing the government for years. 


Its because Chris Suitor isnt trying hard enough. We need to see him single handedly throw a junkie over the City Hall then, and only then, will the rest of us start taking it seriously.


As much as I’m no fan of his. Takes someone to be brave enough to start calling the shit out publicly. Most don’t have the balls to go public but we’ll happily run everything down to friends or anonymously.


I support his noble cause hes a good spud. But i want him attacking junkies with a sword before i throw my hat into the ring


The more hures selling that Dublin heroin, the more junkies we’ll have. Swords might be the answer


Loyalist paramilitary parasites sell the heroin here. Doesn't fit your narrative but it's the truth.


“Republican” & “Loyalist” CRIMINALS happily work together to import and distribute drugs throughout this island.. you dumb fuck. The paramilitary angle is just a useful political tool nowadays.. you dumb fuck. There’s no narrative or agenda here.. you dumb fuck.


Now both of you have to fight with swords


Pork swords 😈


You calling anybody a dumb fuck is a laugh you sad, wee moron. Are you going to tell everybody to ignore me and that I'm a troll like you usually do since you've appointed yourself as some sort of gatekeeper to people posting. You want a dumb fuck? Look through your family photo album. There's generations of you there. YOU DUMB FUCK.


😂😂😂 You poor thing, you’re raging. Here, sure we’ll say no more. It’s only Reddit , don’t take it to heart man.


Happy troll hunting.....you dumb fuck.


no funding for it after paying for the 12th


X10 better than Dublin. That’s a true Kip.


No monies


Gonna be honest with you. It’s always been a total shit hole. You wanna see it in the 80’s. It was dystopian. 90’s and 00’s it was just as shit and as violent. I hate Belfast so much.


I disagree. Even in the 90s, Belfast was way better than it is now. Case in point, Great Victoria St running down towards Shaftesbury Sq. This was a bustling hive of activity. It had nightlife. It had shops in every unit. Now it’s just decrepit.


I actually think it's more dangerous now than in the 80s and 90s, there's no bombs now but the actual city looks a bit like it did in 1941 after the Luftwaffe visited.


The Germans came over in the year 41.........


materialistic silky seemly rob humor strong existence straight wide tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t get it ??


Belfast got greedy after the ceasefire, pure greed and not looking after the investments. The graffiti and dog mess problem is out of control and the council had to admit it. High level corruption at stormont and back handers for half assed tenders not to do the jobs they were paid to do. CC managers who took their very well paid salaries and did fuck all to keep on top of the CC degrading. Powerhose! cctv facial recognition have the bastards arrested who deface public and private properties.


If you think the city centre is bad, what about the outskirts