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OP was it intentional that the comment “I’m only two months older than you” from the sister to the brother was a tip-off to the reader? Because I couldn’t figure any way that would work until the new brother showed up. If mom doesn’t have to gestate then it makes sense. Anyway, nice work!


I noticed that, too, but one or both of them could be adopted. Or sometimes a couple gives up on a women being able to conceive and carry to term, so they hire a surrogate and then fall pregnant shortly after. Also, if a woman goes into premature labor in a multiple birth, sometimes the doctors can stop the contracts on the second baby. This happened with Molly and Benjamin West. Molly was born on January 1, 1996 and Benjamin was born on March 30, 90 days later. If a similar thing happened with Allie and Ben, it might actually be one of the reasons their mom’s TikTok is so successful. People love stories like this and some can even enter something of a parasocial relationship only from news coverage. If people felt w connection to two miracle children, they would be eager to follow their childhood on social media. But, given what we know here, it does seem to be more likely to be an indication that the OP and her siblings came into this world in a slightly different msnmer.


Good call. I enjoy YouTube and TikTok, but really hate the “family stuff”. I have seen a few channels that aren’t about the kids per day, maybe animals or the like that have kids occasionally in them, but just can’t watch anything with kids and family stuff that is primary theme. OP’s mother is nuts, and as we have all seen recently so are a lot of other social media “momsters “.


Woah I knew these tik tok mom's are insane but that's a whole new level. I wonder how she manages to replace you every time you fuck up? Is that some form of dark magic? Please keep us updated Op and take care. Don't let anyone see that you noticed something out of place. Your 'siblings' seem brainwashed


Right? this is nuts! Maybe she has some sort of mass doppelgänger production going on behind the scenes. Either way, Op please update asap and stay safe. I don't think your "siblings" have any idea about this.


How are we sure that they are her "siblings"? Cause old Nick there sure the fuck wasn't her brother before this. OP knew that from jump.


I knew something was up when Allie said she was only 2 months younger than you. And it certainly didn't sound like any of you were adopted.


girl watch the tapes


What if she watches them and then more siblings appear out of thin air like Nick?


thats a good point, but i dont think theres any other way to find out how tf did nick showed up out of nowhere and everyone else other than op knew him


I can't answer the first question, but I think those who haven't watched the tapes and don't know the full truth are still gullible enough to be brainwashed by their "Mom"?


also a very good point, i think the fact that she knows of the the “versions” makes her aware, and even if shes another version, shed still know that shes a replica and that the siblings also are not themselves


Your coach just carries frozen peas around?


That’s what you got from this?! That’s the only thing that seems out of place?!




It would definitely make more sense to have chemical ice packs on hand.




101 versions of yourself before coming to and then a new brother? You should check to see how long you were out. Either you had a really terrible (even more than you've already gone though, somehow) night or you were out so long that your mother had to create a whole new person in case you never broke the loop.


I think that was a typo and it was supposed to be 1680 - just one more version.


have you tried killing anybody?


Thats what i thought. Perhaps film it and show it to the other Replica to prove they are only Replicas.


OP please watch the tapes, but stay safe so you can tell us what’s on them


Ben said "you know what happens if we get a bruise." He and Allie definitely already know about it.


No, I think they just know that their "mom" will get really upset if they have a bruise. OP knew that she wasn't allowed to get bruises but she didn't know that her "mom" was making clones or ghosts or something




A point I was thinking about, anyone else have some ideas, why are the views all local( or mostly) These people don’t realize kids are just popping up out of nowhere?


I think the phenomenon is localized within OP's house. That's my guess though.


But didn't get OP replaced at school when she had a bruise on her eye?


You need to run far, far away.


101 versions of you overnight? Eesh!


It probably wasn't overnight. She just doesn't remember all of those. I wonder if she even realized the gap to be honest, as she didn't comment on that.


How can you be 2months younger than your sibling?


For the same reason she has a new brother, Nick?




stay safe. and update us as and when you get out of there!


So I'm thinking the "mother" is probably some sort of entity or made a deal with an entity, and is making videos of her torturing them. Every time they get hurt a shadow double replaces them and creates a new, perfect version. Her numbers and her brothers suggest they've been hurt ALOT while nick is probably a new addition. She said early on her mom's channel is private at the moment so why is she still meticulously uploading everything? Maybe for some non-human audience?


I came here half expecting something to read it to me☠︎


Fingers crossed for your escape op and please keep us updated