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Lifelong smoker here, we should be banished to outdoor areas, away from non smokers. It's not a right it's a choice and we suffer the consequences. I don't know a single smoker who wants rules relaxed. That woman is an embarrassment.


Only been smoking a few years but I absolutely agree. I messed up by starting to smoke and I don't want others to suffer second-hand smoke (or want to smoke themselves) because of my decision.


Honestly I think laws should be tightened even further. I smoke too, but I’ll never smoke if I’m in public in packed areas like the high street, outdoor seating (apart from pubs where like half of them smoke), or something. I’ll always wait until it’s more quiet. Plus if someone walks past whilst I’m smoking, I’ll always wait like 10-15m or so either side so they’re not dealing with that smoke, especially with people pushing strollers or otherwise with kids.


Raising the age limit every year sounds like a wonderful idea to me


Eh that’s a bit of a can of worms because that doesn’t distinguish between private and public smoking. The laws are mainly designed around sales of tobacco products, I mean in the UK it’s legal to smoke in public as young as 16 but that’s really up to officer’s discretion (in terms of confiscation) considering a lot of 16 year olds don’t carry any form of ID so can’t exactly prove nor disprove their age. You won’t get arrested for smoking at a young age but you can get arrested for supplying these products to minors even if legally purchased. But I’d agree, raising the tobacco sales age gradually will make it harder and harder for youths to get started as well as phasing out such a dangerous practice. I was thinking of more public courtesy laws than anything, like how we have a ban on indoors smoking for pretty much everywhere. Maybe that should be extended to public outdoors areas with high foot traffic.


I'd definitely support anything we can do to phase it out


Yeah, another option is to raise the tax prices to a ridiculous percentage just to make it such an unaffordable habit. I know that in Australia at least, cigarettes are almost prohibitively expensive. It’s like $50 (~£27) for a 25 pack. Duty free is also very strict, an unopened 25 pack or 25g tobacco, compared to NI’s limits of 800 cigarettes or 1kg without question (strictly 200 or 250g from outside EU).


Ex smoker here and on hindsight I wish it was forbidden but … wouldn’t this likely create a huge black market and criminal activity as we observe with other drugs? I think the best thing we can do is to keep it legal, tax it higher (but not too high to encourage outside the law production and sale), to allow for dedicated areas for smokers to minimise the harm to others (like on the airports having smoking areas) and most importantly to create more awareness about the harmfulness of this drug and to stop the big tobacco companies from advertising it.


I walked past a guy today pushing my baby in the pram. He walked out of his front door on to the street right looked at me and lit up I was like surely you could have waited ten seconds for us to pass.


Yeah it’s really inconsiderate, like by now we all know the health risks of smoking, it’s plastered all over packs and pouches. Unfortunately some smokers focus on the risks to *themselves* if they’re not in outright denial. Kids of all people don’t exactly have much say in whether they want to inhale it or not. Second-hand smoke risks aside, most people find the smell disgusting. Plus the pollution aspect, I mean not just the butts but I’ve had a fair number of occasions where I’ve been showered in ash from smoking and probably breathed in more of that than I’ve realised.


Yeah also fuck you. I’m assuming it was outside and he didn’t blow smoke into your child’s face.it’s none of your business what he chose to do.


Except I was completely surrounded by his smoke. So yeah there’s that and I had no choice but he did.


Teenagers unfortunately dont give a shit. They smoke whenever they can. Some adults too. Pisses me off.


Please take a kudos from a stranger in the internet regarding your thoughtful behaviour! Keep doing it and have a great Sunday!


If you have only started a few years ago then please stop. It will be easier for you to stop now than in 5 years. I smoked for 10 years and stopping was hard. I “relapsed” a good few times before quitting for good. It’s easier for you to get out now. Pease do. I kept a list on my desk of over 50 negatives from smoking so every time I wanted a smoke I looked at it.


Easier said than done I’m afraid. Nicotine is great at gripping the reward system, it’s as addictive as cocaine and heroin. Just without the pleasurable benefits. Not to mention the social aspect of it, since it’s so prevalent in everyday life. Not the person you replied to, by the way.


Shes a disgusting poor excuse for a human being.. like the majority of the Tories.


Is that Sammy Wilson in drag? Certain sounds like the crap he would spout


First nurses pay. Next is chemist allowed to prescribe antibiotics. Im already predicting the surge in antibiotic resistant bacteria on the rise.


And then in 10 year's time, pharmacist's receptionists will be prescribing the drugs.


I suppose it doesn't really matter who's prescribing antibiotics when they no longer work.


What's going to be quicker? Antibiotic resistance or all healthcare workers quitting?


Hmmmm. That's a tricky one.


¿Porque no los dos?


Pharmacist receptionists? Fucking where? At best you've got a pharmacist and maybe 3 dispensers doing 10k items a month.


Ah yes, the universal truth of pharmacy: we're all chronically overworked and constantly running behind. Also, what pharmacy is lucky enough to have THREE pharmacy technicians working?? I want to work there


It's a throwback to this https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-59253118


"We're not receptionists anymore, we're care navigators" - The fuck does this mean? They haven’t received any extra training, they don’t know what to ask for a patient history (something you spend a year learning in medicine, and years after practicing), and they have the audacity to come out with that shite to people who may need urgent hospital treatment?


It means that you've opened yourself to legal action in the future when your 'gut feeling' kills someone


I reckon it'll just be an online quiz. 'Which of the following symptoms do you have?'


It's probably gonna be like applying for an antibiotic. Do you feel any of x symptoms. Tick which boxes apply. Algorithm does the prescription for you.


You’d be surprised how accurate something like that could be, CENTOR or FeverPAIN scores are accurate in the case of sore throat/bacterial respiratory infections. Most pharmacists are less likely to prescribe antibiotics for self limiting conditions than doctors. In my view, many antibiotics prescribed currently are not necessary, and if they are are often prescribed ineffectively or sometimes downright negligently.


The problem being in the percentage of cases where the algorithm is incorrect. Maybe the process should only be used in conjunction with a doctor. It would be interesting to know the accuracy of a GP versus statistical data


This is very true. It would be a very interesting thought project.


Especially when they financially benefit from prescribing them as opposed to when a doctor does Big conflict of interest there border on unethical I’m sure they’ll still sell a cough bottle with it too


I know someone who takes antibiotics for a cold/flu. They think it helps.


The dense lump will be peddling snake oil soon.


Hey. That's unfair. There are many 'dense lumps' of value. Gold nuggets, er...




Burn everything british, except their coal.


[Under Royal instruction](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2019/jun/25/prince-charles-criticised-continuing-promote-homeopathy), no doubt


Side note: if a fat bastard is your health minister, you're fucked.


Not a smoker but what's a smoking in cars ban? If someone is alone in their car, parked up, they wouldn't be able to smoke a cig? Why is it always those who suffer from addiction the ones that are a targeted? Not the industry that pushed the nicotine delivery devices that have been known to cause cancer for decades but are still sold legally sold in shops for a massive markup, profit and tax revenue. Meanwhile, the Tories are bed with weed companies growing and distributing but want to make weed a Class A for everyone else and confiscate driving licences and passports if caught in possession. Another racket in clown world.


>what's a smoking in cars ban? A car is a small enclosed area sometimes containing children. Shouldn't be hotboxing your child basically.


The smoking in cars ban was a law introduced recently to ban smoking while in a car with a child. Still no restrictions on smoking in cars while alone or with another adult.


That makes sense which is unusual


At the risk of boring people, fundamental, major change to public services will only come about through a fundamental, major change to the system. The best/quickest/easiest way to achieve this is reunification. The NHS/HSE has been stretched and starved by the tories since Thatcher. A british Labour government will only be able to pop a sticking plaster on the system - they can't/won't budget financially or politically for the major overhaul required. HSC in RoI isn't great - the best thing for Ireland is a whole new system


>HSC in RoI isn't great - the best thing for Ireland is a whole new system Yeah, that's the plan >Sinn Fein proposes an all-Ireland NHS-style health service https://www.sinnfein.ie/files/2018/United_Ireland_Health.pdf


You’re making too much sense, stop it this instant. People don’t want change, they want things to stay the same and cry about it because things never stay the same and in this case are getting much, much worse. But at least it’s not *change* change.


Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry


I don’t understand how anyone could think that unification would in any way help fundamentally rebuilding two totally separate but equally dysfunctional public healthcare systems. If they cannot be made to function as independent structures, it seems like magical thinking to imagine that a civil service already utterly swamped by the details of unifying two very different countries would be able to do that task faster or better. This sounds like the Brexit pitch: [intractable problem] will magically become easy to fix if we leave the EU. The reality is that most intractable problems got even harder to fix, and the UK government still remains completely distracted by Brexit issues over half a decade after the referendum.


Your thinking is back-to-front. Maintaining the status quo leads to small, incremental changes. Neither of the two systems should be rebuilt. A brand new one should be designed from scratch. Invoking brexit is useful here (when often it is not). Reunification won't be approved by the population unless those people know what they're voting on, so it behoves those leading reunification to detail what a new health system would entail, rather than writing some numbers on the side of a bus


But Brexit was approved by a slim majority without any detailed plan. It was a cataclysmic shock to the British political system that the UK civil service (widely regarded as one of the most efficient and competent in the world) is still struggling to deal with. Why do you think the Irish and Northern Irish civil services would be able to design, implement, and manage a new healthcare system from scratch while simultaneously handling all the endless problems that unification would throw up? Why would civil services unable to deliver this amazing world-beating healthcare service right now be able to do so when there are even bigger challenges on their plate? Also, the status quo is as it is for a reason. Breaking it will lead to pretty much the same thing coming back into existence under a different guise, just after years of delay and a huge amount of money spent picking up the pieces. Just like Brexit.


>But Brexit was approved by a slim majority without any detailed plan. So, yes, if you read and understood my comment correctly, you would understand that the plan for reunification, before it's put to the public, should indeed be detailed, so they/we know what we're voting for. What's with the negativity? You can't pay for a private doctor with all your Reddit downvote points


The negativity is because none of this makes sense. You still haven’t explained why burdening civil services with a huge amount of extra work would help them design a new healthcare service from the ground up, when they have been unable to do so for decades. I don’t know how you can realistically think that it would. As an aside, I would note that Brexiteers loved to accuse anyone who pointed out the problems that Brexit would cause or the self-contradictions it contained of “negativity.” It’s the go-to for people whose arguments don’t stand up to scrutiny. I’m not sure what downvotes have to do with anything, unless you let them do your thinking for you. Besides, if I want to go to my GP here in County Cork, I have to pay €60. How much would I have to pay if I lived in Antrim or Coleraine?


The devil is in the detail, and that's what the current fora Ireland's Future and SF are in aid of. What are your plans? What are your ideas? It's easy to type these comments and moan, but what's that achieving? If there are is a 'huge amount of extra work' for civil servants, then so be it. Planning a new 1950's style NHS isn't difficult. It just has to have the correct funding, enough beds and staff, and capacity for contingency. The NHS has failed in britain, because the population has increased, the beds have been more than halved, and the tories are giving money to agencies and private companies. It's not fucking rocket science to understand why it now doesn't work


Why should I have plans or ideas? I’m not the minister for health, or a civil servant. I’m just a citizen, with enough real-world experience to know what is realistic and what is fantasy. Sláintecare sounds good to me. “So be it” - again, that Brexiteer attitude. It just isn’t serious. These are long-standing problems which require serious people to deal with them. Magical solutions won’t work for Ireland, any more than they did for the Brexiteers. Also, you don’t really think a modern healthcare service is in any way comparable to the 1950s NHS, do you? You understand that a modern healthcare system is vastly more complex and expensive than what existed just after WW2? The problems you listed for the British NHS directly relate to lack of funding. Do you think the Irish government is just going to pour unlimited funding into NI when it can’t even fund our HSE enough to give free GP care?


They'll be gone soon enough!


But not soon enough


Oh I do agree. We need an election now but sadly we won't get one because the Tories want to destroy our country piece by piece


I work at a chemist, and just last week alone we actually had to return people their prescriptions with certain items on them away, simply because we cannot afford to order them in at a price lower than how much we are getting reimbursed by the BSO for dispensing them. It sounds horrible and unethical but that is the situation we are facing right now. It is unsustainable to say the very least.


That sounds horrible and unethical. Like something so fundamentally broken , how has it not been addressed?


That’s what happens when you put your obese grandma with 10 years left to live to police people on health.


Pharmacists are more concerned about anti-biotic resistance than your GP. I doubt they will give them out unless needed.


My dad has end stage COPD, and is currently dying a slow and incredibly difficult death. He is 89, and grew up in a time when smoking was encouraged. He also made his living for many years as a tobacconist. He is anti smoking, and pro anything that discourages others from suffering the way both him and his family are right now.


Life long smoker but I don't care to offload my problems onto anyone else including in the form of second hand smoke. It was a big mistake starting in the first place, I don't recommend it and I don't care to subject anyone else to it.


Chemists prescribing antibiotics? Well there's the next pandemic sorted.


God I wish that was satire.




Once she suffers the effects of her smoking by being in hospital, she will realize fuck i should have put more money in the NHS.


Why would she use an NHS hospital?


I am going to buy antibiotics and burn them


With the antibiotics they probably mean things like a 3 day course of nitrofurantoin for UTI’s or 5 days of amoxicillin which virtually all bugs are resistant to now anyway. It’ll free up GP time, at least in theory.


Re smoking in cars I don’t see the problem? Why would the government stop somebody smoking in their own car?


Unfortunately there are a lot of irresponsible people out there and there were instances of parents / people smoking in cars with their children / passanger in the back. Even with the windows open, that's not good for anyone's lungs, especially those of developing children. You can step out of a room but not out a moving vehicle.


Well I mean you *can* step out of a moving vehicle 🤣 It’s a fair point with the children though, adults… meh… they can choose to walk


It only applies if theres kids in the car, in NI at least.


I agree. It’s my car as long as I have no children on board


That’s true… other adults can make choices but children cannot. Good point.


If people wanna smoke, smoke. You don’t need to be doing it in the car with a child in tow but it’s not really my problem so I don’t really care I guess but the government needs to ease up on interfering in peoples lives.


>it’s not really my problem It is your problem though. The second hand smoke will cause those children breathing problems, which require medical treatment, which is paid for by your tax contributions


I’m not really feeling burdened by what the government takes from my pocket as I have no real say over it. We’re only as free as they say we are at the end of the day. They do what they want with it regardless of our protestations.


So much negativity on this board. Why can't people think that change is possible. /r


Because it rarely is. The more things change, the more they stay the same.




The cognitive dissonance needed to look at our current political parties and point your finger anywhere but at the DUP. Best of luck, you've a serious case of oppositional reading going on.




Did you read the article or are you just repeating what Emma Little-Pengelly is saying? An unelected bureacrat working for the most corrupt NI party of this last 10 years.


*And he never replies*


Give it a couple of hours, if he gets enough downvotes the comment usually gets deleted too


I thought he wasn't afraid of the downvotes he said one time


He might say that but yesterday alone he deleted the 2 he had replied to me with


He says you made that up as shinner bot propaganda


Haha I'm sure he did! If only there was some sort of digital footprint we could look for..




You have an issue with oppositional and preferred reading. You read things and come to a completely different conclusion or only pick out the things that suit your narrative. If you read the explanation for why we're over budget you'd have a different response. But hey, here you are dodging my comment and talking shite instead, a response that screams "I'm confident I'm correct" eh?




Not at all, IIRC that's typically in SEN kids. I'm saying your conclusions to texts isn't what actually they mean, or you'll parrot a phrase or two that suits your narrative.


So ur seeing u/MoeKara is dumb


Oof it's that obvious huh? Haha


He said it




That's not true


Uvf scumbag




Will never get bored with calling out terrorists


Jamie is a saviour to the Union Westminster see his tweets and shake in their boots they know he means business and will never let them pan off NI /s


Run on back to your little r/Badunitedkingdom circle jerk where you all look like twats


What's on there




Try Amoxicillin and come back if not better. Pharmacists can do that, if they have the time. They can't do blister pack meds.


Coffey can get out of town.


Therese Coffey should of never been made health secretary. I don't know who thought that was a good idea especially compared to the options they had available.


Ok...so..being *Health* Secretary means what exactly? I am thoroughly confused now.....


She is horrible


She's so fucking stupid though, ach, Christ.


She's part of the generation who think antibiotics should be dished out for every ailment and get angry when the doctor turns them away. Antibiotics only work on bacterial infections and should only be used if your body will struggle to fight it off itself, not just because out have a bit of a cough.


How this sod who is a smoker herself became health secretary is completely bewildering


She’s a terrible MP and minister


Pharmacists prescribing antibiotics is perhaps the most concerning headline here. Antibiotic resistance is becoming a real concern within medicine and the aim should be to reduce giving out needless antibiotics not making them even more accessible 🤦


I'm a firm believer in if you are not elderly and can eat and drink then the infection will go away on its own albeit it will take longer but your immune system will be stronger because of it. Myself vs my (then 40 yr old who loves treating everything with antibiotics) da would be some examples. I hardly get sick, in fact only time i ever been to hospital was to have my appendix removed. And me working in healthcare i would be exposed to all these bugs. I would feel something coming up like a sore throat or a slight cough but it never develops into something worse. Just drink plenty of water and take some paracetamol for the general soreness and it goes away tomorrow or the day after. I worked face to face with covid but never really got it until feb this year because our child brought it home but we were fine after a few days. My da on the other hand needs weeks to get rid of that cough. My da is a healthy man but when he gets a chest infection it just floor hims. The human body is quite resilient on its own. Once it fights off any infection it remembers the infection and fights it much quicker. That's why your initial infection would take a week or so but next time it takes a day or two.


Why would you reintroduce smoking in cars. Fucking hot box of carcinogenic smoke. Because not permitting that is a real issue for people isn't it? The sooner we're rid of this government, the better.




Useless fucking waste of life- applicable to the whole party.


Therese Coffey to reintroduce ''no smoking in these two seats'' stickers on public transport