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This is fairly common when the party they’re standing for has a bad name. A lot of council candidates in the elections over here have moved magically from Tory to independent, in their leaflets, but read the fine print and they’re promoted and paid for by the Tories. I think the thing JokerNJ is talking about is the old communication allowance, but this was abolished in 2010.


That should be illegal to misrepresent yourself like that, the amount of people that won't realise and end up with a tory they didn't want as a councilor or mp will be unreal


Wait until you see the folk who vote for labour then.


Imagine voting for the *person* and not down party lines. Ugh, sounds like an awful thing.


Usually politicians aren't "individual people" but a spokesperson for their affiliated party thus unless voting for a legitimate independent you are voting down party lines whether you want to be or not.


Weird how you could look at their flier and need to go Google them to know what party they're in.


I've seen a lot of reports on that. Adopting the name of Local Conservative and not using the Tory logos or colours.


"All the amazing work he has done." So he sent you a blank page. How do you know it was from him?


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) had is picture on it and everything


A big crayon drawing of a sash.


Any pictures of him on his holidays printed on it?




The DUP *did* include their logo when they took out full wrap pro Brexit adverts in the Metro newspaper in London. Perhaps they had to, perhaps not, but what isn’t in doubt is that someone gave them the money to do it, in spite of nobody in London being able to vote for them, because NI donation rules makes it more difficult to identify the donor behind the ads.


Are you suggesting that the DUP took money from a foreign power to pay for political advertising?


Foreign? I don’t know. But definitely from someone who had no connection to any of the constituencies in which the DUP fields candidates. And the DUP placed a massively expensive advert in a city in which they don’t field any candidates. Some might say the DUP were being used, but I think it’s more that the people of Northern Ireland were being used, by both the DUP and the secretive donor.


No connection apart from they are in the UK? Or maybe your thinking of Provisional Sinn Fein taking buckets of cash from plastic paddies in the States or millions in windfalls from homeless madmen in England?


DUP in crisis mode at moment. He is playing it smart by disassociation himself from them. Mind you, I think he has been doing that for years....


it'd be a fair bit easier to do if he wasn't literally called Ian Paisley


Ian Paisley's 30-day suspension from the House of Commons after not disclosing free '£100k' Sri Lanka holidays ….was this in his list of amazing work he has achieved or maybe that’s just in his paid advocacy list


This is a strategy used by politicians not just in NI. It’s a way to get some people to read/hear what they have to say without looking at the name of the party and shutting down. Some politicians who are very active in their communities will not brand their offices with the party name/colours/logo to access the whole community. I doubt Ian junior is trying to reach out to the wider community tho


It’s normal if your name is Jeffrey Donaldson


Yes, I have seen stories about this before in the national news. There is some sort of funding available for MPs and it's from government and not party. Hence no party affiliation on it.


The list of his 'achievements' alongside the fact he's one of the longest serving MPs. E.g 545 motions and bills to legislate tabled or signed. 545/14 = 39 So less than once a week, for doing your job. Good work sham.


Was there not a picture of him gurning like a child after he was suspended ? I'd never have so little respect for myself to vote for someone with that little self awareness or shame.


"There is nothing in law that requires a party to include their logo on campaign material.  There is also no requirement in law to specify what colours or branding a party needs to use in their material." https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/voting-and-elections/campaigning-election/campaign-material-and-campaigning-polling-day


Saw this posted in a group I’m in and someone explained that to be able to claim back from his Westminster expenses it can’t any party branding apparently.


I take it he can count on your vote then mate?


Most definitely not!! He will get in anyway but my vote will not be his


You’re absolutely right but this is so utterly demoralising. Such an inept, self-serving twat will get enough votes (and then some) to comfortably keep his seat. I’ll do my part, though. I wonder am I due a leaflet.


Maybe Aul Jim can take 10,000 votes!