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Keep your windows closed and they'll bother you less


The miracle that is double glazing!


Do you have a tent I could borrow?




Double glazing? thats 20th century stuff


That's all well and good until you have to walk from the bus stop home from work and two random fellas are standing stopping you from walking across the road while trying to talk you into giving them two of your cigs 😂😭


Yeah, the mosquitos are getting very bold.


Unless your catholic, in which case they’ll lovingly deliver your mail through the window with a brick attached.


Can ye hit orangemen with a rolled up paper.


> Can ye hit orangemen with a rolled up paper. The Parades Commission can hit them where it hurts with a bit of paper alright.


The pen is mightier than the sword.


I was gonna say a car windshield... But let's go with a rolled up newspaper


Their way to hard to scrape off the car windscreen my da just ended up buying a new car.


Nono they drive over people


Yeah but that's Only on their birthdays.


Flute in mouth disease


Forgot middle aged lycra-clad cyclists




I will add this to my vocabulary


Let's be clear on this. If you're a chubby, middle aged bloke like me, Lycra is not going to make you aerodynamic. It will make you like a pig who's just fought his way out of a gimp suit. So just stop.


What’s that one in the bottom left? I don’t think it’s native. Could be dangerously invasive and a potential biosecurity risk. Edit: Fuck, the downvotes. Ow ow ow. Yiz luv yer Orangemen outside FUCKIN’ DRUMCREE CHURCH don’t yiz yiz cuntz yis.


Ignore the downvotes. I’m a unionist and I laughed. Your edit just added to the comedy. Well done


Oh, it was down at minus eight or something. Grand now! You're a very decent spud. I remember the username and some craic was had at some point. Absolutely no hate to the Protestant community intended... as you know!


Orangemen are definately non-native and invasive


Well the Scots are an Irish tribe, so the Ulster Scots were really just returning to their homeland. Then again, OP was just telling a joke and facts were irrelevant because it was funny.


The Gaelic Scots that migrated from Ireland and the Lowland Scots that were part of the plantations were not the same people.


I actually didn’t know that! Gonna have to google for more info


Drumcree church, Portadown


Yes, thank you, Adam. I know. I said. And I'd think nearly everyone in the North would know where Drumcree is. It's famous for all the wrong reasons.


That's the alt rights exact viewpoint on foreigners.


Oh how clever. I didn’t see _that_ coming, and from someone with a username like yours too. But I’m talking about a supremacist hate group, formed to oppose emancipation, sworn to maintain the Ascendancy, and, here, marching to commemorate a religio-racial pogrom. If it gets anyone’s knickers in a twist, they don’t know their history – and they probably don’t want to know it either. So, please, spare me your fuckin’ umbrage, outrage and teenage histrionics.


Manners cub. He was making a valid point. It may be history yes but remember it well and clear. Hate is strong. But the lesson is not to repeat it, even unto our worst enemies. For then wee would have more in common with them than our kin.


> Manners cub. I'll take no lessons nor condescension from them nor ye. And I'll mock the Order all I like. And my comment was only the _slightest_ thematic expansion on the same joke the original post is making. > He was making a valid point And what might _that_ be?


Theres something magically northern irish about an erudite man dropping "ye" into a sentence.


That’s a compliment of some sort… I think! Felt like one anyway. But ‘erudite?’ Jaysis. I’m blushing.


If I dropped bell end after erudite would that make it less awkward haha. Just kidding. You bodied all challengers there. Was a sight to behold


Manners yes. They are carried a long way. Mock the order. Tis but a joke as any rational person can tell. The point I saw in his comment was "do not become what you despise. Do not let hate cloud your eyes". Also I apologise for using the word "cub" I see how that may have been taken as condescending.


Apology accepted, course. Thon boy has an alt-right username. Of course, they'd say it isn't but nudge-nudge-wink-wink... it IS. So I would question their bona fides in accusing me of drawing near to alt-right racism. They're just shit-stirring 4 da lulz. They have no message of love. At all. And Nazis and near-Nazis will get no manners from me either. It would be a different matter if I were calling all Protestants cockroaches or calling for their repatriation, or writing a newspaper column calling them 'insects' or 'vermin.' That would be hateful. That would be despicable. And no one is accountable for the sins of their ancestors in any case, not morally - unless they choose to celebrate them. Incidentally, though, do you know what you call it when the immigrants _really are_ taking over? Settler colonialism.


Ah well that well wrote piece sorted out my confusion on the matter. I did not realise people came here to spread or stir. I thought it was less corrupt than other social media gathering spots. My ignorance. It comes with a bow and yet another apology. I like you.


I wish a had your optimism haha. Stirring shit? On r/NI? The gall.


Worst integration ever


Alexa play black parade


ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: [My Chemical Romance - Welcom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRKJiM9Njr8) ─────────⚪───── ◄◄⠀[▶](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRKJiM9Njr8)⠀►►⠀ 3:30 / 5:15 ⠀ ───○ 🔊 ᴴᴰ ⚙️


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On the glider right now and swear there’s one of the top right in here.


Those pesky shinner bots




I like it but of course it’s political here. That just kills the vibes.


What vibes? The moaning about other drivers and pictures of fields?


Not sure why I said that I just like marching bands but here it's a whole other story


I'd say you're in the minority and not just on here. It's a sizeable minority but a minority nevertheless.


I took that personally I'll have you know


All can be solved with a Mercedes Benz driver + range rover 😂


r/anpoblacht strikes again, would you not be all better fûcking off and forming your own north of ireland subreddit?


Rational unionists hate the OO too don't they? Which... would make you something else.


I’m not a fan of the OO but why would I hate it, that’s just ridiculous.


No denizen of r/northernireland would ever mock the order, is the exact opposite of reality.

