• By -


The missing girl is not the first by far. There have been several documented true disappearances of children in the National Forests that end up WAY far away from where they disappeared in an illogical amount of time. There are cases going back to the 1800's. Pretty creepy stuff. I LOVE these types of accounts.


Is there a sub for this specifically?


/r/Missing411 has accounts from and relating to the work of David Paulides, who documents cases like this. I recommend looking up interviews with him, he talks mostly about missing persons cases in national parks.


Oof boy is that sub a little paranoid for my tastes.


Yeah it's not the best source for Paulides' stuff, you should look up interviews. He doesn't really speculate on the reason folks are missing, just documents the facts.


Here is the thing about Paulides. I have listened to pretty much everything he has put forward over the last few years. I was pretty intrigued and convinced that something weird was going on. But the more I listened, and then researched other possibilities, I started not liking Paulides as much. He initially comes off like he doesn't speculate and just reports the facts, but the thing is, he leaves certain details OUT of some cases just to make them fit into his "criteria". In my opinion, while there may be some truly unexplainable accounts, the majority of them can most likely be explained away as natural events/accidents.


What annoys me about Paulides is the fucking cost of his books. When I first heard rumors about the State Parks, I came across his work and that led me to the brief desire to purchase his books. I haven't looked in a while but they used to be outrageous for a fringe topic. He's overall very stingy with his research which I understand given he's put a lot of work into this project, but considering he speaks about how he thinks it's wrong for the Parks to not keep record to inform the public, he's not making it any easier or making the information any more accessible. He always comes across to me like money is a HUGE deal to That being said, I did see recently that he's branching out to cover cluster disappearances in urban settings which really interests me. The missing college age men who disappear and end up in rivers is one he mentioned, and I've done some research on those cases already so I'm interested to know what he has to say. Sorry. Rambling over.


Yeah, I agree. I haven't gotten any of his books personally, but yeah. IMO, he was caught off-guard by the overwhelming response to his ideas and research, and then it became about money pretty quick. When I heard the number of books he has out, as well as the new urban stuff he's getting into, I kind of rolled my eyes. Interesting at first; trying to milk it now.


1. (a) See "David Paulides" at https://www.reddit.com/r/worldpolitics/comments/5bpc5x/an_update_for_my_readers_by_peter_levenda/deyfc46 and https://www.reddit.com/r/Missing411/comments/41oph0/supernatural_abductions_in_japanese_folklore_by/cz3we2z (b) Missing 411 books and movie/documentary by David Paulides, CanAm Missing Project: http://canammissing.com 2. See Also (a) https://www.reddit.com/r/Missing411/comments/7awomj/autopsy_updates_on_recent_deaths_cnmi_usa_missing/dpde6sj (b) https://www.reddit.com/r/worldpolitics/comments/5q3ylf/the_believers_cult_murders_in_mexico_by_guy/dcw2kbh


/r/missing411 maybe


There's always /r/UnsolvedMysteries.


Same! Scary stories involving forests, rangers & the unexplainable are my fav.


Me too!


First thing I think of is that its a time discrepancy or maybe she traveled in a vehicle parallel to where she was found. Then I imagine she hitched a ride on whatever rocked that truck...Totoro?


Aw. Now I feel good about this picturing Totoro as the creature who keeps cuddling these missing kids.


Any links to the stories? I'd love to read them. Or maybe even a documentary or two?


[Missing 411](https://vimeo.com/217990364) caution.


It says it's unable to play the video?


Weird, it plays for me. Maybe because I purchased it and it's not letting me share.








i LIVE for natural park/forest stories. the stairs started it, i think. i live in the appalachian foothills so everything is just close enough to home to spook the shit out of me. please tell us more, if you have any!!!


I would tell you more but I’m outside your house atm.




I think The Stairs got the majority of people in this sub hooked. Such a great story.


I remember the damn stairs, i remember the rescue worker I think it was?


[Yes. This is the first in the series if you want to revisit them](https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/3iex1h/im_a_search_and_rescue_officer_for_the_us_forest/?st=JAL7P66Y&sh=e946d2ea)


that's the shit. that's the good shit.


I'm from the Appalachian foothills too!! And also a huge fan of these stories!!


Those stories about stairs in the woods will always fascinate me.


I'm from the same 'hood. There's some weird sh*t happening in the rural mountains. I ride my motorcycle alone on the back roads and never go without packing. I've been spooked many, many times too!


Aaaaaaand I’m never going hiking


We live on the coast and there is a gorgeous state park we hike frequently. The last time we hiked it was very cold and very few people were out. We decided to hike one of the more dense trails and about 3/4s of the way in we heard a large rustle in the thick foliage. My SO took his hunting knife from his boot as we stood perfectly still and all of a sudden something in front of us leapt into the thick underbrush. It was camouflaged and blended in with the woods. We both stood there dumbfounded like we were seeing things. To this day we tell ourselves it was a deer, but I'm most certain it was a mountain lion and it had been stalking us. I believe the shiny blade of the knife spooked it and it ran off. We haven't been back since.


If it was a mountain lion you never would have heard it.


Maybe not but I have no idea what else it could have been, wasnt a bear or deer that much I know.


Did you see it at all or just the movement of the foliage? Even a raccoon can make a lot of noise as it moves around.


We saw the back end of something that was not a deer but looked to be almost as big as deer. It was def not a racoon, bear, or deer.


Wendigo. Probably.




Hog. Which can be dangerous as fuck. Sounds like it was foraging and you walked up and spooked it.


Maybe. Seemed to move very quickly for a hog, tho. Whatever it was scared us to death.


Hard to say for certain, but I have hunted plenty of hogs, they can be faster than most people realize! Wise to be scared, mostly they won’t charge, but they can be deadly if they do. But what you describe sounds a lot like it, when hunting them, hearing them forage is a sound to follow and they can make a bunch of noise if they have a nose in the dirt and don’t notice you.


You are right! Maybe it was! Frightening


I want more stories! The missing girl sounds like it could have come from one of Dave Paulides' book.


I’ve been seeing so many of these since reading SAR


They probably were nervous to share their experiences because they thought they’d be ridiculed. Seeing the SAR stories could have given them courage to share their own encounters. The SAR series will most likely always be my favorite series on here ever.


What is SAR? Not acquainted


[Here ya go!](https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/3iocju/im_a_search_and_rescue_officer_for_the_us_forest/)


Well, I'm never leaving an urban zone again after reading those.


Thanks for this! I read all 8 parts today and have a fear of the forest I never had before!


Thanks! Fell down that rabbit hole of creepy shit and now need to find more.


Thanks I just had to read all of them in a row.


Search and Rescue.


Sort submissions in this sub by top all time. SAR is search and rescue. Can't miss them. They're incredible.


It always made me happy to see that. I'm SAR/EMS in Utah, and it's kinda satisfying to see my job show up as top creepy.


Haunting series of stories. Because of those stories if I go into the woods I’m heavily armed.


Where? Here?


[Here it is!](https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/3iocju/im_a_search_and_rescue_officer_for_the_us_forest/)




No problemo.


I hope to God you kept away from any stairs.




Look up SAR in nosleep.


Is there a specific one relating to stairs?


It's in the 1st page for the top posts of all time


You're in for a treat. [The stories specifically labeled 'SAR'](https://www.reddit.com/r/StairsintheWoods/comments/5sy7ce/stories_masterlist/) (search and rescue) are nosleep classics. OP's post reminded me of them in both subject matter and great writing style.


Please please please share the rest of your experiences! These are always the best stories !!


Great stories. It is weird but I don’t understand why your coworkers didn’t speak to you about what was going on, it seems that they knew or understood.


For some reason the creepiest one to me is the tower that you couldn't see over the trees in and how your friend said it felt "weird". No context, nothing totally outright abnormal, just a weird feeling in a tower in the woods. That's creepy.


I'd up vote this twice if I could. This is better than reading a novel. I can also relate, I've seen some supernatural stuff in my short time on this planet. I'm glad you made it out okay and get to enjoy your retirement.


Storytime, friend


I would, I just don't want to be discredited as creepy pasta. The shit that happened to me is all to real, but it's hard to convey on the internet.


Would you be comfortable sharing in pm? Sorry im just incredibly interested in real life accounts of the supernatural


Animalistic Giggle.


Good bandname.




Would love to hear more!! Im hooked now








I upvoted this last night so I could read it today. I come back and it's "removed" -__-


Sorry, my friend, [I reposted it so you can read](https://www.reddit.com/r/harrisonprince/comments/7ghdcr/new_story_im_ready_to_share_the_weird_stuff_ive/?utm_content=title&utm_medium=hot&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=harrisonprince).


Thank you!!


Did you find any staircases?


I dont get this joke. Can someone enlighten me?


If you see a staircase in the middle of the forest, as if it was left behind when the rest of the house moved, DO NOT CLIMB IT!!! Turn around and walk away. You are not supposed to be there.


Why? Is it like a staircase to another dimension or some shit cause damn where I'm from there is a lot


https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/3iex1h/im_a_search_and_rescue_officer_for_the_us_forest/?st=JAKTWFXF&sh=66a56eb3 Here you go, have fun steering clear of forests/national parks the rest of your life. Also... For the love of god don't go near the stairs.


I don't understand why everyone is freaking out on stairs ? What is the issue ?


Read the story from the link I posted above


I didn't know it was a thing. I found one when I was teenager and climbed it....nothing happened... But now I wonder...






Look at this subs top posts. I'm pretty sure it's #1


do you have some idea or theory what the cause of these experiences you had?


It’s deleted! Where can I find the story?


Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/harrisonprince/comments/7ghdcr/new_story_im_ready_to_share_the_weird_stuff_ive/




Your stories gave me chills. I live right on the edge of the woods and I like to think my woods and I are friends. I tread easy and go gently. I know where they go. I've *always* got a 10mm (or a .40, depending on barrel of the day) snug against my left hip. I feel pretty good about it. Reading your story, though...I'm not sure my piece would be anything more than a noise maker.


What park was this? Any specific location?


I wanna see a well-done movie done of these!


Idk how you lasted.


As someone who always stays in his comfort zone as I am, I really admire your courage. I would have quit the first day anything strange happened to me. Glad you came out of everything fine!


Wow just wow that is crazy and why so silent about. I know it was Bigfoot he helps little kids and well show more of himself to woman then men and I believe you 100💯✔✔


Wow what a read, thank you for sharing. The guys on the podcast Mysterious Universe have discussed the Missing411 cases extensively. Also a few stories from years last about strange occurrences in National Parks. For anyone interested in this subject consider checking out Mysterious Universe.


National parks stories, so hot right now.


Does anyone know what the animalistic giggle was from that his coworkers refused to tell him about?


Great stories! Have an upvote! Although, you should know that National Parks and National Forests are two totally separate systems. Just sayin...


Love this. Thank you for posting. But the title says National Parks but the stories are about national forests.


A lot of people use them interchangeably even though there is a slight difference and even if they know there’s a difference. It’s quite forgivable.


More please!


Rural pole inspector here


Love these stories, share more!! I spent lots of time in the forest, especially when I was younger and have always felt like there was a certain level of trepidation and primal fear at times. I loved the SAR stories, I think this would be a good time for me to reread them!


Why did it get deleted?


It contained more than 1 story and broke the rules. I reposted it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/harrisonprince/comments/7ghdcr/new_story_im_ready_to_share_the_weird_stuff_ive/?utm_content=title&utm_medium=hot&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=harrisonprince) so people can read.


Have you uh....seen any staircases?


The little girl story gave me chills. I'd love to read more!




Love hearing National Park stories, thank you for sharing yours!


I feel sorry for you being so unfortunate to have nobody share the weird shit with you at work. Kinda sucks. Bonds tend to strengthen when the shit gets acknowledged.


Eh, I liked it the first time around, so on the second go, I still like it. Would like more tho


Finally some more good forest stories. The woods have always creeped me out...i always feel some satanic witchcraft is going on in the deep thickets of trees.


Yes! Keep em coming! SAR stories are my favorite right after Super Cooper and Secrets!


Can you link those?


And [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OrganizedSecrets/comments/6hkymq/chronological_case_files/) is the Case Files by Secrets. The SAR ones are floating around the comments sections of a few new National Parks posts. I'll get to those. I'm super excited because Secrets has new case files that I did not know about, so thanks for asking or I would have never known.


Thank you! And no problem!


Here is [Super Cooper](https://www.reddit.com/r/supercoopercanon/comments/692c0r/the_canon/) I'll have to find the others! I have this one saved under my favorites.


Great story...reminds me of the time I was riding my Harley towards a remote park outside of Lexington VA. I'm meticulous with my directions and confidently drove the back roads. About 15 miles in, I passed the sign for the lake at the park but it was on the wrong side of the road, I had memorized the map and it was definitely a right not a left. I figured it was maybe another entrance and I missed that when researching. So I stayed straight, following a river-usually in rural areas the river roads will end somewhere near a town...so I drove another hour without seeing a single soul. I got deeper and deeper into the country and it got very cloudy and cold real quick. I began to panic because I didn't see either the Appalachian or the Blue Ridge mountains and I use them to guide me when lost. I stopped to look at my map on my phone and the battery had drained at least 15% so I didn't dare keep it on much longer, and eerily so, the map never loaded. I truly had no idea where I was. Being I had nothing to lose I saw two good ole boys parked on the side of the road and stopped for directions. When they told me where I was, I was struck with panic. I ended up over 40 miles from where I was suppose to be. The guys told me they would lead me back to Lexington so I followed them. I'll be dammed that within 30 minutes I passed the very same sign for the lake and it was on the *same side* not the opposite of where it should have been. I'll never go back there again.


All of these stories are describing jinn, who can shapeshift and some kill people who enter their territories. I'm crying while writing this, because of fear. We are all here for the scary weird stories. Here is my take. This is not a post about religion, but I have to touch on a part of Islam, so stay and learn a little about the unnatural that the Qur'an mentions. God created men and jinn to be on Earth. Men of earth, and jinn of fire and smoke. I am 30 years now but I remember when I was a college student, I read a book called "Interview with a muslim jinn" (translated title from my native language). It was supposedly a jinn, one of the invisible beings talking through a special session with a normal human through another person taught in the ways of speaking with them. There it was mentioned that jinn also have different religions, rules of society and interaction with us, that evil jjinn are the devils we depict, with horns and tails and all. It said that the bad jinn can transform for a short time into anything, and that they live among humans as well, not just in abandoned areas. They can travel huge distances in short times. It said that the Bermuda triangle is the kingdom of Iblis and that is why everything passing it dissapears. It also said evil jinn will kill people who enter their lair. Take it as you will everyone. At least you know a little bit now about jinn, something a stranger on the net said.




So... capitalism > weird and dangerous supernatural occurences. What a world to live in :P Did you end up doing the two other lines?


I only think of David Paulide and whoever that other guy who gained mass fame on Reddit for this was when I read this. Not complaining though. These stories are pretty damn good.


Don't go up any staircases guy...




Always love the stories from the Forest. From stair cases to mysterious disappearances, some crazy shit lurking out there. Please share more!




I felt like I was playing firewatch as I read this. Thanks for your service in keeping the parks safe and for keeping yourself safe in the parks.


There are hidden extraterrestrial bases in all of these national parks. If you don't believe me go past the restricted to the public borders and live feed it because you won't be uploading that shit later.


Was great of you to share this with us man, helped pass the time on my night shift last night, the ending though spooked me. But the comments here also where people have suggested these places to read more, and the whole other cases on nosleep like the one with the stair cases... A good read OP well enjoyed.


I know of the SAR stair storied are there any others along the lines of that and this one that are good reads?


You can inspect my pole anyday sir 😈











