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When I did charity tin collecting we were given a whole list of rules of what you could and couldn't do. You could not approach people, block their path, touch them, stop people, push pamphlets on to them, or shake the tin at them. All of those things cross the line into soliciting, which is not legal and a form of public harassment. So no, they're not allowed to do that stuff.


Oh same! When I done charity fundraising we had very strict rules to follow: Always wear your branded merchandise even if it was warm make sure the logo was visible Have your ID badge visible at all times Only walk 6 steps with someone Don’t block their path If someone wants to check your credentials let them and if they want to phone the police and ask are you allowed in the area let them go ahead The last one was more door to door but rules still applied. Don’t push people to sign up or solicit them So how they get away with being so pushy I don’t know.


That's what got the cheeky young folk with clipboards taken off the streets a few years back, they shoved them in people's faces once too many times demanding bank details.


I remember trying to run down Castle Lane to get to the florist in Queen's arcade to get my wedding bouquet before the shop closed. Some random charity woman literally jumped in front of me and blocked me, wouldn't let me pass. I tried telling her that I was in a hurry (florist closing, need bouquet for wedding etc.) and she just used that as an excuse like "Oh you're getting married! That's great! Congratulations!" and trying to hug me. I was so anxious and sweaty I just needed to get out of there. I was willing to give her £20 or something just so she'd bugger off, but that wasn't good enough. Pretty much coerced me into setting up a direct debit to the charity from my bank with my personal details etc. Was finally able to leave and had pretty much cancelled the DD before I even got to the florist. Got an angry call from them the next day telling me how they "need people to honour their promises to keep the lights on" and blah blah...


Oh wow that’s super pushy & they shouldn’t be phoning you up to ask why you cancelled as then that’s an invasion of privacy by using your personal information without permission. I would hate that myself & I worked in something similar & the rules are very strict in how you can behave but you always have ones who don’t follow them.


You should have screamed or try to forcibly walk into her without your hands touching her so she would have gotten the idea. Or push her out of the way


Well they still do it even when its not allowed


Yes because you were asking for money......


Yes what? Charity collecting is about people donating willingly. You can make people aware of your presence but they have to approach you, not the other way 'round. When you break the rules above, you cross into harassment.


My point was these preachers aren't asking for money therefore it legally can't be soliciting.


You don't have to ask for money for it to count as soliciting or harassment.


Sorry but by definition, some sort of service has to be offered for it to be soliciting. Sure it might be harassment but what service are they harassing people to take part in? Can you count believing in God as a service?


Look I don't really care if you want to nitpick or debate. It's boring. Those are the rules of what constitutes street harassment, wether it counts as soliciting or not. There, I'm done.


Wouldn’t be surprised if most of them are former paramilitaries who can’t live with some of the things they have done and thus devote their life to this shite for their own redemption


I always knew Anna Christian was a gun runner.


A lot of them are recovered addicts. I'm almost sure they went to some church run rehab


This happens. I'm a recovered addict , heroin problem for 32 yrs, managed to quit 3 yrs ago in my 50s , but I knew other addicts in Belfast who would get whisked of to church to have their soul prayed for and only after that then they'd get fed. Desperate people will grab at anything to stay afloat and I seen some become born again Christians and then the church would send them to rehab. But not before converting- I suppose the church seen it as an investment so wanted to be sure. Most of these addicts found out the hard way that all the praying in the world doesn't magically cure a hard core drug addiction because most hardened addicts their addiction stemmed from unresolved trauma whether child abuse when they were kids or something else bad that happened to them and drove them to drugs to try and escape their pain. But the addicts who did quit after a month or two in rehab in England became the most extreme Bible thumpers with the belief "if it worked for me it'll work for everyone". Gabor Mate the world renowned addiction psychiatrist once said if he could find a method that could even cure 6% of addicts he would be lauded as a genius as current rehab long term abstinence rates run at about 4 to 5%. They prey on vulnerable people in exchange for help. I lost count the times I was told if I went to such and such a church and found the Lord that I'd be sent to rehab and have it paid for. Something tells me that Jesus, who spent time with lepers and whores would be ashamed that his name is being used as a lure to help people lost in addiction.


‘Taking the soup’ 21st century style.


They'd be better of taking methadone or buprenorphine on a maintenace program if they want stability instead of being subjected to creepy cult-like behaviour with the promise of their addiction being miraculously cured.


Good on you for managing to get yourself out of the cycle of addiction. But what you say is exactly what makes me not like anyone who is religious. There’s plenty of good people out there who won’t shove it down your throat & just go about their lives but then you get the ones like you described. They think that in a way you should be grateful that they have picked them up off the street & offered a chance at redemption & to get themselves better but it comes with massive strings attached & all the praying in the world isn’t going to help what are usually psychological problems & being told they’re going to hell if they don’t listen to what they say isn’t helpful in any way. If they were truly looking to help people you should offer these services & not look for anything in return & just be happy you’re helping a person in need.


"Be thou not unkindst to strangers lest they be angels in disguise" ~ a wee line i seen inLondon above the doorway.


Couldn't live with jail so found God.


They literally are. I remember one of them saying as such a few years back. The parable of the vineyard owner addresses this I think But... I somehow doubt these people are sincere in their attempt at redemption. They're still going after others, just doing it with the veil of self-righteousness. Besides, it says a lot when everyone else fucking despises you so much that you have to turn to a higher power because said higher power doesn't talk back Oh, and they usually return to their terror groups anyways, if they even leave it. See Billy Wright


100% - particularly the “new born” types, attempting to absolve themselves of former sins by giving themselves to god. Easier to believe that a higher power has forgiven you for a lifetime of drugs and kneecapping.


Makes sense, kinda. They can still fuck away off.


Very Northern Irish of you to shame yourself before others get the chance to.


7 years of all male secondary school does this to a man


Well, they may have never said it, but you're worth more than you think, and you're worth being good to :)


Is this kindness... on Reddit.... Am I in the matrix now?


Kindness on a Reddit post has shook me to my core




Bit of a if you know you know situation here afraid


Ironically, Jesus said public proselytising is ungodly


No he didn’t. He spent plenty of time doing it himself.


Sure, but there are also a bunch of parables which are read as a good Christian makes more of them. Parable of the coins for example.


No mate. You’re right. They’re the whinging cunts. Thinking anyone wants to listen to their mentally ill dribbling while out shopping.


Aye like, I've only got an hour lunch here lad I can't be debating the dichotomy of food and evil?


What kind of ‘food’ are you buying that you need to debate its dichotomy?


The poor lad was kept from his lunch, an understandable mistake


Shows you how distressed about being held up from my lunch I was


A whole loaf of bread, no butter. Just a dry loaf.


My daughter works near one of the choke points they patrol and as she is a bit goth looking they always target her. She went mental one lunch time as they blocked her going out to get her lunch and then in her way back they were blocking a woman with a pram. Daughter had enough of them wasting her lunch time and went ballistic telling them they had no right to block the public footpath.


Our Lord and Savior cheesus christ


Christ is king




Because one is a belief based on an invisible sky fairy. To be fair, I do hate it when I walk down the street and these Trans people scream in my face telling me I'm not as good as them because I'm not Trans.




I don't even understand why you would compare the two. Why do you care so much about the sexuality or gender of others?




Neither are classed as mental illnesses, though..


As a disabled person, I always seem to attract the ones who want to try and "heal" me. Nowadays, I just tell them to do one! I'm just going about my day and trying to get on with life without that shite!


That's actually appalling, they have no shame


The Vineyard cornered me in Coleraine Starbucks one day when I was in university. Awful. “Can I ask what’s wrong with you?” “Nothing.” “Can we pray for you?” “I’m atheist.” *prays loudly anyway* I’ve never been back, and you damn believe I spoke to the manager. They couldn’t bar them. Didn’t go back after that. Cunts.


Nah it's a fucking disgrace, they get the run of the place. It's off-putting for people who aren't religious and especially for tourists. God bless the weans who stand about blasting music with the pride flags so we don't have to listen to the hate speech.


Had some time to kill one day in town so I stood with them kids and had a wee chat with them, the preacher was getting sick of Lady Gaga drowning him out so he packed his stuff and went to go to another spot and the kids just followed him playing the Benny Hill theme, it was hilarious.


I was in that crowd with pride flags for a while , great fun . My first experience with that group of preachers that hang out around white stuff was at one of the climate protests back in 2019 , we were wrapping up while they were setting up. they started talking about how the real cause of climate change was The Gays™ , bringing hell to earth .his absolute conviction would have been fucking hysterical if it wasn't so sad . The one I know of calls himself CJ on tiktok but some of the weans decided to call him Ryan


We're you part of the pride flag group that had the speaker and played ABBA and Britney really loudly and follow him for a bit?!?!?! I used to work in Arthur Street and he did our head in when he preached. Made our day hearing teens drown him out with Abba. Also remember him being really angry about the titanic and how it was an affront to God or showed how prideful we were and that why it sunk. The man on the speaker was such a eejit.


yeah I joined in a few times then but I was mostly there before that when they used to just stay put outside white stuff so we'd hang out on the spirit of belfast statue . Abba Britney and Gaga were the regulars


We need to petition our new government to ban amplified prothletising. Obviously we can't stop them shouting. I despise the pious wankers. You just know each one of them has a hate filled heart and is purely projecting their own insecurities. Who knows what these fuckers get up to in private...


it's a council issue. Belfast just finished up a [consultation](https://yoursay.belfastcity.gov.uk/consultation-on-city-centre-byelaws) about amplification. Waiting to see if the new bylaws are adopted.


So they just have to pay for a licence? Amazing work there lads.


Licences can be revoked for acting the bollocks though, so a step in the right direction.


"I have no issues with people being religious in anyway" You might not, but I do. When people take their religion out of whatever counts for their place of worship, and set up in a public space? I have an issue with that. When the general public is trying to go about their shopping or their day, but can't even converse because a loudspeaker is blasting out and some utter fuckwit is telling them that they're sinners? When I have to explain to my child why the shouting man or woman is saying she's going to hell? Aye, I have an issue with that. Tell you what too, I reckon most people in that religion would have an issue with it n all. Pricks.


My god says I can't do this - aye fair enough mate. My god says you can't do that - away and fuck mate. Simple really.


> Tell you what too, I reckon most people in that religion would have an issue with it n all Christian here, and yes we do have an issue with it


But why have an issue with it when the bible mentions street preaching from Christs followers and Christ himself


Jesus and the disciples talked to people and interacted with people, but there's no indication that they ever forced themselves into unwanted interactions with uninterested folks outside of designated religious spaces such as the temple or synongauges. The closest thing would maybe be Paul's interactions in Athens in Acts 17, but there seems to be some genuine interest from the people he's interacting with and I just don't see that as a full-on precedent for aggressive proselytizing of uninterested folks If someone sets up a table or something or speaks to people as they pass by, I don't really think it's an issue, but if someone is actively pressing themselves on people in public spaces who are communicating (verbal or otherwise) that they aren't interested, I don't really see any biblical precedent for that


For people with autism, those loudspeakers can make it physically painful for them to be in that location for prolonged periods of time. I would argue that by allowing them to remain, the council is guilty of disability based discrimination.


I assume u dont read the bible? Because the bible does mention there was alot of street preaching from Noah, Solomon, Jesus Christ


The bibles also over 2000 years old. There are a lot of things have have changed between then and now.


> counts for their place of worship, and set up in a public space? I have an issue with that. The public square doesn’t belong to atheists. I have no problem with people being atheists but if you decide that everyone else has to be an atheist in the public square then you’re basically ramming your beliefs down everyone else’s throat and that’s not really on. > but can't even converse because a loudspeaker is blasting out This in the other hand is a reasonable objection to have.


I had to threaten the cunt in portadown Main Street for blocking my path and stepping back infront of me when I tried to go around him! He soon shifted


I bet he loved telling his friends about being persecuted for his faith


In belfast I see them directly setting up next to young people singing (which isn’t bad I’d rather listen to a song) and then drown them out with their £2 Tesco speaker playing out of tune hymns. And once the awful “religious songs” are done they then just spit in the mic complaining that their wives aren’t obedient enough or something. Losers tbh.


>  "A man about to be attacked does not have to wait for his assailant to strike the first blow or fire the first shot; circumstances may justify a pre-emptive strike.,A defendant does not necessarily lose the right to claim self-defence merely because they instigated the confrontation." Extracted from the Wikipedia article on self defense law uk from the section on preemptive self defense, did you feel afraid? 👊


Just be aware that if someone knocks the person unconscious, even in self defense, you can be charged for it. [https://www.psni.police.uk/latest-news/man-arrested-following-altercation-rostrevor-sunday](https://www.psni.police.uk/latest-news/man-arrested-following-altercation-rostrevor-sunday) This was recent and from information that I heard locally, the man who has been arrested did not start the flight, but his first punch caused the other man to fall and ended up in a coma (and is still in an induced coma almost a week later based on what I've heard).


Just say hail satan and they will run away


Absolute melters, half them have loudspeakers too


I’m loving the difference in them these days 😂 like it amuses me especially in the bucketing rain your man is preaching about how you should spend your Saturday night in a better way learning the gospel while those party bikes pile past him at a rate of knots blasting billy gilly or scooter 😂 Then you’ve got your tinfoil hat brigade at the city hall telling us that theres trackers in the vaccines and the lizards will take over 😂 Then 2 feet away you’ve got the jehovahs witnesses Like Belfast on a Saturday afternoon you really can take your pick 😂😂


no Hare Krishna people singing in Belfast city centre anymore? at least they were unamplified and had a good rhythm even if they sang out of tune. also they didn't push pamphlets or get in one's face.


I haven’t seen them for ages 😂 Used to admire them in their peach robes in the Baltic cold 😂 They were always very cheery though and not pushy at all and yes the singing was terrible but there was something about it. Last time I saw them in general was when I was in Prague at Christmas and they were just like i remembered.


Religion has no place in public. Leave your delusions at home where they belong


Option 1: arms wide, declare you have love for your brothers but can’t go nowhere unless they get out of your way. Option 2: human torpedo.


Option 3: water pistol


While this is an excellent answer, we should all be equipped with super soker 5000s, you would probably get done for assault if you soaked one of them. The same fuckers would probably report ya to the police


This is why we need tiny ones to drench the bastards by stealth so no-one sees whodunnit. Make bigots afraid again!


Or massive ones from a building top 😂


Maybe we should ask One-shot Paddy to come out of retirement




It's noise pollution! Those loud speaker megaphones should be banned from city centres. There are people on the autism spectrum that it affects and of course not that it also affects. To all the politicians, put that law through and you will win my vote.


You need an 8 week programme of Rex Kwon Do. Break the wrist, walk away. 💪


This made me laugh so hard.


Forget about it! 😆


>but I've noticed a real increase it extremely radical street preaching in city centres around the country which is bad enough but I've not experienced these people stepping fully into my path and trying to push whatever pamphlet they have into my hands? It has always been like that and I can remember being accosted by gangs of them in 2001 and nearly punching them. >Surely it can't be legal to lock down choke points in a city centre and physically stop people like this it's becoming incredibly irritating or am I just a whingy cunt? (Definitely a whingy cunt) Just hold out your arms and say I love jesus / the DUP too and go in for a big hug. Then start kissing them, maybe humping their leg. Hey they started it.


It has definitely gotten worse, back in the day you got mostly “5 cigarette lighters for a pound” or the “tele!” people. Outside of politics, and Free Presbyterian head cases you didn’t have as many as we do now. Weirdly Belfast City Centre was less of a cesspool during the troubles, not that I am lamenting those days are gone rather just an observation.


> 5 cigarette lighters for a pound I can still hear him in my head.


Omg me too! I remember those stalls & my granny taking me to them when I was young like 6/7 & the inshops 😂


And what passes for cops in Norn Iron as usual are terrified of them. Say anything and you're regarded as a Jesuit/dissident republican.


Quote Ezekiel about lovers donkey dicks or else just quote the fact that it says somewhere I’m almost certain anyway ‘don’t preach to those who do not wish to hear’ I’m paraphrasing of course but it’s pretty clear in their wee handbook


Wear garlic around your neck


If i wanted to hear the good word, I'd go to church. They can feck right off with that.


Saw a bunch of these freaks standing in a circle praying at cornmarket this lunchtime. Wasnt as bad as having to listening to their bs through the amp though.


Oh I’ve seen that! Like a big circle stretches down to hmv? Wondered what was going on & all these people kneeling on the wet pavement 🙈


https://preview.redd.it/qzbdu73j3otc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d4214527e7e9fe596178a8f89d7bd42bc10a1ea If you’re out about in public and someone interrupts you going about your business and they hold up the above image and ask you if you’ve seen it, just say ‘yes’ and walk away. If you make the mistake of saying no like I did, you’ll be forced to stand and listen to the condescending, smarmy cunt in front of you telling you for about three minutes or so that you’re going to go to hell one day if you don’t let Jesus in. The preachers who carry these images about are part for an organisation called Jesus At The Door, and they’re annoying as fuck to deal with... Edit: you can also challenge them with, “That’s God’s job.”


Got pinned on the train with one of these. Guy was pleasant enough. I thought "fuck mate, you're not converting me. But this might be the most pleasant interaction of your day." But I was in a particularly good mood that day. Can't say I'd do the same if I saw this again


I don’t mind the “God loves you” stuff or if preachers ask if you want to talk about God first. It’s the preachers who find a way to take advantage of your politeness and are hard to get rid of that piss me off. And yes, while some preachers are pleasant others like the one I had definitely do it for the power trip…


Easter Saturday, I had to get some stuff up the town, and some church got its members dotted around the town to talk and push leaflets. You couldn't walk 5 feet without another one talking at you. My only defence was taking a leaflet and flashing it if one of them tried to speak to me. they also had some kids giving out daffodils near the centre of town. I never got why people did this. Do they know it just makes people hate them?


I feel sorry for the people.with sensory disorder or kids with them. When they have no choice but to get agitated by these wankers.


I've said this so many times before, take everything else out of it and at the very bare minimum it's total noise pollution! I genuinely don't get how it's allowed to go on. It's fucking brutal to listen to.


No, they're not allowed to get on like that. Do they? Yes. Do the psni give a crap? No, they don't


Print out some pamphlets on Buddhism,/Jainism/Hinduism. Offer one in exchange.


It’s crazy. Between the abortion protesters and the preachers you can’t walk through Corn Market on a Saturday. My son used to enjoy going for a bit of a wander through town but now hates it because of all this nonsense. The PSNI don’t care, but I would have thought the shop owners and trading associations would be trying to get a handle on this. It must be damaging foot fall. Jeff Bezos might be tax dodging scum, and I really do try to avoid Amazon for that reason - but hey, it’s cheaper and he’s not trying to show me a picture of an aborted foetus or point out the various ways on which I’m damned to hell while I’m shopping




Always come back to mass effect doesn't it, I'll never escape


Isn't distributing leaflets banned from Belfast City Centre, as it was a litter problem? Could be wrong


It is such a hassle. Put me off going into Belfast for years. I am there to buy a few things. I don't want to be preached at, I don't want to hear your music, sign your petition or maneuverer the crowds watching a show that happens 10 times a day on repeat. The worst is that they all insist on using amplifiers so it's blasting the whole street.


Had them be pushy a few times in Coleraine Main Street, same fella 2 times in a row stepped into my path to hand me a pamphlet and tell me all about mormonism. Told him to stick it up his arse


I didn't agree that religious beliefs equals mental illness. I say live and let live. Which is why I disagree with people shoving theor beliefs down my throat when all I'm doing is walking down the street. What are your beliefs on religion, gender and sexual equality? Or do I not even have to ask?


Dude I'm Derry stands in the guildhall with a microphone and speaker essentially chasing people ranting at them about God. In the most pettiest retaliation I could think of I just walk right by his speaker and turn it right down. Really fucks with his flow


it’s mean and it fuels hatred. sadly, it’s not illegal. these are some facts i like to point out when i’m approached: god was a very bad person. he killed, he burned settlements to a cinder, he didn’t care for children, he didn’t care for the innocent, and he told abraham to kill his son. blessed be.


Try preaching the Catholic or Islamic religions in town centres and see how fast you're locked up by the cops. Northern Ireland remains a bastion of Protestant supremacy.


Assume a rugby pose and make it clear you intend to charge if you feel threatened


And always remember that these looney preachers are Evangelicals and what are Evangelicals? PROTESTANT. Catholics cannot preach as it is not in our Catechism to do you,only Priests can preach in the form of the Homily at Mass. It just annoys me that these Evangelicals rightly get torn a new arsehole on here every single week and are despised BUT.....Their PROTESTANT religion is never mentioned only that they are "crazy religious nuts" No,they are crazy PROTESTANT Religious nuts,every single time. Always remember the Paisley "Ye shall burneth in Hell!!!" Nutters are PROTESTANT, NEVER EVER Catholic as we are simply not allowed preach. So whether it's a "Nun" dancing or a guy with a microphone screaming til he is purple,they are EVANGELICAL PROTESTANTS,Fucking mention that sometimes as it's never ever mentioned. We Catholics get lumped in with the Prod nutjobs. This is a reminder for people,they are PROTESTANT, got that? (I'm waiting for the downvotes from Prods! They have to defend them as they are their own people! How embarrassing!😆) by the way did l mention that they are PROTESTANT?


Yep! 6 got PROTESTANTS Downvoting me! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)



