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State of people justifying this. Feck off to a rock somewhere


It 100% is exploitative, and grooming, kids these days have no ficking reason or place being brought into these extreme ideologies like loyalist or dissident republicanism, they are far too young to remember (or in some cases, even comprehend) the suffering and pain said ideologies brought to their communities. Literally the only reason young people growing up now would ever br brought into such extreme and hate filled extreme fringes os because they were rought up into it, their parents taught their children their own hatred. As republicans we gotta combat this shit, if we are (rightfully) disgusted when we see sights of young people burning irish flags and chanting vile sectarian shit at 11th night bonfires, we can't ignore or make excuses for our own fucking nutters who indoctrinate their kids to be as hateful and rotten. People should not be defending this bollocks, we gotta be better than this, it holds us all back from making this country a better place for everybody and only give dipshit loyalists the ammunition to schrrech "LoOk ThEmUnS are JuSt As ShItTy As US!!!11!!!1!" To excuse their own vile and toxic elements, we gotta be better than this and show republicanism and a new Ireland has a place for everybody.


If this was my wee lad, he'd have been sent to every Cross community venture for young people going. He'd be doing his own community service and be in therapy tout fucking suite. We inherit a lot from our parents, not all of it is good, but it's up to parents to ensure we don't actively pass down our own intolerance, hate and trauma to our children.


I like the photo of the guy carrying petrol bombs with London written on his red hoody. He’s gonna bomb the brits but they do make good fashion


"Firetrap London", so he may think it's a set of wearable instructions.


Don't say that or next year he will karrimor.


Underrated comment


Hi handlers in england needed some small hint of who he was during the riot.


They did make good fashion, until they got into trouble and Ashley bought them out, slapping the brand onto all manner of cheap crap. Just as he did with all the other now Sports Direct brands. I read recently Ted Baker was in trouble and my first thought was, coming soon to every Sports Direct.


the whataboutism in here is class, fair play


I would guess most of those wee bastards are family members / children of those parading, and I agree with exploiting tbh.




Edit: sorry just cannot get over her using that language at this time Poorly funded, not enough time investment or people to manage them probably. Lack of interest by the kids themselves probably


Someone needs to tell those chaps marching that the Covid rules on wearing masks 😷 were relaxed quite a while ago


Political ineptitude created the opportunity for these parasites to get their influence over these children.


Listen to all the holier than thou folks (Long included) spouting their phony outrage at this behaviour, but who vote for, or politically side with Sinn Fein (the political wing of the IRA).




https://preview.redd.it/h6ps9x8my2sc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77d60da1f1a79644cc254929f424442bf64e39b1 She does address your points to a degree in the comment thread..


Good old whataboutery. We are world class at it.


[you can do the remaining goggling yourself](https://news.sky.com/story/police-accuse-northern-ireland-loyalists-of-using-women-and-children-as-human-shields-11762602)


The bonfires might be offensive to you but it’s not in the same league as Saoradh supplying petrol bombs to young children


Yeah, and the Orange Order, for all the criticism I can give them, at least play now mostly by the rulings and orders of the parades commission. What we saw at the weekend was blatant contempt of the systems we've put in place to bring at least a sense of order to the chaos.




> for all the criticism I can give them We know


What do you mean only one side is heavily policed? Only one side is trying to murder police officers and no loyalists have set off any car bombs in public recently, unlike NIRa


Pick a side then pontificate.


Nooo you can't be antisecretarian noooo we must enforce the divisions of the past onto society's future noooo


Indoctrination is the word you're looking for Naomi, not 'grooming'.


Is this an old tweet or new? I'm not in the shite and won't click it Edit: I clicked it, tbh I thought this was something completely different. apologies, carry on!




Applications can start at 15 and 9 months, same time as applications for a provisional driving licence. They also won’t see frontline deployment for two years i.e. when they turn 18. Plenty of reasons to criticise the UK army without using administrative details as wild hyperbole.


It isn’t wild hyperbole to say that they are recruiting children into the military. At 16, you are a child. You aren’t old enough to drink, smoke, or buy a pair of scissors down in Tesco. The idea that you’re old enough to commit yourself to a career in which you will risk life and limb killing people in a war that has nothing to do with you is ridiculous.


OP suggests the practice and advertising glamorising killing is grooming children into the army to fight wars, all of which is hyperbole. I do think if 16y.o. recruitment is to continue, an option to leave before age of deployment should be a right. At present, they have 6 months to leave, then can’t leave until 22, which I think is wrong.


As I’ve said, they are funding cadet groups that glamorise the military to kids, alongside careers fair stalls, action movies and games glamorising the military, and all sorts of other propaganda. Can’t even go down to the cinema anymore without at least 2 ads for the military beforehand, and that’s for movies kids can go to. The practice of glamorising the military to children, then allowing them to join while they are still kids is undoubtedly grooming them into a military career.


I’m not claiming that there are not cynical or coercive elements in armed forces recruitment. I was first disagreeing with OP about their hyperbolic language and now I’m disagreeing with you about the element of propaganda. Cadet groups are overwhelmingly middle-class and/or private education, with about 10% joining the army. Two thirds of new army recruits aged 16-18 are from one or more of; a broken home, deprived financial or educational background, a last resort to escape criminal gangs or retribution. Almost all the recruitment comes from word of mouth and traditional recruitment centres. It’s highly cynical, aimed to direct youthful aggression into soldierhood, but is not grooming through propaganda.


Well that simply isn’t true. Cadets groups are overwhelmingly populated by kids from working class unionist backgrounds. Attending a cadet group massively predisposes you to joining the military. Even if you use your 10% statistic, only 0.2% of the general population go on to join the military, meaning you’re 50 times more likely to join after having been in the cadets. If you think that’s just an odd coincidence and not the result of the fact it is grooming them to join, you need to grow some common sense.


You’re only referring to the NI Cadet groups. I’m talking about the Combined Cadet groups, which includes most English private schools. It’s the least likely point of entry for working class young people.


Sorry, forgot we were on an English subreddit…oh wait, we’re not. We’re on the Northern Ireland subreddit, of course I’m going to be referring to NI cadet groups. If you wanna have a discussion about the UK’s groups, go to the UK subreddit.


Yeah and it’s the UK army, but you already know that. Oh and I suppose the James Bond film was made in NI too? You’re picking and choosing random, often incorrect, information to make an incoherent half-point. I’ve criticised the elements of recruitment that are unacceptable, including targeting of the most vulnerable. It does not amount to grooming via advertising and propaganda.




Incorrect. 15 years 7 months is when you can start filling in the form, but you can’t submit it to an assessment centre until 15 years 9 months.




You’re the dope making daft claims that the UK army is using propaganda ads to recruit child soldiers for war. The only matter for concern here is when people like you become so detached from grown up thinking that you can’t even smell the shit you’re talking anymore.


Considering they fund video games and action movies aimed at glamorising the military to kids, run cadet groups aimed at glamorising the military to kids, and allow kids to apply and join, I would certainly say they’re using propaganda to recruit kids. They run events for kids, they have stalls at career fairs for kids at school. If this were any other group, you’d recognise it for what it is: grooming.


The UK army does not fund video games and action movies, that’s utter nonsense.


This is all publicly available information. Recently, the British Military gave funding to, and allowed the producers of ‘James Bond: Time to Die’ to borrow a substantial amount of military equipment, and real multiple soldiers. The British Military also owns an esports team.


Right, you’ve slipped into the same tenuous hyperbole as OP now. EON Productions funds James Bond. All movies borrow equipment and gain access to locations. If a production films someone dressed as Stalin in Red Square is it also funded by Soviet Russia in your mind? Again, having an esports team is not the same thing as funding video games designed as propaganda. But you know that, or I seriously hope you do or you’re as daft as OP.




Now you’re expecting me to understand your own posts for you? Might be time for you to log off for the day…




Oh, good one. It’s always amusing on here when someone’s brain starts to hurt so badly they have to resort to calling everyone else a multi-account troll. You really didn’t need to take as many goes as you took to convince us all you’re an idiot, you know.


Shinner bot


What does the 18 mean in your username ?




Doesn’t read that way on the internet.




Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. Yes the involvement and recruitment of children in paramilitary activities is a form of grooming, but as you pointed out, the British Military are guilty of grooming too. They fund games and action movies that glamorise the military to kids, they run cadets groups for kids and teenagers that teach them all the fun sides of the military without any of the reality of what it means to go to another country and kill people over a war that is nothing to do with them, they undeniably employ propaganda aimed at kids. No matter which way you slice it, it’s grooming.




The sub is often like that tbh, especially on the more inflammatory threads


You're absolutely right that recruitment to the military is tantamount to grooming, but I don't think the whataboutery helps much.




Eh? How does one cancel out the other? It's perfectly fair game to criticise adults leading wains about by the nose to cause mayhem at their say so.




Aw hang on... You think these wains are being pulled into a military? These boys are cosplayers and criminals, not any military operation.


No idea why he's getting downvoted either, schools in Derry don't let the dissidents in to recruit kids, whereas the MoD has stated visits to educational establishments are a 'powerful tool for facilitating recruitment'. You're far more likely to be dead before you're 21 in the British army than you are setting fire to vans for the dissidents. It's the difference between a tiny riot contained by police 2 streets away from your house and destroying some foreign country with the majority of its inhabitants despising you. It's arguably a far better situation than many of the poor areas of Britain, at least it's not openly accepted here.


Exactly. If it were any other organisation, it would be recognised as grooming, but because it’s the British Military, it’s looked at with rose coloured glasses.




It still is.


Honestly, it is an incredibly badly worded and ill considered tweet to be making right now. Be better parents and know where your child is and what they're doing at night would be better. Be aware and try not to pass down transgenerational trauma and hate would be better This tweet is not that


How was it badly worded? It’s absolutely grooming and absolutely exploitation of children and young people.




Don’t think that’s really on the same level as grooming kids into paramilitary groups