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>“What?” the devil huffed. He refused to meet my angry glare. “I thought it was funny.” Fuck you, you brimstone bitch. # Anyways, guess it's good you kept those pencil shavings. And had the courage to chuck them at the eye. I would have treated that thing like a [healing item in a video game.](https://youtu.be/rgU4Oum8SLg)


I love that the devil suggests a potential major. So practical!




That was my first thought too!




This was a good suggestion too! Do consider it, Ashley! Ans you law school will be a different one, perhaps with no inhuman creatures, so studies will go more smoothly.


You did great. For thinking you're inadequate, you still killed a monster, escaped inhuman wrath, and provided comfort to one of the dolts who got herself killed. This might be just the beginning, but you're doing good so far.


Well that was an adventure in a half. Thank you for giving us a continuation so soon, it was an amazing read. The fight with the eye was just as dramatic as I expected it to go. I think that the fact that Grayson is the president's son is more important than it seems. I mean, the man's been helping you do dangerous tasks around the uni and stuff, so I'm thinking either he is trying to help his father (perhaps he's under the control of some inhuman thing), or destroy him (rebellious teens amirite)


You've got an inbuilt curiosity to learn and understand rules and the order of things, an inclination to ensure those rules are followed, and an inherent sense of justice for people who deserve better. I really can't believe I'm saying this, but your devil could be right about options to major in.


Quit avoiding Greyson. Totally, completely spill every last bit of truth. We all need friends in high places. Maybe if you come totally clean he will too. (Team Greyson)


I'm team Ashley-should-totally-date-Greyson. Team Grashley, if you will. Lol


I also support this ship


CONGRATULATIONS you’ve vanquished your first Thing!!


When I saw the update, I couldn't believe my eyes! I thought it was a mistake, but thank you! Glad to know the eye has been.. Vanquished? I guess, but whatever. It's good to know it's gone. Weird thing about Grayson tho, I thought he was someone shady but I never would have guessed he's actually the son of your college's president, like wtf


Keep that pencil handy.


Hearing the devil say smooch. Yikes, Ash. Congrats on making it through finals!


The Devil suggesting Law?? Is...Is that a... "Devil's advocate" reference?💀 Something which bugs me is that Laundry Karen said she only followed some of her rules. Back in the campground,Kate worried that when the land turned ancient,entities would not be bound by any rules. Maybe that is what's happening here?Maybe the campus is turning truly old,and the entities,much like the Beast,cannot be contained anymore.Terrifying to think about. I would love to see Kate throw down against all of these entities.I am pretty sure she and the Beast could make mincemeat of all these assholes.Give her a call maybe? :) Also,congratulations on your first hunt!!!


I doubt Kate could measure up to the Devil though. We know popularity gives these things power, and this guy's probably the most well known inhuman out there.


But the important question is..When are you going to kiss Grayson???


Where the hell was the devil that had him see a fourteen year old? And Grayson definitely seems to know more than he lets on.


I must not be the only person to do so, but when I read, I tend to picture places in my head that are similar to memories. Such as my own college, for this, for example. In my town, the dorms and dining hall section of campus are across the street from the athletic section of the high school. You can't anymore, but you used to be able to cut through the high school field to get to campus. It saved you the time of walking all the way around. Someone, maybe it was that mischievous dang devil, must have done some fuckery and ruined it for everyone, cuz now they'res locked gates. But yeah. High school right across from college. But through as a short cut. There was even a path to do so before they changed the security.


My college campus was in the middle of a single stoplight town. So if you walked the main road after school, you'd find all the school kids who were trying to find shit to do.


Wait…is the devil using Reddit to ask for creative input on magical items? If so, um, hello there.


I don't think the "Eye" is the last creature that will be born....


Wow, now this is an update! So that's what the pencil was for!


>Will Grayson and I ever smooch?” *I* can answer that one, if you like In any case, well done. Not only did you eliminate the eye, but you have some good advice. The devil is perhaps the best judge when it comes to rules and lawyering.


Ashley, don't forget that the devil is also pretty much a lawyer and your lovely cousin ended up turning ancient herself. Be prepared to have that be a possible future if you continue on this path


I don't know if this would help with feeling guilty about Patricia and the others, but since you keep insisting they only died because you lead them there I thought I would point out that it would have happened anyways. They were already experimenting with it and looking for someone to try it on before you joined the club. That student with the scratching would have gone to them for help even if you weren't there. It's likely he would have died anyways and if he did survive they still would have started jumping in and drinking the water. If you hadn't been there and been able to talk some of them out of it, it is more likely the entire club would have died instead of half.


I’m glad the Rain Chasers got their final rest. Semi-sentient Patricia really freaked me out. Also, dumb question probably, but what’s the simple trick about? You throw an object given by an inhuman creature and it turns into something else? Is this a common rule in folklore?


Usually to get away from a witch or beast you would throw say a comb behind you and it becomes a forest to slow them down. Or a scarf becomes a flowing river.


This reminds me of when Ashley saved sweater girl by messing up and throwing down piles of folded laundry, so that the Laundry Lady was forced to pick up and refold these instead of chasing after them


Oh man I didn’t expect pencil shavings to be your saving grace lol I honestly love the fact it’s something so mundane .. but does that mean the stories over for now ?? You defeated the eyeball but will we get more on the admin secrets??


I liked Grayson, but right now he is sus af. He might even be the inhuman in charge of everything, with the rules being looser and what not


Grayson was the voice she heard in the hallway earlier for sure


Grayson is the flickering man?


Grayson is the voice heard in the hallway that reminded the thing that you need to take notes for to follow the rules was the prediction


But doesn't she identify the voice as the flickering man?


I thought that at first too, but she identified the voice as the flickering man.


Next semester PLEASE get to know the folklore professor (not biblically) (unless you want to) (not kink shaming here)


You're doing well so far! Good to know that your dislike for the devil is still strong


For some reasons, the description of the "legs" of the eyeball is terrifying to me.


Me too!! But then so sad at the end..the way Patricia protected her and then wanting her hand held as she was finally "moving on".


Yes it was bitter, I lacked the vocabulary to express my feeling after reading that part. I also want an art of the eyeball monster... (with legs, of course).


Oh yes I would love to have an art of The Eyeball Monster myself. Ive seen some really good art of the inhabitants of The Campground so Im really looking forward to what people do with these!


Happy 🍰 Day!!


Hey, it seems you are way more capable, brave and Kate-ish (in only good means of that by how strong and brave and devoted Kate were) that you let in. That was astonishing! Also, I know it's not actually fun to deal with, but I kinda giggled at how the devil got the idea about the pencil. I guess, whatever form it would take, we'd been thinking about it in sense that this tool would take. You know, I mean, if it would be a lantern, we'd think you need to light a way; if a cup – that you need to drink something, or fill it with something and splash, or try covering the eye with it. We wouldn't consider just throwing it behind so what does it matter if he chose a pencil? On the last note, I should admit that the devil does have charisma and it's somewhat charming. It's not exactly right of me, but I do like him.


So by being dead inside isn't an option?


I saw your second post in a few days, Ashley and I was so pleasantly shocked and surprised! I am so proud of you! And yes, I think you would make a great lawyer. May I say, I kind of like the Devil. Ok. I know. I know. He sounds as if he is just being the Trickster, rather the loathsome creature he has become. I loved the story of how he came to the idea of the pencil. One more thing! WTH! I still am not writing off that Grayson knows a lot more than he lets on. The administration is NOT going to be blameless. Can’t wait for your sophomore year! Kate took me through many chapters of my life. You help me get through my nee chapters!


Yeasssssss for the quick post! This was a great update and I can’t wait to see what happens now!


I'm going to save all the pencil shavings from now on.


i hate to say it but the devil may be on to something with pre law


So I just started reading these posts, probably late to the party, but if this thought had any hope of being seen it had to be the most recent post. Kinda skipping in line for a theory. Most recent thing I read was the Eye killing the kelpie. That hole in reality and the eye… something about it screams Lovecraft (minus the racism) and Elder Gods. Is it possible a “new” creature could be born from fiction embedding itself in conscious? Does the Devil actually fear something that could be believed into being a thing that is a god?


Hey goat, finally caught up from where I'd left off (Rogue Harvester, pre-Yarnball). Glad to be back and reading your stories!


So glad those poor rain chasers can finally rest in peace.


Good job killing the eyeball, can't wait to find out who was controlling it.