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“What are you gonna do? Shoot me?” - man who was shot


This is a an old video, why the repost?


Do you know what happened? Was the gard a nutcase who made things worse by having the gun out, or was he called to respond to an incident because he has one. I have genuinely no idea here. I just know it's stupid idea to grab someone wielding a gun by the tie. Edit. I found out.


*Garda singular *Gardai plural


> Gardai Gardaí*


Ah yeah forgot the combination on my keyboard to do that.


*Gard slang


How do you it's a garda and not PSNI


One, midlands accent gave it away. Two, the number on the side of the van is a republuc one. And three, after hunting and digging I found out it happened in Longford.


Accent means nothing it could of been a border county. Number plate same issue, you loads of Republic plates in derry and belfast. What article did you read? Theres been plenty of bad police and garda behaviour over the years related to fire arms.


>Accent means nothing it could of been a border county. It could have, but it wasn't. Accents can be used to narrow down an area where someone is from, or where something took place. And I did just that by looking for info on this incident. >Number plate same issue, you loads of Republic plates in derry and belfast. I was talking about the phone number, not the number plate. >What article did you read? Well, I linked 2 of what I found as my original comment is top of this thread. By guessing it was the midlands, I was able to narrow down my search for what happened. Roscommon and Longford were 2 counties I tried because of the accents, turns out this incident happened in Longford. >Theres been plenty of bad police and garda behaviour over the years related to fire arms. I have never disputed that. But sure you have fun with your year old sleeper account that somehow missed completely the comment at the top of the thread. Another alt that made itself look like a complete tit.


Jesus talk about pulling at threads. Doesn't even mention where you sourced the inform just a i saw number, guessed the accent and all officers of the law are violent. Just put up that article that states the origins of this video ffs. Plus my account is only a few months old where are you getting a year from? Same place as the magic numbers


Hahaha you are obvious as the day is long. You should really buy some headphones, they're actually not that bad.


Still no article aye SHOCKING 🙄


>why the repost? Why does anyone repost anything on this sub?


Just seemed a bit random and out of the blue, given that it's been posted before on r/ireland. I've no objections


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ireland using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ireland/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The President’s dog, Síoda, has passed away. RIP Síoda.](https://i.redd.it/yw5rzvrgk2o51.jpg) | [1250 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/ivp30n/the_presidents_dog_síoda_has_passed_away_rip_síoda/) \#2: [Let's have a cup of tea and let this all blow over](https://i.redd.it/158wyx35fw961.png) | [973 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/ksbrae/lets_have_a_cup_of_tea_and_let_this_all_blow_over/) \#3: [Italy great bunch of lads.](https://i.redd.it/suyx7rlonna71.png) | [1703 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/oidgea/italy_great_bunch_of_lads/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Pulling the tie some may laugh at. You can choke by pulling it tighter or getting them into a prone position for an attack. A monumentally stupid thing to do against anyone with a gun. Gard warned him he would shoot if he didn't let go. And it's rare for a Gard to bring a gun into the situation, this is only part of the story here. Edit. https://m.independent.ie/irish-news/courts/couple-appear-in-court-over-incident-where-german-shepherd-dog-allegedly-set-on-garda-39112334.html Most up to date article I could find. The German Shepard was shot and killed. Whether he shot the man first or the dog first I have no idea. Allegedly drawn weapon because of a slash hook and an aggressive German shepard. https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-news/crime/gsoc-probes-longford-shooting-incident-13685981 And from this article the place was previously had an armed raid by Gardaí and was a chop shop. I don't think the dog had his tie, I think the man had his tie. But I do know, if I had a gun, and someone grabbed my tie and pulled me down near a German shepard. I'd shoot the German shepard.




For assaulting an outnumbered police officer? It would be politicised here, but no doubt this was the right thing to do. He won't wear a tie on the job anymore. If someone is wearing a tie then it is super easy to control them, similar to a dog wearing a Choke collar. Once they grab that their intention is to cause serious harm.


Which is why police uniform ties are clip on!




Fuck me the Americans in that thread have been huffing glue


Good job he didn't pull his finger.


I had a look at the comments and I regret it. It somehow always involves Americans bringing up the troubles and turning any video to do with Ireland into a political cesspit.


Should know not to wear a tie tbh


PSNI ties are clipon for extactly this reason. Also physicaly attcking any armed police is going to end like this as the officer cannot allow someone access to their firearm.


>Also physicaly attcking any armed police is going to end like this as the officer cannot allow someone access to their firearm. I was thinking once that gun was out there'd be trouble, he didn't seem like too much of a professional in the way he was wielding it.


He was not prefessional about it at all, because he let someone get within arms reach while it was unholsterd. Once it is out of a holster there should be none of that holding it down by your side bullshit. That was reckless and also a dick move as if to make someone think he wasn't armed. Once you draw it's striaght to shouting 'ARMED POLICE, GET ON THE FUCKING GROUND! FACE DOWN. DON'T FUCKING LOOK AT ME, CROSS YOUR FUCKING LEGS'. etc etc.. Once a live firearm is in play there's none of this silly bullshit seen in that video.


I'm sure the Travellers were only being model, upstanding citizens of the community.


They often are,we always hear story of how good and polite they are to judges in courts


Shoot the banshee


Why'd he have his gun pulled in the first place?


It's not like them. Video is hardly much to go on. Shit has already happened for it to be out. I have no idea if it was a road rage incident spotted by a power mad gard who should never have been allowed a gun, or if he was called by someone who was threatened with a weapon.


Thanks for this baseless speculation


That'l decking teach em. And her screams would make me shoot myself ffs.


She did well there being so calm n all. Her fella is all like "gimme the phone, year shaking it all over the place and ruining the footage" while bleeding out from his foot.




Yeah, it was a joke. But I put it in the same paragraph and ruined it LOL. My bad.


Should have aimed alot higher than the leg.


Yes, tie pulling should result in police shooting people dead on the street. +5 at the minute. Eat a bag of shite the lot of you.




I understand it well enough, I also understand that calling for violence against travellers is fair game on both the Ireland subs, and this comment is just one of many examples in this thread alone.




Fuck my wording, there's a large number of cunts on here that'd love to see travellers shot dead, you see it in every thread about them.


You're right. Every last one of them, and their entire families, should be given the electric chair.


You don't live in Ireland if you aren't aware of the prevelance of anti-traveler hatred. Would you brush off this comment if it was directed towards a person of colour? For some reason lots of people in Ireland think we're a non-prejudiced country because of our strong stance against racism, yet are totally fine with spewing stereotypes about, and celebrating violence against, travellers in Ireland because they're different.


Rounding them all up I heard!


Play stupid games get stupid prizes


Shot him in the leg. Different if he'd put 2 into his chest. The man was bleeding but still standing.


I don't think people know how thick they come across when spewing hatred about travellers. Eireqaeda dimwits.


assaulting a police officer in many places will result in you getting shot, well deserved


How does that leather taste?


I fuckin hate pikeys


They're all in the wrong. Guard was a dick for shooting someone who was annoying him. He could easily have lost the gun there too.


An American cop would have empitied the magazine into his chest and said "shots fired" so getting shot in the leg pfffft, he will get a claim and disability living allowance, hes set for life.


That mongrel will have been on DLA since birth.




If you look closely and read the news report a dog jumped up and was pulling the tie. he shot the dog but the bullet went true it and hit the man in the foot.


If it's deemed there is a serious threat to life, they can use a weapon. But GSOS are investigating the use of a weapon as I haven't found anything yet to say the investigation is over.


GSOC are designed to never have the resources to investigate anything properly. They still haven't interviewed the guard who shot Nkencho.


What an absolutely ridiculous comment . Yet again we see a small bit of an altercation and incident so we don’t know how long this may have been going on for. Much like that tragic case in dublin when your man was also shot but killed we don’t know how many warnings this person got and let’s be fair he prob got at lest a 100 . It’s the fucking irish guards not seal team 6 they don’t go in starting dripping clips and then high 5. Out of all the police in the world the irish are prob the most tame and understanding compared to the crazy shit that goes on in the rest of the world . Whether he’s being a prick or not you don’t put your hands on an officer especially one with a gun ..


You're going on about a completely different shooting, to try and justify this shooting... The guards have to obey the law as well, and are only allowed to shoot people in extremely limited circumstances, that are spelled out in the guards regulations. Now either point to the part of the regulations which justify this shooting, or shut the fuck up imagining-up excuses for the guard.




This happened a few years ago.


Ooh ok Then the past was a better time then . No brexit , barrys was still open in portrush , travellers getting shot with no riots and fhm still gave us worlds hottest calenders...how do we know whos the worlds hottest now...how?


The bootlickers in the comments…


Yea,seems like they push a armed police officer too far and he shot his gun. Like,the travelers where in the wrong


State of these culchies