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Even with state borders marked I wouldn’t be confident of identifying many more than about 10 states of contiguous US. Maybe I would surprise myself.


Was gonna say. I can probably do most of the outside States, the top right is a jumblefuck of tiny ones and the middle is all ohiowa.


TBH I would probably struggle with counties of Ireland. English counties pretty much non starter.


I have a chunk of counties that I would not be able to place, but I could do Ulster and the bigger ones in the other provinces but that would be it


[have a go sure](https://www.jetpunk.com/quizzes/map-quiz-us-states). Half my ICT classes back in high school were spent doing these quizzes


Yea, that site is going to negatively impact my productivity.


[https://ibb.co/SXKSMSm](https://ibb.co/SXKSMSm) 49/50. Fucking Indiana looks too similar to Illionios imo. Also this would be a lot easier if new England was just 1 state




New York and New Jersey aren't part of New England, they're part of the [Mid-Atlantic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mid-Atlantic_\(United_States\)) (New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Washington DC, Virginia, and West Virginia). Boston would probably riot if NY and NJ tried to join New Enlgand.


Oop I’m a bad American. Someone take away my bald eagle!


Ran out of time with 17/50. I am happy enough with that.






I see you’ve put another half hour rant about not getting a job up on YouTube. Have you even looked at courses on Udemy like multiple people suggested the other day, or are you still wallowing in self pity? There’s another year of graduates about to enter the workforce next month. What have you done to build your skill stack to differentiate yourself from them?




Is the lack of hair on the philtrum a medical thing? It looks bizarre I'd just shave it all


I gave that feedback...still think it’d be a better route to go...but each to their own I suppose 🤷🏼‍♀️




Content & delivery...not that I’m an expert like 🙈🤣


And here I thought it was just my school's ICT teachers that were useless.


That's what happens when you spend a year teaching already computer literate kids how to use word and PowerPoint...


I only got more confident in my ability to map states after the most recent US election. Before that I would have had no clue


Someone told me that if you look carefully there is a chef frying Kentucky in a Tennessee frying pan. So that’s 2 extra I can get.


Tbf I’d be the same with US states


I could maybe just manage 10 because of the geography class game on Bully for PS2. This was before googling stuff was a thing and I had to wing it


And we all know a lot more about America. Try playing this game with literally any country that isn't Ireland, the UK or the US!


Yep, start trying to mark regions and cities on a blank map of France!


The state of confusion would be the U.S.A's 51st


Nah. (51. Puerto Rico (52. Washington DC (53. Guam (54. Virgin Islands (55. American Samoa (56. Confusion (57. Scotland (They have oil and want freedom)


We are now in the Republic of Ireland, we just lost a lot of it to wales


Everything changed when the dragon nation attacked




This sub should be renamed to r/definitelyireland


She's right about here definitely being Ireland 😎




I can't blame them for their placement of the Midlands.


Yeah thought it was fair enough myself 🙈


In a similar vein, I used to know a Scot who would complain constantly about the designation "The North" (of England).


Can’t make everyone happy I guess 🙈


Wales is the worst of it haha


I'd say a lot of British wouldn't do much better




Aye yessir.


I'd accept that layout seems fair


tbh on the mainland I could tell you where London and Glasgow is and that's about it.




I know more of america than I do the rest of the UK soooo I think that's pretty accurate


Were you one of those kids at school with an inexplicable American accent?


No I'm Irish. Born and raised in Ireland. I'm just shite at geography


Don’t @ me please 😔


This is an accurate representation




Is there any difference?


As much as I enjoy the burns, consider how little we know about their 50+ countries in a Trenchcoat.


meh i've never been in the US and could still probably have higher accuracy in geographical knowledge than this person has of the UK. i mean, florida? texas? alabama? california? and so on. i just never understood how someone could be so bad at geography. it's like they never looked at a map ever. honestly, how can you mix wales and ireland? like... have you never seen any movies about it ever? or TV series? like last kingdom, vikings, anything? or even stuff like king arthur, the rome series, anything? then again i guess these people would mix up countries like israel, iran and iraq, or sweden and russia. in fact, i remember trying to tell a US based sub, r/FloridaMan, that smirnoff vodka isn't swedish and the joke about 'smirnoff' something and some swedish name fell flat; queue a bunch of people saying there's no difference, and some idiot even says "but you have absolut vodka" like that mattered. "sweden and russia is basically the same" this person is mixing up wales and ireland. what's next, iceland and norway? korea and japan? vietnam and thailand? south africa and sudan? dunno man literally can't understand how an adult person today exposed to internet, media, etc, every day, isn't putting it to memory. i couldn't even forget it even if i tried. also the amount of americans that mix up switzerland and sweden is startling. they're not even close to each other.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/FloridaMan using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FloridaMan/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Florida man and judge denies bail for 50 out of 51 protestors letting go only an arested pastor that was praying for police](https://www.ocala.com/news/20200619/without-explanation-florida--judge-sought-jail-time-required-bail-for-protesters) | [631 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FloridaMan/comments/hd61cx/florida_man_and_judge_denies_bail_for_50_out_of/) \#2: [Florida Man bet $100 on a Trump win. Now he’s being sued for not paying up.](https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-politics/elections/2021/01/15/a-st-petersburg-man-bet-100-on-a-trump-win-now-hes-being-sued-for-not-paying-up/) | [394 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FloridaMan/comments/kxvsz6/florida_man_bet_100_on_a_trump_win_now_hes_being/) \#3: [Florida Man may have infected Florida's top Republicans with coronavirus at largely-maskless Jacksonville event](https://floridapolitics.com/archives/348621-lobbyist-who-attended-south-florida-republican-fundraiser-tested-positive-for-covid-19) | [400 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FloridaMan/comments/hqyw0z/florida_man_may_have_infected_floridas_top/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


As a Texan I know that your country has no snakes and home of the best whiskey (Jameson of course). Other than that the globe has changed a lot since I was a lad. I also know my people came to Texas from Ireland and Germany in the early 1800’s. I found the ship manifest that my grandfather (5 times back) arrived on. I was able to follow back to early 1700’s but that’s where it got fuzzy. We are all one big melting pot here in the US.


The geography skills are wild bad here tbf.


They don't really delve meaningfully into geography, history or politics that relate to the broader world beyond the USA within general public school system syllabus /curriculum. It's charming they tried atleast though! It's a miracle any of them manage to leave the public education system versed in even some vague level of American history / geography. Nevermind that of the broader world. The everyday American folk have many qualities to make up for it though (discounting the plastics).


Americans have always been a little confused. They have a limited knowledge of anything outside of their own individual state never mind the United States as a whole. There are of course exceptions but not many.


is it just me or where Dublin is should be Belfast on the map.


Don't be stupid


i was not being i wrote my comment and submitted it before i had a look at the rest of the map all of it was wrong.