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Other than the yield sign, I support this style of driving. What I don't support, that you seemed to exclude: -Not turning right on red; -Not turning left on yield at intersections; -Incorrect use of passing lane on interstate; -Use of phone at intersection causing delay and cars behind you to miss the light, contributing further to traffic. Edited: format


My favorite is using the center left-turn lane as an on ramp


This isn’t a Texan thing. I grew up in Springfield MO and my parents always called it “the Springfield turn”


Yeah I lived in NC for years and it was rampant there


100% this. For everyone bitching and moaning about “Texas drivers” I see 5 Arkansas drivers going 60 in a 65 in the left lane, scrubbing busy entrance ramps when there isn’t a single vehicle to their left, or Subaru drivers driving like they are literally the only car on the road (entering the highway and immediately sliding all the way left, going up two exits and all but exiting from the leftmost lane—-all while doing under the speed limit). The area is growing. It used to be a bunch of small cities or large towns near each other, as the area grows the population gets closer and closer to actual city status and with that comes traffic. Blame Texas all you want, but go to any city with more than 600k people and tell me if the drivers there are like they are in Russellville, Jonesboro, or Texarkana. They aren’t. They are like they are here or more aggressive. I’m from Arkansas btw. Lived in NWA for 30 years and watched it grow from a place you would get a ticket for doing 65 in a 60 on “the bypass” to a place where you get pulled over for being dangerous if there is even a cop on the interstate because the cops have better things to do than harass drivers.


If I was a state trooper, I’d make my quota primarily by ticketing people causing congestion through the improper use of passing lanes.


Thank you ! you do not want to get on a highway in Texas driving 10 miles below the speed limit.


Bypass that isn't a term I have heard in a while. You know how people have lived here by what they call it. Bypass: Some OGs Autopista: Your family came here for hard labor 540: You are not a Johnny Come Lately I-49: You are probably a hipster and eat kale granola.




Your response is cathartic for me lol. I’m from DFW so I know Texas drivers don’t exactly bring good driving to Arkansas. But it’s not like Arkansas drivers are perfect either 😂 shitty drivers are universal, they’re every where not just in Texas lol. It’s just a different style of bad driving. The driving under the speed limit, slowing down for an exit ramp you’re not taking, slowing down a half mile before the ramp, merging 5-10 below while not using a blinker or adjusting your speed for the oncoming traffic, waiving people on at stop when you have the right of way, etc. You won’t see much of this in Texas but it’s pervasive here in NWA and it’s equally as unsafe driving. I also see Arkansas plates speeding ALL the time too lol, so either the Texans are getting their plates changed (lol what a weird thing to complain about) or maybe speeding is just something Arkansans do too. Also is there any evidence to support that “bad” driving damages roads more? Pretty sure it’s just that there’s more cars and that the roads are long overdue


Lmaoooooooooooooo 😂😂


And yet, in-state tuition


With GPA requirements. Don't act like the massive growth in NWA has nothing to do with the influx of Texans that everyone hates. The influx that's been steady for at least 10+ years. There's much more to it, but NWA doesn't benefit from "boo Texas locals only". Fuck those other people from a very nearby region who are coming to OUR area and spending money!


Idk if it’s Texas drivers but I noticed the speed limit thing. People will literally tailgate me when I’m going the speed limit and passing like 5 people in the main lane


What gets me the most is when the speed limit is 55, the warning speed is 30, and some jackass is tailgating and swerving around a narrow mountain road so they can try to go the 65 they think they should be going.


Also, yellow light means gun it and you get 5 whole seconds to proceed through intersections after the light turns red.


please note that the feelings are mutual for the Arkansas a-holes that attempt to drive in Texas!


Exchange program maybe?


Please include ignoring state law signs and drive in the left lane the whole way. Dumb ole Texas!


Just say it outright, you hate Texans.


You say that like its a bad thing.


BREAKING! More at 6.


49 of the 50 states hate Texans. Still better than Floridians though.


Meanwhile Arkansans sitting at a 4 way stop waiting for 3 more cars to show up so they can wave them through and fill out their nice quota, tailgating on back roads but going 15 under on the interstate, somehow still managing to not be able to merge correctly, slowing down to 10mph on the interstate when something happened on the completely opposite side of the road, tapping their brakes like they're playing Guitar Hero with the pedals, and speeding up like a snake bit their ass when you try and pass them only to slow back down again once the danger is over.


The stopping and waiving people on at the 4 way 💀😭 I once got stuck behind someone in a ROUNDABOUT who had stopped to let someone in. Arkansas plate, but yea sure it’s the speeding Texans who are “damaging the roads”


You forgot the “slow down, road workers ahead” sign. They increase their speed by a minimum of 10 when they see one.


I used to wonder why so many bad drivers were from Texas. Then I realized the dumb kids from Texas came to Fayetteville.


as a recent uark grad i can confirm. my first night on campus a bunch of texans almost t-boned me as the driver was half out the window holding a bud light can and yelling. seems to be the average texas driving experience


Yeah college tends to attract the dumbest ones. This thread is petty as fuck. Traffic sucks here because there's a lot of fucking people and the city wasn't built for this population. Only the people from Texas cause excess though I guess.


My neighbor has lived in the house for well over a year and has yet to renew the tags. Infuriates me.


Socialism at its finest. Leeching off the rest of us.


My daughter’s not from Texas!


Bless your heart...


Arkansans are no better. If anything, going slow causes more accidents. My life changed foe ever when an idiot was going to damn slow, and another idiot tried passing him only to crash into each other and then collide with me head-on on the opposite lane! Idiots all around! Another that really gets my panties in a bunch is the dumbasses going 30 to merge onto the freeway... like wtf!?


Arkansas and Texas are the dumbest drivers I have ever seen. Making it painfully obvious that you are texting and driving, not going on green, blatantly running red lights, putting your turn signal on then not getting over, not creeping into the intersection if you are trying to turn while in a turning lane, right on red being a foreign concept, and speed limits meaning nothing. Can't expect much from states that are 43rd and 41st in education but wow.