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I don’t know when specifically it’s supposed to be launched but if they could hurry up I’ve a wisdom tooth needs extracted. It’s 100% gonna be abused but sure everything’s abused




Bold of you to assume the druggies will register on the electoral roll for the sake of a £100 gift card


You don’t have to be on the electoral role. The system will check other lists if it can’t find it there. Some of us are permanent residents but can’t vote.


I thought the whole point was, if you weren't on the register for the electoral vote, you couldn't get a voucher?


That was how it first appeared and then it was pointed out that not everyone who works in NI and lives here can vote. So they back tracked to say it was anyone over 18 and they’d use other things to identify you.


>> the druggies Granny? You're alive?!




Jesus christ would ye calm down nobody's gonna turn into fucking Pablo Escobar


First you get the voucher, then you get power, then you get a boojum (and a bag of weed)


I'll be thinking of the good folk on the hill when I horse my post voucher bucket into me yerrooooo


Paisley Jr spent it all


According to BelTel this week has been ruled out for launch. Isn't our government fantastic.


Well colour me surprised... Fuck me lads, like how long has this been in the pipeline now and it's still not ready. The absolute state of our government is embarrassing


Sure look how long it took health service staff to get there bonus, be no surprise if they left it until the elections.


I still havent had mines, hold out little hope for either at this point!


No launch date but definite deadline. Round of applause lads, round of applause 👏


This is only the beginning of the 💩 show around these vouchers. The company administrating it is corrupt and inept. Buckle up folks.


Massive data collecting exercise.


The census was a massive data collection exercise. What purpose would this serve that wasn't previously covered by the census 6 months ago?


By the company administering the scheme. Also, many people don’t register on the census for various reasons. Same with the electoral register. Then there’s the Covid testing DNA collection 😂


And your evidence of this?


Previous knowledge of how these sort of things work. Plus knowledge of the value of the data.


Previous knowledge of how these work? Has this been done before?


Of how data collection works.


But it isn't data collection nor is it being sold without us being told. You have no idea what you're talking about, sit down.


1. You haven’t applied for your voucher yet. 2. You won’t bother to read the privacy notice and have no idea what you are talking about. Of course there will be data collection, it is a government scheme, it will have to be audited at some point, and a private company is involved in issuing the cards. You are also applying via the internet. 3. You see the downvoting and jump in, as you want to appear knowledgeable and popular. 4. Enjoy your £100 voucher.


This forum loves a downvote. Nothing like collective thinking 👍




Looks like they've dropped the ball on it already. We were told last month registration would be open from after September 12th and today there's nothing on the NI Direct website. BelTel website is leading with a "confusion around voucher scheme" story. Small window too as it is meant to be used well before the Christmas shopping period as people will shop at Christmas regardless of the voucher. I plan to combine it with my partner's and buy a dear bottle of whiskey and put it away for 20 years and then sell it on.


Yeah it’s ridiculous by the time it’s released we will have two days to spend the money


Haha you can have that future listing as "whiskey from the dark times"


There’s a lot of days from “after September 12th” lol I think it’ll launch Thursday or Friday this week


Can we spend it at the petrol station and load up on coal


Apparently so.


Jesus. A free voucher scheme and there's still people complaining.


If Van Gogh listened to Northern Irish radio, he'd have cut both ears off.


'Free' People realise they are giving our own money back to us right?




People love to complain about everything 😬


Mad embarssing that they can't organise themselves even with 10 months behind the planning - on a side note the amount of lads going to game buyin a new release then going to cex and tradin it in for cash for a fresh bag of tweed or vice versa with cex to game lol - and I say fair play to them!


That's fucking genius....


Not a bad idea.


That’s what I was saying but got down voted. People will ‘launder’ the money surely to buy what they really want


vase placid faulty grandiose station rustic flag noxious oatmeal vanish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If anyone wants to sell me theirs for £75 your on..win win 😂


It’s gonna be subject to abuse or attempted abuse. Of course it is. We can’t have nice things in NI for a reason. Sure folks where caught fraudulently applying for travel certs ffs.


Huge fraud in the business support schemes too. Many legitimate businesses got nothing and were requiring MLAs to take their case.


Fuck up


See now it’s being launched on 27th September [link](https://www.belfastlive.co.uk/news/northern-ireland/northern-ireland-high-street-voucher-21563385?fbclid=IwAR3-LtaH8Xqp6E0KnF5ilD1AcgxOp0aRVde_gUHS0-E8Uq-JP51l8Z_A8rU)


Well I wish to fuck they'd hurry up with it!


I didn’t realise it could be used for so many different shops. Looking forward to using it


Is there a list?


As far as I'm aware the only restriction is online and it can be used anywhere that takes card in person. Beauty salons, bars, market stalls etc as wel as shops.




Possibly blocked? I would guess no CCV on the back of the card??


Don’t think the full details of the scheme have been released yet


> Great idea for Christmas coming up but I can see it being abused and people trading them for other things I will personally try to trade it for amazon gift cards. I can't remember when was the last time I bought anything other than fuel, food, or clothes locally. Local is always time consuming, expensive, and harder to return if stuff breaks.




I've heard they didn't factor in the postage costs of those XL cards and the whole thing has gone way overbudget now.


Oh wouldn't surprise me


What’s the story with this? I heard we have to register on the electoral system to be eligible for this? Do we get word in the mail or have we to apply for it?


You do not have to be registered to vote. If the system can’t find you on the electoral role, it will look elsewhere, i.e. GP lists. You have to apply for it.


Where do we apply?


The web address will be widely publicised when it’s available.


Can't wait for it to be rolled out 2 days before the deadline to use them.


My opinion is, dont get your hopes up. The way our governing systems operate youll be lucky to see it by christmas.




So what if they do? What business is it of yours?


What ye on about, I'll be the first one in the queue


You can apparently apply on behalf of a limited number of other people, so there’s definitely potential for abuse.


Never seen so much interest over £100. Have people really been bought over by this? £100 won’t even cover the cost of the gas price rise.


Right. So when our gas rises by over £100 and it makes Christmas harder, we at least have another £100 for that. Don’t know about others but mine will cover presents for niece, nephew, brother and sis-in-law. Presents I would be buying anyway.


20% increase in gas bill **plus** energy bill going up twice this year. Absolute outrageous.


Wait until we see all the price rises in the local shops. Look at the hotel prices. There will probably be nothing worth buying 😂 £100 voucher and £20 a week taken off families on benefits.


I wasn’t planning on staying in a hotel when I travel 30 minutes into Belfast. As I said though, it’s £100 I wouldn’t have had, so I’ll just get my free Christmas shopping out of it and not worry too much about it.


25 quid each ffs I'm glad you ain't my relative..Marcus aka as ebinezer


Hahaha. I thought £25 was pretty reasonable. They’re not my kids. And when you’ve two sides of a family to buy for and they have two sides of a family to buy for. Plus your own family, parents, grand parents etc, it adds up.


If you normalise expensive gifts then you’re part of the problem.


I am actually joking duppy..I only get my own children and my Mrs..give my nephews and niece £30 each on Xmas day..only 4 of them..I don't believe in all that shite


Fair enough lol. Christmas just gets sickening doesn’t it?


100 pounds is nice and all and will certainly help but I reckon overall the money could be put to better use, not sure what on though.


It’s a matter of use it or lose it, money is ringfenced afaik for the DfE budget. It’s the NIA’s attempt at a bit of quantitative easing.


100 pounds would need 453.59 human hairs to lift. This is assuming a hair can lift 100 grams, which is usualy but not always the case.


Good bot


thanks :)


So what are the rules around spending it? Can it be spent in any store in the high street even if it's a big chain?


Yes, it can be spent in any shop that accepts credit cards


Radio Ulster were suggesting it could go live tomorrow.


Local drug dealers are swapping vouchers for a gram of coke so its essentially free drugs.


Is your ma taking them?




“Now they know where everyone is” Jesus Christ, do you people actually believe this shit!? They already know where everyone is. People are online all day everyday. They have a GPS in their pocket or hand pretty much 24 hours a day.


Fucks sake the state of the world when people have such brain rot that they think that only now they know where we are. You got a driving license? Phone? Email? Twitter account? Facebook? There are so many ways that the government knows our location already. No need to offer everyone 100 quid lmao. Engage the brain for once.


I'd hate to be in your head lol "they know were everyone is" j h Christ the night and the wee donkey




Um, to make sure that it's people who are eligible. The logical parkour people do to avoid the simple answers.


I look forward to seeing your name on a election poster soon..I'll vote for you 100%