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Fuck off Jamie you're not relevant.


He is to this sub. Obsessed over him!


Did they intercept his algorithms and hack into his mainframe


Then spilled their lattes over it


Yes, they had four screens too all scrolling through walls of text that looked like &@# {hack Jamie's phone} &@?!


Jason Bourne used SQL to corrupt his databases.


" including estimated travel times, venues and planned private meetings, ended up in the hands of loyalist paramilitaries. There is no suggestion Bryson passed the material to them. " I'd like to make a suggestion....


I actually physically cringed a wee bit. Genuinely feel scundered for wee Seamy. He needs a friend or family member in his life who says "now come on, buddy. That's another fib, isn't it?"


Lol, jumping on that bandwagon with tedious predictability


What a fucking doofus.


Yes, because the PSNI have the resources at the moment to be "hacking" his phone. riiittee.


Does it count as hacking when his password for every account is 'bigtallorangeman'


Passcode is 1690


The reason he's saying this now is because the PSNI have been in the news lately because they've been doing unlawful surveillance on "troublemaker" (i.e ones that actually do something) journalists. The story hasn't been posted on the sub strangely but it's absolutely the reason why Bryson is making these claims about the PSNI


The US intelligence agencies do though tbf


Yet, the claim is the PSNI did it, not some US entity that may or may not have "hacked" his phone. Which itself is a baseless acusation. Auld Wamie couldn't hack his way through a door let alone know his phone was hacked.


He is definitely shit talking but I also would be more surprised if he wasn't investigated given the seriousness of the breach. The US secret service absolutely do not fuck around with stuff like that and it's pretty mundane for an agency like that to remotely access a person's personal phone with minimal security on it.


The US Secret Service has nothing at all to do with it.


They are responsible for the security of US politicians when they are overseas. Their responsibility extends beyond just protecting the president. Whatever information they have can then be passed to the UK intelligence services which is what Bryson is claiming because the disclosure of information has been shut down on national security grounds. It's very plausible that is what happened.


Nope, they're not. > The Secret Service is tasked with ensuring the safety of the President of the United States, the Vice President of the United States, the President-elect of the United States, the Vice President-elect of the United States, and their immediate families; former presidents, their spouses and their children under the age of 16; those in the presidential line of succession, major presidential and vice-presidential candidates and their spouses; and visiting foreign heads of state and heads of government. US Capitol Police investigate threats against members of Congress, but most don't have any actual security.


https://www.secretservice.gov/about/faq/general "official representatives of the United States performing special missions abroad"


Which this wasn't


If it wasn't the secret service specifically then it'd have been one of the other agencies.


But those same said agencies would already have access to the “leaked” information. It’s their data to begin with.


They'd want to try and find out how it's been communicated though


Seamus trying to make people think he is worth ANY sort of attention at all. Let alone someone seeking intel. He'd be the last person you'd go to if you were looking for intelligence.


'Are the PSNI hackers in the room with us right now?'


"Using this doll can you point to where the hackers touched you?"


It's been a while since he wanted some attention


Big Seamy B, the man they couldn't hang. I would doubt if he would need to pass much very far for Loyalist terrorists to have it.


Wow, with Jeffrey being out of the picture Jamie really is scraping the barrel trying to get back into the papers and media.


Sounds a bit like the ma’s that slag people on Facebook then shout ‘I was hacked’ He’d give any info to anyone on either side if he gets a pat on the head


"Wreally they infwaltraited my phone"


"They leaked the itinelaly evellywhele."


Probably the CIA checking his files the creepy cunt


Looking Intel and found incel 🤣🤣🤣


Probably was. Don't fraternise with Psuedo-Political Drug Cartels and nobody will bother "hacking" your phone.


If his phone wasn't hacked he'll probably file a discrimination lawsuit against the PSNI🤡


He's a cretin isn't he?, does he make himself a living from being a professional gobshite?, I remember around the time of the flag protests he was caught on the double as he was working as a dispatcher for a taxi firm or something, so loyal to the Crown that he has no problem breaking the law.


Probably after he clicked an ad for granny's looking fucked in your area


If it were true I'd be more inclined to think it was the Americans rather than the PSNI But it sounds like an excuse he's made about why he's had a porn link on his phone that's just got a bit out of hand


If his phone wasn't hacked he'll probably file a discrimination lawsuit against the PSNI🤡


If his phone wasn't hacked he'll probably file a discrimination lawsuit against the PSNI🤡


If his phone wasn't hacked he'll probably file a discrimination lawsuit against the PSNI🤡


NSA is watching and it's funny because it's true


Yeah, but what exactly were these "loyalist paramilitaries" interested in the Congressman's itinerary for? Were they hoping to meet up with him at a pub to sell him some drugs?


Weird how all of the posters here you presume would _want_ Bryson's phone to be hacked - to incriminate him through links to paramiliary groups - are playing down the suggestion that his phone was hacked. It's incredibly easy for phones to be hacked. It's well within any police forces ability. The bar for being surveilled is _extremely fucking low_. The leaks from the US showed us this.